The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 10: Chapter 7

「……Thus, a ray of hope was fired. Fufufu, the Staff Demon did a good job.」

Dimensional Castle Avaldia. Within its Throne Room, the Alva Queen laughed.

The brilliance of Ratil Rail entirely destroyed Elarc’s enemies, and undoubtedly brought about peace.

Most likely, if given a bit more time, a declaration of the end of the war would be made.

The end of the civil war should give comfort and joy to the fatigued citizens.

There was no one in the current Elarc that would obstruct that.

「And so, let us thrust them down into hell. Come on, come on! Let’s go to the party with everyone! Let’s offer a bouquet of despair to the banquet of joy! And then, utter chaos to the world! Anyone and everyone should be suspicious and go crazy against one another!」

「……Ha, our new Demon King-sama is going mad.」

「Isn’t it the same as usual? It’ll be fine if we just do things as needed.」

While watching the dancing Alva Queen, the Sword Demon and the Bow Demon whispered to each other.

The Staff Demon had perished due to Ratil Rail, and the Spear Demon’s whereabouts were unknown.

Their new master was insanity itself that desired the disorder and chaos of mankind’s society, and their new companions were creepy organisms that could fuse with other living creatures and take control of them. 

That’s right, even from their eyes, the Alva were abnormal. Although there were some that had intelligence, there were actually much more that didn’t. However, even those lacking intelligence would obtain intelligence by taking over their opponent.

The Alva, who seemed as if they were created with that as their objective to begin with, split the Canal Kingdom in two by following that design, and caused a large-scale civil war.

But, no one knew how doing that would connect to the Alva Queen’s benefit.

The Staff Demon seemed to have schemed world domination in a similar manner in the time of the 「previous Demon King」 but……the Alva Queen showed no indication of that sort of thing.

No, rather, she acted as if to say that the world should just be destroyed.

The number of Alva that gathered to attack Elarc continued to increase, and they only awaited the Alva Queen’s latest order.

No matter how many Alva vanished, as long as they had the Alva Queen, new ones would be born.

Even for the Mazoku that weren’t Alva, since they would be able to revive if given enough time, like the Sword Demon and the Bow Demon, the Staff Demon would surely revive as well if given some time, and their former master was no exception.

The Elarc attack, just as the Alva Queen had said, was nothing more than a party.

The advantage would grow the more time had passed……since that is how the Alva did things.

When the dancing Alva Queen brought her moves to a complete stop, she turned her gaze to the outside.

It was the moment that the Sword Demon and Bow Demon corrected their postures thinking that the order had finally come.

What was spun out from the Alva Queen’s mouth……was not an order, but words of bewilderment.

「The Alva are vanishing……? Why, no, who? Who has come into this Dimensional Gap?」

Hearing those words, the Sword Demon and the Bow Demon also reacted.

「Ha!? C, could it be an enemy……Is it him, is it the Demon King! Could it be that he’s attacking!」

「There’s no way that could happen! Entering the Dimensional Gap is completely different from something like Continental Movement, you know!?」

「I am terribly sorry to not meet your expectations but.」

As if to interrupt their conversation. Or, as if to cut up the tumult.

While making footsteps that went *katsun katsun*, a single man appeared.

He had slightly long black hair that wasn’t arranged in any way.

His somewhat long facial hair made the man’s appearance look somewhat aged, but at the same time, it also gave him a dignified atmosphere.

His black eyes had a somewhat philosophic look, and had a mysterious feeling that didn’t make it clear on whether he was looking at the other party or not.

The armor that he wore was ancient-looking, yet it was an article that emitted an unusual amount of magical power.

That man, who held a two-handed sword with a pitch-black sword blade, had black hair but was not Vermudol.

「……Who might you be. Are you the one who killed my Alva?」

In response to the Alva Queen’s question, the man made a small laugh with a “Hmph”.

「Don’t mind the small things. Next is you all.」

While saying that, the man slowly moved his sword.

WIth just that loose movement, he defended against the Sword Demon’s attack that closed the distance with a speed that couldn’t be caught with the naked eye.

「You……I don’t really get it, but you piss me off. Your atmosphere is the same as that shitty Demon King, ain’t it.」

「You are……If I remember correctly, the Sword Demon, weren’t you. That damned Philia, did she bring out even things like this?」

「Ahh? Why is the God of Life’s name coming out here?」

Even as their swords continued to be locked and making a *giri giri* sound, the man’s expression was the image of tranquility itself.

His eyes that didn’t reflect his emotions gazed into the depths of the Sword Demon’s hollow helmet, however, a faint look of pity dwelled within them.

「So you know nothing. Manipulated by Philia, then to have those strings cut……as things are now, you’re just a puppet that’s been abandoned.」

「……Spouting out things that I don’t get. It seems that you really want to die.」

The Sword Demon is a swordsman killer. What he wore was not simply armor, and if carelessness was induced from being brought into a sword lock, countless blades would shoot out from his armor and he would be able to pierce his opponent.

Just like how he killed the Maid Knight that was among the Hero’s companions in the past, this man would fall as well.

「It’s unfortunate but. The one to die is you.」


When he realized it, there was something that looked like a black puddle that was made at the Sword Demon’s feet.

It was a mysterious puddle that didn’t make a sound nor splash water.

No……Rather than water, it seemed like darkness had collected.

The instant the Sword Demon had that sort of thought.

The Sword Demon’s body was brought into the stretched out darkness……and just like that, he was swallowed and vanished into nothing.

「Darkness Magic!? You……I don’t know anyone like you!? I didn’t hear that there was a guy like you in the Mazoku country!」

「The Bow Demon huh.」

With just a swing of his sword, the man intercepted the countless magical power arrows that were fired from the Bow Demon.

To bring down the Bow Demon’s arrows, which could pierce through a Human along with their shield in a single attack, with a sword, that man wasn’t normal.

In that case, this man wasn’t Human.

A Mazoku, or a Majin. But, there weren’t any reports saying that there was a Majin like this in the Zadark Kingdom. 

There were reports regarding guys like the ones called the Cardinal Generals.

However, this man wasn’t one of them.

「I have an understanding of the immortality that you all have. You’re all special Mazoku that manifest half magical power bodies with weapons as the main body. Therefore, as long as the weapon itself is not destroyed, you can revive over and over……but.」

「Don’t come near……Don’t come near me!」

What was fired from the Bow Demon, was an intense attack that resembled Fainell’s Voltenix.

However, that was also cut up and extinguished by the man’s sword.

「Sorry. Against foes like you all, Darkness Magic, which attacks magical power itself, is extraordinarily compatible.」

Going *zoburi*.

The darkness that rose up swallowed the Bow Demon and vanished.

「……How overwhelming. It’s like you’re a God.」

「It’s because I am a God. The one called the God of Darkness Dagulas. But, you don’t really need to remember that.」

The Alva Queen, who stood in front of her throne, and Dagulas glared at each other……And the Alva Queen who was staring at that Dagulas expressed a smile filled with affection.

「I see, the God of Darkness. I know about you. You’re the pitiful God that had the race that he protected taken from him due to Philia. Isn’t that right?」

「You’re well informed.」

That’s right, thanks to Philia’s blunder in the past, the Elements, who the God of Darkness Dagulas protected, had perished from the world.

Philia’s plan of creating a small enemy in order to let mankind let out some steam before they committed a fatal mistake had lead to the destruction of the Elements due to her being unable to see through the degree that mankind’s recklessness was at.

The 「Demon King that Philia sent in」 that had been born ever since then was an 「outside enemy」 that Philia created as her own way of reflecting on it, and was an existence only meant to be destroyed by mankind.

By having mankind band together to defeat that which brought about chaos to the world, it would convey the foolishness of fellow members of mankind quarreling and disputing against each other──That was Philia’s aim, and the true nature of the system known as the Demon King and the Hero, as well as the Holy Sword that was completed by going around the world.

To Dagulas, he didn’t care about something like that but……For the time being, he lent only his power.

As a result of that, he was surprised at how the Hero that Philia had prepared had defeated not only the Demon King Shuklous that Philia had created, but even Gramfia who was the 「real Demon King」 of that time, but……after following things a bit, he immediately understood that Philia had lead the Hero to that.

Like that, peace was restored in the world, and just as Philia calculated, mankind formed a bond.

However, that bond unravelled as time passed, and once again, discord was created within mankind, and even a new Demon King was birthed.

Feeling a sense of impending crisis from that, what Philia prepared this time was the Alva Queen.

However, it seemed that this Alva Queen had surpassed Philia’s calculations and went too far.

Most likely, Philia intended for her to bring about some chaos to mankind, and using the Mazoku called 「Alva」, which could possess people, as a common enemy, it would lead the people to unify.

Even the nonsense called the Demi-Human Argument that was born from within mankind, it would be fine if the responsibility of it was pushed onto the Alva and buried as 「evil」.

And then, after the Alva Queen was buried, she should have been thinking that she wanted the true Demon King to perish to the newly prepared Hero. Of course, it seemed that Philia had directly sent assassins as well though.

However, going by the results, her plans were off the mark.

The Hero that Philia called feared that power, sealed it away on his own, and lived as a normal Human.

And during that time, the Alva Queen strengthened her power, and deviated from the 「mission」 that Philia had established for her.

The Alva Queen, who dropped all of mankind into a sea of disorder through suspicion and schemed to toy with them, could no longer become a sacrifice meant to amend mankind.

On the other hand, even Philia’s other aim of 「the erasure of Demon King Vermudol」, after looking at the current world situation, it became impossible to overlook that.

Therefore, Dagulas came.

Settling on the fact that the Canal Kingdom’s chaos would be dangerous in the hands of the people living in the world, even Raidolg moved to match up with that.

An intervention of the Gods was already unavoidable.

Philia’s plan had completely failed──That was the conclusion of all of the Gods.

「Hey, why are you allied with Philia……with mankind? Don’t you hate them? You should destroy them together with me. If you come together with me, you can see the spectacle of them suspecting and destroying each other, you know?」

「Not interested.」

He didn’t know how the other Gods felt, but Dagulas already had no interest in mankind.

Ever since the day the Elements died, the only thing that could move Dagulas’s body was his sense of duty as a God.

If anything, right now, he had an interest in the Mazoku more than mankind but……at any rate, he didn’t have any reason whatsoever to side with the Alva Queen.

「……I see. Then I don’t need you. I’ll kill you then……let’s see, I’ll put some random Alva in you.」

「No, that is impossible.」

Darkness rose up from Dagulas’s feet.

It took the figure of what looked like black knights, and they flew towards what was at the end of where Dagulas’s sword was pointed at, towards the Alva Queen.

「As for why, it is because you will die.」

「Ahaha, that’s unlikely! Since I’m going to kill you!」

Countless Alva gushed forth from the Alva Queen’s body, and flew to intercept the knights of darkness that Dagulas sent out.

The knights of darkness and the Alva collided, and they annihilated each other.

Creating a black halberd from empty space, the Alva Queen attacked Dagulas who had a sword in his hand.

「This is perfect! Before I kill Philia, I will kill you and……let’s see. It might be good to throw you at Philia to fight!」

「I see. It does seem like it would be fun to do something about that woman though.」

Dagulas’s sword cut up the Alva Queen’s halberd.

「But still, it really is impossible for you.」

And then.

Dagulas’s sword was driven very deeply into the Alva Queen……and encroached darkness into her body.

「Ah, ah, ahh……っ」

「Farewell. O pitiful one. About Philia, I shall hate her enough for your portion as well.」

After he lightly swung his sword in place of a funeral in the place that the Alva Queen was swallowed into the darkness as if melting into it, Dagulas turned around and left the Throne Room.

There were still Alva left in the Dimensional Gap. Cleaning those up was Dagulas’s next job.

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