The Soul System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 32: Item Drops

Chapter 32: Item Drops

Slash! Splat!

With a simple slash, Henry was able to dismember the bear. Since it was just an unranked creature, with his prowess as a level 3 mutant warrior, this was something easy for him to deal with.

But, the bear wasn't the only apocalyptic creature that he was facing this time. Instead, it was a large group. But, due to the advantage of the area that they were in, having several buildings closely packed together, they were able to prevent all the monsters from charging forward at once. For that reason, the number of monsters that they faced at a time was quite low. But, as Henry looked towards the side of the group that he had taken in, he found out that some of them had already been killed.

This was to be expected as the group didn't possess any weapon on them. But nonetheless, that was something that Henry didn't care about. So, he decided to focus on himself first.

Henry stood tall, his sword already unsheathed from the scabbard, as a large group of apocalyptic creatures lunged at him from all directions. The wind that had appeared from nowhere whipped through his hair, adding an air of intensity to the scene. With a focused determination, he gripped his sword tightly and conjured the power of fire within him. Even though he was not going to start using the mage path at this moment, he was prepared to use them after all.

Even though it was true that he possessed only a single skill, the fireball, the destructive power that it possessed was enough to deal with a large group of monsters.

So, he had already began mobilizing the energy in his body, ready to summon the fireball at any moment.

As the apocalyptic creatures charged, Henry's instincts took over. With swift precision, he swung his sword, the blade effortlessly cutting through the air. The clash of metal filled the surroundings as he parried the sharp teeth and claws of his assailants.

Even though he was facing a large group of apocalyptic creatures at the same time, with his instincts fully activated, he was able to dance within the large group of monsters easily.

With each swing of his sword, he was able to reap a life of a monster. Blood had already begun spilling on the floor, as the bloody stench began spreading in the air.

As he tirelessly swung the sword around, he could feel that the energy in his body had already began building up. Even though it was true that there was a big level difference between him and the unranked creatures, they could still be utilized to recover the energy that he was using.

Harnessing the energy within, Henry unleashed a fireball spell that exploded forth, engulfing his enemies in a blazing inferno. Flames danced across the battlefield, illuminating the grim determination in his eyes. The heat radiating from the magical flames seemed to intensify his focus, guiding his strikes against the remaining animals.

With each swing of his sword and every burst of fire, Henry displayed a remarkable combination of magic, skills, agility, and raw power. Henry's mastery of combat allowed him to skillfully dismantle his adversaries one by one.

The number of bodies that were piling around him had already began forming a small hill. But even so, none of that hindered his movements at all.

With the skills that he had gotten from the system, it wasn't just a matter of using a sword in his hand. But, it consisted of the movements that he was supposed to make during attacks.

The prowess that he was exhibiting had already attracted the attention of the other youths. Not to mention that he was already a level 4 warlock, being a unique profession, his prowess was definitely above the normal level 4s.

Adam, as a level 3 berserker, was able to get an opportunity to see how Henry easily handled the apocalyptic creatures that were attacking him.

This scene had already given him a motivation, that he was supposed to get stronger in case he wanted to be of any use to his brother.

His muscles rippled beneath the weight of his double-bladed axe, which glinted ominously in the dim light. Whenever a monster tried to attack him, he would swing the axe with his full force.

These wild animals that had already lost their thinking were easily split apart by his axe. And, as he continued attacking, Adam began falling into the berserk mode.

For that reason, it reached a point that he completely ignored the defenses, and simply focused on attacking. When that happened, the rate at which he was massacring the monsters around him immediately increased.

As for the sharp claws of the monsters, or the horns that they possessed, none of them was able to make a dent on the armor that he was wearing. As long as he protected his head, that was all that Adam needed to face this large group of monsters.

With a fierce battle cry, Adam lunged forward, swinging his axe in a graceful arc. The razor-sharp blades of his weapon sliced through the air, cleaving through a wave of monsters with deadly precision.

His movements were a fluid dance of power and agility as a pool of blood began forming around him. None of the monsters that he attacked was able to die in a single piece.

With every swing of his axe, Adam unleashed a devastating combination of strength and skill. The weapon, an extension of his own being, became an unstoppable force of destruction in his hands.

Even though his skills were rough, as the battle progressed, he began improving. Even though he was currently in his berserk mode, there was still an improvement in the way he was handling the axe.

The atmosphere became charged with a mix of adrenaline and ferocity, as if the very essence of battle fueled his relentless assault. The monsters, once possessing an air of ominous threat, were reduced to mere playthings in his wake.

His movements were a symphony of calculated brutality, as he spun, twirled, and delivered lethal blows with methodical precision. His red armor had already been drenched in the blood of the monsters that he had killed.

Being able to attack freely, Adam was filled with excitement. For that reason, he continued being unrestrained, that he didn't even notice the moment that the power of the monsters he was killing increased.

As for Sarah, her battle was so simple. She had managed to get a high ground, an area where all the monsters that attacked her came from one direction.

With the weapon she possessed, the arrows were shot pierced through the heads of the monsters one after the other. Over time, her skill in handling the crossbow had already increased.

With the protection that she was receiving from the Storm wolf, Sarah was able to handle the monsters one after the other. The speed at which she was reloading the crossbow was so fast, that had it not been for the apocalypse descending, she would have definitely been ranked first.

As for the other group, even though they were holding on, they were barely doing so. Not possessing any incredible weapon or armor, they had already suffered several injuries.

The number that was previously over 20 had already been reduced to only about 17. Each and every person that was left had already chosen a profession.

As they fought, they gritted their teeth as they tried to persevere. Some of them had already suffered wounds that were so deep that even their bones could be seen.

But even so, they continued fighting. They themselves could already feel that, they were getting stronger. That feeling was so addictive, that they were not willing to stop.

But of course, the main reason why they were fighting so desperately was simply because, they had already seen their fellows dying under the claws of the monsters.

For that reason, since they didn't want to have the same fate, then they had to fight. They didn't want to depend on Henry and Adam to save them. They could already see that those people didn't care about what they did.

Even though they were anxious, if they wanted to get back at Henry and Adam, they would have to get past the monster tide first.

After about 10 minutes, several people began leveling up. From level 1 to level two, and there was even one of them that had a managed to reach level 3.

With the increase in strength, they had thought that they were going to be able to easily handle the monsters in front of them. But, they were wrong.

As they fought, they continuously felt that the strength of the monsters that they were facing was increasing. Even though it was at a slow pace, they might finally come into contact with monsters that would at times evade their attacks.

This had drastically increased the challenge they were facing. But, it was also during this period that something incredible happened.

After one of them managed to kill a lion, it was enveloped by a bright light and disappeared. In its place, there was an iron sword.

Even though the youth was stunned by the scene, he hurriedly picked up the sword and began using it to attack. With the weapon in his hand, he found that it had become easy for him to deal with the monsters.

That was not the only thing that had dropped. Instead, as they continued fighting, knives, bows, spears, great swords, scrolls, and many other things began dropping.

Had it not been for the fact that these youths had their hands filled up with the monsters that were continuously attacking them, they would have definitely tried inspecting these things well.

But, they had no choice but to continue fighting. They could only look at these things after they were done with fighting.

Henry had also noticed this. His expression turned strange. He couldn't help but wonder, 'Why is all of this turning into something like a game?'

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