The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 52

Fishtail with scales …

The water flowed down the straight and long legs, and it was almost indistinguishable from the distance. This made Siren squint a little, squinting. In this way, the difference between him and Xia Yi was even smaller–don’t deceive yourself, Xia There are no fins on the arm.

Xia Yi, who wanted to change her posture, turned slightly, facing the direction of Siren.

The mermaid didn’t even think about it. He threw the struggling dolphins out of the way, and dived quickly along the waves.

Looking at the Xia Yi of the sea through the water curtain.

Just now, I seem to see a light silver shadow flash … but unlike the fish tail, it should not be a siren. (Hey, that’s Siren’s hair)

The little dolphin rushed to Xia Yi in horror and almost stranded on the beach.

——The sea monster that kidnapped him and left the dolphin community is here again! !!

Continued to splurge on fresh water, and Xia Yi, who also washed her hair carefully, touched the dolphin’s head and rolled it back with seawater.

The sun gradually rose, and the sand began to shine. Xia Yi did not dare to expose the clothes, which would be completely scrapped. He could only quickly put away his pants and shirts and ran under the coconut tree to see that there were no insects around. So put the picked clothes directly on the ground, lie down comfortably, cover your shirt and pants directly on your body, press your arms, and not be afraid of the wind blowing away, just dry your clothes, killing two birds with one stone.

Xia Yi, who had not closed her eyes overnight, soon fell asleep.

The sea near the beach swelled slightly, and Siren emerged from the water. He tangled and looked at Xia Yi, who covered his chest and abdomen with clothing (that position was to prevent the cold), and then tangled to see where he was. The distance from the location to under the coconut tree.

——After moving ashore, you can’t afford to move the mermaid that can only be crawled!

Don’t dare let the other party find that the mermaid he’s been to can’t hurt more! !! It might as well be separated by a layer of water before, at least it can be encountered!

57.Benefits of the last days

Xia Yi slept particularly well, the sea breeze was blowing, the shade was good, and the sun was warming the sand around. The most important thing was to sleep in a posture all the time, and it would not wake up inexplicably. Find yourself tilted, or hover like a weightless astronaut at a bizarre angle …

As soon as I opened my eyes, I found that the sun was hanging to the west. When Xia Yi was about to get up, I found that because of keeping a movement for a long time, the back and the back of the head were numb and uncomfortable. Well, there is no such trouble in the sea. The seawater is constantly moving, and the full floating water bed has additional massage effects or something.

Xia Yi reached out and rubbed his hands for a long time, hesitated, and went to the beach without clothes.

After all, the clothes have just been washed. If the sun goes down, they won’t dry. If you wear wet clothes at night, you will die. Go to the sea and find something to eat.

As a result, as soon as he stepped into the water, the dolphin popped his head and bit an empty tin can in his mouth.

Xia Yi froze, the dolphins happily threw the jar ashore, dived one after another, floated up, and kept biting things to the beach. Because the island is not too shallow, about six or seven meters, the dolphins quickly dropped three or four shells, a fish, or even a weird one. I did not know what kinds of crabs were thrown up, and finally turned a circle in the seawater, silly haha Xiao smiled at Xia Yizhen.

This is not bad, even if you go to the sea to find food, Xia Yi has forgotten the trouble of this little guy, and touched the dolphin’s head for his face, and then condensed a water polo for him to entertain himself. go with.

Xia Yi didn’t know why the dolphins were happy-it was Siren who swam away. The dolphins thought that they had defeated the terrible and powerful enemy OTZ. It couldn’t wait to find Xia Yi to share a side dinner.

This tin can is the same as the one left on the beach. The handwriting is all in English. Xia Yi can barely understand that this is a box of canned beef. The place of origin in the United States seems to be military supplies. As for other things, the general level of English depends on It is troublesome to understand food instructions. Before Xia Yi asked, he saw the waves rushing up to a transparent and small thing.

At first glance, he thought it was a jellyfish. When he took a closer look, Xia Yi, a single man, took a long time to react, and the black line was full.

It ’s weird. The fugitives still carry condoms with them in the last days. They seem to have used them …

This idea made Xia Yi not want to go to the sea in an instant!

——It’s just a container for rainwater. Xia Yi, you think too much.

The island is not very big, except for a dozen or so coconut trees, there are only a few dense low plants. The coconuts are very high, and it seems that it is not the season for coconuts to mature. The main purpose of Xiayi coming to shore is to eat Delicatessen.

What, if he is not a fire ability, can’t make a fire?

Of course, Xiayi is indeterminate with such a vicious skill of drilling wood and fire. He just condensed a condensing lens or a magnifying glass with ice to barely condense. Previously, those people had a good grill and unused grills. The plants were just underneath, dangling in the sun for a long time, and finally a small Martian sprang up from the dried plants before freezing.

Have to move those plants that act as firewood a little bit, otherwise the Martian planet would be destroyed without oxygen.

After more than ten minutes of fighting, the small flame finally broke out, during which Xia Yi caught the crabs that tried to escape countless times, filled the tin can with fresh water, and burned it on the fire. The iron heat quickly, and the water was boiling quickly Xia Yi, who has not cooked a meal, threw this crab directly into the boiling water-it seemed a bit cruel, but in order to exchange food, Xia Yi decided to continue squatting by the fire.

But the tin cans were too small, and the crabs popped out. They continued to escape by the side of the fire.

There is no way, Xia Yi can only control the boiling water in the can to gather into a ball, then cover the crab with the head, float to the fire and continue to roast (this is the sauna crab must be), and dig out the meat in the shell, Refill the tin cans with water and stuff them in to cook. The water was drained in the first two passes, the shellfish broth was fresh in the third pass, and the crabs were just cooked through.

The ice water swelled and cooled down before eating.

Shellfish broth is very stinky, but it is so happy to have soup.

Xia Yi spent a long time trying to pry open the shell of the crab, the tongs and the flesh were both tender and delicious, so he decided to grab a lobster to bake in the water sauna next time!

However, the plants on this island are limited, and it will not last for a week if all the firewood is pulled out, if the fire piles up day and night!

But the night was cold, and Xia Yi was unwilling to put out the fire. When he was almost eating, he stood up and went to find the fire of the night. When he was picking the dry leaves, he heard a jubilant voice:

[I’m back, I found something good! ]

This seems to be Abisher?

[Nerez! Taumas! Take a look, this is what I picked up when I came back. I always wanted this, but Siren said that this is a human thing and ca n’t be touched … eh? Why are there people on it! ]

Those around the world who heard this subsonic wave had ominous premonitions, including Xia Yi.

[Regardless, this is mine now! ]

The sound almost broke away like Abisher!

Xia Yi didn’t think much about it. Those sea monsters with interesting personality will be remembered in the future. Even if they meet, they just listen to a few words. Xia Yi sighed at this time, wasn’t the animal intuitive so strong, otherwise why would he feel that something was wrong with Siren?

Just don’t know if Siren–

Xia Yi looked at the sea and was missed. He missed it. He would not try to find Siren. He liked this feeling and thought that he would never appear in his life. This is actually quite good now. There is nothing more worthy of cherishment and cherishment than the absence.

In the far Pacific ridge, the huge Xia jellyfish shrank tentacles, like a huge net covering the waters below, eating with nourishment while muttering:

[Just ignore you! 】

Absid was indeed depressed. It was certain that all the sea monsters had heard it, but no one ignored it.

Siren can also say that he is busy, what other sea monster is busy! They only have two things to do, that is eating and sleeping.

[Siren, this is a boat. I promise you will like it. I know you like the sunken ship as much as I do. Where do you say we sunk it? ]

This topic is really ferocious!

All powers stunned. Even in the legend, sea monsters are monsters that capsize ships and even devour human beings, but in this way, it is better and easier to discuss where to put the sunken ship on the sea floor! !!

By the way, Siren is just like mythology. He likes to sit on the bow of a sunken ship and stare at the sea … wait, isn’t that a mermaid’s hobby?

[Don’t sink, Xia Yi likes land! ]

Siren reached the above conclusion through a full day of observation.

Because he refused to let Xia Yi contact other humans and go to the land, Abisher always said that he liked the boat, but he could consider it.

[Ugh? Xia Yi is alive] Abisher asked stupidly.

[What nonsense? ] Siren was annoyed, and if Xia intended to misunderstand, he would never have hope, and could only quickly plead: [He is not my kind! ]

[what? Not the same kind, great, that is to say you will not eat each other after mating? ]

Xia Yi was almost choked by the remaining shellfish broth.

The psionicists from all over the world, especially those with government forces, get up and write a report when they hear infrasound. This will twitch the mouth and eat the object after what. A brutal race!

In the monitoring report, Professor Lin saw the records, and he was so angry that he would wake up the psionicists including Captain Hao:

“Listen carefully, it’s not unusual to eat your favorite object!”

What is your taste, Professor Lin?

The stranger’s eyes were filled with such unbelievable suspicion, shocking! I love you so much that I ate you or something forever, it ’s terrible!

“Don’t analyze natural creatures with human eyes!” The old professor was so angry with smoke. “Many animals have this behavior, most spiders, all mantis! And some female snakes will swallow the last one to mate with it. The male snake is too late to leave. Animal reproduction does not have love, but only instinct. In order to breed the offspring safely, females need to find a safe place to hide. At this time, hunting skills will decline, and they will be afraid of being eaten by natural enemies. , Genetics will make them swallow males … there are more creatures that die even if they do n’t eat each other, such as moths, males die after mating, and females die after they lay eggs … “

“Professor, you talk too much, we have to listen to infrasound for recording!”

Captain Hao successfully saved all the psionics with a pale face in one sentence.

[What’s so good? I have never eaten the same kind! !! ] Siren was furious.

Octopus Abish slowly said:

[That’s because you haven’t been mated, let’s say you’ve encountered similar people? I said it was great, because Xia Yi is very good, I like him very much …]

[Abiser, say it again! !! ]

[Ah, I mean, look, he eats less than you, he is very powerful, not as irritable as Guru, and not as stupid as Urebia, the most important thing is not to fight with us, Always stayed at the end and gave me my collection …]

Are these really advantages?

Xia Yi suddenly felt so cold. Well, it must be that the sun was going down. He went to find clothes to put on.

As for Li Shao and An Li, they are desperately reminiscing, strongly doubting whether they really knew Xia Yi.

Professor Lin from City B made an exciting conclusion with other surviving sea monster research scientists in the world. Siren may be the only one on the planet, and 80% is female.

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