The Seven Gentlemen: Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 377 - You Could Somehow Spin Skewed Reasonings Into Something Convincing

Chapter 377: You Could Somehow Spin Skewed Reasonings Into Something Convincing

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the end, the three of them managed to clear half of the whole turkey, with Qi Youxuan eating the least. Seeing a huge piece of meat on his plate in front of him, he only took a few nibbles of the meat on his plate.

As for the takeout from Dynasty, seeing just how beautiful Ruan Danchen’s eyes were as they glimmered and how happy she was while enjoying her meal, Qi Chenglin dared not to even touch the takeout.

Qi Youxuan could not help but feel that Aunt Ruan and his father truly belonged to each other!

After the meal, Ruan Danchen proceeded to do the dishes since Qi Chenglin had been hard at work preparing the feast for them earlier that day. Moreover, he had been taking care of her the entire night thus not being able to catch a break.

Qi Chenglin initially did not allow Ruan Danchen to do any chores since she was still ill.

However, Ruan Danchen told him, “I’m only having a regular cold, it’s nothing too serious. Am I not able to even accomplish a simple task?”

Without allowing Qi Chenglin a chance to speak, Ruan Danchen pushed him out of the kitchen and shut the door in front of him. Qi Chenglin had no choice but to return to the living room.

Qi Youxuan still felt hungry as he ate so little for dinner thus there he was; sitting merrily on the couch, munching messily on a watermelon. His entire mouth was coated with watermelon juice and his cheeks were stained red due to his messy style of eating.

Qi Youxuan happily munched and nibbled on his watermelon as he had no plans of going to bed anytime soon; the time at that very moment was close to nine. Ruan Danchen had just finished doing the dishes and as she stepped out of the kitchen, she could hear Qi Chenglin desperately attempting to coax his son to sleep.

Qi Youxuan was persistent as he was completely focused on the gifts under the Christmas tree. Qi Chenglin pouted and told his son, “You’ll get to open it first thing in the morning.”

“I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t open it,” Qi Youxuan argued as he stared at the gifts like a hawk. No amount of coaxing would make him budge.

“Young man, if you don’t go to bed right now, I’ll be taking your gifts away and you won’t be able to open any gifts tomorrow morning.” Qi Chenglin said with a wink as he got up and approached the gifts under the tree, pretending to take the gifts away.

“Hey, hold on just a second, Dad,” Qi Youxuan said as he sprinted over to his dad, hugging his legs with both his arms and legs; he was like a sloth hugging a tree branch. Qi Youxuan looked like he was hanging from Qi Chenglin’s legs. “I’ll go to bed right now so don’t take the gifts away, alright?” Qi Youxuan surrendered in defeat.

As expected, Qi Chenglin did not pick the gifts up from underneath the tree. Qi Chenglin lowered his head to face his son, and with a smug look on his face, he said, “Well, get a move on.”

Only after his dad’s comment, Qi Youxuan slowly climbed off his dad’s legs. He reluctantly and painfully gave the gifts under the tree a long, final look while he slowly and heavily inched his way up the stairs.

After Qi Youxuan made his way to his room, Qi Chenglin turned to Ruan Danchen and pulled her to him. Since Ruan Danchen had just finished doing the dishes earlier, her hands were still slightly damp. Qi Chenglin walked her upstairs all while saying, “Since you loved it so much, why don’t I make you lunch from now on. You could bring it to the office and we’ll have lunch together.”

“…” Ruan Danchen was speechless from his statement.

“Heheh, there’s no need for that since you’re already swamped with work every day. How could I let you make lunch for me on top of your busy schedule?” Ruan Danchen explained as her fingers were crossed with Qi Chenglin’s fingers while she hugged Qi Chenglin’s shoulder with her other hand. “Having take out isn’t too bad,” added Ruan Danchen while being coquettish.

Qi Chenglin raised his eyebrows a little upon hearing her remarks over his food. He let out an awkward laugh and said, “Didn’t you say my food was delicious earlier? Changed your mind?”

“That was nothing, cooking requires constant practice,” Ruan Danchen frantically explained. She then continued, “I’ll wait till you get better so I can show off your amazing handmade cooking.”

Qi Chenglin chuckled and replied, “Look at your panicked expression, I was just teasing you. If I’m feeding you, of course I’ll only be feeding you the best food I could come up with.”

Ruan Danchen was blushing a little as she remained silent, only bearing a very coquettish smile while she followed Qi Chenglin back to his room.

Qi Chenglin made sure she took her meds. Ruan Danchen wanted to take a shower since she was soaked in her puddle of sweat for the entire night. Although it was not sticky, it still made her feel a little uncomfortable in that state.

“What do you mean ‘take a shower’? You’re not fully recovered yet.” Qi Chenglin stopped Ruan Danchen from taking a shower. He added, “Just wait till you’re feeling a little better. Your fever had just subsided, what happens if your fever returns after your shower?”

Ruan Danchen lifted her shirt slightly to give herself a whiff. She asked, “Wouldn’t you mind that I smell awful?”

If it was the past, living alone in her small tiny apartment, she would not even bother to take a shower and would not care if she made her place smell. However, since she was now living with Qi Chenglin, she had to keep up her best image as she was afraid of being abandoned by him.

“I’ve spooned your sweaty self for the entire night anyway. I don’t mind one bit,” answered Qi Chenglin as he scooped Ruan Danchen by the waist and placed her on the bed.

“So you’re saying that I do smell awful?” Ruan Danchen teased Qi Chenglin upon hearing his reply.

The truth was that she could not smell her body odor, merely jesting him with it.

“You don’t smell at all,” Qi Chenglin frantically explained himself as he lowered his head to squeeze his face into her neck and took a deep breath a couple of times. “Not a hint of sweat, and you don’t smell at all. This is perfectly fine right now,” Qi Chenglin added.

However as he smelled her thoroughly, it seemed there was a change in behavior as his hands were slowly inching upwards into her shirt, feeling her warm, gentle skin.

Ruan Danchen’s nose was stuffed and so she could not breathe normally. All she could do was breathe through her mouth. She felt extremely warm from Qi Chenglin’s sneaky and unrelenting caress of her body. Qi Chenglin never kissed her lips as he was afraid that she could not breathe if he had kissed her. All he could do was gently peck at both her upper and lower lip separately, moving back and forth from the edge of her lips and back, then progressively inching downward.

Ruan Danchen could only very softly nudge Qi Chenglin a little as she was completely exhausted. With her quick thinking, she told Qi Chenglin with a soft voice, “I haven’t taken a shower yet.”

She had been profusely sweating the entire night, and the sweat had dried off completely by now. Even when the sweat was not sticky, she felt uncomfortable since the sweat had dried off her skin.

“You’re not filthy,” Qi Chenglin said flirtatiously.

Hearing this, Ruan Danchen took a deep breath as she seemingly inhaled her belly inward, contracting it. She placed both hands on Qi Chenglin’s shoulders, gently grabbing it a little while she lowered her head to look directly at Qi Chenglin and said, “You took care of me the entire day and even made dinner for me. Aren’t you exhausted right now?”

“I am exhausted,” Qi Chenglin answered honestly as he lifted his head from her chest, revealing a very perverted smile. Ruan Danchen did not even notice when Qi Chenglin stripped her of her shirt, but now he was pressing on top of her with his body. It felt warmer than before and she did not even feel cold at all. The only thing was the way he looked up and due to how he was positioned on top of her body; his face looked extremely perverted, rather inappropriate and primal.

“That’s exactly why I need your yin energy to balance out my yang to nourish my soul.” After he said that, Qi Chenglin immediately buried his head again.

“…” Ruan Danchen was speechless by his bold statement.

This tramp…

Ruan Danchen was once again completely soaked in sweat after being tossed around by Qi Chenglin; flipped and turned over and over. She never knew just how flexible she could be, and it was like she had awakened some sort of hidden innate talent of her own. She felt like she had just completed a yoga session; her entire body ached from her shoulders to her calves, and even her belly ached.Read the next chapter on our

She wondered if she could develop some packs on her stomach just by being flipped and turned to some very awkward positions.

At the very moment, both of them were covered in sweat, mixed into the same puddle. They could no longer tell whose sweat it was since Qi Chenglin sweat had dripped on her body earlier.

For the very least, being completely soaked in a puddle of sweat felt extremely uncomfortable. Qi Chenglin was cuddling her, allowing her to lay flat on his body. She was used to it by now; Ruan Danchen was completely fine with having her entire weight on Qi Chenglin’s body without worrying about crushing him.

Ruan Danchen felt Qi Chenglin’s chest was becoming stiffer than usual. She felt odd since Qi Chenglin was usually extremely busy and barely had time to hit the gym. On top of that, they were always together, traveling to and fro from work, and she knew his entire routine and schedule like the back of her hands. Never did she once seen Qi Chenglin hit the gym. How on Earth did Qi Chenglin manage to seemingly grow fitter would be a mystery to her.

Her face was lying flat on Qi Chenglin’s chest. She could feel the tender yet stiff muscles on his chest as she traces the lines of his chest muscles gently with her fingers. She was not aware that her fingers had moved on its own and slowly slipping down his very stiff chest muscles. There was a saying that stated, ‘The pinnacle of men’s sexual desires would cause all women’s fingers to move irresistibly on their own, and in that instant, would cause a chain reaction that turns everything sexual.’ She guessed that Qi Chenglin had reached that peak of sexual attraction.

Her soft gentle fingers ended on top of Qi Chenglin’s belly as she traces the crevices of his every muscular pack. It almost seemed like she was drawing something on his belly uncontrollably.

“Want another round?” Qi Chenglin asked as he grabbed her arm by surprise, pressing it against his belly.

His left arm was grabbing onto her hand while his other arm was grabbing her waist, and it was as if he wanted to flip her over and get on top of her once again. This sudden act caught Ruan Danchen off guard and she was shocked by the sudden intensity. She pushed back in response, not allowing Qi Chenglin to move on further.

“Nope, nope!” Ruan Danchen frantically answered. “Stop messing around, I’m still very sick. And didn’t you say that you wouldn’t allow me to do much work earlier? Look at me now, you’ve completely exhausted me,” Ruan Danchen added.

“I’m not letting you work at all,” Qi Chenglin said with a flirtatiously perverted look as he added, “as a matter of fact, it’d be me working you up.”

“…” Ruan Danchen blushed hard as she stared at him. She said, “Stupid tramp!”

Ruan Danchen wanted to yell her lungs out. How can this man be so submissive to his primal instincts?

“What tramp.” Qi Chenglin would not admit anything. He simply cuddled her by her waist, not insisting on another round. However, he would never let go of the rare opportunity of petting and feeling every inch of her skin, causing Ruan Danchen to blush heavier than she ever did before. Her breathing was irregular and unrhythmic as it was ironic that her nose was completely stuffed. All she could do was open her mouth as wide as she could to breathe.

She could not help but wonder about how ridiculous she must have looked.

Qi Chenglin had the audacity to claim that he was not a tramp. What did he think he was doing then?

The actions of his uncontrolled hands and paired with his serious, bold claims to not being a tramp… Only someone as shameless as he would be capable of doing what he did.

However, from Qi Chenglin’s perspective as he looked down on Ruan Danchen’s expression, somehow he felt that her painful, blurry expression on her face was seductively beautiful. It was all due to the infection she had, her stuffy nose, her misty eyes. The look of her tormented suffering expression caused by the common cold paired with her exhaustion looked particularly innocent.

He could not resist but pinch her a little.

“The iller you are, the more exercise you’ll need. That way, you’ll speed up the recovery process,” Qi Chenglin teased as he stared down at her adorable blushing cheeks. They were irresistibly beautiful.

Qi Chenglin’s heart was pounding hard as he submitted to his primal instincts and proceeded to bite down on Ruan Danchen’s cheeks hard while sucking it savagely. He had only released his suction when Ruan Danchen squealed in pain, leaving her with a hickey on her face.

“I’m just blown away by your skewed reasoning. You somehow have a surprisingly amazing skill in spinning horrible excuses into somewhat convincing ones,” Ruan Danchen said sarcastically as she gently nuzzled against his hard yet tender chest. It was firm and extremely comfortable.

“How was it skewed reasoning? Don’t you just look a lot better and livelier now?” Qi Chenglin replied with a teasing grin. The genuine joy could be felt through his dark, glistening pupils and his thick, luscious eyebrows.

He spoke in a deep almost hypnotizing tone while he nuzzled his lips against her forehead, slowly and seductively rubbing against the thin layer of sweat on her forehead onto his lips.

“…” Ruan Danchen was completely speechless as she had nothing to say as a rebuttal against him.

Just like that after the intense tangle they both had, they were coated in sweat. However, it was a pleasant feeling and it would be best described as a similar feeling to completing a workout. The mind was no longer clouded and the entire soul felt completely refreshed. Apart from the stuffy nose, she felt completely rejuvenated.

“See for yourself, this is exactly what I meant by skewed reasoning,” Ruan Danchen said with her flushed cheeks. Her beady adorable eyes stared intensely at Qi Chenglin, and she looked all too adorable.

Qi Chenglin never argued back as he only gave her a warm, loving smile. Warmth and love were radiating through his gentle, loving smile as though his expression was not obvious enough. His beatific eyebrows had joy written across the arc.

Ruan Danchen’s long hair was completely soaked in her sweat as it was sticking to her body, making it extremely uncomfortable. She flipped her head back, frowned a little and softly whispered to Qi Chenglin, “Just let me take a bath, would you? I feel sticky and uncomfortable.”

Qi Chenglin probably felt the same as he gently nodded in agreement while he carried her into the washroom.

“I’m capable of washing myself,” stated Ruan Danchen, even though she wanted to have a bath with him but was being coquettish.

Qi Chenglin winked as he hugged her tighter and said, “I’m sticky too, let’s take a bath together then.”

“…” Ruan Danchen never said anything in response. She simply thought that it would not make any difference if they had bathed separately anyway.

However, Qi Chenglin had seemingly seen through her facade. He proceeded to lower his head and said with a soft, almost pitiful tone, “I’ve been working all day today. I was worried about you the entire night since yesterday and because of that, I didn’t get much sleep. Poor me, I was cooped up in the kitchen at night and most importantly even just now, I gave what little energy I had left to you.”

Though Qi Chenglin said it in such a pitiful tone, he could end his pitiful statement with something so knavish. It was pretty coy of him to speak so casually of something so low for his standards. It was almost as natural as breathing for him.

Nonetheless, he had a blank and empty look on his face as he made that pitiful statement. He did not even give the effort to put on an equally pitiful look. His statement, however, was enough to make Ruan Danchen feel slightly guilty. It was enough for her to completely dismiss his final sentence in his statement as she immediately hugged his neck and never argued back.

Qi Chenglin was worried that since she was covered in sweat moments ago and being in a colder environment would be too much for her body to handle since the sudden temperature change would be overwhelming for her body. Upon entering the washroom, he covered her with a bath towel before swiftly soaking her in a tub of warm water.

The instant Ruan Danchen’s skin made contact with the warm water in the tub, she instantly moaned in pleasure as the water was perfect. She felt drowsy when the warm vapors from the hot tub got to her. She instantly fell into Qi Chenglin’s arms. The out-of-body experience was so comfortable for her that she was tempted to fall asleep right then and there.

Qi Chenglin never planned to soak in the tub for too long as all he wanted was to rinse off the layer of sweat from his body. After the quick dip, he proceeded to carry Ruan Danchen out the washroom, then swiftly wrapped her body with a clean towel to dry her body as fast as he could. After all that was done, he then carried Ruan Danchen to the bed and wrapped the thick blanket around her body as tightly as he physically could. It was as if he was serving a princess.

Never in Ruan Danchen’s life had she been treated so well before. She was being so passionately cared for by Qi Chenglin’s gentle and compassionate love. His every touch to her was soft and tender, as if he was afraid of hurting her even by the slightest.

Being so compassionately treated by Qi Chenglin, Ruan Danchen was touched by his loving gesture as her eyes teared up a little. She then slithered into Qi Chenglin’s loving arms while nuzzling against his chest with her face. She only felt completely at ease after smelling his body’s familiar yet comforting scent. Upon doing so, she laid still, unmoving, perfectly relaxed in his loving warm embrace.

Qi Chenglin lowered his head to look at her with a gentle gaze and said with a soft, tender smile, “Why are you being extra coquettish today?”

“Didn’t you say that a person would be at their weakest when they’re ill?” Ruan Danchen said in a soft tone as she took another whiff of his comforting scent. She continued, “When I was sick before, no one cared about my wellbeing; not even my dad nor my mom. Now, being so passionately cared for by you feels extremely well.”

“I’ll still care for you even when you’re not sick,” Qi Chenglin replied with a smile as he hugged her tighter while gently patting her back coaxing her lovingly. He said, “Just go ahead and sleep.”

With a satisfied smile, Ruan Danchen collapsed gently onto Qi Chenglin’s loving arms and proceeded to close her eyes. Since she had quite a long nap during the day, she could not fall asleep immediately. All she wanted to do was to tease him playfully.

She was never as coquettish as to this extent before. However, she somehow had become extra skittish from her current infectious condition.

Qi Chenglin gave Ruan Danchen’s forehead a soft gentle kiss as he leaned his face against her forehead then proceeded to close his eyes.

Qi Chenglin was indeed exhausted, so even before Ruan Danchen had fallen asleep, it only took an instant for him to drift away into his slumber.

Although Qi Chenglin was in deep sleep, he was hugging Ruan Danchen extremely tight, making even the slightest movement a difficult task. She could not even turn her body around as any slight movements would cause Qi Chenglin to pull her back into her original position.

Ruan Danchen was not aware of how much time had past when out of nowhere, Qi Chenglin’s phone broke the silence as the ringtone was increasing in volume and pitch, waking Qi Chenglin from his deep slumber. Hearing the sharp ringtone, Qi Chenglin slowly opened his eyes. Since he had just been woken up from his sleep, his eyes looked somewhat disoriented, a confused expression crossed his face. He almost seemed overwrought with his confused, blank expression on his face.

It was very rare to see Qi Chenglin in such a confused, unfocused state, and Ruan Danchen felt very amused by his display of disorientation. She was tempted to hug him in her arms, tempted to pat his head and run her fingers through his hair just to mess it up.

However, his confused state of mind was short-lived as his self-control was extraordinary. It took him only a second to recompose himself, and he was himself again instantly.

He reached back to grab his phone that was placed on top of the headboard of the bed. Glancing at the screen, it showed it was from Guan Liya.

Looking at the time, it was very close to midnight. It was odd since Qi Zhongxun and Guan Liya should be asleep at this time.

Qi Chenglin was worried that something serious had happened. Without a second thought, he picked up the call immediately. Even Ruan Danchen was worried about Qi Chenglin.

As Qi Chenglin was listening to the call, his facial expression changed as his eyebrows were completely raised. He replied urgently, “I’ll be there right now.”

The instant Qi Chenglin hung up the call, Ruan Danchen immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Song Yu is giving birth to her child right now in the hospital. There are no updates yet, so I’ll be going to check on her,” explained Qi Chenglin as he got up from the bed.

Ruan Danchen wanted to go with him. As she got ready to get out of the bed, Qi Chenglin immediately stopped her from getting up and said, “You’re still sick, and there’s plenty of other pathogens in the hospital. What happens if you get a secondary infection when you’re so close to recovering now?”

Ruan Danchen did not know how to respond to his statement. It was as if he made her common cold seem like the plague or something.

“Besides, After Song Yu’s delivery, both mother and child’s immune system will dip tremendously. What would you do if you unintentionally infected them?” Qi Chenglin followed up with a better argument because he knew his previous statement would do nothing to stop her from going.

Although his main concern was Ruan Danchen’s health, the follow-up reason seemed more reasonable for her to accept.

Just as he thought, the sheer mention of Song Yu would cause Ruan Danchen to relent.

Ruan Danchen was stopped once again when she intended to send Qi Chenglin off. As Qi Chenglin got dressed, Ruan Danchen said, “Call me the instant Song Yu gave birth to her child.”

“Alright,” Qi Chenglin replied as he put on his usual casual clothes; a sweater and sweatpants followed by an oversized jacket.

While saying alright, he walked toward Ruan Danchen to give her forehead a soft kiss. Seeing that her body temperature was normal and she looked significantly better than before, his mind was at ease.

“Sleep well at home… I was told that a delivery can take a long while. I’m guessing that’d be Song Yu’s case so don’t wait up for me,” Qi Chenglin said with a soft tone.

Ruan Danchen let out a soft sigh as she smiled and gently kissed his lips. She said, “Drive safely, and call me when you’re at the hospital, alright? Just to make sure you’re safe.”

Qi Chenglin knew she would not be able to sleep without receiving his call so he promised her he would.

Since it was so late at night, there was not much traffic on the road. He arrived at the hospital in half an hour.

The moment he entered the main entrance of the hospital, he gave Ruan Danchen a call to ease her mind.

However, Ruan Danchen could not sleep in peace as Qi Chenglin was not at home with her, so she took out a blanket from the closet and went to the living room to wait.

Since she could not sleep with her current state of mind, she made herself a glass of warm milk and took out her iPad to watch a video. The top right corner of the screen was showing the time while she held onto her glass of milk with one hand and the iPad in the other as she binged on her videos.

A faint sound of the front door opening could be heard as Ruan Danchen sluggishly opened her eyes, unaware of when she had fallen asleep. The autoplay of the videos on the iPad had switched to who knew what at that point since it was not the same video she was watching earlier.

Looking at the top right corner of the screen, the time showed it was already past four in the morning.

She frantically closed the video and sprinted to the front door as she saw Qi Chenglin entering with a chilly breeze from outside as he walked into the house. The moment he saw Ruan Danchen still being quite awake, he frowned. “Didn’t I tell you to sleep well at home?” he questioned with a stern voice.

He glanced over to the couch and he notice the iPad lying flat on the couch while several glass mugs on the table. He knew Ruan Danchen had spent quite some time awake right there on that spot.

Although his tone was stern, his actions however said otherwise as his frisk, dry palm gently caresses her forehead. The entire motion was gentle and soft, a stark contrast to his strict, lecturing tone.


Extra Mini Scene

Christmas Gift

As Ruan Danchen was taking a long afternoon nap, before Qi Chenglin brought Qi Youxuan to the grocer, Qi Youxuan had been staring at the Christmas gifts under the tree for a good long while.

Qi Youxuan: “Daddy, what did Aunt Ruan gifted you for Christmas?”

Qi Chenglin: “I have no idea, I’m as curious as you are.”

Qi Youxuan: “Do you wanna take a peak by unwrapping it a little? We’ll fix it with some tape later.”

Qi Chenglin: “So is this how you lied to us back then?”

Qi Youxuan: “…”


Extra Unrelated Mini Scene

Yan Beicheng: “Would you believe me if I told you that is a box of monthly tickets?”

Chu Zhaoyang: “Heheh.”

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