The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 69

It no longer has to sleep in distress, there will be a lot of holes in the tentacles.

Molluscs can’t afford to toss. The much longer meat does not mean you can just poke!

Looking at the back of a certain octopus fleeing, Xia Yi sympathized at first, but he could not go in by the door—but when he arrived at the Great Barrier Reef, he immediately abandoned the idea just now.

The depth of the water here is really limited, just enough to squeeze Abisher in.

The most terrible thing is that there are too many obstacles in this area. It is like a tropical rain forest composed of corals. It is not even possible to see a few meters away. Although the water is clear and blue, it is like a gem, but these coral reefs can’t bear it. They look so bad that some have already surfaced.

Xia Yi’s eyes were straight, and he saw a lot of coral reefs, but they were undulating on the bottom of the sea. Occasionally, there was a raised block that was definitely a flock of chickens. It was definitely not like this. Those corals actually left the sea and directly displayed their bodies in the sun.

Siren seemed to enjoy the warm sunshine. After swimming a long way, he climbed directly onto a coral reef exposed above the sea. He sat there looking up at the clear blue and cloudless sky, and the pale silver fish tail was still there. Soaked in sea water. Hair was scattered on the shoulders, and the small white jade conch hung close to the chest, and the fins on the elbows and waist had been born again. The ivory-white bone spurs support the tulle-like fins, which are still translucent. When the sea breeze blows over, a few strands of wet hair move slightly, exposing the evenly symmetrical butterfly bone and the two obvious reddish points.

Especially the layered corals on the side, some branches are thick and very curious and stick out a few trunks, and others are like a thousand layers of crunchy rolls. Xia Yi pointed out that half of the coral reef was off-white The giant clam is located just above the surface of the sea. This makes the fish’s tail covered with pale silver scales immersed in the sea as the clam shell slides. The scene is simply the most beautiful fantasy-style illustration.

No matter what kind of character you are, when you see the beautiful scenery to such an extent, you will subconsciously slow down your breath, stare at the devil, and forget you.

A triangle of fins emerged from the water, and silently swept away from the distance to swim—

Siren just turned his eyes from the clear sky to Xia Yi.

He hadn’t even found Xia Yi to see him look like a god, he had caught the strangeness of the sea!

A sharp, awakening sound of Xiayi echoed, and he watched in horror as Siren slammed the coral reef, his body crashing into the sea in an arc, and the sudden splash of water blurred his vision.

Xia Yi did not understand what was going on, and then dived.

A tiger shark with a full body marking of more than four meters is writhing in the seawater. Its horrible mouth is biting wildly, and its sharp teeth have dropped the coral reef into a small piece. The siren does not touch it directly at all, and sticks firmly. Holding its dorsal fins, it turned quickly with its fierce movements. Compared with such a shark, the length of a mermaid is very small, only one third of it, and the degree of flexibility allows the tiger shark not to touch even a circle.

This fierce creature that dominates the waters is fierce and hits even more fiercely.

While Xia Yi stepped back, she wrapped the water layer firmly on her side.

He condensed more than a dozen ice blades hovering in the sea water, watching the fierce water in front of him, and for a moment did not know how to do anything to help Siren.

The mermaid and tiger shark are too tightly attached.

This life-threatening fight is like a fierce and vigorous dance. This tiger shark, which is not yet an adult, is not a rival of Siren at all, although it is already a very fierce species of sharks, and its response is extremely fast. However, the slightly large body made it toss from the sea surface to the bottom of the sea, and Yu Guang always could only look at the flaky pale silver fishtail. When he opened his mouth and bitten bitterly, he emptied it again.

The tiger shark only chased after the moving object. Although it was originally intended to attack Xia Yi, this spleen was provoked. For a while, the Xia Yi was dazzled by the fact that this guy’s teeth were almost indestructible. The giant clam, the size of a chair, was hit with a fierce blow, causing obvious cracks on the surface of the shell, and the surrounding corals were scattered pieces.

Compared to tiger sharks, which are hard and bumpy, Siren is much more flexible. From the fingertips to the tail of the fish, you can bend a wonderful arc at will, just avoiding coral reefs and obstacles. Ambush on the back of the tiger shark.

The fish skin on the back of the shark is obviously tough. After mastering the trick of this guy, Siren mercilessly left five bloodstains on its flank. The injured tiger shark was even more irritable. His actions were completely disordered. Ren took the opportunity to press and hold its dorsal fin. This time it was not a short wound. All five fingers were half removed. No matter how painful the tiger shark tossed, it could maintain this action without being thrown off.

Blood splattered in the sea water, and red-stained spray.

The fierce marine predator finally felt fear.

It began to desperately travel out, very fast, and it was trying to escape. Because blood will stimulate the senses of many fishes, including its counterparts, and it is just an adult tiger shark. In order to save your life, you can only rush into the natural sea lake surrounded by coral reefs. These places often have only a gap, suitable for It heals injuries and can also block the entrance for an ambush when encountering opponents.

Siren didn’t want to follow it to ride a ride, loosening his fingers halfway and not looking at the running tiger shark. Instead, he approached Xia Yi, rubbing his chest and back gently with his arms.

This is to know if Xia Yi was injured.

But because of the layer of water, Xia Yi could only see the faint red blooming around her body.

Siren’s chest was a little undulating, and Xia Yi found that mermaids also sweated, but those crystal water beads immediately melted out of the forehead and scapula and melted in the sea water.

Siren did not express any dissatisfaction with the layer of sea water that Xia Yi wrapped around his body.

Just touched it and hugged it tightly, without letting it go for a long time.

The seawater has returned to calm. If the corals here are like tropical rain forests, the towering coral reefs are like cliffs. The most interesting thing is that many corals are like lotus leaves, and they even look like ganoderma. A group of butterfly fish with yellow markings and black eye-like spots on their tails swim back.

Many large and small eyes also appeared in the gap. A fist-sized mussel tentatively opened the shell, and Xia Yi’s eyes were punctured by the precisely refracted light.

It was round beads, embedded in the mussel meat.

【Sirens? 】

Xia Yi remembered the scene just now, and began to feel a little scared.

Tiger sharks are too fierce. This is one. What if a group?

It used to be that sea monsters were creatures without natural enemies in the ocean. Now it may not be necessary to come, even if they are as big as Abisher, they are not as hard as a grunt, or there are always places that can’t be avoided. Teeth and clam shells have to be cracked. If you go down, you will be seriously injured if you die.

Feeling Xia Yi’s emotions were different, Siren opened his distance in doubt, and looked carefully at Xia Yi’s appearance, because he did not find any wounds, he was puzzled:

[That shark is afraid to come again. 】

Xia Yi didn’t answer, just stared around.

The Great Barrier Reef is about the most beautiful tropical sea he has ever seen. It is full of vitality, a few small fishes are drilled under the soft white sand, and then they are channeled away. Really not sure.

His anxiety was obvious, and Siren grabbed his arm and motioned him to swim towards the dense coral reef.

The Great Barrier Reef is actually like a labyrinth. There are occasionally huge leaf-shaped seaweeds floating or falling in the middle of a coral reef that is spiraling like a curved wall or a pillar. get lost. There are no signs on the sea floor that can be used as road signs, even if there is a particularly obvious and strange coral group, but the landscape can be seen at the same time.

The more he looked, the more uneasy Xia intended.

There are many places where large fish that are good at ambushes can avoid, and they just need to wait for the opportunity to come out. It is absolutely impossible to prevent.

[Xiayi? Don’t you like it here? 】

Siren felt bad and approached Xia Yi, but he hadn’t had time to say anything. The danger really came suddenly like Xia Yi thought. They were turning over a huge coral reef. The scene Xia Yi saw was not colorful. Undersea scenery, but a huge open mouth, white sharp teeth like triangular sawtooth.

Xia Yi screamed, but was choked by the seawater. He desperately pulled the Siren to swim back. The calm sea water was turbulent, but it was too late. Siren was facing Xia Yi, and he did not see the back Happening.

However, when she saw Xia Yi’s expression and noticed the changes in the surrounding water flow, the mermaid’s purple eyes suddenly shrank.

Xia Yi heard a fierce sound wave without any meaning at all, which made him dizzy and out of control. The whole person lay forward and fell on Siren. Because of fear, Xia Yi still barely opened his eyes. Want to see clearly.

It turned out to be an incredible scene.

That shark-yes, this is really an adult tiger shark, which is eight meters in length, with its huge body turned over, its fins and body twitching strangely, slowly drifting towards the sea.

Xia Yi, terrified, forgot that he couldn’t breathe, and kept coughing.

The water layer on his body broke up with the power out of control, and the cold arm directly embraced his back, then the warm lips, and there was no other action after being put on. The temperature of the mermaid seems to be the same as the temperature of the seawater. It is slightly warmer in the tropics, but its temperature is still lower than that of Xiayi.

The cough slowly stopped, and Xia Yi was still very unaccustomed to such contact. Although he only touched his lips, he felt that it was not what he wanted to continue, so he turned his head slightly away.

[It … it’s dead? ] Looking at the shark’s white belly, Xia Yi still couldn’t believe it.

[Infrasound waves can kill many creatures …] Including humans, it is just a difference in frequency.

This is the mermaid’s innate ability, the talent for sound, and the truth that sea monsters have no natural enemies in the vast ocean. Otherwise, like Taomas, lazily floating on the sea, the belly without the protection of the armor would have been attacked. And, the bigger and more cruel the creature in the ocean, the safer it is. Electric eels and sea snakes are all deadly enough.

[Before that? 】

Siren didn’t speak, but Xia Yi could see it.

Obviously, it wasn’t just the unlucky shark that died, but many beautiful tropical fishes also suffered. However, they were small in size and did not float in the coral clumps. I don’t know if it was alive or dead.

The fatal infrasound frequency of different creatures is not the same. This tiger shark is too large. Under that sound, slightly smaller fish can’t withstand this impact and directly die.

Sea monsters do not have the slightest sense of ecological and environmental protection. The reason why they do not use infrasound casually is very simple.

——I killed all the food nearby, what should I do if I do n’t have to eat it later?

Xia Yi vaguely remembered that when encountering spider crabs, sea monsters seemed to say that spider crabs are troublesome because they are not afraid of infrasound waves, and they are not naturally occurring populations at all.

What about sea monsters?

How did they come about?


If Xia Yi could not figure out any problem, he would never say it.

At night on the Great Barrier Reef, there are almost bright lights, and the moon is shining on the sea, reflecting many beautiful lights. Constructing various cliffs and terrains are hard corals with various strange forms. Of course, there are more soft corals. They do not have a specific shape, but are composed of countless soft small cylinders. They are like enlarged bath balls, and they are laid down along the sea water. Also available in all colors, ivory white is not unusual, the light cyan looks like a vegetable from afar, the most faint is pink, and Xia Yi tried to press it, feeling softer than seaweed, comparable to Simmons .

However, the gaps of soft corals are the hiding place for many marine life. They also search for smaller shrimps and plankton in it. Xia Yi puts his hand in, and can flee out a bunch of frightened small creatures.

According to Siren, when it gets dark, many foods can be caught.

For example, sea urchin, this kind of thorny guy doesn’t like sunshine, and–


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