The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

41. Getting things started




”Please Explain.”

Chloe sent a message to Layla, saying she has the next Blueprint they could try to commercialise. 
From the Monster she already made, she also could sell the turtles and Giant, but Chloe wanted to make a Monster that is always useful expect being restricted to use. 
She carelessly put the need of a Commercial Product, Test of Creating flying races and curiosity in one single thing, but it worked.

The Eagle is simply called Poison-spitting Eagle. 
She really wonders if someone could have come up with a better Name. 
Who even came up with the Name for all the Races that already are?

And she doesn’t mean the names that are made form multiple words. 
She wants to know who could think of names like frog, turtle, human, alligator, bird, fish, whale and so on. 
On the other Hand, Fruit trees are called fruit trees and so on. 
There is an big difference in naming sense of different species.

Anyway. Layla is currently perplexed how Chloe supposedly made a completely new Monster from beginning and even gave a bird such a weird Tongue. 
She she’s Chloe as a friend now, especially since they work together in a form of mutual benefit. 
Chloe takes the bigger Cut, yes, but she is does the most important part. 
She on the other Hand, is replaceable.

It makes her feel slightly bad, but she should continue the discussion. 
How did she so fast make another ridiculous creature? 
That even has an inbuilt instinct to swarm intruder? 
Is ridiculous, but she believes the Brochure.

Not many Dungeon Masters have such strict regulations on monster being able to use as her. 
Even Gustav and Robert have it better, since they can convert or get Blueprints converted into one’s fitting for the Dungeon. 
She, on the other Hand, can only use Monster who can use a form of Mental attack.

Monster who can do that are rare, and she can’t do anything about that. 
So an existence like Chloe is Godsend. 
Well, she actually is, but…

”Chloe, I don’t understand how you could make anything in such a short time that ends like that.”

”I let my thoughts wander without stopping my Hands.”


Is Chloe actually using her? 
Selling something she can’t guarantee the Quality and she gets a cut from it. 
Her Reputation could suffer. Especially when she states things like I overpriced it from my own will. 
And it’s not like she can deny that she didn’t set the price. 
It’s exactly that, she can’t set the pricing.

So, a misleading description or similar and a bit of deception from Chloe, and she could get massive Profit in short amount. 
And since she is the only source of new Blueprints, Customer can’t really deny her without biting their own Tail. 
It’s a big source of worry.



”You need to answer me that honestly!”

”Depends on the Question.”

Her composed Way rub Layla a bit the wrong way. 
Chloe, on the other Hand, just wants to get over with it. 
Not that she has something against Layla, but she feels that whatever she talks about is something wholly useless.

”Do you try to deceive me or similar?”


”That it?!”

”Please refrain from raising your Voice! 
And yes. What did you expect?”

”I don’t know…
But the deal was just to good and…”

”You thought I sweetened you a pot of Poison or something?”

”Thats an hard expression, but kinda yes, or rather, even words.”

”Like making you a sacrifice for quick gain?”


”So yes.”



”Layla, why should I? 
Anyway I would deceive you for quick gain, I would deceive many other to. 
Many other Dungeon Master who will be the only on I meet for a very long time. 
You know, all the talk about first impression? 
I can’t think of a way to better ruin all my experiences I will have here.”

“Ugh, sorry that I didn’t trust you.”

”No. Layla, i want to have you as a business partner. 
Someone who can effectively resell the Blueprints I have. 
Any uncleared Questions that are left unanswered could sprout discord between use. 
And fighting because you didn’t ask or I didn’t answer a Question I really should to you should be bad.”

”But it wasn’t about being unclear of something. 
I straight up suspected you.”

”Well, is it bad? 
When your doubt was baseless, then I should be able to objectively explain why you don’t have to worry. 
If it’s a real concern, we can talk about how to prove it isn’t like that. 
And so on and on. 
On the other side, if you have a real good reason to mistrust me, you should be cautious.”

“thanks. that’s nice of you to say.”

Layla got meek at her straight response. 
She shoved all the things besides like “Respect your Elders/Superiors etc.” or ignored possible responses like how shameful she is to ask even though she does more work. 
She reason the Why. 
Not made any excuses that somehow were the norm in Demon society. 
And even explained why she should proactively do that and she isn’t in the wrong.

To many times she witnessed how people were treated. 
People who didn’t bend to the “common sense” and instead reasoned why such Question should be answered. 
How right and wrong was decided by the people who have money and people who receive money.

Power is power, and pose keeps you in power. 
“Power, only Power, and when you disregard anything else for Power.” 
That were the Words of an influential Elder, who then installed a Statue of himself with this words at the Base.

Not many appreciated the words. 
But no one tried to change it. 
And now, it seems the Statue is in some kind of VIP Area of an Club he hosts.

”Chloe, thank you.”

”Fine, when you finally snapped our form your daydreaming, can we finally discuss how you plan to get the Blueprint first hand?”

Layla currently visits as a Guest. 
No form of transaction is possible like that. 
And she didn’t thought of an way.

Currently, only the ones who one a lottery can place an order or buy. 
She didn’t have any of that, and Gustav already used his chance. 
It seems some thing have to be put on hold.

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