The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

7. A Surprising Trio

I had 300 Gold and one Nourishment Package. 
One Package cost 50 Gold. 
Right now I have 100 Gold. 
So it ate five Packages. 
I think roughly 12 Hours pass between one meal of them. 
So more then 60 hours passed.

Mights sound like not much, but it should definitely bother me to be caged like that, without natural daylight and only running, push ups, sit ups and magic training. 
Thats how the Human Mind is, or at least how mine should function. So why?

Two things that come to mind are the skill Calm Mind. 
Identify doesn’t say much more than that it keeps my mind stable and even can increase performance to a degree. 
I think that it does it in a broad sense, details getting lost because of not having a high enough level of identify. 
I could compare it with Organic Cantrip and Magic, and also after it levels up one more time. 
It wasn’t a lot of new Information, something one can deduce oneself, but it was more detailed.

The other one is less certain, also because identify puts an answer on hold. 
My Race is “to be defined”, but certainly immortal. 
If it’s ageless immortal or a literally “can’t die” immortality, I can’t tell. 
But before I wondered how a human Mind could withstand something like that, so watch if I am not human not anymore? 
It was quite the shock, thinking like that myself, but more like “why didn’t I think of that earlier?” shock. 
Wich was a surprise again, since loosing humanity and so on.

Anyway, at that, I asked myself, “why defined?” 
Yes, I gloss over everything I previously thought. Would only lead to headaches, talking from experience. 
Defined means, that it’s completely new, or at least I would think so. 
Someone can identify a tree as a tree and not as a Duck, because someone defined it as a tree, which someone else defined as something that can’t be a Duck. Maybe the Person himself thought that Tree can’t be Ducks, and identified something afterwards. 
So, how can one sure that my race was never know or something along the line? 
Am I that different? Or shouldn’t there be non God immortal entity's?

Chloe currently thinks how she can get the most information out of the few things she has. 
She sits in the big square room, or former square room, since the room began to change. 
It changed to normal proportions, room and door, while the desk and chair changed, looking like a mix between interview and interrogation set up. 
The Customer Service Set and some writing utensils popped up on the desk and changing forms. 
Chloe sits at the Desk, facing the Door. 
Her Musing where interrupted by the changed, but furthermore hindered by a sense that someone will come through the door.

From Behind the Door, some kind of Lightshow begins and Mist come out. Probably from a fog machine or something similar, Chloe thoughts. 
Then a Tatata from some kind of trumpet was heard, and a ghastly voice begins to talk.

”Now announcing his presence is his highiiieee!!!”

Before the Voice could end his Sentence, some one comes crashing trough the door. 
It’s a nice looking woman, with orange hair and Horns. Also a tail with a spade tip. 
Her Outfit is your typical succubus Outfit, showing much skin, in black and so. 
With her Momentum, her head was down and she would have probably fallen to the ground, but managed to save herself. 
Her Eyes seem to be a red orange. 
Her Expression showing her embarrassment from crashing in like this, still being tense from her near fall.

After her comes some kind of Abomination with excitement written on his face. 
He seemed to have fully expected to crash into something, but didn’t seem to find a target. 
After slowing down and then stopping, he gets a stupid expression. 
Them I cool leans at the wall, probably wanting to gloss over. 
But the wall are very smooth, unnaturally so, and he leaned on in a cool guy pose, so that he wasn’t balanced on both sides. 
Long story short, he was the one who fell over. Congratulations.

The Woman seemed to get even more impressed, and the guy is having a stupid expression again. 
The Guy look like a clay coloured bullhead was out on the upper body of a humanoid burning Salamander and  his feet being chicken legs. 
The Feather seemed to get ruffled by something, like a wind permanently caressing over them. 
And he has a fish tail, which leaves water droplet everywhere.

”Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. No patient, this youngster this days. The Announcement wasn’t even over.”

Cooly entering, this Time, was a Skeleton in Dark Robe and some gnarly Stick in the Hand. 
Most would find it intimidating, but Chloe couldn’t muster that much energy for that, after he outed himself as someone annoying. 
One of her Talents is, that she doesn’t even use energy to get emotional for unlikable people. 
Emotions and the will to do anything with them just shut off, and she likes how frustrated some get.

Now that she looks at him, his robe does look well cared but very old. Not ver impressive. 
The Gnarly sticks looks like a tree was having a Miscarriage wich got wringed out by Goliath or so. 
Chloe can’t better describe it, since the stick really doesn’t look like anything plants should be able to do. 
No, maybe if a stick would have the weird bumps some tree have all over, then shed its bark and get polished a bit, something like this could be made?

The Abomination sat down on the floor, legs crossed, and the woman still looks a bit stiff, looking like someone who doesn’t know why she should be her. 
The Skelton goes confidently to her Desk, having three chairs now, opposite from Chloe.

”So you are that Monster Creator who is currently a hot topic? Ho ho ho, you don’t look like much.”

”Well, then you could probably do better, if that is your Evaluation.”

Like that, Chloe gets up and tries to leave.

”Aaahhh, Wait. I was joking. I don’t have any idea what I should do! Please help meeeee!”

The Skelton reacted surprisingly fast, for how Chloe’s answer seemed to have stunned him. 
He currently clings on her leg, begging for help.

*Sigh* “And why are you two here?”

Chloe asks the other two, standing or sitting in this room like ordered and not collected. 
The Woman get out of her Stupor and shyly answers.

”Aehm, I also want to use your Service.”

The Dude who wanted to play cool says after that.

”I, too, have a problem. And I would like to borrow to resolve it.”

This Guy, does he try to be cool? It looks completely unnatural on him, his legs constantly shift and his tone was awkward while Trient to say it cool. Like an half remembered line from the script.

”Then let’s sit down first. How would this be?”

The Skeleton nods energetically, and runs with hast to one of the three chairs, after having hit his chin on the floor. 
The Woman nods meekly and takes places. 
The Beast Guy tries to get up, but seems to get all weak. Did his Legs fall asleep?

”I shall sit her. I can perfectly take part in the conversation from her.”

Does he try to be Sagely now? Doesn’t he have any shame?

”So, how can it be that a trio of clowns crashed through my door, two trying to play it cool while utterly feeling to do so, and the other having shut off her brain after accomplishing, I recount, going through the door, not falling and standing straight, with the cooperation of a brick, a hippopotamus and a bamboo rod working together. And trying to hire my service while not even knowing what I can do, or knowing it and insulting me.”

She gave the Skeleton a glare at the last sentence, at which it makes itself small.

”it was a negotiation tactic you know. Downplaying the service and then having to pay cheaper. Nothing wrong with negation!”

”Well, negotiations look like this here. I say a price, and you either accept or decline. Point”

Just as the Skelton muster courage, she shuts him down and any potential future person who tries to pull of shit to get something cheaper. Hopefully.

“Well, can you help us?”

The Skeleton asked meekly, but also slightly provocative. Maybe trying to get a comeback? Pathetic.

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