The Shopkeeper of Konoha

186. I don’t trust them

Fugaku couldn't wrap his head around what was going on, but eventually, he calmed down with the help of Aoto and Chomei. It was at the end that Chomei spoke of the Ten Tails and the whole charade of Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Fugaku finally came to know of the Ten Tails, of the whole tablet being manipulated by some child of an alien who wanted to bring back his mother. The more Fugaku listened to Aoto, the more he thought he was hearing some kind of fairy tale.

But the evidence was there all along. The things about the Ōtsutsuki family, the mention of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, how over the years they had been manipulated, and how a different version had been passed down.

The war between Senju and the Uchiha, all being manipulated until they came together, but even then, both of them were at each other's throats.

"So what is the endpoint of it?" Fugaku almost broke down when he heard the whole story.

"The endpoint is bringing her back," Aoto said.

"I will never ever do that kind of thing. Never. That is horrible," Fugaku almost screamed out. Aoto could already see the deep hatred now that he had for the tablet and wanted nothing but to burn it down.

"I know. But it doesn't mean that others won't," Aoto said.

"You mean Itachi? No. If he ever tries to do that, I will kill him with my own hands," Fugaku said, and Aoto, for the first time, could see the determination in his eyes.

"Calm down, Fugaku-san. You have always said that Itachi was better than you, don't you trust him?" Aoto said. Fugaku nodded, but he was skeptical.

"I didn't mean Itachi when I said others. There can be others too," Aoto said.

"There are others who have Mangekyo and have access to the tablet? Who.. I will find him and kill him," Fugaku vowed, but then it suddenly struck him. The Kyuubi night attack, the reason why they were in this position. Aoto could see the realization dawn on his eyes as he went through a hurricane of emotions.

Anger, sadness, horrified, and at the end pain.

"That attack.. Was really one of us?" Fugaku asked.

"Yes," Aoto said.

"Then why don't you go and catch him. And kill him. He is responsible for the death of your parents. You are powerful enough and even have a tailed beast with you," Fugaku asked.

"Simple, we are not powerful enough, and even if we face him and his small team, it won't change the fact that the manipulator would survive. And even if we do take care of the manipulator, you are forgetting the main problem here. The aliens," Aoto said.

"Didn't you say that this Kaguya figure is sealed?" Fugaku asked.

"And you think Kaguya was the only alien?" Aoto asked. Fugaku's eyes went wide, looking at Aoto with a surprised expression.

"This?" Fugaku was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say, remaining in silence for a minute or two as he gathered his thoughts. He then said, "What does the Uchiha need to do to make our past and future right?"

"There is only one thing that we can do. And that is survive," Aoto said.

"Are the aliens that powerful?" Fugaku asked.

"They have Rinne-sharingan, and their Byakugan is of a higher level. They can make domains out of nothing, actual physical domains, teleport around, and a host of other abilities that I don't know about," Aoto explained.

"How do you know all this?" Fugaku couldn't help but ask, and all Aoto did was show him the library. Fugaku was still reeling from the whole story and didn't get time to think about the library, but now it suddenly struck him.

Where did the whole library come from? What was written in these books? What is this place? And how come he couldn't remember such a structure in Konoha?

"What is this place?" Fugaku inquired.

"A place where demons are real," Chomei replied instead. This made Aoto smile but didn't add more to it.

"Fugaku-san, I know many things, but for now, survive because your clan is on the verge of destruction. The Senju have assimilated into Konoha and almost vanished, except for one person. The last one standing is your clan," Aoto said.

"Do I have to stage a coup in order to survive?" Fugaku hesitantly asked. He was unsure how else he should save their clan, and also because Aoto didn't belong to the Uchiha.

Aoto didn't care about the thoughts of the Uchiha and after much thinking, he said, "I will see what I can do about the Uchiha family, but you need to make sure that the Uchiha are unanimous. You can't be blind to see that some of your own clan members have too much pride and make problems for the clan. Get rid of the tumor, and do it in such a way that the clan doesn't go against you in this. And I will see how to make peace with Konoha. I can't guarantee you anything, but I promise I will try my best to save both," Aoto said.

"Thank you. I don't want to go against Konoha because in this war we need all the help we can get, and I understand that the council members of Konoha don't represent all of Konoha. Thus, I hope we can come to a settlement," Fugaku said.

"I hope so too. You should leave. I am sure many people might have noticed you coming to my place, and it might give some people the wrong idea," Aoto said.

"I understand," Fugaku said. He thanked Chomei, and Aoto sent him back to Konoha, leaving Aoto and Chomei alone.

"Where's Naruto?" Aoto asked.

"He slept away in the library while reading. I took him to bed," Chomei said.

"Thank you, Chomei," Aoto said.

"Are you really going to help them? You know their history, and you still want to do so?" Chomei asked.

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