The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 133

Xia Yi thought in silence, this kind of magnificent and terrible scene, probably only the land rock layers have all collapsed, the magma flooded, and the meteorite hit the earth? Much like the movie “2012”, alas, this year is exactly 2012.

The Maya predicted December, but disasters came early in the movie and in reality.

Or is December really the end of the day?

Xia Yi felt that the right leg was tangled and blood was tingling, and it felt like a pinching pain. Xia Yi suddenly refreshed, sighing at the perfectly arranged silver scales.

In fact, living ten years and living a month are not very different from him.

He didn’t have any desires, and didn’t have any particular desires. When it came to likes, wasn’t Siren right in front of him? Probably the last person who is still alive under the threat of the last days is Xia Yi.

Thinking for a while, consciousness gradually quieted down and fell into a dream.

Quite bizarre, this time it was not the sanatorium or the blue sea, but his home.

Xia Yi stood in the doorway where the shoe rack was placed, and hesitated to look at what was on the hand. What should be the script? She set it aside on a coffee table in transparent glass. There were thick curtains in the living room, and there was no light at all .

This “home” has always been frosty, and the decoration is also black and gray.

Depressed, without warmth.

Xia Yi is a little confused. Sometimes people are strangely rational when they dream, sometimes they are not rational. I feel like I was sleeping right now, so this is dreaming, and then look at the room, what can you say about dreaming home? Too familiar but helpless.

Dreams usually change at this time, very different from changes in the normal category.

Xia Yi heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom, as if someone was driving with a faucet.

People’s reactions in dreams are divine, or they just think that people are taking a bath, and weirdly formed a dream direction where someone really broke in and took a bath in their own home.

Xia Yi pushed open the door, and the heat rushed forward. He was a little uncomfortable and turned his head, trying to see the scene in front of him, but he slipped under his feet, and stretched out his hands in a panic without grasping anything. Tightly, both hands firmly locked his movements.

Then the dream was confused, and the fingers scattered on the body fell into the thin kiss between the neck and lips.

He was going to push away to see it clearly, but he had no strength at all. Nightmare was like this. He began to feel familiar, but he couldn’t open his eyes and couldn’t remember who it was.

Probably the temperature of hot water, or the original steam of the bathroom, the hot temperature was almost hot.

The knee seemed to be held by something, with warm fingers ironing, and gradually sliding upwards …

Xia Yi began to feel bad. He tried hard to escape this weird dream, but his response, which was not even struggling, didn’t work, let alone exacerbate the randomness. This feeling of being unable to shout and being unable to move was extremely bad. Especially the pleasant pleasure was mixed with the slight pain of sharpening. Xia Yi involuntarily wanted to close his legs, but the right leg with his knees upward did not even have consciousness. Needle-like sour hemp.

Increasingly hot, the confused consciousness finally realized that something was wrong.

What about the bathroom wall? What about floor tiles? Why can’t I touch a frosted glass door?

Wait, why can’t he appear in “home”!

Xia Yi opened her eyes suddenly. She hadn’t fully woke up for a while, and didn’t figure out what happened. She just opened her mouth with a groggy instinct, and poured in bitter and strange seawater.

【Sirens? 】

Strange, isn’t he dreaming?


Suspected tear-like pain finally made Xia Yi completely awake. This time, Siren didn’t hold his back. The breathing and heartbeat of the two people didn’t fully touch. They touched the lower abdomen tightly, sweat and slimy. The liquid rolled down together and soon disappeared into the sea.

Siren didn’t speak, but just stroked Xia Yi’s back and spine with his fingers.

The pain of blunt cracks exacerbates the feeling of hot foreign bodies. The advantage of lack of strength is that the body relaxes very fast and the tremor of the tail spine rises, as if the fingers of Siren are spreading continuously.

Xia Yi’s instinctual struggle is after all in the sea. There is no fixed bed or flat thing to lie on. Buoyancy and pressure are a kind of existence that can toss you to the southeast and northwest, and Xia Yi loses control of balance. A weird twist, a long but hidden zone somewhere in the body, just hit the hot and hard source.

Suddenly a tremor, Xia Yi could not even make a sound, the infrasound was all chaotic, dizzy and could not even express the high-pitched mood of specific meaning.

Siren immediately felt that Xia Yi was wrong.

It should be happy, but why are you crying again.

-The whole body weight is on that point.

In some ways, the mermaid is very talented, Xia Yi has not breathed a sigh of relief, and more intense stimulation has swept like a tide. It has collapsed more than any other time and is difficult to be self-sustaining. And the black smoke that erupted straight up was completely blurred before Xia Yi’s eyes, and finally fell into the deep darkness.

Chapter 136: Mimicism Kills People

Sea monsters are very persevering in order to eat a good meal, such as devil fish, and want to play and eat. Can only swim around every day, excessive exercise, not only not fat but thin.

When Cetto met him, he circled Kraken in doubt.

This look around is really around the body.

Clarken shook his pectoral fins very uncomfortably, and jumped up neatly, out of the encirclement of the kingfish. So a swim that jumped in the front to change the direction, the kingfish followed the rampage and did not forget the roar;

[Come back with me. The sea is so big. It ’s not good to swim. I want to be near the shore. 】

There is Lingling on the shore, who will chat with it and teach it to sing.

This is the kind of dead-hearted child. Every day I am used to running out to play with other children. The tighter I run, the more I have to go, but in the face, we are only pretending to be well-behaved-I only need to listen to Siren’s words, not to mention this. Listen to the words of fish! What, Keto was called by Siren to take it back? You can pretend that you haven’t seen it, the reasons are all ready-made, too thin and slender like algae. Who knows!

Ketu’s eyes are not good, compared with his long body, his head ratio is a bit small. Clarken also slyly jumped into the sky, Keto could only follow the float to a place very close to the sea, watching and chasing stupidly, the pressure was too low to make the kingfish as if it had been beaten by electricity, swimming. The whole body will tremble, which is typical of the body’s weight.

Kingfish is the longest skeleton creature in the world. It is really a fish, not a mollusk. Abisher can turn himself into a piece of paper in Fiziz Haiyuan. When the pressure decreases, the elasticity and flexibility of the spheroid are restored. The kingfish has no such good luck. He carried this guy to the sea and followed Putting humans in a state of weightlessness is almost uncomfortable, and they keep fighting.

Originally dizzy, fuzzy eyes still watched the devil fish’s extremely flexible up and down and jumped up and down, Keto soon struggling to lie flat and breathlessly breathed in the sea water.

This endurance is incomparable. The devil fish eats plankton and opens its mouth while swallowing. Look at this high level of consumption and supplements. How can the catfish with a hungry head and a dizzy state catch up?

Where they passed, they disturbed countless schools of fish.

He was faint in the seawater, and he had completely lost sight of Kraken. His unfit body felt something stuck, itchy, and a little stinging, so he turned over reluctantly. open one’s eyes.

“Aran, watch me harpoon to a big fish!”

On a tattered fishing boat, half of the strong young man was exposed, his skin was tanned, and he felt excited that the harpoon touched the real place, but he couldn’t get in, slipped a little, but narrowed his eyes and looked down, again A distinctly curved black shadow.

When you catch a big fish, you don’t need to be hungry when you have a harvest.

This proposition is very simple. Those who leave the island to fish after the end of the world have a little real ability to get a boat, and they have the courage. After all, there is no gps available now, and it is easy to get lost at sea.

If they can, they all hope to catch enough fish and return to the island as soon as possible.

Ketuo was poked hard by Harpoon again. It was thick and did not hurt, but this kind of cat’s claws repeatedly scratched, so that the original catfish, which was not very itchy, could not help but bend it several times. Taking a shower and scratching your head is a reason. The more you grasp, the faster you loose, but the areas that are not itchy next to it. You have to move your body so that you can pick up the itch.

Anyway, that’s it, it’s comfortable!

But here comes the problem. This guy’s body is too long.

Even if Keto is easy to satisfy, but there is still a period after scratching? So the people on the broken fishing boat, chopped around with a harpoon, were fierce and stable, but each time they were different. They could only see the thickness of their thighs, and the dark shadow of one meter kept struggling. What a fat fish, no one would give up.

So it wasn’t just him, the others on the boat also chopped harpoon fishing nets or something to help.

The water splashed, and the shadows became more and more unclear, but the feeling of sticking to things and sliding away was obvious.

“Oh, almost again!”

“I must be injured, otherwise I didn’t escape.”

“People work harder!”

The weird thing happened, the four people holding harpoons looked at each other.

Of course, they can’t lie together like a stack of humans. They must be lined up. Try to reach out and aim at that small area. At first, I didn’t feel the tie, but I was worried that the big fish would run away. There was a sudden stab in front, why did you poke the slippery thing again?

“Fish! Maybe it’s swarms of bluefin tuna!”

Everyone was ecstatic. The last pound of this stuff was sky-high, because the meat was delicious and scarce. Now the food is scarce. Of course, there are good things to celebrate.

So everyone was lying on the boat with excitement, trying to identify the shadow in the sea.

There are here, there seems to be everywhere, it is indistinct and indistinct, it is really a school of fish!

Engrave your daddy who likes to camouflage the sine function, every arched section is faintly visible at the top, you are still undulating, but it is not like a group of big fish.

“Tough in the jab!”

An old man was in a hurry, and felt that he was clearly off before, and he was surprised to see the school of fish for no reason. So he grabbed a harpoon, stepped on the boat with one foot, and half of his body leaned out, tying it down.

This is too powerful. The skin, which has been tested by the deep sea pressure, is suddenly pumped. It is not comfortable, but it hurts!

So when the man felt like he was in the middle of it, when he quickly and decisively lifted the harpoon, he couldn’t pull out his life and death.

Carved his head out of the sea.

Hold your breath and want to see who is destroying the original enjoyment.

A solitary fishing boat floating on the sea, everyone on the boat focused on the right side, watching the faint black shadow pulling back excitedly, did not find that an angry sea monster head had emerged on the sea behind them. .

The length of Keto’s body (cough, not height) is twisted like a twist in the sea. It is enough to spread out hundreds of square meters. What is a small fishing boat?

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