The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 26

I took a lot of useful little things and floated to the southwest for a long time. Before noon, I saw the shadow of the island. This is really an island! The ups and downs are green! !!

“Saved, we are saved!”

“If this place is close to the Mariana Islands, even if there is no fresh water on this island, we can quickly go to the next island!” The captain was even more excited. A small part of the Mariana Islands are original, seabirds and animals are many, There are also many tropical plants.

The light of hope once again cheered up this crowd of displaced people.

But if Xia Yi is here, it will definitely prevent everyone from approaching the island!

——After radiation, the plants on the island are almost dead. Where can such a lush and beautiful island be?

The people who were almost desperate did not even realize this. They all excitedly picked up the oars and began to approach the island. I don’t know if everyone is over-excited and hard-working, or if they want to come down suddenly to make people feel energetic. The captain estimates that it will take at least an hour for the journey, and nothing will come.

Looking ahead, this is really a small island.

Visually, it is only one basketball court, but the plants are very lush, and some of the branches and leaves are already hanging in the sea water. Even the sun is a bit barren and the leaves are half rolled.

“Tropical plants are really interesting.” Li Shao was curious.

After all, the captain is not too young, and he is not a psionicist. After so many days of tossing down, he was too happy just now, and was half fainted, otherwise he could talk about these wonderful plants.

The wide leaves, with their rhizomes, grew old together, and they could not stand up. They fell down. There were plants of other colors in the depths of the island, even reddish. It’s not too tall, but it looks very strange. No picture book or science magazine has seen such a tropical plant. It is not like a tree or a shrub. The leaves are not oval, but they are blossoming. The flowers blooming on the tree, like a hydrangea, and a purplish red fan-shaped plant, are like a large leaf, growing densely, without even seeing any gaps.

Annie felt that the island looked weird as if it were missing something, but she couldn’t tell.

“Sister An, don’t worry, you see, it’s such a small island, the tree is not very tall, and there won’t be any fierce beasts!” Li Shao scratched his head, then said, “Like the prehistoric island, above It’s impossible to see all dinosaurs! “

“But this is really like a prehistoric plant!” Nalin stared at those plants.

“No, the prehistoric creatures are very large. The mosquitoes are several meters long and the plants are sky-high. How can this be?”

“That’s an alien plant!”

Not to mention Na Lin, even Anli murmured, this plant looks too good.

But they were hesitant, but they were bold. After all, they were hungry for so many days. After all, they encountered an island. Although there may be no fresh water, they can find something to eat, not picky, what fruit What a non-toxic mushroom is just fine.

So Li Shao could not help but jump up.

He wasn’t so stable when he landed, and he slumped back and forth, Anli hurriedly got out of the boat to pull him, Li Shao smiled and climbed his head again:

“It’s so painful, it’s so embarrassing!”

Li Shao reached out and pried away the leaves. The bottom was not dirt or stone, but pieces of raw gray-brown objects. Li Shao grabbed it with his hand and brought it to his eyes, screaming in surprise:

“It’s shells and conch!”

He had great strength, most of them caught were oysters, and there were also white conical conch. The soft feet at the shell mouth were still creeping and retracted quickly. After all, they were adsorbed on seemingly hard stones.

“Don’t look for it, there is something to eat, but there are snakes deep in the jungle!”

Li Shao smugly grabbed with both hands and fished a handful of oysters and conch into the rubber boat.

As for the plants, they are too weird to eat.

“Li Shao, come back!” Anne felt that the rubber boat near the island was shaking a little bit.

“Sister An, wait, there are so many shells here! Layer upon layer, just take enough for us to eat for three days, and then find another island is easy!” With Li Shao as an example, others also have one after another Pull the conch on the ground.

The captain was awakened by an oyster thrown into the boat, and sat up stupidly:

“Where did you eat it?”

“On the island …”

As soon as the captain looked up, he stared blankly at the island, the strange plants, and the people who were embarrassed by the conch on the edge of the island, with a very blank expression.

“This, what island is this?”

Shells are generally adsorbed on shipwrecks and reefs, and are washed away by the waves onto the beach, but it is all over the islands and stacked on top of each other, which is too outrageous.

Anne finally remembered that there was something wrong with this island. There was no beach. If it was made of stones, how did those plants grow? And can shells and conch leave the water for a long time to survive? There are no seabirds or animals on such a lush island full of plants, and no insects are seen! If radiation kills them, why are plants so good?

“Come back, hurry back, this is not an island !!”

Annie and the captain screamed at almost the same time as the captain.

Li Shao grabbed the oysters in his hands, turned his head and asked, depressed:

“Well, this is not what the island is?”

You are the island!


The voice was deep, as if stuffed in a crock jar, Li Shao looked around in horror, then saw the clue on Na Lin’s white complexion, screamed, and rushed up to the rubber boat. Others Seeing Li Shao’s abnormality, they also ran back, and the oysters were gone. In this way, they felt their feet swaying. As a result, several people nearly smashed their teeth on the conch. Before they got up, they saw the sea water overflow Come up.

“Come on, there will be a huge whirlpool when this big guy sinks! The rubber boat will all be drawn in!” The captain shouted with a look of tears, “even when he is a master swimmer, he will be dead!”

“But …” Li Shao and others were not on board yet.

“Come on!” Nalin quickly hurried, struggling to pull out the paddle.

“No, it’s too late, it’s almost the same with the engine, and it’s just by our hand—”

In a panic, Li Shao has even climbed into the rubber boat.

“Sea monster, it’s sea monster! I heard that weird voice again, as if it appeared directly in my head!” Li Shao was at a loss.

The captain collapsed, almost fainted, but the middle-aged man with the wind power ability was very out of place:

“Yes, it says you are the island!”


The depth of water on the island has reached the waist, and everyone else has climbed up into the rubber boat, but after feeling a distance, I did not feel the vortex. Looking back, the “that island” seemed to suddenly shrink in half, and the plants were all Only the rhizomes and tips remained on the surface of the sea, which seemed to be flooded by high tide, and dangled like a dog’s tail grass under the dam during the high water season in summer.

Now even the stupid person realizes that this is a tropical plant, which is simply a vigorous seaweed!

Speaking of sea monsters, most people suddenly remembered that they did not know where they had heard such a bizarre story. The sailors found an island, so they ran up ashore to find food, and then set fire to grill the fish. The result was bad. The whole island sank. It turned out that it wasn’t the island but the back of a monster! There are also myths and legends, there is a monster in the ice sea of ​​Western Europe, often disguising itself as an island, tempting the crew to approach, and then suddenly reach out the tentacles to catch the prey or suddenly sink and eat the unfortunate person who fell into the sea.

God, have you seen fewer sea monsters along the way? Why do sea monsters keep following them!

Everyone was pale with horror.

The captain dangled his eyes straight. The sea monsters are indeed in addition to the two kinds of giant octopus and sea snake horror. There are also suspected islands that are waiting for rabbits to catch their prey-wait so much sadness, catching humans at sea and looking for desert What’s the difference between water, people who are waiting for the rabbits are starved to feed in the end!

The vortex did not form, because the “Island” maintained this action without sinking.

Humans, can you hear my voice?

Anli, Li Shao, Na Lin, and the wind-like ability all looked at each other.

Several miles from here, thinking that he could not understand Xia Yi’s explanation of the deep sea, the Siren, in order to bring Xia Yi back smoothly, had to make a detour to find a sea monster:

Taumas lives too long, he can understand many things …

Xia Yi did not want to ask, but inevitably murmured in her heart, and did not know what kind of sea monster it was.

Before he thought about it, he heard an intermittent infrasound wave excited in the distance:

Great, you hurry up … I float up right away … Are you short of food, take all these **** oysters and conchs … Hey me, swim around every day … What, you do n’t eat seaweed, why Yeah?

31.Disaster …

The author has something to say: The sea monster Taumas, a species of Pacific sturgeon, swims at half the speed of a normal sea turtle. Turtles are reptiles and need to occasionally float on the surface of the sea. Unlike land turtles, their fragile belly is subject to Fatal attack, so the general turtles breathe quickly and dive when they show up, but the Pacific tortoises are different. They will lazily float on the sea for a long time, only to realize that this is very dangerous ⊙﹏⊙b In short, the Pacific tortoise is an endangered animal in the world. It is also a miser. Other sea turtle shells can rarely find mess, but it is a pile of seaweed conch …

Thaumas, Greek mythology means the wonders of the sea.

Xia Yi looked out of the sea, it was really a spectacular sight, like a large oval boat floating on the sea, but if you look closely, there are paddle-shaped limbs around “this boat”, or Speaking of the four fins, the two in front are larger than the back and look very powerful, but its movement is extremely slow, which makes the seawater hardly cause excessive waves.

[There are humans …]

Siren raised his head alertly, looking unhappyly at the direction of the sea.

From the bottom of the pale yellow oval long boat around the giant turtle, Xia Yi can think of it as a rubber boat by guessing. Did he encounter them again?

Xia Yi didn’t want to see anyone else, but that didn’t mean he could watch the familiar people die indifferently.

He wasn’t sure what these sea monsters were. This is a group of big guys that obviously don’t conform to common sense. They sound naive, but after all, they are sea monsters and cannot be measured by human thoughts. In case Li Shao they are not careful Did something that angered the sea monster. Presumably this turtle won’t mind changing the recipe and swallowing them directly.


He was a little eager, and the turbulent waves turned up when he floated up, slamming the big turtle, and then heard a series of screams.

Several people fell off the turtle’s back.

Before Xia Yi could see it clearly, he was surrounded by oysters and conch.

It felt as if the unlucky person was standing in the dump truck’s dumping direction, and the sea was full of gray or dark brown shells, because everyone was threatened by the sea monster to pull up the shells that were firmly attached to the turtle shell It ’s sweating and working like rain. There is no time to throw it into the sea, so they are piled up high. After all, this is still food. Even if the rubber boat ca n’t hold so much …

The result was a big wave, the sea turtle crooked, the spectacular scene that all the shells rolled down into the sea water!

Siren felt that it was dark and immediately swam away. The speed of the mermaid was very fast. The pale silver fish tail crossed a beautiful arc in the seawater and floated upward, even catching a large oyster. Strange glance and then appeared

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