The Sixth

5: Anxious

Darlin went straight from the entrance to her bedroom. Twisting the lock, she crosses to an open chest and drops the storage ring, where the gem finally shatters and her winnings appear in a small flash of light. 

Her laugh is weak and shaky with an exhausted relief. “I… I thought I wouldn’t make it.”

Darlin’s red irises are alight with the shine of what could pass for a pirate’s sunken treasure, lips curling in possessive delight.

The noblewoman shakes her head and reminds herself this is not the time to get up in her emotions. 

She shut the chest, securing the lock with a magic charm she got in exchange for a brooch Heinrich apathetically gave her for her fifteenth birthday. It was a thoughtless gift as Darlin is not fond of breast pins— She wouldn’t even be shocked to discover it was picked out by a servant.

Heinrich would never notice if Darlin used it or not, hence the receiver treated it with the same measure of affection as the giver and traded it in for something that could forward her goals.

A magic circle beams from the lock, static lines curling around the chest, then disappearing in the blink of an eye. Darlin gives the chest a light kick, grinning when the thump of her action does not sound. 

“An inaudible object might be a little suspicious, but it will do for now.” Certainly more favorable than someone hearing the sound of coins clinking and stealing her money— or worse, her parents get their flagrant hands on it.

The seething anger cools fast with the bloom of realization. Darlin chides herself, “Oh dear, whenever did I get so greedy?” She wanted to play off the gnawing apprehension, but how could she when it is so real, and so probable?

From teddy bears, to clothes, and even her fiancé, very few things were left in Darlin’s ownership, and there’s no telling when Flora might want for them. 

Darlin’s hands begin to tremble. Is it truly mine if I can lose it at any time? 

Thinking back, she questions if she has ever known what full possession of something feels like?

Heinrich’s face appears in her mind, drawing out a sound of disgust.

In her first life, when she and Heinrich were engaged, Darlin thought him hers. Even as he fell for Flora, Darlin clung to the promise of their marriage, only to learn you can’t truly have a person if they don’t give themselves over.

Sure, he married her as obligation demanded. On a piece of paper their names accompanied each other, but as for everything else— Heinrich’s heart, body, presence, mind, attention— they were Flora’s.

Darlin’s gaze is washed over with a dim despair, a conundrum rising in her mind; How does one come to own something?

“If there’s no one to take it, maybe…” The thought isn’t complete before it’s abandoned with a scoff. Darlin will never long for Heinrich, or anyone for that matter, again, and killing either he or Flora would be unfair to her. 

Isn’t death too merciful in comparison to the sufferings of her lives? 

Without knowing how many more of these horrid cycles await her— or if they have an end— Darlin sees it fit to harass, and humiliate, and torture, and deprive until her heart is dry of all emotions.  

…Even if they will never have to live with the scars of her abuse the way she lives with theirs. “What a stale victory.” 

In spite of, it’s all Darlin is going to get. There’s no other option, after all, this will be the first life where she gets as close to justice as she’s ever been. 


Flora’s voice deepens the chasm in Darlin’s chest.

“When did you start locking your door? Please come out, I need to talk with you about something.”

Fucking parasite. Darlin wasn’t angry, merely seizing every chance to insult Flora as they come. 

Darlin smooths out her skirt before opening the door to find a pouting Flora. 

The blonde awaits her sister‘s dotage, yet Darlin only observes her with a bored expression. Upset, Flora stomps her foot. “You’ve been going out an awful lot.”

“It seems I have.”

Flora widens her rose pink eyes. There it is again, a distant— almost hateful— attitude. Why… Why is sister being like this to me?

The tears form fast, and spill faster. Flora hiccups, a hand over her mouth to fruitlessly hold her sobs.

Darlin avoids rolling her eyes. How typical. When Flora is at any sort of mental wall, or unable to have her way, the floodgates open. 

The worst part is, Flora probably isn’t fully aware of what is wrong with this behavior. She’s so indulged she is, in a way, conditioned to react pitifully when inconvenienced.

Darlin glances over Flora’s shoulder where there is a window on the adjacent wall, thinking how perfect it’d be for Isabelle to hurl her out of if she were to slap Flora right here and now.

Finally, she asks, “Why are you crying, Flora?” not caring enough to hide the crabbiness in her voice.

Such treatment has Flora taken aback. “D-Darlin, you… you’ve been terribly cold these days!” Her behavior left Flora lonely, her stresses amounting without her sister there to lend a shoulder to cry on.

“In what ways, exactly?” Could you actually be smarter than I give you credit for, Flora?

Without words to explain herself, Flora presses her lips together. 

Well, Darlin had not said or done anything explicitly mean, still, should she not realize how harming her attitude’s been to Flora? At least, she should have noticed Flora’s fallen mood and inquired of it?

I guess not. Darlin pried, “Is there any reason to be cold to you?”

“I have no clue why you—!” Heinrich fleets into her mind. For once, Flora doesn’t feel butterflies in her stomach, or a pleasant heat in her cheeks.

With the image of the man she loves is a discomfort slithering under her skin. The words of defense she was ready to spew fade away. Suddenly, Flora finds herself unable to meet Darlin’s eyes. 

“Then you must have misunderstood.” Darlin concludes.

“No!” Flora rejects this with a furious shake of her head. She is not wrong, she didn’t misunderstand! All this time I’ve been troubled over sister’s behavior, but she doesn’t care in the least! 

“Sister, I don’t want to fight.” Flora tries again.

“Neither do I.” 



Darlin knows exactly what Flora wants, and she’ll be damned to give it. 

It was always her pacifying Flora, her apologizing for conceived wrongs. Their parents tell Darlin to do it for the sake of peace, on no occasion making Flora be the one to keep the peace.

In terrible timing, Isabelle comes around the corner in search of the daughter who’s been away too long. “Flora, have you—!” She gasps dramatically, rushing over to embrace the blonde. “Oh dear, what’s happened?!” 

Unable to believe Darlin is unwilling to make up with her, Flora is rendered too distraught to speak. 

Isabelle scowls at Darlin. “What have you done to your sister?!”

“I have no idea, mother.” Darlin instantly dons a look of confusion. “Flora asked why I had been going out so often and then started crying.”

Isabelle calms down some, her tone now a tad more gentle. “Darlin, be more understanding. Flora has been anxious all this time and your shadow can barely be seen these days.”

Flora’s sobbing gets louder. “It’s so lonely these days…! H-Heinrich… Heinrich hasn’t come to see me, and I can’t go out myself because everyone is waiting to humilaite me more!” 

“There is a lot to be done.” Isabelle is about to argue until Darlin affixes, “It takes time to prepare for a wedding.”

Flora’s tears abruptly halt. “…Wedding?” A sudden realization hits her, stifling Flora’s budding joy. “Did sister meet with Her Grace? Did you go to the Fritz manor?! That’s not fair!” Darlin will no longer marry Heinrich, yet continues to receive such favoritism. “Why is Her Grace so partial? I’m also doing my best!”

Until the two families met to discuss, Flora had not properly conversed with either the Duke or Duchess before.

The latter is especially scary, and Flora was content to give a passing greeting and receive a lukewarm glance. 

Furthermore, they never interfered in her relationship with Heinrich, emboldening Flora to get more involved with him.

That day… the treatment was completely different! Flora was cruelly spoken down to, while Darlin was respected. Her words carried weight, the Duke and Duchess affronted by her opinions, but still listening to it.

With an aching heart, Isabelle hugs Flora and wipes her tears. “What is the matter with you? Are you trying to show off at a time like this?”

“…But I did not meet with the Duchess.”

Isabelle’s glare falls into awkward confusion. 

Flora whines, “Then where have you been all this time?”

“I met with Lady Ingrid to confirm a few things.” Matters of Heinrich and Flora’s marriage were far from their conversation, but no one needs to know that.

Flora cocks head. “Who?”

“She’s Sir Heinrich’s second cousin.” Isabelle answers.

“In any case, you should put your worries aside and focus on the future, Flora. If we are done here, I am feeling a little tired.” Darlin shuts the door before anyone can further this useless conversation.

Taking off her shoes, she curls into bed, everything she’d felt during the day crashing down and making her eyes heavy.

She welcoms the fog permeating her consciousness, dreamily whispering, “She sided with Flora again…” To be fair, Darlin would have been more shocked if Isabelle hadn’t. 


Three days later the public is in uproar once more. 

The newspapers published how Heinrich and Darlin’s engagement has been officially dissolved due to them being “incompatible”. 

A brief mention of how the relationship between Fritz and Rayne remains as strong as ever is enough to prompt the assumption that Flora has successfully received her sister’s engagement.

While Flora practically bounces off the walls, Darlin bites her inner cheek to stop from cackling. 

The ugly underbelly of this is the passive confirmation of the affair between Heinrich and Flora. Added to the graduation ceremony debacle, Flora being physically intimate with Heinrich behind her sister’s back is now a fact society will not soon forget. 

Darlin wishes she could hear the gossip bathing the streets with her own ears. I wonder how Her Grace is taking this. The older noblewoman does love her prestige. The wagging tongues must be torment to her soul.

Darlin cups her cheek, her index tapping as she observes the letter laid on the table. 

It was written by Vincent, where he states he has appointed a tutor to “educate” Flora. Darlin knows this is not as kind a gesture as it sounds.

Going by Howard’s stiff smile, Even that idiot has figured it out. Darlin couldn’t wait for the day she can mercilessly mock her spineless welp of a father. 

“My Flora is going to be a Duchess!” Isabelle was so ecstatic you’d think she were the bride to be. “Oh, there’s so much to plan! Guest list, flowers, bridesmaids, and— Oh! Honey,” She spins around to request of her husband, “you should contact the Duchess and ask about the venue.”

Howard shivers. “Ahem! I have some uh… some work to do. Darlin can take care of it.”

Flora prances over and takes Darlin’s hands in hers, her days of giving her sister the silent treatment completely forgotten. “Sister, I can count on you, right? There’s a lot to do, but I’ll definitely pull it off with your help!”

As if I won’t end up doing every fucking thing myself… “You should focus on preparing for the tutor.” What a good show it will make when Flora struggles and their parents are powerless to save her. Darlin is genuinely curious about the tutor’s identity. Dame Jules is all the way in Jagwen and would never take on a person like Flora…

Whoever they are, Darlin knows they will deal Flora her first of many, many, struggles to come.

Displeased, Flora pulls away. “Why can’t you be happy for me? I’ve only been able to dream of this up until recently, yet you’re not willing to support me.”

Ignoring their parents’ glares, Darlin let out a short laugh. “Fritz have strict marriage customs, so planning the wedding is completely in their hands. All you have to do is learn your part and play it well on your big day.”

Flora blanches. “W-What? They’ll plan everything…? Really? Everythi—“


To the Fritzs, it’s the bride’s honor to be at the mercy of— “included” in their oh so sacred traditions. Darlin did not even get to choose her hairstyle.

“But… No. W-What about my roses?”

“I’m sure you are familiar with Fritz’ family’s crest, right? Obviously, you will hold a bouquet of gladioluses that day!”

Flora was almost afraid to ask, “And— And what about… my dress…? I-I wanted—!”

“You will wear a copy of the gown the Fritz brides have worn for generations.” Beaming as though she could not see Flora getting paler and paler, Darlin adds, “It is a style from the Voyager Era, but I am sure our pretty Flora will outshine all the previous brides~!”

Flora looks down, hands gripping the front of her dress. What is… happening…? 

Her parents were calling, their voices distanced by the rot invading the magnificent fantasies that never failed to send her head straight through the clouds.

It felt like the floor was crumbling underneath her feet, a terrible sense of foreboding bringing Flora to her knees.

“Flora!” Isabelle and Howard go down with her, cradling Flora and inquiring of what ails her.

From the couch, Darlin’s lips curl into a sneer. I guess that’s the look of an idiot waking up from a dream. Get used to it while you can. Darlin thinks while knowing Flora won’t.

This is the same Flora who stayed by her side and recounted all the good in her life without realizing, not once, what sort of shadowy pit she’d cast Darlin into with her naive words and self-satisfying actions.

In Flora’s world it is natural for her to be cherished and protected, and if anyone says or does anything contradictory to the rules of her world, they’re just bullying her, misunderstanding her, hating her. Nothing is ever her fault and she does no wrong.

First she was sheltered in the manor by their parents, and by the time she was properly stepping into the world, Heinrich was there to shield her. Flora has always been surrounded by sycophants who were in positions to make others enable her.

It didn’t surprise Darlin when Flora started crying. She blabbers unintelligible words, and Darlin can only assume she is protesting the loss of the fairytale-like wedding she’s housed in her heart.

Shooting to her feet, “It’s not fair!” Flora makes to run out of the study, proclaiming, “I have to write to Heinrich right now!”

“Rejecting the Fritz family’s traditions are grounds for them to call off the engagement.” 

Darlin’s words bring Flora to a screeching halt. 

Howard watches Flora’s shoulders drop in defeat, her pain becoming his with every tear she sheds. 

“Why are you trying to make things hard on Flora when you know how delicate she is!” He scolds.

Huh?! Even though I’m the only one giving that twit any good advice? “On the contrary, I am trying to make things easier on her.” Darlin points at the letter. “This is a sensitive time, father. Do not forget how the Duke and Duchess treated Flora the other day, or how they dragged their feet until now.” As if heartbroken on her sister’s behalf, Darlin entreats them to understand with a mask of sadness, “If Flora gives them a chance, I guarantee this engagement will be lost.”

“You’re lying! Heinrich wouldn’t let that happen!” Flora yells.

Darlin shrugs. “Unless he intends to elope, or you assent to being a mistress, he does not have much of a say in how he gets to be with you.”

Flora does not have the words to combat Darlin’s reasoning. She continues to shake her head. “No, no, no, no! I’ll never believe that!” 

While Isabelle comforts her, Howard takes a stance between Darlin and Flora in a show of protection for the latter. “Don’t you see it’s this sort of shrewish behavior that drove Heinrich from you in the first place?!”

Darlin's smile deepens, the sight setting Howard on edge.

She stands, and as she approaches Howard he feels his insides freeze, every organ quivering. 

He almost jumps when Darlin places a hand on his shoulder. “Father, whoever is sent to tutor Flora is one the Duke and Duchess trusts. What will happen if they make known Flora’s dislike of the Dukedom’s traditions, hmm~?”

Darlin observes as each person looks away with a difficult expression. No matter how much they want to remain ignorant, reality will not easily pass them over this time. 

“As we speak, public opinion of Flora is only getting worse. If she disrespects such a powerful, respected family’s traditions, no one can fault the Fritzs if the engagement falls through.” Darlin looks into her father’s eyes, warning, “”Ahh~ they tried to do the right thing, but the bride was too demanding~” is what they will say. Flora will have to live in disgrace for the rest of her life, or lower herself and become Heinrich’s mistress.”

Howard gulps. Darlin’s words were jarring… and true. Very true.

Isabelle also realizes the soundness in Darlin’s explanation and helplessly chews her bottom lip.

“Mother? Father?! …How- How could you…?!” While her heart is torn asunder, they choose to stay passive? Why does no one care about me?!

She pushes out of Isabelle’s arms and runs off, sorrowful sobs echoing after her. 

”Flora, wait!”

Before Isabelle can take off after her, Darlin instructs, “Flora must not send any letters, nor meet anyone. If she accidentally makes a confession…”

Isabelle comprehended the unspoken ramifications, gives a firm nod, then leaves to save her child from the fate Darlin described. 

From Howard’s trembling form, Darlin deduced he was going to rage at her at any moment. 

Ungrateful pig. Swallowing her aversion, she takes one of his hands in both of hers, offering a reassuring smile. “Very well done, father. In time Flora will understand everything is for her own good. When the tutor comes, you will have to be her strength.” 

The placation works like magic. The Earl’s tense face eases into a dejected look. “I see you have the same thoughts as I.”

“I am afraid so.” Darlin nods slowly. “That tutor might be sent to break Flora’s spirit. However, her current reputation cannot afford for us to release the engagement.”

“Those cunning bastards! The engagement has only just been decided and they’re already trying to weasel their way out!”

“That is why we have to pull Flora through.” Darlin incites him towards ruin as a devil does to innocents— “So long as Flora marries over she will have Heinrich’s protection. As the future Duchess, who will dare mock her? The past will stay in the past while Flora ascends to a splendid future!”

Howard’s eyes glitter. He can see it now, Flora Ray— No. It will be; Her Grace, Duchess Flora Fritz!— esteemed and admired as she deserves!

Miss me not, dearest. There’s always next month…

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