The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 107

He couldn’t easily touch a solid object before he had time to hold it, and the frequency of sharpening suddenly accelerated, making him unable to control his body, even softly kissing the siren in the irritating and painful repeated torment At the same time, in turn, it sucked heavily and vented like licking.

As the consciousness sank, the whole person seemed to float up and down as if floating.

Because it was not the same as the previous two, Xia Yi’s chest undulated gradually, and he opened his eyes, feeling the cold shoulder of Siren in his tentacles.

Siren pressed against him, and the two didn’t speak.

After a long time, Xia Yi was not sure whether she was asleep, and suddenly moved to wake up, and found that she was holding a gold sword sheath decorated with gems across the water layer, and the water layer was also unfortunate. A dozen gold coins were wrapped in with Siren, all of them were too good, so that the arms, the back, and the legs were all green and purple.

The most embarrassing is their location, in that box-at least one-third of the piled gold coins and diamonds have been scattered into the cabin, and when they are stacked together, they have a tempting reflection, but when they fall, they are dim and weak. The light, these once-crazy wealth, has been sleeping on a wooden boat in the Devil’s Strait for five hundred years.

Xia Yi finally remembered what he wanted to ask initially:

[You do n’t like it, what do you collect them for? 】

[Here is only a small part …] Siren raised his head slightly, motioned Xia Yi to look down the other side of the cabin.

The deeper sea is dark and unclear, and the light is only a little. Only when the fish swim with the jellyfish can occasionally glimpse some shadows. The siren threw a largest gemstone pendant across the water layer, and the night pearls inlaid with it fluoresced The light from the jellyfish and the jellyfish barely illuminated the scene below-the high and low ridged stones of the ridge, there are countless shipwrecks, lying there in various poses, and sometimes stacked on the stairs, alternately overwhelming.

The light disturbed the school of fish. They hurried out of the shadow of the shipwreck, and there was a small octopus inhabiting it.

This movement caused those ships that maintained a dangerous balance to move a little, and sporadic drops of two or three shimmering things, gold coins, gems, or …

The Drake Strait is the burial place of ships and the devil’s realm where desperation struggles.

There is a strait of more than 5,000 meters at the deepest point, with an average water depth of 3,000 meters. For thousands of years, no one has been salvaging treasure.

In fact, the sea can’t be seen here, but sitting on the mast, you can have the wealth of all the sailors.

[We collect these, there are pearl mussels where we like to live … because humans like it. 】 Siren likes Xia Yi’s dull expression very much. Although he misunderstood Xia Yi’s dull meaning, the mermaid’s inheritance memory is not omnipotent.

He tilted his head on the gold coins and looked at Xia Yi, with joy that he couldn’t say.

Mermaid used to fight desperately for these meaningless cold gold and gemstones, because one day in the future, you can give someone you love-well, humans like these things and value it very much.

But now it is the end of the world … but even if Xia Yi said this, Siren would not understand.

Because of the significance of currency and precious metal gems, Mermaid does not know.

111. The meaning of treasure

The Drake Strait is turbulent. Even when the technological civilization is at its most advanced, the oil-carrying 10,000-ton giant ship is still bumping on this natural waterway, and violent winds above level 8 prevail all year round. If the time is pushed back hundreds of years, the Spanish fleet is full of slaves and gold and silver ships, struggling to drive in the arms of death, although as early as the sixteenth century, the Spanish king ordered to explore and dig a link to the Atlantic The road to the Pacific Ocean, but the famous Panama Canal waited until the nineteenth century after the American Civil War for the emergence of hope.

So the pirates stretched out their black sails and dared not plunder in the North Atlantic close to the Spanish territory. They arbitrarily manipulated the rudder and attacked the Spanish fleet. Once they were surrounded by large groups of ships, they immediately got away, more important than life. What is speed is that a pirate ship must be fast, so fast that no one can catch up, this is not enough! They are all desperate, daring to rush into the west wind belt, enter the Devil’s Strait, and laugh at the Spanish fleet that he dare not enter.

[Although it is not a wooden boat now, the helmsman and captain with such a good skill can no longer be seen. 】

Siren leaned on piles of gold coins, looking up at the sea. The mermaid who used to live here, it is easy to feel the despair and dark mood and float to the surface. Usually they are capsized ships before, it is likely to chase the ships that pirates came in. People are staring at the waves that are more than ten meters high. , Crazy curse or pray.

On the contrary, it is likely that the pirate ship passed through hardships and wrinkled, passed by with death, and flicked away.

The pirate’s loud laughter and singing voice were very impressive in the mermaid’s inheritance memory.

But even if there is the most sturdy and lightest ship, the best captain and helmsman, and then familiar with the wind direction of the Devil ’s Strait, he will take his life as an adventure, but luck will not always care for them-the sudden wind, hail or Crucially, icebergs floating from within Antarctica are difficult to discern in the dark environment.

The two sides of Cape Horn are the Strait of Magellan and the Strait of Drake. The channel is slightly wrong, which is the huge difference between the first line of life and hell. The channel of the Strait of Magellan is shallow and narrow, but the wind power is only six. Entering or disturbing the direction, Trek strays into the Drake Strait, and the ship will sink into the deep sea with the wealth carried, never seeing the sun.

It was a glorious and **** sailing era.

Looking at the sunken ships that are almost stacked into wonderful labyrinths and buildings on the ridge, you can imagine how many lives are buried here. The hull of the hull is already full of various shells. It is a paradise for many fish and deep-sea shrimp crabs. With all kinds of jellyfish shining light. The squid plucked away the still dazzling diamonds and piles of gold coins, quickly grabbed the small fish hiding in the gap, and began to enjoy the beauty. The stormy waves on the sea did not affect the depth below a kilometer at all. They freely swam from this boat to another boat along the decaying wooden boards.

Now, it is no longer possible to tell which country they belonged to, whether it was the Kingdom Fleet or a pirate ship.

Seawater is the best electrolyte, and it is extremely corrosive. All sails are gone. Only the strongest rope may be left on the fallen mast, but it is also loosely soaked, like a monster’s tentacles. Dangling in the sea water.

A glance at the past is endless, and there is no end in sight.

【Like it? 】

Siren asked about the numerous bright reflections that could be seen, but Xia Yi was shocked by the magnificence of this seabed cemetery.

Sure enough, the story is still a bit reliable, pirate treasures or something, many people died around, but in the movie are lying a few skulls, or simply a black skull with a sword through the skull on the gold coins.

For hundreds of years, let alone the corpses, even the bones have been almost corroded.

It will become part of the sea mud, or like a lot of silverware and silver coins, blackened and broken into pieces, and then piled up in obscure corners, becoming exactly the same as gravel stones.

[I do n’t like …] Xia Yi responded instinctively, then suddenly woke up and changed his mouth, [It ’s pretty. 】

Siren stared at Xia Yi doubtfully. He did not miss Xia Yi’s reaction and emotion:

[Why do n’t you like it? 】

[This-] Xia Yiyu is stuffed.

This is difficult to explain. After the end of the age, precious metals and precious stones are not worth a share of food and fresh water, and can only be used for lighting. Xia Yi’s nature does not like these glittering things.

He reached out and grabbed a gold coin that was still falling in the water.

The weight is not too light, and the degree of corrosion is also very limited. There are almost no black areas, indicating that the gold coins may not be mixed with silver. Such a rich gold coin may be an antiquity of the Inca Empire. It does not count its own gold value. History is crazy enough.

Wait, he may change his rhetoric.

[Siren, I do n’t like them … do you know what they are used for? 】

[Humans should use them to show their different positions in the group. 】 Siren tried to recall that these things meant a lot to mankind, and seemed to be more important than life.

[Almost, the simplest use is that they can be used to exchange a lot of food. 】

【Things to eat? 】 Siren was obviously surprised.

The mermaid who loves to collect gold coins and treasures is unreasonable to the sea monsters, because those things that can emit light or reflect light can not be eaten in their logical view-they ca n’t eat it anyway, let it dry Well?

Siren determined that in the inheritance memory, there are many humans who like to wear these glowing things on their bodies, and also force mermaids to wear them.

However, the feeling of weight and zero-hanging is too hindering the speed and flexibility of swimming in the sea.

Now Siren has heard for the first time that these things can actually be used for food.

[How much can I change? 】

Mermaid thinks that the real value of lighting is similar to a group of deep sea jellyfish if it is not liked by humans. Uh, it may be that Taomas came with these glowing things and asked to exchange some deep sea jellyfish with other sea monsters. I believe most sea monsters with fixed residences are still willing, because jellyfish can swim, but also right Infrasound is sensitive and often runs away, but the gold coins and diamonds are different.

Siren was still thinking, so Xia Yi said seriously:

[Many, many, too much to eat for a lifetime. 】


[Ca n’t eat for two hundred years? 】

Siren lay on Xia Yi’s body, Xia Yi lying on the pile of gold coins.

Mermaid is caught in the mathematical problem of how many fish he can eat in two hundred years, but Xia Yi has caught an important point.

【How old are you? 】

[Not carefully calculated, probably … 130 …] Siren carelessly.

The age of the sea monster has been chaotic to a certain extent. Taumas is almost seven hundred years old, and Kraken is less than half a year old.

Xia Yihou’s stunned afterwards, a bit speechless.

[So many of these values? 】 Siren still ca n’t believe it.

[Not these, uh, last year, this one alone was enough for you … to eat for two hundred years …] Xia Yi emphasized the gold coin in his hand, of course, if this is really a treasure of the ancient Inca country.

Siren froze.

Then, just his collection in the Drake Strait, can it be changed to let all sea monsters lie still and eat dead food?

At that moment, the mermaid’s eyes on the gold jewelry gems were different.

[However, not too much. 】 Xia Yi thought about it and explained very hard. [Jewellery and antique swords do n’t matter. The less gold coins must be, the more valuable … the more food is worth! 】

【why? ] Is n’t the better the better?

[If everyone has one, then no one will trade it for food. ] Xia Yi thought hard, and Siren did not urge him. After a while, Xia Yi found an appropriate metaphor, [as if Abisser could n’t find the stone fish, but wanted to eat it, so he was willing to use a whole tuna to follow you. Change the palm-sized stone fish. 】

Siren still stared at the gold coins in a daze.

This is too far away from the stone fish.

[But these are useless now, the end of the world …] Unless human civilization regains its glory, they can only continue to sleep in the deep cold water.

What Siren thought was that Xia Yi didn’t like it. Whether these things were stone fish or lobster had little meaning.

This loss of frustration, which was not frustrating, had no intention of keeping Siren continuing to live in the Drake Strait.

The shipwreck naturally stacks into a long and vast maze. If Xia Yi likes it, it can be used as an interesting exploration. Slowly, one boat after another, the mermaid living in the Drake Strait has been collected for hundreds of years. In the end all went to Siren. In fact, he didn’t know how many and exactly what he had.

[Let ’s go to the house of Volkus. 】

Still silently lamenting the historical changes of Xia Yi for a moment

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