The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

34,5. Jack Snow

-“Unknown Perspective”-

I make my Wat to the Great Flores Forrest. 
I enchant myself with Stride of Winter, my own spell which has proven a new specific way of using Magic. 
Everywhere where I go, Snow and Frost begins to cover the Ground.

Currently I am walking in Plains, so Grass and Wildflowers get covered in it. 
But my spell doesn’t harm them. Something I learned from her. 
I Hate that I have to do this, but that’s how it is.

But that’s how it is. 
For the Results he thinks are best, he has to do thinks he doesn’t like. 
It was ever so often. I gained a lot. 
And had to give it up, a lot.

But to do something like this would be a first for him. 
A bad way tu return Gratitude, and it isn’t. 
He wants to help, and it would help, but it’s terrible.

He could have done at least something for her. 
But he thought it should be one big thing to express gratitude. 
Why didn’t he just look for Flowers or weird tree to gift her?

No good. It wouldn’t help. 
He just wants to distract his Mind now. 
But he has to face forward.

His Spell blows him cold winds against his Back. 
Pushing him to go faster, besides accelerating him. 
Covering little Holes in the Ground and freezing tiny puddles, clearing his way.

He can already see the Forest. 
It doesn’t mean much, considering he is on open plains and the trees are big. 
But at his speed, with him even being in haste? It’s not far.

Two hundred metre before entering the Forest, he slows down. 
Slower and slower, until he stands 50 Metres away. 
And takes a deep Breath.

Trees slowly bend to the Side, making an easy passable Way.
Bushes compress themselves, not being able to potentially catch any clothes. 
The Forrest recognises him, and welcomes him.

At tree Branches, many tiny Songbirds flock together, looking at him. 
Rabbits look from their burrows near the Edge of the Forrest at him. 
Even an Familiar Elk walks near the Border of Plains and Forrest.

He sees the Elk, and how it nods to him. 
None of them thinks he has any ill intention. 
Some even looking like they wait that he comes and brings new things from the outside.

Unfortunately, something that neither Sides wants will happen. 
He takes a few slow steps forward and pull something out of his sleeves. 
A Crystal appears in his Hand, being bigger that his Fist and looking like a lone Snowflake.

The stone so transparent, but has tiny Lights inside. 
This Lights flow through the Crystal like Lines, looking beautifully. 
As he hold it, he does something that the glow intensifies and throws it into the Air.

The gathered animals first look at the Stone with curiosity. 
They carefully watch every step, like the Audience of a Street Magician, not wanting to miss the Trick. 
Before and Danger sense kicks in.

Rabbits reacting first, going as deep in the burrows as possible, shortly after the Crystal left his Hands. 
The Songbirds give the Rabbit half of their Attention, thinking they overreacted, just to flee when the stone reached it peak. 
Most other Animals which gathered by now fled the scene already in between or preparing retread.

As the Crystal reached its Maximum Altitude, it exploded. 
It exploded in Snow, but not common Snow. 
The Snow seems to carry its own little World of Ices and Cold Winds.

And it spreed. 
It begins to spread like a hungry Beast. 
Trying to engulf as much as it can.

And it’s Target was the Forrest. 
The Leafs, The Trunks and Branches, Bushes, Flowers, Mushrooms, Vines and Grasses. 
The begin to be overwhelmed with snow, slowly freezing, until they succumbed.

But the prices wasn’t slow at all,  it even needing a full Minute before he first trees died. 
And shattered. As soon as their Life force was lost, they also lost their form. 
Only leaving Snowflakes and Iceshards, being carried to the next form of wildlife.

Animals died left and right. 
As soon as one Flake touched them, the touched part became immobile. 
Not freezing, but still losing al it’s heat.

How it would have continued, no one know. 
Since they were quickly engulfed in brewing blizzard. 
But everything that was left of them was just a normal ice spike.

In the Center of all the Chaos was Jack. 
He had a slow, deliberate stride, matching how far the destruction of the Forrest progressed. 
All he walked was but a straight line, while the snow raged left and right.

Jack felt it was an eternity before something else happened. 
But it was only five Minutes. 
Five Minutes of absolute Destruction, leaving only the Traces of a Cold and Cruel Winter behind.

Five Minutes before the First attack against him was being launched. 
Not surprising him, but surprising considering how carful he eliminated every Treant and Nature Spirit on the Way. 
But the Attack was from a Plant buried under snow, after he passed.

The Plant was similar to an Ivy, but a bit bulkier. 
Before hitting Jacks shoulder, it was blocked. 
The surrounding Air of Jack seemed to bundle into a Big Snowflake.

This one was wasn’t dendrite, but like a plate. 
Still, it shouldn’t have blocked the Attack. 
What is even weirder is the force beyond the flake, it pushed itself against the Vine until having a certain distance from Jack.

After that, the Flake broke in many tiny parts, first Stil recognisable to fly around Jack. 
Then they spread further from each other, until one couldn’t see any difference from the Air around him. 
On the other Hand, the Vine now also succumbed to the Cruel surroundings.

The Destruction continuous. 
Jack meet resistance, but it’s always futile. He doesn’t even look at the Attack or Attacker.
He goes on and on, looking like he is on his way to an Execution.

Until he sees a Big tree in front of him. 
The Closer he got to the Tree, the slower the progress and the more attacks. 
But the Result was nearly unchanged, only affecting that all the rest of the Forrest died as he came near it.

He stops 50 Metres away again. 
Part of the Trunk began to morph, but Jacks heads it no attention. 
He Takes a Second Crystal, also a Snowflake, but this Time plate formed.

He repeated the process of the first on. 
But this Time, he throws it at the crown of the tree. 
He only gave the Stone his Attention, ignoring his surroundings.

This event later marked and End. 
For multiple Things.

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