The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 11

The dead land, the peace is abnormal.

The roots of seaweed are not like plants on the land. They are mostly attached to the rocks, just to not be taken away by the sea. Therefore, it is not much effort for Xia Yi to pull them up. Xia Yi chewed it a few times. Fortunately, it was not difficult to swallow, but it was a little salty.

Xia Yi tugged a lot, and then when he was about to float to the surface, there was a flash of silver scales in front of him.

Is that, fish?

——This is a hungry person who can only eat seaweed. Understand that he is surprised to see the fishtail scales ==

Xia Yi turned his head back quickly, but he only saw the beautiful silver scales, which twisted lightly in the seawater. From the pale silver translucent fish tail, it was still a big fish.

Xia Yi finally came to know:

Who eats such a big fish?

He immediately swam forward and tried to change direction, but no matter how he turned and the water was turbulent, he could only see the faint tail of the fish at most, and Xia Yi might not even convince himself that the fish had swam away.

A fish that may be as big as someone, always swims behind you and looks at you strangely. Why?

Xia Yi was terrified and immediately went to the upper surface of the sea at the fastest speed. If he read correctly when he just ventilated, a reef about a few square meters in size was on the sea more than ten meters away!

He never wanted to be a fish for lunch.


13. Who the **** is wrong …

In the sea, it is not uncommon for fish to grow to the size of an adult, and it is definitely not just sharks.

Xia Yi was frightened that maybe the creatures in this sea area were not killed by radiation, but by–

In a place where the radiation is so intense, it is not unusual to see any fierce monster that has changed. In fact, he suspects that the huge sea monster appeared like this. An octopus can become like that, an ordinary fish? What about the cruel white shark?

When Xia Yi’s hand touched the wet reef, he couldn’t wait to try to climb it ashore, because he didn’t catch it because of confusion, and fell into the sea again.

Just like being entangled in seaweed, how hard Xia Yi tried to float to the surface, she felt unable to move.

In horror, he turned his head violently, but did not see the silver fish tail, and nothing appeared on his side, but it was the most frightening that he could not see.

Although the sun is very good and the sea water is very thorough, but through this layer of water wave refraction, many things cannot be seen clearly when Xiayi is far apart. In fact, if you swim in the sea for a long time without eye drops and wearing The goggles hurt the eyes very much, but Xia Yi had no swimming experience. He didn’t know this at all. At this time, he felt the light in front of him was uncomfortable.

Of course, light is not transparent, but colored, and the brilliant light that occasionally emits when it is refracted is absolutely fascinating.

Xia Yi was stiff, and the seawater on his head turned into a huge convex mirror with various colors, which is more wonderful than the kaleidoscope. Purple, blue, yellow, and green, along with the ripples of the seawater, quickly passed by.

His eyes suddenly darkened, as if a drape fell down, separating the sea water into a virtual shadow.

This is not only visual, but also sensation. Xia Yi’s eyes are dark, hands and feet are weak, and the chest that was not dull began to tingle again, and cold sweat came out instantly.

He subconsciously wanted to take a breath, but took a few sips of seawater.

At this moment, Xia Yi was violently pulled, and he bowed his head vaguely, only to see the arms tightly around his waist, slender and pale, and there seemed to be translucent silver on his wrists and elbows. Tulle, is that a piece of clothing?

Xia Yi fainted, so he didn’t find it, which made him feel that there were countless tentacles in the dark curtain.

And in order to rescue him, the mermaid directly tore off a row of tentacles on Xia Yi’s head with his arm. These long silver whiskers, like a curtain hanging down the ground, rolled in the sea, followed closely by the sea. The huge convex mirror like a kaleidoscope suddenly crooked, half-turned off, and then its true appearance was revealed.

This is a jellyfish, a very large one.

In the open sea, the infrasound belonging to the sea monster was echoing fiercely. Xia Yi’s body twitched. He felt vaguely the pain of numerous needles on his forehead. Gradually, he heard something different from sea water The sound is louder and clearer.

It’s a pity that Xia Yi couldn’t understand the sonic language of this regular order.

-My tentacles, ah, my balance! !!

This sad Xia jellyfish rolled over in seawater only seven or eight meters deep, and its umbrella-shaped body was about six meters on top, and the tentacles were so scary that they could not see their heads at first. It ’s like putting on a tuxedo skirt and dragging it down to sweep the floor, er, not to sweep the ocean floor. It struggled to swim in such shallow waters, and it was probably enough to yield. Now …

Unfortunately, the culprit ignored it completely.


The mermaid pushed Xia Yi ashore.

The purple in his eyes has deepened, and the palms with silk-like thin fins lightly touch Xia Yi’s face, then leaning his head slightly, as if looking at Xia Yi, it is still immersed in seawater under the chest, water drops From its pale silvery hair and roll down from the forehead, it dripped on the clavicle that perfectly and elegantly extended, and there was a small white jade conch worn with a silky thread hanging from the snow-white slender neck.

Is it raining again?

Xia Yi slid his head down, and subconsciously licked the drops of water that fell to his lips.


The mermaid’s eyes suddenly darkened, and it immediately turned around and submerged into the sea again.

So when Xia Yi opened her eyes, she saw only the white waves and the faint silver fish tail.

His weird face was hot, as if the fever was overwhelming, and he couldn’t bring up any strength, let alone climb up to see what happened, only vaguely afraid, not because he was so close to the sea, that fish could definitely attack, but Now this symptom-Xia Yi has experienced it once and has a very deep memory. He dare to say that if there is a wound on the body, the blood flowing out is not dark red, but bright cherry red. Feeling ridiculous.

Swimming may be suffocating, but who has heard of swimming swimming with carbon monoxide poisoning?

The eschatological logic of the last days says absolutely possible!

If you are right under a jellyfish that wants to sink! And you just don’t need to breathe by mouth and nose, but you take in the oxygen directly from the sea through the strange power.

The sound of the waves continued to rise and fall, the mermaid had a strange speed, shuttled below the surface of the water, and did not even bring out a large spray of water. Of course, behind it, a sad jellyfish was constantly turning in circles, leaning hard and going Move forward.

Sometimes there are too many “legs” and I don’t know how to “walk”!

Xia Yi had been lying down for a long time, before regaining some strength.

At this time, the sunlight was not so dazzling, the seawater was still seawater, and even Xia Yi’s hands were firmly holding the handful of stone cauliflower. The things just now seemed to be his hallucinations, but Xia Yi was sufficiently enlightened. The seemingly empty sea is still in danger of horror. The big unknown fish is still a translucent creature with a bright glow like a glow-if it is indeed a creature!

Unconsciously, he swam into the mouth of a monster? In the body?

This reef is only a few square meters. When he lay down, there was almost no room left, and as the sun was getting lower, the tide was about to rise.

Whether to wait for death or escape is a difficult choice.

Xia Yi slowly released his finger, holding it for too long, and stiff. He swallowed everything that could be eaten. Looking at the sea water without any abnormality, he jumped abruptly and swam out very quickly. .

His escape was smooth, and he didn’t dare to reach out to pick it when he passed the patch of cauliflower.

Xia Yi had only one idea, which was to quickly leave this strange sea area.

There are many islands at the junction of the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Before he is exhausted, along this cricket reef, change direction, and he will definitely find an island where he can live! You will definitely find more to eat, even fresh water.

Now that he has decided to live well, how can he be sorry for himself.

Xia Yi left, and the sea flooded the reef at high tide. When the mermaid returned, he did not find the hard-to-receive collectibles. He swam around the water area, especially the purple-red algae, but there was still no Finding a hint of clues, he was upset or angry.

“Human, you can’t escape!”

The Xia Yi on the sea far away suddenly fainted, as if it was being slammed from the back by a wave of air. He was almost out of control and almost prone to the fine sand on the bottom of the sea. A cold and strange tone It just came to his mind.



Xia Yi kept pressing the painful forehead. He didn’t know where the sound came from, but he started to hear the strange sound coming from the sea water. He didn’t know if it was too far, or he couldn’t understand it. All They were all cluttered and couldn’t tell what it was. The rattling sound felt like an electric wave.

Only that cold and angry voice appeared repeatedly.

“Stay here all.”

Xia Yi lost her hair.

“Go away, human stupidity is contagious to you!”

Is it foolish for a few hundred meters of sea monster to squat in the sea with a depth of one hundred meters? I just forgot that they are not Kasuga jellyfish, and they couldn’t resist shrinking. They appeared in shallow water that was seven or eight meters deep. Moreover, the stupid guy of Nereus floated back on his side!


14. Some kind of turnaround …

Without fresh water and lack of food, Xia Yi, who can only find the abdomen of seaweed, is actually not unfortunate at all. It is tragic for those who remained on the Talasa goddess. The radiation caused them to die one after another, but they never waited for any rescue.

“Damn, the power facilities still can’t be restored? What super-class ship technician, I think it’s waste!” Han Lin’s eyes were roaring red, his father Han’s gloomy face, the actress holding his arms had long shrunk far Dare not speak out.

The same actions also included several assistants and secretaries brought by the Han family father and son, all frightened and overwhelmed.

In times of crisis, as long as it is not an idiot with divine logic, people will self-assess their own role. Once they find that they have nothing to do with the leader in the current group, they will of course be subconsciously afraid, fearing that The one who was sacrificed first.

Although they hid in a specially designed cruise ship safety cabin, the cold storage behind them also melted with ice, there was fresh water, and there was enough food. Even in this strange climate, it was not too hot, but the ventilation system in the safety cabin was all Paralyzed, a dozen people nested in it for four or five days, any unpleasant smell, and the crew was slightly better. Which of the others did not catch the fire?

It’s just that some dare not say anything, and some are going to be furious.

“Captain, did you really send out a distress signal?”

Boss Han no longer has the hypocritical appearance of smiling, but he is seriously ill, and now all kinds of suspicions have emerged. Although Han Lin saw the sea monster with his own eyes, it wasn’t his eyes, it was just a look-out mirror. People are doing hands and feet to the camera, he thinks this is very much like a horrifying hoax!

The doubt was caught. Under normal circumstances, the Talassa Goddess should maintain normal contact with the land every day. Now, the contact has been interrupted for at least five days. If it cannot be located, there are satellites in the sky. The sea rescue team is a turtle. It’s time to climb.

How can Boss Han be suspicious of all this, but there is a premise for this, the captain, or the person who instructed the captain to lay such a large hand, what is it going to do? If you want to kill people, poison your food, put poison gas in the ventilation ducts, it’s easier than that, and although you are hiding in the safety cabin, there will be screams and screams intermittently outside. If this is acting, it would be too If you are professional, you will pay too much and you will not receive the benefits you deserve. There were definitely many people who “camouflage” the corpse at the dinner. The forces behind these people also had to oppose his Han family?

“I hope you can tell everything you know.” Boss Han stared at the captain with an intimidating look. “I believe you know

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