The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 170

r> “Meow!”

Say the cat is here. This brown-haired adult cat is the captain’s sweetheart and was raised before the end of the world. The captain said how good a cat is, you can catch mice, and you do n’t have to worry about eating on the ship-in fact, this cat used to eat cat food, but in the last days, it was forced to nibble at the fish. Blood on his face.

The crew grabbed the net with their hands and feet, and then looked at the little mermaid in the fishing net.

I do n’t have a mobile phone camera anymore, so I ’ll take a group photo. If you take it back to shore … this year’s old people can’t eat enough food, and still have the energy to fight for rare species? Uh, maybe that’s not true, or don’t let people find it better!

The captain had a smirk on his face, wondering if the sink on the ship was moved out to be the new mermaid’s new home. It was deep and concealed. No, he should first call someone to brush it. There was a pungent smell inside, and the water was muddy. Very well. I don’t know what the mermaid eats, it should be similar to his cat.

“Meow–” His cat jumped off the mast rope and gave the captain another paw mercilessly.

The sailfish and flying fish in the fishing net fluttered on the deck. The rolling mermaid turned to the deck dexterously, and curiously used his fingers to pull the fishing net on his body. At this time, a fish tried to jump on it. The small fish tail immediately snapped like a fly swatter, flipping the flying fish on the deck and twitching.

All the crew including the helmsman who had just seen the truth almost fainted-Captain, wake up, this mermaid is obviously like your baby cat, can’t touch or touch, and it is fierce and aggressive!

“Hi!” The captain squatted down carefully, keeping the distance very cautiously, how earnest and sincere the smile was, and he was almost covered with the words “I’m eating you are good”, this is to coax his family Cat’s special smile.

The little mermaid ignored him. It was biting the nylon rope, but his mouth was barely long and small, and it was fine to eat shellfish. It was very difficult to bite the nylon rope. Soon the net pocket was full of saliva.

Its chubby fingers had already pulled the fishing net long ago, and now it seems only curious to bite.

Then flipped over the wooden plate with the pickled fish, and didn’t even look at the half of the fish. Turning the small hand over the plate, he leaned in front of him and raised his short arm to look away from his neck.

There is no such thing in the middle of the inheritance memory that is recessed in the middle! What is this for?

The little mermaid buckled the plate on his face, just covering the face. It thought it had found the usage. As a result, the plate slipped to the ground as soon as it was released. So the face was covered with sauce and minced fish, wiped the back of his hand, and climbed to the side to poke the cold anchor.

——It’s too entertaining!

The crew were all standing in silence, and no one noticed that the strange island of the reef was getting closer and closer, not because the ship was moving, but …

Since the birth of the mermaid, they have lived alone. They need to see the real thing, and then compare it with the inheritance memory. They live in the ocean and generally refuse to surface at an early age or to live near large fish. It is safe enough to hide in shipwrecks and coral reefs, and there are also delicious foods such as oyster shells to let fish grow slowly.

But the little mermaid opened his eyes and saw Taumas for the first time.

Taumas took it to swim in the vast ocean. With the contrast of Taumas, sharks, dolphins and even whales are common. Now this boat is also, the little mermaid knows that this boat is a human. Humans are a wonderful existence for mermaids. At this age, they are not interested in humans. Those crew members are not malicious and fearful, or even close. Of course, they do not stimulate the instinctive reaction of mermaids.

“Meow.” The brown short-haired cat came over and stepped on the fat toot with the meat pad.

The light-blue eyes narrowed and the mouth opened, as if not hearing the sound of the little mermaid, but the tail of the fish followed, and the cat swiftly flicked, but the tail was stricken. Into the captain’s arms.

I’m so relieved that his cat has been bullied and will come to find comfort!

——How come, your cat is very tough, and you do n’t want to fight again because you are scared by infrasound.

The captain just laughed and suddenly froze. How could the ship float to the edge of the island?

[Gaphael? 】

Taomas was anxiously looking for the little mermaid among a group of dolphins. The pulpy fins snapped off the fish, and he took a nap! The sun was so warm, it fell asleep in a daze, and it didn’t take long for the little mermaid?

Taumas suddenly saw a shadow of the bottom of the ship on the sea, just stunned, and heard the threatening sound waves of the little mermaid.

Was caught, Gaphael was caught by humans!

Taomas raised his head out of the sea angrily, the water tilted down from it like a waterfall, and his big eyes stared fiercely at the boat:

[Release Gaphael! 】

“My God! The captain saved his life—”

The crew flinched and fell back individually, and the captain slammed into the mast and then slammed into the mast, looking at the monster that suddenly emerged from the sea, but his cat was brave enough to meow, and the rail was in front of its owner .

The little mermaid pulled the plate in his hand and giggled.

Taomas is also stupid. Doesn’t Gael like humans?

Yes, Siren likes Xia Yi!

This is not possible, it is the turtle can live too long, except for Kraken, no sea monster can accompany it to the end of life, this is the little mermaid that it is easy to pick up (is it)! Absolutely not for humans! !!


As a well-informed turtle, it can speak a few simple English, hum, can definitely threaten humans!

The people on the ship haven’t recovered from the horror of seeing the sea monster, and suddenly heard the sea monster roaring in English, is it completely silly?

The little mermaid heard his name, and saw Taomas seemingly angry. He climbed a distance to the side of the boat, grabbed the wooden plate with one hand, and grabbed the boat with one hand. Shooting, the round body flipped out and puffed into the seawater, bursting into a high splash like a shell.

Captain crew: …

The little mermaid swam slowly in the water, and Taomas sank, revealing only the back like a reef island, and gently pressed the fish tail of Gaphael with his head.

The captain slid down the deck along the mast and blinked blankly. What did he just hear?


“Meow.” The brown short-haired cat paced over the owner’s face.

The captain and the crew dumbly looked at the “islands” that were further and further away from the sea, and then looked at the cat, and they cried together and hugged their heads. This must be a dream. They did not catch a mermaid today, nor saw a sea monster, nor did they hear the name of a mermaid named Garfield!

Damn Garfield! The nickname is Garfield!

Dare to give the name of a cat to a fish? Dare the sea monster! !!

The author has something to say: Garfield is the full name of Garfield, voila, Garfield’s serious name, nicknamed Garfield, but the way of reading is GAFEIER, there is a child’s accent,

Believe me, Taumas does n’t even know what a “cat” is, it just heard the name, it’s pretty good

171. A failed ambush

The atmosphere in City B is getting tense. Now I have heard about it in the surrounding areas. There is a terrible infectious disease here. The symptoms are red dots all over the body and the incubation period is unknown, but people will feel extremely painful in a short time. Black blood clots or other unknown substances were vomited in the mouth, which was terrifying.

Every household closed their doors and windows so that no one could see them until the evening. Even the normal labor farming in the daytime has a strange atmosphere, and things like mask disinfection water are suddenly more expensive than food. That’s it, a little panic is enough to destroy people’s belief in stability.

This tension also spread to the patrol.

They are composed of policemen or soldiers before the end of the age. They have good discipline. They surround the settlements and the periphery of the base. They are responsible for the storage of materials warehouses and farming fields, and there are some factories that manually produce daily necessities.

The patrols are different from ordinary citizens. They believe that there is indeed no infectious disease. They are just violent and brutal abilities, but they do not try to explain to the people, because infectious diseases are far from a killer. If disinfection or reduction Going out can calm people’s minds, and it’s not a bad thing to do so temporarily. Power is a kind of protection.

Once the kerosene lamp and candle were turned over again, a very large kerosene lamp was installed on the pillar of the street, and a concave mirror was used to make three covers around the lamp, which can prevent wind and rain and also focus the light. A dozen-watt light bulb has almost the same effect. It is said that this is also a by-product of the research of nautical vessels. The former ships were equipped with such facilities, in order to keep the fleet from going apart during the storm. It is the type of equipment that Zheng He sailed to the west.

The light is at the midpoint between dim and bright, and it makes people feel sleepy.

The people in the patrol were very vigilant. Three people from another squad did not come back last night. They were dead by the time they were discovered. So their organization tonight was completely broken up, and each team added two or three people. The identities of these people are also easy to guess, nothing more than a national ability team.

In fact, it is also very mysterious. No matter what era, the superpowers in ordinary people’s eyes are very strange things.

They refrained from staring at the woman in the middle of the team, but wondered.

Very beautiful young woman, although the skin is very tanned, but the whole person looks very energetic, and walks on the road is also very beautiful. When Dan Feng looked at the people, he didn’t smell the hint of hint at all, but was as sharp as a blade. This kind of beauty should not be forgotten when they see it. By the way, they only came to City B a few days ago. They were picked up by the Academy of Sciences and issued temporary passes.

The weather in July was sultry, and a group of flying insects gathered around the kerosene lamp.

Captain Hao followed the other team for three laps and found no clues. He began to wonder. This year, there was no manpower to clean the sewers. Mosquitoes were particularly arrogant, and every household smoked wormwood and realgar on the doors and windows. Those who do n’t have a new ID card and no fixed residence are very sad. This night they can hardly be bitten to sleep.

Zhou Liang is a water-based ability, as long as he uses the ability, such as immersing himself in a pool, or wrapping a layer of water around his body. Captain Hao, who is good at using abilities to disperse reorganized elements, can immediately perceive. Because of his abilities, he is always particularly sensitive to the existence of violations of natural laws, and is also very effective. Once he could perfectly decompose Zhou Liang’s ice arrow attack, but he could not decompose a teapot.

Suffering from the buzzing of mosquitoes, Hao Guosong pondered. Was Zhou Liang not hiding near this place.

Impossible, Zhou Liang ’s goal is not to elicit the national power team—

A scream shattered the silence of the night.

Captain Hao stared at the dark street with a cold expression.

It was really the direction of An Li in that patrol! !! Sure enough, Zhou Liang knows all the high-end abilities of the national power team, and the guess is right. There are problems with the people who joined the 80% power team in the past six months! According to Zhou Liang’s temper, the last time he suffered a big loss in Lingling from Dongting Lake, he now refuses to ignore any stranger.

Water and fire sound like diametrically opposed forces. In fact, in nature, they are just a kind of existence.

Insufficient amount of water, poured into a flame with a temperature of hundreds or thousands, will only be transformed into a vapor to evaporate.

An Li long looked forward to being at sea, and once met with Xia in order to burn the island. The powerful water abilities have a very strong presence, as if the feeling of the sea is not the same. So An Li couldn’t understand why Captain Hao could not catch Zhou Liang.

When An Li saw a person walking in front of her screaming and rolling down on the ground, she finally understood that there are also many people among water abilities

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