The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 41

, Wondering, where did those voices come from? It seems I heard the name of a trench, and I heard that a guy named Taomas was also attacked by a monster called a spider crab! Can anyone kill these monsters easily in this era when all high-tech is scrapped?

Psionicists around the world heard these messages as sound waves passed.

Of course, many people are a little confused. The disconnection of communication immediately makes the distance of the world far away. Even if it is a large force, they do n’t know what is happening at the moment dozens of kilometers away. It will take a few days for the news to arrive. City B The news was that the killer crabs had landed in a certain city, but during a meeting to discuss the matter, the killer crabs moved to another beach along with the seawater to kill them.

“There is no effective way to deal with them. We have no hot weapons above the rifle, no helicopter, and at most only the chemical sulfuric acid in the laboratory is left. It will only be effective if it is poured in close proximity-“

“Chairman, do you mean, let those sea monsters deal with spider crabs?”

“There are too many densely populated cities on the southeast coast. Even if the army chases the direction of the killer crab migration, there are a series of dangers such as supplies and □ on the road. What can we do after we arrive? We can’t come up with effective Ways to contain this kind of monster, but this land, this coast, these people are all from this country … We are open and helpless, and now the news that the powerists have heard, there is a mass reproduction of killer crabs! “

These ferocious monsters were originally produced after the nuclear waste changed, and they are very different from the original species. Maybe when will they gradually develop the ability to expect to live on land. By that time, humans will It’s over! I can only hide in the old mountains!

“Tell the Academy of Sciences that the weaknesses of killer crabs must be researched as soon as possible, and a very effective method of combating them. As long as it does not cause serious environmental pollution and chemical weapons are okay, we cannot stop the evolution of these monsters with nature!”

“This, the Academy of Sciences must have samples for research, even corpses …”

“Captain Hao, you take three abilities and follow this direction–“

The old man tapped his finger on the map, “It ’s estimated that three days after arriving in this city, the killer crabs will migrate to the seawall here, and the people there will be notified to evacuate, and the news will be just fine. If the people over there refuse to go … “

The old man looked at the young man in the second lieutenant’s uniform, paused, and reached out and patted his shoulder:

“… Don’t come hard, keep yourself and your team members safe. Now you are the country’s greatest wealth and defensive force. The Academy of Sciences will be our hope. Based on City B, we will rebuild the entire country. Only high-tech and thermal weapons. Without electricity, we still have wind, solar, and tidal energy. After ten or two decades, a new civilization will reappear. Before that, the country needs you. Take care of yourself! Everything matters! “

The captain of that power squad shook his lips, and wanted to say something but didn’t say it, and suddenly stood straight.

“The news of killing crabs was spread to coastal cities along the way. Whether they believe it or not, they have to say how many people can be saved because of this news …” The old man looked very tired and muttered, “I used to think that we The country is powerful. As a result, the earth tells us that humans are nothing but ants that live on its body. It has a history of 4.6 billion years and will continue in the future. How speculative are humans that they think they will destroy the earth? Naive! “

The people at the conference table were silent.

In this land, there are monsters who feed on humans unscrupulously, but the government cannot find any way for the time being. They can only rely on sea monsters who expect nothing from their dispositions. This kind of blow is the biggest.

“The chairman thinks that those sea monsters must be able to kill spider crabs?”

“There is a law in nature. The more groups of animals, the less capable they are of individual survival! Even some animals, only in groups, can bring terrible disasters, such as termites, or locusts …”

Those named sea monsters are special because there is almost no similar species found in the records.

“I believe that when I stay on a tall building not far from the beach, after the ‘war’, the body of the spider crab will be easy to get.” The old man said seriously and seriously, “The number of these monsters is huge, and there will always be leaks. To escape, so research must be carried out, the strength is best if you belong to yourself, expecting that other factors will always only be able to completely solve the problem. This time we can not do anything, but if spider crabs come to attack next year during the breeding season, it must be Let them come up and never get back! “


The spirited voice couldn’t hear the sea monsters.

Gradually reduce the pressure when floating, because the speed is too fast, so Xia Yi has the illusion of tinnitus,

As you go further upstream, Xia Yi also clearly recognizes the strangeness. The reefs and the fine sand on the bottom of the sea have deep traces, which are even more dead than the sea monsters when they swam across the coral reefs. Slightly larger rock cracks have been ripped apart. Some fish and shrimp stumps are still floating in the sea, which is usually difficult to see. There will always be creatures competing for food.

Not only are there no shells, but even sea cucumbers and starfish are no longer visible.


Urebia waved his arms and legs in anger.

Although they also like to eat non-stop, they never eat everything in a sea. The sea monsters are wise, they understand the principle of fishing in the water, and they do not eat one kind of food. Most importantly, they do not eat seedlings.

The first radiation in the last days also caused the death of many fish and shrimp, but it has no effect on spider crabs, but stimulated their crazy survival and reproduction. They wandered along the Pacific Ocean, attacking and biting all visible prey.

Perhaps only those fast-moving fish escaped.

Such as tuna and swordfish.

My herring, woohoo!

Xia Jellyfish tumbled in the sea. In the waters close to the coral reef, its small herd fish was no longer visible. Nerus hurried between the reef and the rock gap, anxiously calling, but only disappointed in the end.

Ah, my bottle! !! The octopus lay behind a piece of coral, and watched with heartache as the temporary nest built of stones collapsed, and several delicate small bottles obtained from the Talassa Goddess all became a pile of fragments.

The sea monsters’ eyes were all green, and the infrasound of anger spread far and far.

Taumas, where are you?

Ultrasound is able to locate, Siren never worried about getting lost in the sea.

The mermaid looked at Xia Yi hesitantly.

Spider crabs are too dangerous for humans, but Siren is reluctant to let Xia Yi leave him.

Nereus, you stay with us …

No, why can’t I go, I want to avenge my herring fish!

Uh, those guys are not afraid of infrasound because of mutation, your body is too soft! Abisher uses the tentacles to pick the angry Xia Jellyfish aside, and the spider crab’s eight legs are sharp and sharp, you will be punctured!

Then I will be watching from a distance! Nereus still gave up.

Siren thought for a moment, and decisively felt that it was also good to let Neruz open his body to cover the surroundings to protect Xiayi.

Then you float on the sea, and only use floating ones, don’t encourage your body!

Jellyfish will emit a large amount of carbon monoxide when it floats up. This is also the reason why Nereus first saw Xia Yi, who was unlucky in the shallow waters and fainted with carbon monoxide.

I can’t swim …

Xia Yigang raised this point, and Siren had embraced his waist and swam to Abiser’s tentacles close to his body, and stretched out the other hand to hold it. Then I patted the back of the octopus quite angrily:

Come on, Abisher!

The octopus is stupid. The mermaid is much faster in the sea than it can catch tuna directly!

——But is human being too fast?

In the distant waters, a huge turtle is trying to break free from the siege of spider crabs. Because the abdomen is weak, it can only cling to the bottom of the sea. In fact, many turtles are attacked by sharks when they float on the surface of the sea. When he died, Taumas dared to float on the sea often because of infrasound waves, and even the mighty marine predators would flee without hesitation.

However, the lethality of infrasound waves has no effect on spider crabs. They are unnatural mutant monsters.

The turtle’s head, unlike the four-fin and land turtle, cannot be retracted into the shell, so it has become the target of focus. But Spider Crab’s most violent claws are sharper, and for a while, they can’t help Taomas.

It carries a seaweed and moss on its back for many years. Its skin is not only tough enough to withstand water pressure, but also very creamy.

Especially in the fierce floating sea water, the sharp feet of the spider crab slipped away before it poked.

Taumas didn’t take it seriously at first, but spider crabs are growing more and more, crawling on its back, pressing it to swim slower and slower, and dare not float to the surface, apparently in trouble.

If you change to another sea monster, it is still deadlock, but the passage of time is very bad for Taumas.

Because the turtles need to float on the surface!

Siren, help, Abisher, come on!

The Atlantic Ocean was the first to answer:

Taumas? Ah … what should you do? I will save you!

A turtle suddenly became furious in distress:

Volkus, you shut up, you have no use at all, you are so stubborn that I can’t hear Siren’s voice, and just stay away!

47. Rescue operation

A long distance away, one could smell the thick blood in the sea.

Groups of sharks are wandering in the outer waters. They are attracted by foraging instincts. The smell of blood interferes with their judgment. They rush into the shallow water. After killing a lot of sharks, the sharks leave a dozen dead bodies. Exited this sea.

Above and below the reefs and waters, there are huge spider crabs. They seem to stay somewhere slowly, but the retractable eyes at the edges of the crustaceans will sneak away once they catch the target. They are natural attackers. , Also a murderous executioner. First plunge the leg into the prey’s body accurately, and then use pliers to attack the key.

Although the shark has great strength, it is also very flexible and swims fast, but it cannot hold up dozens of spider crabs.

This unexpected meal slowed the migration of spider crabs a bit, and stayed in this area to share food. Taomas in the seabed was almost out of breath. It was full of these guys, so that it had lost even the last strength. It was dizzy and desperately moved forward. No spider crab was intentionally driven away from the reef. Several spider crabs have been buried in the sea sand in front. Just waiting for the turtle to throw itself in the net, tearing Taomas’ belly.

Spider crabs do not have independent and complete logical thinking, but this does not mean that they are stupid. On the contrary, in terms of hunting, they have a good tacit understanding and cooperation, plundering breeding ethnic groups, food is not enough to go to the deep sea, but soon found that the land is the real food-rich place, human beings are much more vulnerable than marine life, unlike Sharks have sharp teeth, and they are not as difficult as turtles.

The great migration of spider crabs proceeded in an orderly manner, just down the coastline.

The sea looked very turbid, bright red, with broken bones, hair … like hell.

No, it’s too much, if you rush over, you will be immediately wrapped!

The good-looking Abhisser turned away from the rushing sharks, glanced at the dark sea, and turned his head to Sairen.

The wavelength of this infrasound wave is not suitable for long-distance transmission, but weirdly, many of them have the largest heads, and the carapace becomes a black-red spider crab.

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