The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 85

“Captain, this is a Pacific tortoise! ​​Many of their habits are different from the turtles, such as being dirty and lazy …”

“Enough, we are not academic!”

No one heard Captain Hao’s roar. Most of the team members saw sea monsters for the first time. They were really enchanted by such a large body. Ten meters and twenty meters are just a number concept. You can feel it when you see it with your own eyes. The only thing I got was shock. The existence of such magical creatures on the earth has also developed a weird social group relationship.

But how many years will it take for a turtle to grow so big.

“Can I ask that captain? Who is so boring and even named after the sea monster!”

“I don’t know. It’s probably the Western scientists. If they are from our country, the name must be the group in the Shan Hai Jing …”

“Taomas is the name of the ancient titan of Titan, which symbolizes the wonders of the sea. If it is a Pacific tortoise, and it has lived for a long time, there should be countless seaweeds and shells on its carapace. The time must be like an island. Objectively speaking, the names of the sea monsters by Western scientists are fair and easy to understand! “It was still the young girl with a ponytail talking there.

Easy to understand, easy to understand Mao, 95% of people do n’t understand well? !!

“Captain, who is this girl, all the way up like the people sent by the Academy of Sciences to monitor us.”

“What nonsense, this is Professor Lin’s granddaughter, who came to City B with people from Ningxia four days ago. Her power is sensitive to sound.”

“What is it? We all can hear infrasound.”

“Okay, don’t whisper quietly, haven’t you seen someone glaring at you? She can hear the ultrasound and infrasound waves, and can determine the position of the sound waves from here based on physical calculations, and can sharply and accurately know from which direction they came from This is not an anti-sky power, in the last days without weather satellites and earthquake predictors! “

“Okay … I actually think that your captain has the most powerful power!”

“Let’s make a badass!” Captain Hao laughed and cursed, but found that Miss Lin was staring at him.

“Captain Hao, you won’t forget what we are going to do!”

“Your grandfather, okay Professor Lin said that the psionicist can also emit infrasound waves. This is nothing but a nightmare. I am not a sea monster. If it is possible, you are not more likely. My power and sound are completely That’s all right!”

“This is power strength and control over power!” The young girl’s face flushed.

As an ability with no combat ability and an uncontrollable ability, she feels weird about her ability. She was a researcher over Jiuquan. Later, she learned that this ability is good for the country. It is very useful. She is not proud, but her growing and living environment is incompatible with the present, but she suspects that others are hostile to her.

“I can’t do it. If I can emit infrasound waves, except Zhou Liang, you are the only one, Hao Guosong!”

“Wrong, at least I know around here, and there is another fire-powered person named Anne.”

Anli’s name is exposed because of her former occupation. After all, she is a beautiful girl and young, and people who have met her will never forget it.

“But none of them stood with the country!”

“Zhou Liang is a personal scum. I do n’t need to explain it, but there are more psionics who have been defeated by confidence in the last days. They ca n’t believe anyone. They are not enemies. Miss Lin, I emphasize to you everything right and wrong. Disagree! “

The girl was even more annoyed, biting her lips hardly: “Sorry, in my eyes, success is success, failure is failure, there is no intermediate link, no matter what the concept is, only these two results are obtained, and it is the right and wrong that is the world Nature!”

“Then you are not suitable to live in society, of course, the world is different now!” Captain Hao spread his hands.

“You … you mean, my grandpa’s argument is ridiculous, thinking his plan is a waste of time?”

“I didn’t say that.” Captain Hao was helpless and looked straight at the sea.

Strong emotions, strong thoughts.

This is easy to say. Who knows the standard? Besides, there are many psionics who have experienced the crisis of life and death after the end of the world. Who succeeded in emitting a sound wave before dying? !! The emotions before dying cannot be less intense!

Not to mention Hao Guosong, a few other psionicists are also thinking of despair.

For nothing else, if you could insert a mouthful when the sea monsters were unscrupulous and noisy in the middle of the night, and scared the sea monsters, your life would be no more successful!

-So powerful resentment.

But stare, stare, stare till the sky is dark, and don’t make a fuss.

[You bit my tentacle …]

[Uh, ah! I say this jellyfish tastes great! 】

[Abisu, Taumas bit me! ]

[… bite it back? ]

[Can’t bite! ]

I’m going, can you be more productive, sea monster?

Captain Hao squatted on a protruding rock near the sea, watching the jellyfish washed up by the tide, and the whole face was about to clump together, and the girl named Lin, uh, the expression was very subtle and seemed to understand .

[Haha, when can you bit Volkus, come and bit me again! ] The turtle shook his head proudly, and once again floated to the surface to rest, but its posture was weird, and its neck was slightly extended, as if talking to the sea.

“Captain.” A psionicist drew straight from the corner of his mouth. “Are there anything terrible about this sea monster other than a big one?”

Jellyfish are at least highly toxic.

“When it sinks, it can form a large vortex and bring the surrounding ships into the sea floor … In fact, the infrasound wave itself is terrible …” This time, no one disputed the girl’s words, and everyone stared at the sea.

Some people have seen sea monsters annihilated spider crabs.

This time, they saw that although there were few sea monsters, they could easily drive hundreds of millions of jellyfish army with infrasound wave control and exterminate almost all living things in a water. The most terrible thing was that the sea temperature was too fast and the sea water was too polluted. The environmental conditions that are conducive to the reproduction of jellyfish are caused by humans themselves.

“If Professor Lin is here, it must be said that they are not just a group organization. This is a country, even the army. There is still no way to be defeated, even an army that does not require forage.”

“Yes, Captain, the terrible thing is their territory. What percentage of the earth is the ocean?”

“Sea monsters will not let the jellyfish multiply too much. If so, they will have nothing to eat. The sea monsters that eat jellyfish and seaweed are only Taumas.” What the girl named Lin said this time finally let all People feel comfortable listening.

“The most terrible of the sea monsters is probably the octopus!” Speculation came from those with powers.

Captain Hao shook his head: “This is really not true. It is said that the blue ring octopus rarely attacks humans unless you step on it or disturb it-I don’t think we will have that chance. The guy is too big and accidentally touched It’s still possible to jellyfish. “

“That’s true. The sea monsters in the movie are giant octopuses. The water monsters seem to be snake-necked dragons, haha.”

“Captain, I just can’t figure out why the mermaid is also a sea monster. How can the mermaid be completely different from the story.” The last person who saw Siren killing the spider crab murmured, “There are companions that the mermaid even looks for. It’s a siren, oh my god, a siren is a terrible thing. Westerners say that siren are all monsters with eagle’s head, or they have been seen in cartoons before. What kind of beauty is on the upper body and six kinds of beasts on the lower body Monster … “

“Hey boy, your Saint Seiya has watched so much, the sea fighters have come out haha.”

Everyone is laughing, after all, as long as this group of people born after the 1980s is not for special reasons, at least they have heard of the animated cartoon that ca n’t die because of the protagonist, even if the plot is unknown or not seen And also know what is being said.

“So you said there would be a sea **** under the sea, and the sea monsters are all his generals?”

“That’s enough, kid. You write a novel. Oops, there is no future in this business!”

“Captain, I think mermaids and siren are a good match. At least they are humans in the upper body. Don’t care what the lower body looks like.”

“Nonsense, it doesn’t matter what the upper body is, next …”

Seeing that the topic became more and more outrageous, Captain Hao gave a sharp cough, signaled that there were still girls, and it was good to limit the topic, but there was a thin, tall man in his thirties who looked at everyone with strange eyes. :

“In fact, when it comes to Saint Seiya, I suddenly thought that Norway is the nest of sea monsters.”


Professor Lin should be talking about the Mariana Trench.

“Because the Norwegian sea monster, by the way, the guy is also called the Beihai Giant Demon. Some people say that it is a huge island that sinks when the crew approaches, and some people say that seeing it on a stormy night is like the sea. A dark wall was erected on it. More people believe that it is a huge octopus or squid, and some people say it is a sea snake … This image is too strange, right? It sounds like a sea monster’s nest Ah, why does everyone see a different Norwegian sea monster? When I first looked at the information, I thought I would definitely see it, but it turned out not to be the case. This must be a mistake! “

“That makes sense!” Captain Hao nodded solemnly.

“Hey Captain, I’ll just talk about it! The Norwegian sea monster is said to be 150 meters long, and it’s …”

The man’s face changed suddenly.

The crowd was interrupted by infrasound before they had time to ask.

[Is this the sea? ]


[Only sea water and no fish, is it really the sea …] Xia Yi seriously suspected that he had entered a different space.

[Ah, is this voice Xia Yi? I finally heard it! ] Volkus’s excited sound waves did not flow normally. According to this tone, the infrasound waves can be directly turned into ultrasonic waves.

Xia Yi was surprised that the sound waves used were wrong. Is it because of suspicion of Siren, so the following consciousness asked other people, no, other sea monsters?

[Xia … meaning? ] A dull voice asked slowly.

[No, you’re so stupid, Urebia, who even forgot Xia Yi? ] Abisher spewed a wave of seawater, and lazily put the tentacles on the deck. The happiest thing for the sea monster was to lean on a big ship and float along the ocean breeze.

[That is, Urebia, is your brain frozen by the Antarctic cold wind? ]

[…what? ]

[Yurebiya you always do this … wait! !! Grunt, the sound wave is not in the right position, Urebia didn’t say anything just now! ] King crab screamed in horror.

Global roaming stalled for a full half minute.

Taumas floated out of the sea with his neck extended:

[Not Siren and Xia Yi, nor are I and Nereus, Keto? ? ]

[I didn’t say anything before. ] The kingfish spoke out to indicate where it was.

[not me. ] Abisher quickly cleared.

[I can’t move. ] Volkus also quickly showed that it was impossible to change places and run elsewhere.

The sea monsters collectively died again.

Siren seized Xia Yi, and was vigilant in remembering that the source of the sound waves was far away. It should be the Atlantic Ocean, perhaps near the North Pole, but Neruz was clearly not there.

Abhisser tentatively asked again:

[Sirens? ]

[I’m with Xia Yi. ]

The last hope was shattered, Nereus bumped into Taumas, and Siren heard all the sea monsters scream in unison:

[come out! who are you? ]

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