The Shadow of the Hidden Leaf


This is a story in which one person shouldn't had existed in this world.

Concieve from a family in which was born from a megalomaniac man, she was outcasted from a life of being love, into the world in which she was alone.

She didn't bore hatred nor loving but a life in which she just stood silent and wished she can connect with someone.

In her tiny hands, she wanted to grasp a warmth, lingering feeling as she desperately wants to be connected with someone, anyone and stand in the eternal darkness.

Yet, in that single instance of fate, she met a young boy who was alone, as she and him are connected with a string of fate as....


You are reborn....



In a wide room where there was only a light of a candle which lit a single space of a room, a young woman awoke with haste as the sheet that covers her body had fallen and completely shown her bare self in the light.

Her naked body was displayed without the sheet covering her, the bare chest in which was bit bigger than average. She only shown a pissed look as the lump of flesh on her body was just a hindrance to her in a fight.

The views of her in the past had now completely change as her eyes had slowly begun influencing her to such a degree.

She was once a kind and caring girl but after her sharingan had begun activating, her views began to change. She would show a cold and merciless look, her opponents were to be quickly dispatched and taken out quickly and she was fully focus on completing the mission.

Yet there were still something left. The risk for saving the important people, her drive to get stronger and....


The one who had brought her from the darkness. The young and reckless shinobi who provide the warmth in her heart.

There, a small smile would appear as she can't help but be reminded of his motivation as it was the only thing keeping her sane.

He was something of a beacon of light to her as she wanted to reunite with him, she wanted to touch his face and make funny faces to it again, she wanted to hug him as she misses him so so so much. But...

'I...I can't.....'

Tears began to drop from her eyes as she looks through her hands. The moment she blinks, her hands would instantly turned bloodied as she saw how many corpses she had slained, killed, tortured and brutally beaten down and then killed.

She was slowly turning into her megalomaniac of a grandfather as she shook that thoughts off as she knows that it had to be done. The people she had killed were ninjas who hold information to the Akatsuki as there was no mercy to be shown.

While there was still innocence who had been affected, it was the only choice she had to gain info from them.

After regaining back her sanity, she quickly began dressing in her attire as there was the robe her grandfather had once wore as she stopped before she took it and wore it on herself.

The sounds of a person began to walk towards her room as she was dressing herself as a woman opened her door, she who was tying her hair in a ponytail.

"Lady Shimura, Lady Hokage request of your presence." 

"Understood Rin. I'll be heading there now."

A young brown haired girl bowed down to Kizuna who gave a smile to her as she acted like she wasn't bothered nor angry for disturbing her.

Kizuna put on a smile to reassure Rin as she walk by her and began to talk to her about what the current intel they have.

"Intel shows that the Akatsuki are planning on attacking certain places where the jinchurikis had been in hiding or where last seen. I can pinpoint where the Jinchuriki's locations are but."

"Rin, don't track down the Jinchuriki and focus on where the Akatsuki are instead. They might use our shinobis to help them in their search as our primary goal is to either eliminate them or stall long enough for the Jinchuriki to escape. Then, have our siblings assist the group and easily take down the Akatsuki. Remember Rin, never underestimate those guys."

She began explaining to her about the Akatsuki through Itachi as she fondly remembers him that they are dangerous. While he is the insider on the group, he would act the same as he will try to kill any of their forces as they began to make counter-measures.

For Itachi, there were scrolls or instant awakening pills to remove his genjutsu and other tools to help then escape from him as more and more countermeasures were made to combat each Akatsuki member. From a man known to make explosions to a guy who can literally come back from death.

She never underestimate any of her foes as the only person she haven't aquired info from was the leader and the masked man.

She was quite shocked to know that a man who was named Madara Uchiha was currently alive as she felt the sense of dread that this isn't an ordinary group. They had plans, resources and a lot of info. And...

".... Tch. I knew this was gonna be hard."

She would return to a certain room where many corpses had been place in a tube as she felt saddened about some of them. While it was wrong to have them come back to fight again, she needed every people she can find to fight against the Akatsuki.

Her dark eyes on her face was already a sign that she had been working for a long time, experimenting, studying and researching which almost compares to Orochimaru's as she was slowly being driven insane from such an impossible mission.

While she can probably handle some of those Akatsuki, she needed more training and the help of the Hokage to find time and attack them.

"Rin, is Izumi's training haven't finished yet?"

"Not yet Lady Shimura. The Mangekyou Sharingan training still has problems in regards to control but she can manage it just for a bit."

"Good. At least her training had improve."

She was smiling warmly as Rin felt worried for Kizuna. While she always seen to be a bit cheerful, her eyes could tell the truth that they were the same as Itachi and was having nightmares and improper sleeping scedule to compensate for more research and info gathering.

She was overworking herself to the brink of exhausion as the medical jutsu she's been using only provide a bit of help yet it doesn't mean she's strong.

She would train harshly with taijutsu, ninjutsu, genjutsu and even seals as more and more weights, chakra drains and other rigorous training regimen would be applied as she would always bee in the brink of death every time.

There was even a time where she had to be place in a tube more than a lot of times just to come out and continue training.

Her spirits is actually starting to break down from the stress and pressure yet she still continues forth to train harder than ever.

And then.... She heard it.....

When a person would force herself to focus on one thought so she can keep on going.


A name.

A name she woud continue to repeat again and again....

She continue to repeat his name again and again as a smile continuously creeped up in her face as Rin became even more disturbed.

Kizuna was slowly breaking down as the Danzo's teaching had begun corrupting her. While she had the will and the determination, she was still a human. A weak and feeble girl who was forced to do something to painful and he had been exploiting that beautifully.

Like a doll which began to break down, Kizuna was slowly began to mentally lose herself as Rin with a determined look on her face...

Slapped Kizuna hard on her cheek.

The slap echoed throughout the foundation as Kizuna stopped for a second before being silent for sometime.

Rin who was about to shake her off, was grabbed hold by Kizuna as she smiles at her.


Even with the scorching marks on her, she manage to hold on to the pain and quickly head outside the foundation.

Bright light began to scorched Kizuna's eyes as she closes her eyes which opened and turned into green as she had put on a disguise on her eyes to look like a different person.

Rin also put on a disguise herself as she is already known to be dead and didn't want anyone to find out she was alive.

Everyone from the foundation are known to be Deceased and had to take up a different identity to protect Konoha from the shadows.

Once you joined the 'Deceased', you'll be taken in by Kizuna and renewed with a new identity as she only make them join her if they are willing to protect Konoha from the shadows and even return in their family as long as the Akatsuki are gone.

That was her only request to give them a new life.

While she was helped by Tsunade to improve her medical skills, she manage to come up with new jutsus and techniques to revive people.

While it is totally against the laws of nature, Kizuna was even willing to risk that notion to gather as many forces as she can to save lives of Konoha. She began to experiment on the dead to test out a certain practice as she used a certain product her granfather used and began to experiment different  corpses until she can truly test them out.

Only two people had been revived during her test as she decided to use them as her assistants.

"Rin, do you have any attachments left in this world? While i do feel bad about having resurrected you and Izumi, i only plan on making you alive until the Akatsuki have been dealt with."

"Kizuna, i am just surprised that you manage to resurrect us from death. I think it is wrong and you shouldn't revive any more people."


Kizuna stops and turns to Rin with a determined look on her face.

"I do find this unethical to revive people, i need to do this for the sake of stopping the Akatsuki. They plan on killing lives and causing so much more if their plans come to a fuition. While i think that my works are wrong, i need to do this to save Konoha from destruction. And so... "

She stares hard at Rin with a pleading look like she was breaking down again.

"By the time this is over.......................




...... End me."


The moment she stepped on this path, she knew that she can never turn back.

She has resources, manpower and skills to help her but she is uncertain.

Was she actually doing the right thing? Would her plan achieve something? Or...

Would she save her friend, the man who was hated by the village, and turn him into a hero? Told by a book she read?

Kizuna was always unsure of the possibilities.

She was actually born from the darkness and evil. Her life, she was unguided and might not even be shown light.

Yet, she was determined, the will of fire burns through her.

Naruto, Sasuke....

The two childhood friends she hang out and trained together, she wanted to do something for them. The bond between the three of them had grown as Kizuna had resolved and never shaken her Ninja way.

"I'm gonna be the strongest ninja, to protect my friends and family. That is my ninja way." 

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