The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 8


But it wasn’t just the people on the cruise ship that were surprised by the sea monster’s fierce behavior.

Xia Yi stood on the edge of the dividing line between sunlight and shadow, and stopped slowly.

In fact, radiation is already everywhere, it is just a direct shot, it dies faster, the other …

Those who plan to die, still care about these?

Xia Yi looked up at the sky with almost no clouds. The voyages since going to sea have been such clear weather. In fact, this is the problem. Only the complete atmosphere can have water vapor and clouds, and rain and wind will be generated.

So many doomsday prophecies, so many catastrophe films, it is estimated that no one thought that one day, when the real doomsday came, it was more desperate than any description.

Real terror is invisible.

So when Xia Yi walked across the deck, he felt the skin stinging due to the irradiation was forcibly ignored. What he saw was the sea water, the vast sea surface was deep and endless, and occasionally the white snow spray caused by the shaking of the ship was impossible See through, maybe there is another sea monster hidden underneath it. The sea surface doesn’t look dangerous because it can’t see below the water surface.

The cruise ship flickered again, and Xia Yi’s movement over the railing stopped.

He saw a flash of silver appear in the spray.

Only that, Xia Yi flew forward because he didn’t catch the railing and fell down.

Falling from a height of more than thirty meters, in fact, it was only a few seconds. Xia Yi had to close his eyes. The last scene in his pupil was the shadow gradually emerging from the sea water.

-That seems to be a person!


Xia Yi forgot to give herself a knife.

No, to be precise, he didn’t even have a chance to give himself a knife, because the shock caused him to faint during the moment he fell into the water.

The knife in his hand clenched, gradually relaxed due to loss of consciousness, and fell into the sea.

What people will see after they die is a topic that has always been mysterious.

Although some studies have proven that a person will lose a few grams of brain after death, it is said that it is a proof of the existence of the soul, but Xia Yi never thought about what happened after death, because he was always alone, and there was nothing in the room where he lived. Lively, dark and heavy, even the cactus on the window sill was stingy, and the spines were almost gone.

The last thing Xia Yi thought of was it, and the cat downstairs who loves to play with woolen balls, that kind of creature is quite wayward. When you are happy, you will be rewarded with a look. When you are unhappy, you will turn your head and run without even a shadow. .

People who can keep cats must be patient and don’t care about being thrown away by pets.

Xia Yi has always been in the dark. He used to think that he can be like everyone else as long as he stepped out, but after he tried it, he found that darkness is like a shadow and a shadow. Some people can be like a fish no matter where they are, some people like him, no matter where they are. They are struggling and unpleasant, so they can only return, only if they do n’t expect anything, they will not be hit and victimized. The way people live is not to take themselves too seriously, and do n’t take other people too seriously. .

In fact, not many people really want to know what you are thinking. On the contrary, they often chatter to tell you what he thinks and hope you respect his views and opinions. If the listener just keeps refusing to say a word, and endure the day when it breaks out, people will be very confused, do n’t understand what kind of evil fire you are making, and like Xia Yi, it does n’t matter what others say. Living in his own world, never accommodating people, is the strangeness of current affairs in the eyes of everyone who will not be changed, but is his life really a mess?

Xia Yi was awakened by the sea water.

Opening his eyes, the sea surface was over the top of the head, and it was already very blurred. The refraction of the water made him unable to confirm the distance.

Another bitter salty sea.

Xia Yi instinctively waved his arm, but what made him panic was that the knife that had been caught was gone, was it lost when it fell into the water? His plan was not drowning alive, the process was much more painful, but at this time it was too late to struggle.

Even if you are a master swimmer, it is difficult to struggle to surface when you are wearing clothes, not to mention that you do n’t understand the summer meaning of water at all.

The water temperature is quite high, but it is just the most comfortable temperature for human beings. It is as warm as a hot spring. Xia Yi has no strength at all. He looks at the sea farther and farther away from him, and the goddess Talassa. That huge black shadow, many big fish were hiding under the ship, his throat began to hurt like a knife stabbed, and his throat and chest began to tingle and become stuffy.

He is going to die.

He saw the huge shadow in the distance, and the sea monster continued to hit the cruise ship.

Xia Yi didn’t close her eyes. The light shined through the sea, and suddenly it was like a beautiful illusion, people wanted to approach and touch, but he was getting farther and farther away.

But there was only death symbolized there, just like the deep waters that slowly became colder and darker.

When Xia Yi’s consciousness started to blur, he suddenly pulled him deeper. He struggled a little, but it didn’t help. Xia Yi couldn’t think of anything. The suffocating torture was enough to let him ignore his feet. Pulled strange, but then an arm slowly closed his waist from behind.


A large piece of pale silver brilliance that floats with the water, is that it?

In the turquoise blue water that gradually loses its luster, the magnificent and deep purple pupil suddenly floats a kind of trace that is unknown, and the long silvery hair is like the morning mist that drifts through the window. When it comes over, I couldn’t resist, Xia Yi’s gaze was fixed on the almost colorless lips, which was slightly opened at the moment, maybe something was about to be said.

Getting closer until contact.

The softness and coldness made Xia Yi feel that the pre-death illusion was too misty.

But Xia Yi didn’t insist on seeing exactly what appeared before him, and he was already fainted.

On the sea, the screams of horror and despair on the Goddess Talassa one after another. The sound of Xiayi’s falling into the sea was not as severe as the waves raised by the sea monsters waving their arms. Even if they saw it, what could they do? Already.

Li Shao shrank behind a box. All the clothes were stained with bloodstains and messy food spills. Not far away, a woman grabbed a wooden frame fixed to the ground and looked out of the window. She was coiled up. All her hair was scattered, her pink backless evening dress skirt was torn off by herself, and the heels of her heels were also cut off. It was Annie, who had more water and food around her than Li Shao, and Li Shao I dare not take a closer look anywhere, just say:

“That, Sister Annie, don’t be so close to the window, you will be sea monsters …”

Annie turned her head, because the expensive makeup was used, so until now, the shadow on her eyelashes has not gone away. Although she was a little embarrassed, she didn’t have the nervous expression of panic. She was only a little embarrassed. Only a moment later, she said:

“Xia … Xiayi jumped down!”

“Ah?” Li Shao was sluggish.

“Just now, from the side of the railing … Although it’s a little far away, seven or eight meters, he can still see …”

Li Shao hesitated for a moment, probably wanting to take a closer look at what happened, but he still didn’t dare to approach the window, and only lost his voice:

“Xia brother is crazy, there are sea monsters in the water, he still jumps down?”

Annie was even more shocked than Li Shao.

Because Xia Yi said, find a safe place to hide. Then why did he go to the railing by himself?

Jumping into the sea can never be a way of life, so is there no hope of staying alive on the boat?

A glimmer of despair passed through Anne’s eyes.

No, she doesn’t want to die yet, she must find a way!

Despair, now shrouded in the Talassa goddess, those who do not believe in religion are mumbling, more people are still cursing, so far they can’t believe how such a status, such a successful person, how bad , Encountered such a thing?

“Asshole, all say

The song of death …

The sea monsters came out with a stubborn companion, and all these words should be thrown into the sea! “

“M, as long as I escape this time, Lao Tzu will never go to sea again, Lao Tzu is flying!”

“What coast rescue team, what a bastard, almost 24 hours, haven’t come yet!”

Anxiety, restlessness, anger, fear, and human emotions, when they reach their zenith, will attract a legendary creature.


Xia Yi, who broke out of the water, opened his eyes vaguely, but he could only see a silvery white, and then he lost consciousness.

The sun had disappeared from the sky, and darkness had begun to pervade the sea.

Then everyone on the Talassa Goddess heard the song.

The mono-syllable chanting, ethereal, long, so beautiful, like penetrating the endless seawater, has the whole world, the singing of the sea monster? The more negative emotions erupted just now, the more embarrassed they were. They didn’t seem to hear singing, but from heaven, from the paradise world, from any place where you knew the most beautiful and happiest.

No worries, no sorrows, no pain.

Some people were still awake. They slammed their heads against the pillars in panic, and then saw the people around them smiling strangely, leaning or lying on the place. They rushed forward and swayed, but those people did not respond.

Then the sober person could only cover his ears to protect himself, but the singing came through clearly.

Fortunately, the cruise ship is no longer in operation, otherwise, any boat will be out of control, and the smaller one will just overturn.

Mermaids are not as good and kind as in fairy tales. In ancient legends on the ocean, their appearance would bring disaster. Even ships that saw mermaids could not return to land smoothly.

Light silver long hair draped over the shoulder along the slippery sea water. In the dark, its eyes are a kind of flowing purple. The looks are not beautiful or beautiful, but they have a special look and charm. The wrists and waist are light. Silver-like tulle fins stretch slightly with the fluctuation of the seawater, gorgeous like the clump of seaweed on the bottom of the sea, its pale arms tightly embrace the summer, the almost colorless lips are not open, and the mermaid’s singing is not with ear Hear it.

For example, Xia Yi, he didn’t hear anything.

Also unaffected is, of course, Abisher. The big octopus bumped the cruise ship for a long time and saw the bottle fall down, only sliding the tentacles past his eyes.

Too small, too small, still too small! !!

Why can’t humans on the ship throw away bigger bottles?

That’s right, smashing a bottle with an octopus has the same effect as plucking a cat with a funny cat stick or throwing a dog at a bone. Humans are always so abominable. They just like to use things to disturb sleeping or entertaining animals. Excited after picking up and let go, did you say too much?

Abhisit was irritable. He wanted to throw away those small bottles, but raised and lifted the tentacles many times.

In the end I was still not willing.

Because it was too angry and agitated, it heard the singing.

As a sea monster, its vision is very good. To be precise, the brighter it is, the more difficult it is to distinguish things. The darker it is, the more clearly it can see it. Going down, the powerful current sucked in and ejected made it quickly swim towards the sea far from the cruise ship.

The mermaid song began to lose life when it heard it.

The big octopus has decided. If the ship sinks to the bottom of the sea, it must belong to it, no matter who grabs it, it will not be allowed!

The author has something to say: After the modification, there is an extra chapter … so I had to compress it here

Sorry. I have n’t updated it today.


10. Sometimes …

Things that humans can explain are called “science”, but there are many that are not in this category.

This does not mean that no one has studied it, although it sounds like these items and propositions are more expensive, or the researcher’s brain is short-circuited. For example, in the Chinese martial arts novels, the two links to the office of the Governor are of course. Of course, this has limitations, except Chinese, others do n’t understand the word. It ’s not international, and it ’s different from what is mentioned below.

Mermaids, yes, they exist widely in the myths of various countries. Whether it is the East or the West, in the Aegean Sea or Babylon in Asia Minor, is it a tartar or a sea monster. As long as there are countries with coastlines, those stories will spread.

At least many secret files can tell you that from the time of the great voyage, it is clear that someone has heard the mermaid’s singing at sea, but these people are either far from the source of the singing, or they are simply mentally disordered, and the whole person is stingy. The people who research this information are sincere

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