The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 37

Some people understand that even noise and noise are worth remembering.

An Anping’s peaceful life has completely disappeared, and rushing out in the dark night will only cross the street.

Psionics are not gods. They will also be killed by bullets, stabbed to death, and seriously injured by bricks and steel pipes. They are also very careful. Temporary dwellings are repeatedly inspected, all doors and windows are locked, and heavy objects are blocked to prevent thugs from rushing through the windows. Sleeping is also looking for the most corner of the house, and there are sudden whimsy, sleeping in the cabinet or under the bed, all of this is to have a response time in the event of an unexpected accident.

Are you leaving me?

In the middle of the night, a low voice full of murderous intentions appeared directly in my mind. Who could not frighten up?

Infrasound waves are sound waves with a frequency of less than 20 Hz, which cannot be heard by humans. Infrasound waves are not easily absorbed by water and air when they propagate. They have no fixed direction and will be scattered in all directions. If their wavelength and hertz are properly adjusted, they can even circle the earth 2 times.

So a bunch of unlucky people, it was trivial to hit the cabinet bed, but no one paid attention to it, looked around in horror, and found nothing unusual.

The feeling of horror and horror still stagnated, making people shudder.

Is it a nightmare?

Although there are many psionicists, the percentage of people who can hear this voice is very small, and there may not be one of the ten. How hard is such a powerful psionicist to get together? About the conditions of some countries ’forces have this condition, so the conclusions drawn are even more shocking than just now.

——Not a nightmare. How can some people dream together?

During the earthquake in the Pacific Ocean, the infrasound waves emitted were chaotic and disordered. These powers just felt headaches and did not think about it. This time in the middle of the night, I suddenly heard such a terrible and terrible sentence … What conclusions would be inferred Will not count. In short, on the whole earth, only Li Shao turned over and continued to sleep.

Anne and Nalin woke up for a while, and heard the voice of the mermaid.

Women’s minds are more delicate, and can’t help wondering what is going on, which is related to Xia Yi? Or is the sea monster still lurking around the island? That’s really bad news!

And in a trench far enough away, Xia Yi couldn’t figure out whether it was day or night, and the concept of time-sharing counting was also blurred. The sea monsters were swimming all the way, eating all the time, and lazy to sleep.

Day or night?

Siren even looked at Xia Yi in confusion.

Is that important?

The difference between the sun and the moon is just the denseness of plankton in the waters close to the sea surface, and the high and low tides near the island and land. Otherwise, it is meaningless to the sea monster!

Xia Yi was silent for a moment, and could only simply say:

I need to sleep at night.

you are tired? Then we stop. Siren swam beside Xia Yi, and as the sea water deepened, his anxious mood seemed to be soothed, and his eyes looking at Xia Yi also eased a lot.

Xia Yi understood silently. The so-called sleep is synonymous with tiredness, inability to swim, support, and boredom in the understanding of the sea monster and Siren.

Hey, here? Hearing the rest, the first to protest was the big octopus.

Here is a long, narrow gap in a dark trench. As molluscs, Abisher and squid are forced to contract their bodies, so that through this water, in general, they ca n’t get stuck and are tangled.

Make way, your belly is going forward, I can’t see anything.

The kingfish hit his head with his head.

It ’s enough to enlighten you. I still have Urebia in front of me. It’s still purring with grunts. The octopus stated that he was innocent and would not hit the king jellyfish with Xia jellyfish.

In order to pass through this narrow waterway, squid can only stretch its arms and feet long, first let the crabs pass, then tentacles with its arms and feet, and finally squeeze the body.

Fortunately, although the crab’s original shape is large, it is flat. Six legs are still supported on the rock wall to climb down. The buoyancy of the sea is great. This is the advantage. The sidestands are very flexible, especially the crabs. The movement is exactly like climbing with a strap.

In this case, humans have a good word to describe it.

–Traffic jam.

Let’s go this way …

Xia Yi felt that he knew what Li Shao often said about the black line.

I really want to say something, I just can’t find what I can say, turn my head and look at it, and can’t help but laugh, but I guess if you laugh, Siren will be annoyed, these sea monsters are really interesting.

Siren turned to look at the tragedy of the congestion.

In fact, it is the habit of Siren to go this way. This road is a short cut. Mermaids can swim past. There is no problem with the king fish, but-anyway, it is just the mistake made by the road ahead!

Mariana Trench, 1,300 meters deep.

Vaguely, Xia Yi heard a vague voice. No, it was felt that a erratic sound wave appeared in his mind, and he worked hard to discern it for a long time before he became clear.

The voice was shouting “Siren.”

The sea monsters apparently heard it, Qi Qipa stopped and looked in one direction.

It was Volcus.

Since the sea monsters know it, it is not the same kind of Siren

Xia Yi did not know why he was relieved, and felt quite weird. According to logic, he should hope that Siren met another mermaid, so that he could leave smoothly.

Siren, what are you doing, I shout for a long time …

The sound was very strange, Xia Yi felt that the sound waves with the sea monsters were obviously not on the same channel.

He was right, it was not an infrasound wave, but an ultrasound. The advantage of ultrasonic waves is that they have good directivity and can travel very far in the water. If they are inaudible on land, they will lose a lot of air, and they wo n’t transmit half of the earth.

Siren took us to swim a sad …

Before Abigail spoke, he was interrupted by Siren.

It’s okay, it’s Absid.

You bullshit, I didn’t get fat! I measured it with a bottle!

I said you’re getting fat, that’s it!

… goo, alright. Ablis turned the tentacles. Most of the time, you are the boss. It doesn’t matter if you say the sea water is rolling away.

Wait, we need to explain, that Volkus is a heterogeneous sound wave that is used very poorly, similar to the psionicist, can hear infrasound waves, but it is difficult to increase global roaming. Ultrasound. And Siren and other sea monsters still use infrasound, or long-distance underwater roaming, sympathize with the ability of the world to be forced to listen to sea monster broadcasts.

Siren, what’s wrong, whoever wants to leave you, I’ve been woken up by you.

The erratic voice is ambiguous and intermittent, but it’s kind of clear and clear.

The sea monsters didn’t speak at all, waiting for Siren to respond.

Nothing, Volkus, you keep playing your …

But no boat has recently passed by the Sargasso Sea, and there are no rubber boats. I can’t wait to fall asleep. The voice in the distance was extremely depressing, vague thoughts, Siren, come over and help me see!

Volkus, you are so stupid that you haven’t even noticed such a big change. The emperor belt fish couldn’t hold it.


Nothing has changed, and humans have not become extinct. Nereus murmured and whispered again, my herd of fish was killed by humans three times, hum, now I’m going to the deep sea again, I can only leave them, without me, what should my little cute do? They will be eaten by other fish.

What do you cry without eyes? The big octopus muttered, and then used the last sentence to hang up this long-distance underwater roaming communication, Volcus, I will come to the Atlantic to find you in a while.

Regardless of the stagnation of the powerful abilities that heard this unilateral dialogue, the group of sea monsters who started it seemed as if nothing had happened. They continued to climb and try to evacuate traffic.

Xia Yi was puzzled when he heard the end.

Do sea monsters have regional differences? Dividing the Atlantic and the Pacific?

Wrong, did n’t that squid and crab come from Antarctica? Of course, there are Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean in Antarctica… Everything other than Arctic Ocean, but why are there no sea monsters in the Arctic?

Don’t think wildly.

Who says people in love? They are all idiots, and Siren has no mastery of his own, guessing that Xia Yi’s initial suspicion was that Volkus was not a mermaid, it just … it didn’t appear here because it had no ability to move.

Can’t move?

Good guy, besides a slow-moving crab, there is also a sea monster that can’t move at all! What would it be Starfish, sea cucumber? No, it’s all active, although it’s slower … it can’t be an anemone! That coral is made up of countless dead or alive corals, or shells? No, are shells lethal?

Xia Yi felt awkward, totally ignorant that there were more abilities in the world that had been logically confused.

In the base on the outskirts of city B, all the people who finally fell asleep were awakened, and their sleepy eyes rose up for a meeting. Now there is no strong tea, no coffee, and I ca n’t help but listen to the report.

“Only the power hears?”

Everyone looked at each other and could not understand:

“What did you hear?”

This is a good question. Few sentences heard by individuals are different, but there is no error in meaning, that is, the use of vocabulary is slightly different. The most weird is the description. Some abilities use dialect.

“It’s sound waves, and Chen Yanping with mental powers is very sure.”

“The most troublesome thing is that there are several names in everyone’s words, so it may only be infrasound, and the country recorded these things before the last days.”

Someone who couldn’t help but stood still while talking:

“Wait, Volkus, Abisher, Siren … who is that?”

It doesn’t sound like Chinese!

43.Speaking about sea monsters

In the same situation, not only City B, but also the other end of the Pacific Ocean.

“What? Sea monster?”

This is a ridiculous joke. In the original democratic United States, people’s trust in the government can be high or low.

Those who choose to belong to the state in the last days are either ambitious or treacherous, or they are too lazy to manage messy things, and there are people who worry about eating, drinking, and chores every day. They only need to deter the so-called thug from time to time, and they can satisfy that What a hero complex. Therefore, although these powers got the answer the first time, they felt angry and thought it was perfunctory.

“When those **** people think they can still buy everything, give them a good look and see what to do?”

“What isn’t our business? It’s too arrogant!”

“Shit, the tank is scrap metal. Get some good guns and carry some bullets. Where can’t you mix?”

Those who can hear infrasound are very strong. These days, there are a lot of confidence from the storm of confidence, some careful thinking also faintly floated, and now there are problem outbreaks, many of those who have always felt unpleasant, were companions As soon as I said it, it immediately made sense.

The end of the world has come. It is difficult to say what will happen in the future. The climate is weird and the crops that can be planted are limited. Instead of staying here to see people’s faces, it is better to try to make famous places elsewhere. Participating party? The chaebol family’s Wall Street are all jokes. It depends on who is buying things now! The most precious thing is food and medicine, and then clothing and quilts, guns and ammunition. You can’t change them. You can only grab them.

Many things are changing quietly, although nobody paid much attention to it in the beginning.

And on the outskirts of city B

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