The Seven Gentlemen: Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 416 - She Was Not Troubled, But At The Same Time She Did Not Want To Trouble Qi Chenglin

Chapter 416: She Was Not Troubled, But At The Same Time She Did Not Want To Trouble Qi Chenglin

Qi Chenglin looked as though he could not take it anymore, usually, when he didn’t see her, he was fine. It was not like he could react to anything, but now when he was in her arms, it was unbearable.

“Will it be clean tomorrow?” QI Chenglin rolled over on top of her, but there was no easy method of entry. The sudden pressure and friction made her feel the need to relieve it a little.

Ruan Danchen could see that he could barely hold himself back, and her nether regions were already afire from his prodding. She could not help herself but ask, “you’re already like this, how do you plan to resolve it?”

Qi Chenglin kissed her lips wildly, she already knew how he wanted to resolve it, but still she asked. Her question made his passions rise even more, and he could no longer keep himself under control.

He rubbed against her, before he looked into her eyes with a savage look, before he got up to go to the bathroom.

He had already risen, when Ruan Danchen grabbed him by the wrist. Qi Chenglin looked back at her slowly.

Ruan Danchen herself could no longer resist her urges anymore. No matter how good-natured the man, if he were to be unsated, he was much like a woman on her period, both of them were very stubborn.

“You don’t need to handle it yourself, I’ll help.” Ruan Danchen felt sorry for him, he had already endured it for 7 days, his face darkening every time the night came along.

Qi Chenglin’s handsome face lit up, “how will you help?”

Even though Ruan Danchen’s hand would feel better than his own hand, but the hands still did not feel very good.

Ruan Danchen did not reply, but pushed him down onto his back, before leaning down to kiss him of her own volition.

From his lips, she began to kiss downwards, her lips traveling down his body until in a blink of the eye she was already at his navel. She had no intention of stopping there. Qi Chenglin closed his eyes in bliss, as he groaned in ecstasy. However, he wanted to look at her, to the point that he did not even want to blink. He watched and waited for her next move in anticipation and excitement, but she stayed at the edge, and refused to go all the way down, teasing him by going back and forth.

QI Chenglin smiled, and pinched her cheeks, “aren’t you naughty?”

Ruan Danchen looked up at the desperation on his face, and no matter how she looked at it she found it adorable, and laughed.

When she saw from the look in Qi Chenglin’s eyes that he could no longer endure it, she smiled and moved her head down.

On the morning after, Qi Chenglin felt his entire body in bliss. In one fell swoop, the darkness of the entire week was lifted, and his mood was jubilant.

His good mood translated to the way he treated Qi Youxuan. It made the little boy even more nervous, in his head he wondered what evil trick his father had in store for him now?

The commotion on Weibo was not something that would disappear in a few days, and many online still accused QI Chenglin of spinning stories, however, both Ruan Danchen and Qi Chenglin did not bother with it.

The other members of the Qi Family also paid it no mind, and went about with their lives.

These days it was common for reporters to be tailing them, but Qi Chengzhi did not keep a low profile by going home immediately after work. Instead, he gave Qi Chenglin a call and invited him for dinner.

Qi Chenglin smiled as he heard Qi Chengzhi’s explanation, “in any case those reporters are jumping through hoops to tail us, I’d feel bad if we didn’t give them something to take a photo of. It will also serve to communicate our family’s attitude. It wouldn’t have been good for us to all come out with a statement yesterday, in case it raised an opposite reaction.”

Qi Chenglin said he understood, and thus made an appointment with Qi Chengyue, the three siblings and their families would have dinner. They will eat and laugh in harmony for all the reporters to see.

When the news broke the next day, it made the reader doubt the veracity of the original article. If the Qi Family thought it was true, they would not have such good relationships with Ruan Danchen.

If Ruan Danchen really was a great actress, she still would be unable to pull the wool over the entire Qi Family’s eyes.

With that, the buzz online began to die down.

After a few days, the noise online continued to diminish, as it had been overtaken by a series of scandals among celebrities caught cheating. The days soon returned to normalcy.

What was not expected was that Liu Ronghua would come to Qilin.

She first gave a call to Ruan Danchen, but despite her best efforts could not get through. What she did not know was that Qi Chenglin had long ago blocked her number on Ruan Danchen’s phone.

Ruan Danchen was also not the kind of person to go through her phone’s block list, so she was unaware of this entire matter.

Even if she knew, she would not act out of turn with Qi Chenglin.

When Shen Jialiang had returned home that night after being interviewed by the reporters, he had given orders that Liu Ronghua’s personal items should all be packed up, and she should be kicked out, saying that the Shen Family would not take in an ungrateful dog such as her.

Liu Rongua naturally could not admit that she was responsible for this mess, but regardless of how much tears she shed in her effort to prove her loyalty, both Shen Jialiang and his daughter did not believe her.

Shen Jialiang did not suspect Aunt Li, the most suspicious person in the entire household was Liu Ronghua. Recently Liu Ronghua had been using the money Qi Chenglin had given her to act out of turn, and show her displeasure at the Shens. She even had the audacity to be more and more indiscrete about it.

The incident when she met Shen Zhijing at the restaurant, and threatened her in the bathroom, how could Shen Zhijing not tell her father?

Shen Jialiang thought about it, since Liu Ronghua was no longer of any use to him, even if he were falsely accusing her, he had nothing to lose. It would be better than keeping her around the house as an eyesore.

Liu Ronghua had grabbed his legs and pleaded, tears and mucus streaming down her face, but Shen Jialiang only felt revulsion. He immediately had people throw her baggage into the yard, then personally threw Liu Ronghua out.

Liu Ronghua was thrown onto the grass by Shen Jialiang, her baggage surrounding her. The neighbors could hear her sobbing, and curiously peered out to see what was going on. The humiliation to Liu Ronghua was great.

After being with Shen Jialiang for so many years, without even being recognized as husband and wife, he really was so cold-hearted as to ignore any feelings, and dump her like trash outside, in front of so many people as well.

Even though Liu Ronghua had money, but she was still unable to live alone. What would become of her when she grew old, with no one to look after her? She would be seen as just a lonely old lady, and what could she do if people took advantage of that?

While she thought about it, she eventually thought about Ruan Danchen. If she could get her son in law Qi Chenglin to take care of her, what would she be afraid of?

However, if that was just the case, she would not come to them in such a rush. She did so because she was running out of funds, and unable to maintain the lifestyle she wished to live.

When Qi Chenglin first gave her the money, she had many plans, and had no intention to just live in leisure. Therefore, she asked someone to introduce to her a trustworthy wealth manager. Her thought process was that as long as she was relying on the Shen Family, then that money would not be in pressing need to be used. She may as well invest it, and accrue interest on it so that when she was older, she need not rely on the Shen Family anymore. When the time came, she could leave the Shen Family with a good financial foundation.

Whenever she played cards with the other mistresses, one of them would place bets frivolously, and yet did not feel the sting of their losses, no matter the amount. Unlike others, who would be unhappy, and would refuse to join the next session. They would be absent for 2-3 sessions before they returned.

On the other hand, that particular mistress, who betted frivolously,, even if she showed displeasure in losing, was not too bothered by it. From chatting with others Liu Ronghua found out that she was being supported by a married man. The man still had his wife waiting for him back home, closing one eye to her husband’s indiscretion. Naturally, he would know to reciprocate his wife’s tolerance, and not make things too unbearable for her. Therefore, the pocket money he’d give the mistress would not be too great of an amount.

It was after more gossiping that Liu Ronghua found out, the mistress had taken all of the money her man had given her and invested it. In the beginning, she placed it with loan sharks, and let her capital accrue off of interest until she made a sizeable amount from quick returns. She then took that amount and began to diversify her portfolio.

When Liu Ronghua heard that, it piqued her interest. The wealth manager she engaged was introduced by that mistress. However, Liu Ronghua felt that she had much to develop into, even that mistress was still doing business with loan sharks.

Loan sharks these days all used corporate names that sounded flashy. Therefore, with the guidance of that mistress, Liu Ronghua placed a sum of money with a loan shark.

In the beginning, she placed 100,000 into micro-financing. After a while, she tasted the fruits of her investment, and therefore she placed more and more into it, until she reached a net investment of 500,000.

However, who would have known that in the past few days, the government had suddenly taken a stern stance against these illegal groups. The directors of the company had taken the money and ran off, and her entire investment of 500,000 went up in smoke.

Fortunately for her, the wealth manager still came back with good news at times, and still made her no small amount of dividends. This built her confidence in her, and she invested more and more money with him, to try and recoup her loss from the failed investment with the loan shark.

After that, the wealth manager told her that uninsured investments paid even greater dividends. A lot of people balked at the idea of an uninsured investment, but in reality the risks were not that great. Liu Ronghua had already been hooked by her returns so far, and had full confidence in the wealth manager. Therefore, she gave him full control over her affairs.

WIth investments like this, there would be gains and losses, and Liu Ronghua never had any suspicions, and slowly placed more and more money into the investment.

However, what she did not expect was that Shen Jialiang would kick her out, and she would have no roof over her head.

With whatever money she had left, she could not even afford to rent a house, let alone buy one.

Therefore, Liu Ronghua called up the wealth manager, and communicated her intent to withdraw her investment. An early withdrawal would not make any money, and she would accept that loss.

What no one would expect was that the wealth manager told her that due to the fact that the investment was uninsured, she could no longer withdraw her investment after she had committed to it.

Liu Ronghua, therefore, had no money left. Her cash on hand allowed her to rent a large house in a good area, but that would only last a year.

Liu Ronghua had no other choice but to sign a year-long tenancy contract. Not long after that, in fact just the day before, the wealth manager had contacted her and told her that one of her investments was adversely affected by the stock markets and national policy. There was no other choice but to keep investing to maintain holding power, or she’d risk losing everything.

However, Liu Ronghua had no more money to invest, and so the wealth manager had to think hard and discuss things with her. One of her investments had matured, and the principal and interest could all be taken out. That sum of money could be invested into the loss-making one for the meantime.

The wealth manager had confided in Liu Ronghua that he had received some credible information, the source of which he could not disclose, or he might face prison time. Briefly, as long as they could get through this period, the returns which she could get would definitely see her through the next decade or so comfortably.

Liu Ronghua could not help but be tempted, and so she agreed to his suggestion. However, out of caution, she only invested the principal, and kept the interest for herself.

She asked the wealth manager how the rest of her portfolio was doing, and he told her they were doing fairly well, but she just lacked cash on hand.

Liu Ronghua was unaccustomed to living alone, and so she thought of looking for Ruan Danchen.

When the receptionist saw Liu Ronghua walk through the door, she immediately pulled open a drawer and took out a photo. After making a quick comparison, she waited for Liu Ronghua to come closer so she could make a clearer comparison, and confirm that she was the person in the photo.

At that point, Liu Ronghua was already at the front desk, and the receptionist quickly put the photo back in the drawer, shutting it.

Without waiting for the receptionist to speak, Liu Ronghua spoke first, “hello. I’d like to see Ruan Danchen, she’s my daughter.”

The receptionist flashed a pretty smile, and said assuringly, “please hold.”

Liu Ronghua’s heart jumped for joy, she never thought that things would work out this smoothly. She watched as the receptionist picked up the phone, but said, “please escort her out.”

Liu Ronghua’s face changed to shock, and before she knew what was going on, both her arms were gripped hard.

She looked again, and on both sides of her were security guards who had come out of nowhere.

“What are you doing? I’m here to see my daughter!” Liu Ronghua protested in outrage.

The receptionist didn’t react. Qi Chenglin had given out orders a long time ago, and circulated Liu Ronghua’s photo. If this person were to show up, immediately escort her out, so as not to upset the General Manager’s wife. Furthermore, Ruan Danchen was not to know, it would be as though this woman had never came here.

Therefore even though the lobby of the building was busy, not a single person looked at her, as though Liu Ronghua simply did not exist.

“I am Ruan Danchen’s mother, the mother of the wife of your General Manager! What are you doing! Let me go!” Liu Ronghua would not just let the security guards drag her out.

Despite her petite, demure and helpless appearance, she was unexpectedly strong. She suddenly rushed forwards and slowed down the speed of being dragged out by the security guards.

She screamed and shouted, and Liu Ronghua finally knew that something wasn’t right. Her original rage had given way to grief, her tears streamed down her face like a tap, gushing out of her eyes.

“Did Ruan Danchen put you up to this? If she just doesn’t want to see me, that’s fine, she doesn’t need to humiliate me like this! To chase me out like a common beggar! Let me go! I have to see her today, I have to see how ruthless she has become! I am the woman who raised her, and she treats me like this? Is she not afraid of being condemned by others? Ruan Danchen, come out here if you dare! Come out and face me!”

Liu Ronghua shouted it out so loudly, as though Ruan Danchen would be able to hear her.

However, her shouting had finally drawn the attention of those employees in the lobby.

“Let me tell you, I know the things that Ruan Danchen has done! If she doesn’t come out, I’ll tell it to all of you!” Liu Ronghua screamed in desperation as she was thrown out of Qilin by the security guards.

However, Liu Ronghua refused to leave. She could be thrown out if she was on the premises, but the road outside the office was public property, and Qilin could do nothing about that!

Liu Ronghua stood at the entrance of the office, and she spoke in a grief-stricken voice, “you could even disown the mother who cleaned up your p*ss and sh*t when you were a baby, Ruan Danchen how heartless can you get! Everyone come and judge for yourself! Judge for yourself! I wasn’t her biological mother, but all these years I have sacrificed for her, and what do I get for that? Is the grace of bringing someone up not greater than the grace of birth? Look at me now, I can’t even see my own daughter.”

Liu Ronghua looked as though she had lost her mind, as she turned from one pedestrian to another to talk to them, crying all the while.

“She married into the Qi Family, and is rich now, and so she abandons me, she leaves me.” Liu Ronghua said to the pedestrians. “Ruan Danchen, let me tell you, I know what happened all those years ago, don’t you dare try to gag me. Just to help you get to know Qi Chenglin, I threw the young Ms. Shen under the bus. Now you’re well to do, with a husband and son, you disown me. It’s all my fault for spoiling you as a child, that you’ve turned out to be such an ungrateful thing.”

“Don’t believe her!” Liu Ronghua told a pedestrian, who flinched as he thought she had gone mad. “There was no love at first sight, and a reunion after they broke up. It’s all a lie! It was Ruan Danchen who was shameless and seduced Qi Chenglin, it’s all a lie, she-”

“Madam Liu.” A very familiar and cold voice sounded behind Liu Ronghua.

Liu Ronghua turned to see Ruan Danchen there, and immediately surged forwards towards her, “you finally come and see me? I am your mother! I can’t even meet you, and have to debase myself to this point for you to be willing to see me? Do you plan to not even call me your mother?”

Ruan Danchen clenched her teeth, and her hands clamped into fists as she trembled with rage.

She did not know Liu Ronghua was here, she had gone to the pantry to make some coffee when she overheard the conversation between her coworkers and found out.

The pantry of the design department was shared with other departments. Her coworkers in the design department were more cautious as they worked with her. Regardless of whether it was a private conversation, they would never discuss her private affairs. The other employees from other departments were another matter entirely.

She had just walked to the door when she overheard two employees from an unknown department, talking about Liu Ronghua causing a scene and making a fool of herself over a cup of tea.

“I don’t know just what kind of person Ruan Danchen is, but just based on the ruckus her mother is making, it can’t be good. It’s not just embarrassing the Qi Family, but our company as well.”

“Isn’t that right? My relatives and friends know I work at Qilin, and they keep asking me about the General Manager and his wife. Truthfully, it’s other people’s business, how would I know? It’s all getting quite annoying.”

“That Liu Ronghua is also one of a kind, she says she loves her daughter, but she keeps doing things to undermine her. This is our General Manager we’re talking about, if it were any othe man, they would have broken up long ago.”

“Who’s to say? Furthermore for a family of such prestige as the Qi Family, this matter today must have been extremely humiliating, they definitely must have formed an opinion about Ruan Danchen by now. The General Manager is caught in the middle, he must be very troubled.”

Ruan Danchen did not enter the pantry, and so could not know who was speaking. She simply returned to the office with an empty mug.

The two of them were right though. This affair truly did make Qi Chenglin feel very troubled.

The Qi Family had kept silent, and still were very supportive of her. Qi Chengzhi, Song Yi, Qi Chengyue and Cheng Dongge had even taken the trouble to have dinner with her and Qi Chenglin while surrounded by reporters.

She still took part in the family gathering at the old manor every Saturday, and Grandmother Qi still held her hand, and gave her words of encouragement.

However, the longer things played out, the more Ruan Danchen felt that she could not face Qi Chenglin and his wonderful family. Now Liu Ronghua was here making a scene. She knew that QI Chenglin had tried to insulate her from all of this, so she would not feel bad.

She was not troubled, but she did not want to trouble Qi Chenglin as well.

Qi Chenglin had done enough for her. Even though she had said otherwise, she could not push all of the burden on him.

Therefore, Ruan Danchen had walked straight to the entrance, and watched as Liu Ronghua, with her backed turned to the entrance of Qilin, aired her dirty laundry maliciously to every passerby with her mouth open and her hands gesticulating.

“You ask me if I intend to recognize you as my mother,” Ruan Danchen said coldly, “however have you ever treated me as your daughter?”

The pedestrians who were rushing past stopped. They had been listening to Liu Ronghua’s tirade, and had thought badly of Ruan Danchen. When they now saw Ruan Danchen, they did so with disapproving eyes.

Ruan Danchen walked down the stairs, step by step, her face a visage of cold fury, “if you truly, sincerely wish me well, why would you come to Qilin like this and make a scene? If you truly want the best for me, why are you here at the door, spewing out your vitriol, and smearing me with lies? You know full well I work here, but you come and make a scene. How will my colleagues view me? You know full well I’m with Chenglin, but you spout such vicious lies about us, how will Chenglin look at me? How will the Qi Family look at me? You say that you’re my adoptive mother, and that I owe you gratitude for raising me. However, a mother wants only the best for her daughter, and would worry if her daughter is being mistreated in her husband’s, her mother-in-law’s household.”

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