The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 9: Chapter 5

Several days after the Chivalric Order member selection proclamation was spread throughout Kashnart.

In an office of Elreim Castle, there were heaps of application documents piled up.

The one who was dealking with that, which looked like it had turned into a mountain and even looked like it could have an avalanche, was Narika.

「The letters in this one isn’t beautiful. For this one……ehー, in the event I am appointed as a knight, I will work around the clock for Narika-sama’s sake……how disgusting. This one is……yup, it’s good enough.」

Narika was sorting the documents through the 「Intuition」 that the royalty of the Canal Kingdom possessed. 「Intuition」 was the power to see through the truth with outstanding accuracy. In the Canal Kingdom, this was placed as being 「the mark of a king granted by the God of Light Raidolg」, and was made into the cornerstone of their system of government.

Right now, Narika was making good use of that ability and performing a document screening.

「Oya. You’re really working at it.」

「Ara, Mazenda. I have already finished more than half of them, you know?」

「As expected of you. That being said, it would seem that the number of people that passed is quite small, doesn’t it?」

Mazenda, who entered the office, gazed at the documents that were scattered about on the floor. Those were the application documents that Narika had judged to be disqualified. There were almost no documents that were in the box for those that passed.

「True. Well, it cannot be helped.」

「Is that so. That being said, I feel that giving a chance to many people is a duty of royalty.」


When Mazenda waved her staff, Wind Magic was generated, and the disqualified documents were gathered into a corner of the room.

After confirming that they were densely packed, Mazenda returned her gaze to Narika.

「Be that as it may, Narika-sama, there is no need to have you do that. Would it be alright for me to choose several adequate ones from among those?」

「That is fine. Do as you like.」

「As you wish.」

When Mazenda snapped her fingers, the knights nimbly organized the documents in the corner of the room into boxes, and carried them out.

「Come to think of it, Mazenda.」

「Yes. What is it?」

「Are we still unable to fine Eltrinde?」

The Second Princess of the Canal Kingdom, Eltrinde, was one of the few allies that Third Princess Celis, who was isolated in the royal court for having pronounced Beastman blood, had, but that did not mean that she was Narika’s enemy.

The reason why Narika, who was disliked within the castle due to her selfishness, was somehow able to come along as a princess was largely due to Eltrinde’s efforts.

That being said, when Narika and Celis were placed on a scale for her, it was certain that Eltrinde would generally chose Celis. That is why Narika kept Eltrinde away from the royal capital.

To make sure that Celis wouldn’t try and get closer to Eltrinde, she planned on calling Eltrinde back after a clear 「distinction」 was made.

However, due to the incident with the King happening on top of Celis having more determination than expected, in the end, Eltrinde had not returned to the castle, and her whereabouts were unknown even now.

Thinking about it normally, it would only be natural to have no intention of returning to the side of the one that chased her out in the first place, but Narika didn’t think that way.

If Celis, the one who mislead Eltrinde, were to be removed, then she should surely look only at her. Narika possessed that sort of warped sisterly love. The face that Celis didn’t enter her range of being a 「sister」 could also be said to be one of Narika’s distortions.


「Even though we would have been able to easily search for Eltrinde if the Intelligence Unit were going strong. Could it be that she is with Celis.」

「Who knows……」

Despite knowing everything, Mazenda glossed over it.

That’s right, Mazenda knew.

Together with the Intelligence Unit, Eltrinde took up a position close to Narika’s enemy. In truth, the one that Eltrinde was aiming for was Mazenda, but if she were to attempt that, she would inevitably oppose the Narika faction.

It looked like things could be made even more interesting if she could skillfully make use of Eltrinde’s position.

Thinking about that sort of thing, Mazenda’s mouth was about to naturally create a smile……but she pretended to clear her throat, and lightly pressed down on her mouth.

「Ahem……Excuse me. About Eltrinde-sama, I have told everyone to inform you first if she is found.」

「Eltrinde is a good girl, so she might be deceived by Celis. That annoying impure girl……always acting misfortunate, and getting Eltrinde’s attention……」

「Please be at ease. Narika-sama, you are the legitimate First Princess, aren’t you?」

When Mazenda whispered that to her with a gentle tone, Narika made a face as if she had just realized that.

「……That’s right. I am the legitimate heir to the Canal Kingdom’s throne. There is no way I could lose to that usurper. Even Eltrinde will definitely understand that.」

「Yes, of course she will. That’s the spirit.」

「Yosh! Now that that’s decided, I will sort all of these!」

Bowing to Narika who returned to the mountain of documents, Mazenda turned around.

Placing her hand on the door to the office and opening it, it was there that Mazenda asked a question without turning around.

「Oh right, Narika-sama.」

「What? Uーn, this one is no good.」

「About Celis-sama, what do you plan on doing with her?」

Hearing Mazenda’s question, Narika made a blank face.

What would she do. Thinking about the meaning of that, she went “……ahh” and nodded.

「I will kill her. Isn’t that obvious. She was the cause of everything after all.」

「Is that so.」

「What, do you object to that?」

Hearing Narika’s dissatisfied-sounding voice, Mazenda shook her head sideways.

「No, I am not objecting to it or anything of the sort……Narika-sama, everything is done by your will.」

Narika saw Mazenda, who said that and left the office, off with a puzzled face……and before long, she returned to processing the documents.

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