The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 20

Xia Yi froze the palm of his hand severely, and barely maintained the expression.

He did not believe that in the last days, he could not find food. No matter whether the other party was kind or malicious, he was alone, his future was uncertain, and he would live one day. food.

In this world, there is no good intention for no reason.

Swordfish meat has a surprisingly good taste. The meat is white and glutenous. It has a very delicious aftertaste when chewing. Of course, the price of this expensive seafood fish in high-end restaurants is scary.

Hungry stomachs are not hungry after suppressing throbbing, but are hungry.

This made Xia Yi, who had decided to eat only one piece, couldn’t help but shake.

——If nothing else happened, in fact he has owed a lot, this mermaid does not look like he needs his help, although Xia Yi is unwilling to owe more, but he can do nothing about this sudden change .

Siren felt Xia Yi’s emotions inexplicably.

Is it so uncomfortable to eat? Humans are too weird!

The meal “meal” did not last long, but Xia Yi felt that he was restless. When he saw the mermaid calmly stopped and leaned lazily on himself, Xia Yi hesitated. Still hold it up.

This time it went smoothly, the sea water gradually spread over the insteps, calves … and then Xia Yi put down the mermaid.

The water was still too shallow, and the fish tail swayed slightly into the deeper waters.

Seeing that Siren didn’t act in the slightest fear and hesitation, Xia Yi felt that his guess was right, and he said softly and seriously to the doubtful purple eyes:

“I’m leaving here.”

Unfortunately, he didn’t understand, and Siren looked at Xia Yi with interest, and reached out to touch his face.

Xia Yi held the cold finger and was silent for a while, after all, he didn’t know what to say.

“thank you….”

After that, I followed the water to the sea and swam in the other direction.

The sea was calm. I didn’t see the scary monster. Only a few sardines were scurrying everywhere.

Suddenly a weird sound appeared:

“Siren, are you going back? Hurry up, I’m so hot here !!!”

twenty four

24, dying …

It should be January, but I don’t know what day it is.

Anli touched her chapped lips and looked at the white sun in the sky exhaustingly. She felt this feeling because of dehydration and dehydration. Everyone was salted everywhere. At first, some people were worried about radiation and carefully wiped it away, but now nobody cares about it.

There was a dull sound of water, which was another ordinary person who died because of too much exposure to radiant seawater. The body was pushed into the sea, and the food and water he kept were received by the same ship. At first people were jealous of this, or looked sad at the body, but now they don’t feel anything.

They looked numbly at the surface of the water and sky, silently counting how long the remaining food could support.

A strange atmosphere of despair is spreading.

They have to figure out a way to catch the fish or grab someone’s water. Those poor supplies can only delay for a day or two. There were no people paddling, even Li Shao was lying in a rubber boat with his neck narrowed, and if he didn’t want to become the last time in their lives tomorrow, he should stop searching for the so-called islands, but keep his energy as much as possible.

“Asshole, we all believe what you said, it turned out !!!”

A young man stared fiercely at the captain. All eight people on the ship were still alive. Only the chief mate was on the verge of dying. Except the chief mate and the captain on this rubber boat, they were all powers. This young man is no exception. He is angry and yells:

“Don’t you say there are many islands around here? Yes, there are more islands in Southeast Asia, but what the **** is this direction! How many days? We haven’t even seen a reef!”

The captain was also pale, and several skins on his body were afraid of people’s dark red, because the sea water with residual radiation was too contaminated, and then dragged on may be festering and purulent, and then died of high fever and immune organ failure, but Before the last moment, who wants to give up, staring at the slightly undulating waves, the captain whispered heavily and painfully:

“The direction of the ocean current has changed.”

After the radiation disappeared, the atmosphere recovered, but unfortunately, for some unknown reason, the geomagnetic field did not fully recover, and the direction of the monsoon winds also changed. The original floating seaweed and fish school disappeared. According to the custom, following the ocean currents, instead of taking them to the islands in the southeast, they are more likely to have deviated.

“Sister An … are we going to die?” The stranger named Amin asked weakly.

Without water, if you rely on food alone, you can not live for three days.

With so many powers on the Talassa Goddess, only two have water power abilities, one stays on the boat for rescue and the other is on this rubber boat, but his ability is very limited, every twelve hours The gathered fresh water can only fill a mineral water bottle, which is enough for one person to barely support the vitality of four people, but there are eight people on this rubber boat.

Except for the captain and the chief officer, there are still six. Among them, only Amin and this water ability have no ability to attack, and who will be abandoned at a glance, so Amin is so scared that he can’t even close his eyes.

Who can believe at this time?

There was a crackle on the sea surface, and several small fishes floated out of the water. It was the most important person on the rubber boat now. He has not a strong current. These days, he has gradually stabilized and can already be used several times a day. It ’s just a matter of luck if you can stun the fish. Because the surface seawater is irradiated and there are n’t many fishes, everyone is satisfied with this harvest.

Although less than half of them can be divided by one person, it may still be enviable to stay on this rubber boat.

——It’s all this time, who will divide out their food!

So as soon as the little fish floated, the people on the other rubber boats were struggling to scramble. In the end, they caught one, but couldn’t wait to break their heads. Here, Annie had grilled the fish.

She wrapped the fish in fire and didn’t have to turn the grilled fish.

Although two of them were overdue and blackened and burnt because of their unskilledness, a few people still couldn’t bear their hands, tearing them up and gorging, maybe this was the last meal, who knows?

In the distant shallow waters, Xia Yi had already seen the huge and weird crab.

There are two pliers. The big one is worthy of a desk. The most weird thing is that this crab is actually red. The edge of the red shell is almost brown. The whole is cooked. But this crab is obvious. It’s alive, waving his pliers so diligently that people can’t help wondering if this guy just picked up his life and crawled out from the bottom of the sea crater.

This is a big guy who feels horrible at first sight, but the reason why Xia Yi ran without turning was that he was stunned by that strange sounding tone.

“It’s hot, Siren, when can we go back to the deep sea?”

That name appeared a second time.


This pronunciation is completely different from the whole sentence. There is no strange and incomprehensible tone, just like the standard transliteration of English or any national language … In fact, the same is true. Sea monsters do n’t name themselves. Humans started, and then it spread and happened to be known by themselves. Of course, that pronunciation would be pure and error-free.

Unfortunately, Xia Yi didn’t understand the meaning of the word at all. He didn’t even go to school formally. It was difficult to judge that this might be a name.

And the more Xia Yi looked, the more this crab was strange.

Not only is the color, it also has two legs missing. The crabs have four pairs of feet and two pliers. Isn’t this crab a spider? It actually had six legs, and it didn’t look like it had been ripped off because of a fight, and evenly stuck in the soft sea sand. A string of bubbles bubbled in his mouth, and then the black bead-like eyes protruding from the front edge of the carapace swung back and forth:

“Engrave you soon, why does this human look at me like this, do you like me?”

Xia Yi was really stunned this time.

The sound he heard all the time made him feel a strange noise with a headache. It suddenly became clear in the seawater. Although it was strange and unpleasant, the meaning was very clear. This is too challenging for knowledge. Is it possible for crabs to speak?

A huge flat head suddenly emerged from the sand, a kingfish.

This girl buried herself in the sand again.

Of course, belt fish does not have a so-called neck. Its head is directly connected to the body. Therefore, when shaking the head, the small half of the body swings along with it. There are huge blood spots from the forehead to the front part of the body. The creeps changed their directions without turning back-even if the sea monster didn’t eat people, it was absolutely impossible to have a good temper!

“He likes you, that’s great!” A certain catfish, which is easily dizzy, has not found where Xia Yi is.

“Siren, come, let’s fight, grunt!” The big pliers clicked, threatening.

Xia Yi covered his forehead, and the sharp voice reappeared, making him dizzy, his motion stopped, and a cold touch suddenly came from his back. Xia Yi was frightened and broke away immediately. Siren’s arms tightened, making it difficult to move as if tied.

Light silver hair brushed Xia Yi’s face along the waves.

There seemed to be a slight laughter in the ear, and the wrist with the translucent fins rubbed against Xia Yi’s neck, then hugged the person firmly, and the silver fish tail burst out with a large splash.

“This is shallow water. If you have broken all your legs and can’t climb back, you have to stay here and wait for all your feet to grow out!” Sai Ren stared at the big crab. Its infrasound wave was relatively high, so Xia It doesn’t sound so uncomfortable, this is an illusion of pleasant sound, “I’ll make nothing here …”

A light word made the big crab immediately pull down the pliers, climbed a few steps sideways, and then turned its head. It was very different from the six-leg crawl of a crab, and the body was set to walk backwards rather than diagonally. Walk sideways.

That pride does not seem to obey the loser, but it has a taste that is not familiar with XX.


The kingfish that came out of the sand rushed straight forward and rushed forward. Its speed was fast and its body grew … When Xiayi was horrified, he heard the pleasant sound of a mermaid, which suddenly seemed sharp:

“Stop, Keto, there is Lu–“

It was late, and the kingfish was anxious to return to the deep sea. The speed was too fast, and he had pierced the island’s reef.

The long body flew violently, and then fell poorly.

Looking to the sea, the head of the kingfish is estimated to have washed ashore. According to the toughness of the swordfish’s sword-shaped upper jaw, it is not likely to hit the reef.

It was quiet in the sea, only the kingfish continually twitched slightly.

“… help !!!!”

See how weak and helpless poor call for help:

“I can’t breathe, a lot of air … help!”

When this guy shouted for Help, he actually pronounced the words in a positive manner. As a sea monster, he accidentally exposed the water. After being seen by humans, the most heard sentence was myGod and Help. The dumbest squid will accurately simulate that pronunciation with infrasound waves ==

Suddenly, Siren was so annoyed that he didn’t know what to do.


Xia Yi couldn’t help laughing.

He had never laughed so cheerfully—this is a sea monster that is so **** his head!


25.Showdown …

Xia Yi only laughed and was choked by the seawater. Although he could swim in the sea without breathing, he basically relied on the sudden emergence of energy to directly ingest oxygen instead of a strange one. His cheeks will naturally be choked.

The feeling of bitter seawater pouring into the throat of his throat was particularly uncomfortable, which reminded Xia Yi of the scene when he fell into the sea.

Sure enough, people need a lot of courage to commit suicide. It is not terrible to die, but it is towards death

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