The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 98

Suddenly rising water temperature. It is tantamount to cooking. Throwing an Antarctic fish at a water temperature of 26 degrees is too cruel.

Cough, but since you want to eat, boil cold fish in warm water.

Seeing Xia Yi still frowning tightly, Siren could only comfort once again:

[Did you forget the place I used to tell you about, where the sea is full of shipwrecks. It snows two-thirds of the year, and it rains when it doesn’t. How can you be afraid of cold?

[Is it nearby? 】

Such extreme weather is either the Antarctic or the Arctic.

[The ocean currents along the westerly belt will go forward, Drake Channel. ] Siren waited until the water temperature on his skin was almost the same as that in the tropical waters, before reaching out his hand habitually.

Then a little shock.

He had a long time without touching Xia Yi directly.

It’s warm and comfortable.

Siren never felt so uncomfortable in the ice-cold seawater, but beside the iceberg, rubbing ice floes and blizzards to catch the warmth of ironing, suddenly he couldn’t bear to move a finger.

102.Boiled cold fish in warm water

Cold fish cooked in warm water

High winds and strong snow blows caused the entire iceberg to be shrouded in an extremely harsh environment. Snowflakes were constantly frozen on the iceberg, and a large amount of ice debris fell off due to impacts with floating ice and other icebergs.

I don’t know if it’s Xia Yi’s illusion. As they carefully dived down the iceberg, they saw the blue-green rays of stars appearing in the dark and dark water, which was almost suffocating.

Xia Yi was staring blankly at the light spot, and suddenly felt that Siren was close to him.

The mermaid has a lot of strength. Xia Yi knows this very well. It wasn’t that he saw a whole tuna dragged back by Siren. It was impossible to swim in the sea. This strength was mainly due to the strength of Siren’s arms.

It feels like the python is entangled with people, but it hasn’t strangulated, but it’s probably similar to this before imprisonment.

Basically, there is no gap in one finger, and there is no way to move it. Sometimes, I feel breathless-but in the sea, Xia Yi does not breathe directly, but the illusion effect still exists.

But Siren usually hugged it tightly, and then quietly leaned on Xia Yi’s neck for a long time before slowly relaxing.

This time is no exception.

The mermaid’s body temperature is low, the cold feeling, and the slippery feeling brought by the seawater are closely attached to Xia Yi’s body along the scales of the tail. Slightly rough fingers unnecessarily opened Xia Yi’s clothes-although this one was the only one, it was very wide, and the military uniform of the United States Marine Corps was still very powerful. After so long in the sea, the material was still tough, even without buttons. Off.

But this can’t resist the mermaid’s sharp nails, and the strong thread can easily separate the button with the badge from the clothes.

Siren hasn’t seen many human clothes, but this doesn’t prevent him from knowing what is preventing the clothes from being uncovered.

The warm fingers were sticking to Xia Yi’s chest, and Xia Yi even sipped for a while.

The fish’s tail tangled along his calf. The end of the tulle-like fins is unfolded in the sea water, and the hard bone spurs in the middle are slightly painful and itchy.

At this time Xia Yi felt that something was constantly jumping on his elbow.

He stared reluctantly, and it turned out that the fish was dying for the last struggle.

[Siren … Fish …]

Looks like they should eat … well, they can’t distinguish between lunch and dinner, anyway, it’s time to eat.

Siren uttered a low, unclear squeak from his throat, still clinging to Xia Yi’s body. Although his arms were slightly relaxed, he obviously did not mean to leave.

It’s about tired.

Xia Yi was very subjective. After all, the seawater was too cold, and he had to cross the westerly belt. In the dark seawater, he had no trouble at all. It was Siren who knew the road and was alert to the danger. It took a lot of energy to come. .

Although the mermaid has a strange beauty and a soft body, it is easy to move in the rapids, but it is very powerful. When it touches, it feels that the whole body of Siren is in an abnormally alert state at all times. The muscles seem to be completely relaxed, but the inside is slightly firm and can suddenly burst into tension to cope with the crisis.

But the current Siren seems a bit wrong.

Xia Yi held her head in the palm of her hand in doubt, and before she could say anything, she saw that her head looked up slightly, her eyes seemed a bit confused, and she kissed accurately and directly.

As in the last memory, the movements are gentle, but the fingers are lifted, but they are not very strong but firmly hold Xia Yi’s neck and jaw, maintaining this posture, rubbing Xia Yi’s teeth directly with the cold tongue tip With palate.

In the end, there was no space to dodge. Xia Yi’s sensitive area on the tip of his tongue was entangled. Xia Yi unconsciously began to try to tilt his neck back, but this movement was also imprisoned, and the arm began to exert force. Unfortunately, this subconscious little resistance Instead of being meaningless, the conscious Seren suddenly stared.

At that moment, Siren seemed to understand what he was doing.

After gently sucking Xia Yi’s lips, he retracted quite modestly, but his fingers and arms did not relax. He just lowered his head and stared at Xia Yi’s delusional expression. After a little rest, Xia Yi opened his eyes and saw the stopper. Ren purple eyes, with a lame and dangerous light.

Very strange and familiar.

It seems that, by the way, the leopard crouched on the branch and stared at the prey.

Xia Yi reached out and groped, and found that the temperature on Siren’s body seemed a little abnormal.

His face changed.

【Sirens? 】


【are you uncomfortable? 】

[It seems a bit. 】

The warm feeling penetrated too deeply. Siren only came to the surface from the deep sea, and gradually adapted to the pressure tolerance and temperature increase. Although Xia Yi also started from the palm, the water layer was gradually wrapped, and the water layer was actually There is also a process of gradually heating up, but compared with the distance from the deep sea to the surface, it is still too fast.

Fast enough for normal marine life to adapt.

Most fish, cough, are fish that stay in waters with constant temperature without much difference. Mermaids are accustomed to Antarctica and don’t mind staying at the equator, but in three minutes from minus ten degrees to twenty-five degrees, this is a big test.

Sea monsters are not all-powerful.

It is normal for Siren to feel uncomfortable, but he has no consciousness at all now, and still loves this temperature, and is reluctant to let go of Xia Yi.

Look at the caught fish, it’s dead.

The mermaid is not seriously ill because of this, but it is similar to a low fever in humans. Somehow it is very lazy. I do n’t want to eat or move. Now I ca n’t help but gently rub the raised ear fins. Holding Xia Yi’s neck-making Xia Yi’s whole person very bad and stiff, the section behind the ear is his sensitive band, and it is also because of the movement of Siren. Unfortunately, many creatures in nature have similar expressions with their companions. The intimate action is sometimes a hint of what. It’s at least ten thousand miles away from the human speculation of the proud horse.

But Xia Yi didn’t understand.

-Who understands who is an animal behavior linguist.

He only felt that the temperature on Siren was obviously getting higher and higher, and he didn’t know that Siren was uncomfortable and too close to his beloved, so he reacted instinctively, thinking that he had dispelled the cold on Siren.

Xia Yi couldn’t help but sigh slightly when he saw the dead fish next to him.

Very troublesome, Siren refused to eat the dead prey.

However, in such a harsh environment, it is not easy to find what to eat, so I still distracted and wrapped the fish in a ball of water, preparing to come to a regional sauna. The summer intention of the fish was wrong, and the internal organs had not been opened. Some fish gall are very bitter. In case of breakage, the whole fish cannot be imported. This matter still depends on Siren.

Before he could speak to Siren, he was suddenly suffocated by the abrupt movement.

——The bad thing is that there is only sea water and no air.

Xia Yi had a terrible cough and was stiff.

Anyone who is suddenly caught at the point is about the same reaction.

This is also that Siren will gradually relax after he has always embraced him. It is not surprising that Capricorn is a few times. Xia Yi is completely unprepared for this. In the meaning of Siren, Xia Yi has not pushed his reaction clearly, no Is it tacit hinting?

The so-called procrastination, repeated grinds, gentleness or something-it’s really hard to expect mermaids to understand.

The inherited memory tells mermaids that there is probably only accurate and appropriate control, and then stirs up desire. The previous process was more concise and concise. After all, marine life does not have that need anytime, anywhere. Most of the time, they can Beside your loved one, you’ll be satisfied.

That sounds good. The problem is that once there is desire, it is particularly strong and it doesn’t stop easily.

In the old days, this skill is not so good, at least very effective, and it will make most humans encountering mermaids feel extremely exciting and thrilling.

But now it ’s different. Xia Yi is no longer ignorant. Even in the strange modern city, there is always a little bit of detail leaking out to make people understand.

At least Xia Yi didn’t have any novelty. He probably knew what Siren was doing, which made him extremely stiff.

The mermaid’s nails are too sharp to touch directly, which makes the hand’s posture very strange. The fingers must be placed on the side, and the perineum and lower abdomen seem to be intentionally or unintentionally. What’s worse, Xia Yi is very clear about Siren The sharpness and stiffness of the nails were also because he was afraid to move.

The feeling of danger so choking again swept like a wave.

【Sirens? 】

Probably felt that Xia Yi’s reaction was not right, and Siren Fu was close, licking his throat.

Xia Yi felt that the scales were rough and slightly moved on the calf, and then they were weird, as if both legs felt at the same time, the fins were lost and they were completely immobile.

[Siren …] He has been consciously confused by being kissed and provoked, and is trying to support reason.

One didn’t notice, the water mass enclosing the fish was thrown directly outside.

Xia Yi then awakened:

[Siren, my power … will get out of control …]

The last thing, a big shadow on Xia Yi, he likes Siren, or after thinking about it subconsciously, but he will never forget the horrible pain and the power that must be out of control.

This is Antarctica. In case of any accident, isn’t it going to freeze to death?

Siren moved slightly.

It is difficult for human fish to contain their instincts. If it is a female mermaid, it can be said to be enthusiastic. Apart from kissing, mermaids hardly know how to be gentle, but as long as the humans they like don’t leave, they are almost willing to make any changes.

Before Xia Yi had time to wake herself up, she felt her consciousness suddenly sink.

The feeling of complete darkness and deep calm came again, and the physical pleasure suddenly more than doubled, the kind of thick love and craving clicked the consciousness of breaking the summer.

In contrast, Qingming rose dimly, as if the surrounding sea water and icebergs were within reach.

The circles of blue-green light spots that became clearer and clearer as they sank finally showed their true colors, countless phosphorous

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