The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings

Chapter 523 - 471: Brothers fight, a battle within the clan?

Chapter 523: Chapter 471: Brothers fight, a battle within the clan?

“You are all insane!” Yu Yangzi burst out in anger.

As a disciple of the Elder Celestial Master, the Elder Celestial Master was dear to him as a mountain, how could he tolerate anyone insulting his master.

“Junior, you better allow him to come out and accept Ancestor Celestial Master’s decree obediently!” The elder finally spoke again, his mild words, however, carrying an unquestionable intent.

Although the Dragon Tiger Mountain lineage belonged to the Taoist School, it was a very domineering power even in the Sky Wasteland world, and it was the same within the Dragon Tiger Mountain itself, the decree of the Ancestor Celestial Master could not be contravened.

They returned to the ancestral land carrying the decree of the Ancestor Celestial Master, to ensure that the Dragon Tiger Mountain lineage of the ancestral land obeys the commands and prepares for the future return of the Dragon Tiger Mountain lineage from Sky Wasteland.

A cold light flashed in Yu Yangzi’s eyes, which was caught by the young man. Wrath flared in the latter’s eyes as well: “Are you not in agreement? Let me subdue you first, then bring your Elder Celestial Master for the decree.”

This ancestral land had already declined, only occupied by some lucky ones who had breakthroughs due to the revival of Heaven and Earth. If the Heaven and Earth had not revived, they would eventually turn to dust after a six-decade-cycle.

Now that they have come with the Ancestor Celestial Master’s decree, these people should be obsequiously obeying, instead of showing discontent. This is truly reckless and arrogant.

However, he didn’t expect Yu Yangzi to be more decisive in his actions.

“So what if it’s Ancestor Celestial Master’s decree, if the Dragon Tiger Mountain lineage of Sky Wasteland consists only of such arrogant rebellious people, then it’s just as well that this Dragon Tiger Mountain doesn’t entertain them!” Yu Yangzi roared angrily in his heart.

Thousands of years are enough to obliterate many things. Not only was the Dragon Tiger Mountain lineage of Sky Wasteland lacking any emotional ties to the ancestral land’s Dragon Tiger Mountain lineage, the folks from the Daming World felt the same.

In their perspective, their memories of the Ancestor Celestial Master and other ancestral masters of Dragon Tiger Mountain were nothing more than names on wooden tablets, clay statues. They never thought there would come a day to meet.

Even when they heard about the existence of a Dragon Tiger Mountain lineage in Sky Wasteland, the Elder Celestial Master chose to agree to the alliance of offense and defense requested by Pei Xuanjing and others. After all, both sides had lost contact for thousands of years. Besides bearing the same name, what connection is there?

Yu Yangzi and his peers more or less shared the same thoughts. If these people of Sky Wasteland could behave courteously, maybe they could revive old friendships and merge again.

But now, these people were acting domineering and disrespectful, disrespecting the Elder Celestial Master. Yu Yangzi could no longer bear it.


The divine sword at Yu Yangzi’s waist was abruptly unsheathed.

The Yin-Yang Evil-Slaying Treasure Sword, one of the Yin swords was under Yu Yangzi’s control. Given the young man’s insolence, there wasn’t an iota of hesitation in Yu Yangzi.

The divine sword was unsheathed, revealing its edge. The sharp sword cut through the air, the resulting sword energy overflowing, flooding the whole hall.

With Yu Yangzi taking action, many Dragon Tiger Mountain masters, who had originally been standing by the side, also decisively unsheathed their swords.

They shared the same thought— they recognized only the Elder Celestial Master, and not any individuals returning from Sky Wasteland.


The young man didn’t expect that a mere Spirit Realm Onefold would dare to draw his sword against him, using a Yin-Yang Evil-Slaying Treasure Sword at that. Even though the sword was clearly a replica, he was infuriated.

A disciple of Dragon Tiger Mountain being threatened with a Yin-Yang Evil-Slaying Treasure Sword – once word gets out, it would be a great laughing matter.

He didn’t hesitate any longer and acted fiercely.

Five Thunder Righteous Law, the martial art inherited by Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Countless bursts of thunder exploded and bombarded towards Yu Yangzi.

At this moment, the light from Yu Yangzi’s sword was also blazingly brilliant in front of him. The two men’s confrontation triggered a thunderous explosion, setting off a massive shockwave that, tangible in essence, swept from the center of their clash in all directions.

Yu Yangzi retreated several paces, letting out a muffled grunt. A touch of pallor appeared on his face; clearly, this clash had affected him greatly.

He had lost just by the initial testing of their strengths. Even with the Yin-Yang Evil-Slaying divine sword in his hand, he wasn’t equipped to handle the strength of a Spirit Realm Third-Level practitioner.


The young man fighting back had a hint of anger in his eyes, looking at his sleeves cut by the sword energy, he immediately thought of killing Yu Yangzi.

Absolute humiliation—a Spirit Realm Onefold individual had wounded him—but only because he had use of a divine weapon. This was a path to death.

In this moment, he didn’t consider whether his opponent was the successor of the Dragon Tiger Mountain lineage of his ancestral land—he attacked again with murderous intent.

Booming rumble—continuous muffled sounds of thunder echoed, and explosive roars were endless.

Yu Yangzi, of course, would not submit readily. With a sweep of the divine sword in his hand, the booming sword howl echoed forth, conquering sword energy like a furious thunderstorm.

Exterminate Evil Sword Skill!

With this technique executed by Yu Yangzi, leveraging the power of the divine sword, the strength demonstrated was indeed extraordinary.

But the young man had a stronger power. With a palm strike from him, dragons roared and tigers howled. The palm wind landed on Yu Yangzi’s shoulder, making him fly backwards by several distances, crashing into the chairs behind him in a sorry state.


Many powerful practitioners of Dragon Tiger Mountain shouted in surprise.

“It is nothing!” Yu Yangzi stood up, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, looking at the young man with wariness.

“Seems the lesson I gave you wasn’t enough.” The young man’s eyes flashed with a icy ray, and he attacked again, apparently intending to kill Yu Yangzi.

Yu Yangzi quickly prepared to defend, signaling with his sword.

However, before he could react, he was held back by a firm hand on his shoulder, and a gentle primordial qi entered his dantian, repairing the injury he had just sustained.


Yu Yangzi knew his master had come to his aid.

“Leave the rest to me, rest and recuperate to prevent any development of a latent injury.” said the Elder Celestial Master, appearing before Yu Yangzi. As he channeled primordial qi to heal Yu Yangzi, he turned to look at the aggressive young man, a hint of killing intent flitting through his eyes.


The Elder Celestial Master flicked his sleeve, and a terrifying force surged forth and struck directly at the young man.

The pleased expression on the young man’s face instantly vanished, transforming into a look of astonishment. With a disbelieving look, he flew backwards, crashed into the ground, and started coughing up large amounts of blood. He even regurgitated parts of his shattered organs and couldn’t get up for quite a while.

“Zhuoran!” Another young man’s face changed dramatically, and he quickly ran to him.

The previously composed old man also looked serious, and harshly addressed Elder Celestial Master, “Your attack was excessively severe!”

The appearance of the Elder Celestial Master happened too abruptly. Although he saw the Elder Celestial Master stop Zhang Zhuoran, he thought it was only as a deterrent. He didn’t expect the Elder Celestial Master to act decisively and severely.

It was just one move. Even though it didn’t endanger Zhang Zhuoran’s life, he undoubtedly needed a long time to recover, and it might even damage his foundation.

“Severe?” The Elder Celestial Master’s eyes grew cold and he disdainfully replied: “I’ve been very merciful, at least I spared his life. If it were in the past, a youngster with such a cruel nature would have been long killed by me.”

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