The Sixth

2: Sweet Abandon

"That carriage... ain’t it the Rayne’s—!”

The market woman immediately knocks her son over the head. "You’ll be shuttin’ that mouth if ya know what’s good for ya!”

"I never imagined Lady Flora would do something like that. I’ve heard she’s as innocent as a newborn fawn..." A public security officer says. 

"Hmph! That's the sort you should really be scared of!” Her colleague huffs, seemingly speaking from experience. 

The seamstresses whisper, "Right on the balcony too..."

"Aye, the lady's got more guts than me, I tell ya!" A drunken mercenary cackles. 

In the middle of cleaning a local inn, one of the girls makes sure the coast is clear before saying, "My brother used to work for Madame Gisselle, you know. He heard some nobles say Lady Flora did it because she's always been jealous of Lady Darlin."

"Her sister?"

The girl nods. “My bro's seen her a few times too. He said Lady Darlin's different from other nobles, and now she's gone an' graduated with perfect scores!”

"That's amazing!"

"Not even the Prince graduated with perfect scores!"

"Right? I guess Lady Flora feels insecure with a sis like Lady Darlin."


"Don't be dense, Bessie! It's why all those rumors been going round 'bout Lady Flora and Sir Heinrich." With her hands on her hips, she states matter-of-factly— though she had to have her older sister spell it out for her earlier— "She seduced him away from Lady Darlin, you sillies!"


"Is that it?"

"Since you know everything, why didn't Sir Heinrich just end things with Lady Darlin already? Those rumors have been 'round for more than a while."

"Hmph! You really don’t know a thing about nobles.” She held out one hand, “What's better, a crippled mule you can't put down,” then the other, “or a mule that carries your things and your kids?"

"The second.” The girls chorus. 

"Exactly! No matter how you spin it, Lady Darlin's the better choice, and nobles are always out for the best. Lady Flora had to go big to make sure Sir Heinrich will have to marry her!"

"...That’s scary..." One girl shakes her head, unable to imagine getting mixed up in so much drama. 

"It's exciting~!" Another hops up and down. 

"That poor Lady Darlin… must hurt havin’ your sis betray you like that.”

Seeing the carriage carved with the Rayne emblem rouses the public up more. Darlin could feel the gossip worsening. 

She put a hand over her mouth, not to hide her smile, but to curtail it. Her lips are stretched so wide her cheeks hurt. 

She didn’t know when she’d developed such a wanton taste for other's suffering, yet is hopeless not to revel in it.

“Serves you right, you stupid bitch!” The curse does not bode well with her helplessly eloquent tongue, but Darlin enjoys the death of her inhibitions no less. 

The only greater pleasure than this will come once she’s officially shaken off this bothersome engagement.

In her past lives, other nobles didn’t show much discretion or hesitation to disrespect Darlin, knowing she would become no more than a placeholder, whilst flattering Flora as the woman who would hold the Fritz Duchy’s authority via Heinrich’s love.

There are still such people here and there, though much fewer than Darlin experienced before. They’ll have her attention in due time.

Until then, Darlin plans to savor the sight of those jackals feasting on Heinrich and Flora. 

For once, she couldn’t wait to return to the Rayne manor. The graduation ceremony was last night, and Flora has been crying nonstop. Naturally, Earl and Countess Rayne got no sleep either, aggrieved by their precious Flora’s pearly tears. 

On the other hand, Darlin helped herself to a warm cup of tea, had a somewhat restful night, and was up bright and early to catch a slice of her favorite cake.  

Flipping open the paper box next to her, Darlin helps herself to a bite of the lemon tart. “Perfect.” She sighs, unable to fathom how Flora manages to scarf down the overly sweet strawberry shortcakes. 

Be as it may, Darlin got her a slice, at least to occupy Flora with anything other than crying.

By the time the maid returns with the newspapers, Darlin’s done with her lemon tart and has returned to a poised posture. “Did you get it?” 

“Yes, my Lady.” The maid nods and takes the seat across Darlin. As the carriage starts moving, she hands over the newspapers while complaining, “It’s terrible out there! Everyone is talking about Lady Flora like she’s some trollop!”

She is.

“They are saying she seduced Sir Heinrich out of jealousy! I can’t believe their audacity!”

“I see…” They don’t know Flora is just tactless and spoilt to an unbelievable degree. Darlin wagers there was never a time Flora envied her. Everything came easily so long as Flora wanted it, and used to Darlin assenting to her, she’s grown to have no consideration for her sister.

Met with an underwhelming reaction, the maid frowns. She’s cold even though her own sister is suffering so much? …No wonder Sir Heinrich fell for Lady Flora.

Darlin was barely through the entrance when Earl Howard Rayne roars from the top of the stairs, “Darlin, where have you been? Don’t you realize how dire the situation is right now?!” His eyes land on the pastry box in the maid’s hands, then shoot back to Darlin, burning with disdain. “You… You heartless thing…”

Darlin gave a small smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I hoped this would help Flora calm down. As for where I have been, I wanted to assess the public situation for myself.” Her expression turns apprehensive. “I am afraid there is a lot we must discuss before things get any worse.”

Howard’s mood immediately betters upon hearing this was all for Flora’s sake. “Ah, I see! You’ve done well, Darlin.” Turning to leave, he makes a flippant motion for Darlin to follow. “Your mother and sister are already in the study. …Oh right, you’re a good sister.”

The compliment sends an irritable twitch through Darlin’s brain. 

“…a good sister…” is the only compliment her parents ever give her— the same through the entirety of her past lives. 

Of course, when she acts in a way that displeases Flora, then she’s every insult under the sun. 

Darlin’s soft smile does not falter as she stares into her father’s back with a cruel intensity. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. 

Her fingers twitch as he imagines her hands around Howard’s neck. …I’m going to kill you~!

A shiver rips up Howard’s spine so fast he jolts. He spins around unconsciously, finding Darlin docilely following.

Figuring his nerves are on edge over Flora’s situation, the Earl’s proceeds forth.

Countess Isabelle is on the couch,  Flora crying into her chest. As soon as the door opens and she recognizes Darlin behind the Earl, she displays a reaction similar to Howard’s earlier own. “Darlin, where have you been while your sister is suffering so much?!”

“She went to assess the situation outside.” Howard answers as he takes the empty space on the other side of Flora. “She seems to have come up with something.”

I never said that. Darlin pulls up a seat for herself.

“Is that right?” Isabelle beams in relief. “You hear that, Flora? Everything will be alright. Gosh, you’re really a good sister, Darlin!”

The moment Darlin is seated, she takes out the first newspaper, which belongs to a commoner news agency. “The situation is not good.” 

Everyone gawks. Flora’s tears stop short as utter horror leaves her flabbergasted. 

The ghastly headline reads; “A CERTAIN NOBLE LADY ENTERS ADULTHOOD IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE”, accompanied by a clear picture of the compromising state Flora and Heinrich were caught in.

Flora trembles. She hugs herself and lets out a sorrowful cry. “Why? Why is this happening to me?” She dives back into Isabelle’s arms. “I- I… am still pure, yet these people are taking pleasure in slandering me! They’re heartless…”

“My dear, we know you’re a good child.” Howard comforts, then turns to glare at Darlin. “You, hurry up and put that trash away!”

Darlin does put the newspaper down, then raises the other, which belongs to a noble news agency. “THE ROYAL ACADEMY’S GRADUATION CEREMONY RUINED BY A CLANDESTINE AFFAIR

Flora weeps louder, and Isabelle demands, “What is the matter with you? Do you enjoy tormenting your sister alongside those gossipmongers?”

Darlin denies with a shake of her head. Does such a common topic count as gossip? “I only want all of you to understand the weight of the situation. As the heart of the topic, Flora can not afford to be unawares.” 

For Flora’s sake, the couple predictably purse their lips and Darlin is allowed to expatiate, “Regarding this, the nobles and commoners are in agreement about what happened. Right now, all of the Capital has deemed Flora… immoral,” A slut!

“B-But Heinrich and I, we didn’t…” Flora sniffles into a handkerchief, “Why would they print such things without knowing the truth?” Gripping Howard’s sleeve, she pleads, “Father, can’t you stop these liars?”

Darlin answers in his place, “I’m afraid not.”

“…Sister is not even willing to try for my sake?” Pink eyes ripple with a new wave of tears. 

“Any news reported by Baron Adolf is highly credible in the eyes of both commoners and nobles. If we try to suppress him, he could spread our attempts by word-of-mouth and more attention will be attracted.” Darlin didn’t spend all that money on a perfume for Flora and Heinrich to easily crawl out of this pit. It’s for the same reason she, as student representative, signed off on Baron Adolf’s reporters covering the ceremony despite his less than stellar reputation amongst high society.

I couldn’t have done this without you, Flora… When Darlin was comatose in her third life, she was still able to hear everything around her. 

Flora, couldn’t have known this, but in trying to alleviate her guilt she would often come and chatter by Darlin’s bedside. I even know what name you decided on for your bastard child… 

Flora mindlessly retold her most precious memories, one of which involved the night of their graduation; where a drunken Heinrich confessed his undying love to her under a starry sky.

Who knew that one babble amongst countless stories would prove its use in Darlin’s sixth life?

Flora felt like she was at the end of a cliff. Heinrich has not appeared, though she sent him an urgent letter the night before and first thing in the morning. The Duchess… Flora knew it had to be her, who always looked at Flora as if the girl was a rotten leaf blown into her line of sight. 

The Duchess never said anything of Flora’s relationship with Heinrich, so the younger hoped, in some way, she’d come to be accepted. Yet, she’s determined to keep us apart… even though I love Heinrich this much…?! “It’s not right!” Flora sobs. “We love each other so much, why is it this hard to be together?”

“Flora…” Howard never imagined his daughter would come to suffer a fate so similar to his and her real mother’s. “No,” Resolve bubbled up in his stomach. “Flora absolutely can’t end up like this. She’s innocent!”

Isabelle nods in agreement. “Darlin, can we not prove Flora’s chastity? If we do, those people can be held accountable for slander!”

Darlin’s mouth makes a small “O” in faux surprise. “Does mother not know how one’s purity is legally proven? The woman in question will have her hymen’s state inspected in front of a priest.” Ignoring her family’s pallid faces, Darlin adds, “Historically, only women whose lives were at stake were willing to endure the humiliation. While women are no longer persecuted so easily, the method has not changed. Most families settle such matters privately, so it cannot be helped if this information is forgotten by most.” 

Flora’s blood ran cold. She didn’t know which was worse; the humiliation she bears now, or the one to come if she undergoes that torturous method.

“No, never! Flora’s reputation will never recover!” Isabelle strongly opposed. “Darlin, didn’t you say you had a solution?”

I didn’t. “Flora simply needs to marry Sir Heinrich.”

Howard rubs his forehead. “You know the Duchess will never allow it. Why don’t you try coming up with something plausible?” 

He should know best. Howard tried to move the betrothal from Darlin to Flora when he first noticed the latter’s feelings for Heinrich. 

The Duchess’ frigid response still makes his innards tremble to this day. 

Felicity Fritz is a stout elitist. Heinrich is her only child and must marry a proper lady of good peerage. If it is Felicity’s will, then so it will be. 

The Raynes are not as affluent as the Fritz, but they are older, and Darlin is the only legitimate daughter of this bloodline. Peerage, looks, etiquette, education— Darlin more than excels. 

“Sister, you’re close to the Duchess,” Flora suggests, blind to the twisted cruelty of her words, “can’t you talk to her on my behalf?”

There’s a gross squirm in Darlin’s brain that has her eye twitching a little. Her family’s ability to trample on her without guilt is truly second to none. 

“I’m afraid the Duchess is not that sentimental.” 

Even Howard has to concede on this end. Dammit! If only Darlin did a better job of getting close to her!

Isabelle twiddles her fingers in fear. “Will… Will Flora have to live like this…?”

“Calm down and listen to me.” Darlin is only able to suppresses her annoyance by reminding herself the time to gloat is not far off. “If we tell the Duchess Flora’s virginity was taken by Heinrich, she will have to let her marry him.”

“You’re not saying Flora should assent to those dreadful gossips, are you!?” The mere idea appalls Isabelle.

Darlin meets her protectiveness with a chilly glance, forcing the Countess to unconsciously back into the sofa. 

“There is no way to get rid of public opinion, especially not when so many people witnessed it with their own eyes.” Darlin passionately argues, “Flora was not the only one on the balcony, so why must she take all the blame?!”

Her words have the Earl and Countess nodding with renewed determination. 

“That’s right… it’s Heinrich who played around with my daughter, and now he intends to toss her aside without a word?!” Howard once found a kindred spirit in Heinrich, but with Flora’s disgrace he’s come to regard the young man contemptuously.

“Father you can’t blame Heinrich! I’m certain it’s the Duchess’ doing.” Looking back at Darlin, she seeks confirmation, “Can I really marry Heinrich like this?”

“That’s right,” At Darlin’s words, Flora brightens without knowing there’s naught but ill intent behind her sister’s reassurance. “So long as you maintain your innocence was taken by Heinrich, the Duchess will be afraid of our family pleading mercy to the temple. If all goes well, we won’t have to resort to that.”

Isabelle cradled one of Darlin’s hands in between her palms. “Oh I’m so proud of you, Darlin! Just as I thought, your consideration for your sister is without question.”

Darlin’s smile almost falters into grimace. She can feel the phantom shove, hear her bones break and snap with every tumble.

Darlin pulls away a tad too sharply. “I will write the letter. Flora, rest and prepare for tomorrow. You need to put your best foot forward for Her Grace~!”

“Then, we’ll leave it to you.” Howard accepts the offer without a second thought. If he writes a single wrong word and Felicity demands an explanation… Gosh, he’s nauseous just thinking about it.

“I knew I could rely on you, Darlin!” Flora shoots to her feet, the life returning to her eyes. “Ah, I feel like I can finally breath!”

Before she can leave, Darlin catches her by the wrist. She gestures to the box with a tilted head, “I wanted to lift your spirits and bought your favorite strawberry shortcake.”

Normally, Flora would have devoured it in a breath, but today, “My appetite isn’t good right now, so—“

Darlin’s grip isn’t tight, just firm, her eyes somehow different than usual. They surge with a menacing flame that never impairs her pleasant smile. “I got this specially for you.”

Flora didn’t know why she instinctively knew not to refuse this gift. “Thank you, sister,” She picked up the box, an uncomfortable feeling in her chest. “I-I’ll enjoy it.”

“I hope so.” For this slice of cake is the last of Darlin’s sincerity towards her sister. You will never receive another thing from me.

No tears now. There’s always next month!

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