The Special Agent Princess

Chapter 47 - Refusal

After clearing the wound, Ye Qingge sterilized the silver hollow straw and slowly inserted it into his stomach. He squeezed it gently with his hand next to him and soon there was blood oozing from it. After the blood was congested, Ye Qingge took down the straw, cut the skin outside the stomach with a scalpel, directly sutured the wound on his stomach, and then sutured together with the flesh outside.

Bai Xiaorao’s eyelids flickered in the action of Mali. He never thought that he could still treat the wound in this way. Ye Qingge did all of this to unlock his pain points again. The man just moaned and raised his eyebrow If it can be carried, it seems that this person should be Xuanyuan’s dark guard and the like. Take the needle tube and give him a penicillin injection to prevent him from being infected.

Turning out of the door, Xuanyuan was waiting outside, Ye Qingge nodded and said, “Relax, it’s okay, it will be fine after tonight,”

Xuanyuan was relieved, staring at her for a while before saying “Thank you,”

Ye Qingge was a little hairy at him, and gave a fake cough. “Just thank you and it’s over? My consultation fee, don’t worry about it, I’ll give you cheaper at most.”

Xuanyuan raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t it free this time?”

Ye Qingge instantly blew his hair, and crouched his hands with both hands. “Who said it for free? Don’t you want to blame?”

Xuan Yuan took out a chapter of paper from her arms. “This is the result of the investigation by the wife of the general of the assisting country. Would you like to see it?”

Ye Qingge froze, and the results will come so soon? Then she really could n’t collect the money this time. After blinking, Ye Qingge reached out and took the piece of paper in her hand, saying in her mouth, ‘this time it ’s free, I ’ll look at the results first,’

When I opened the paper, I saw the wife of General Gen. Yang Caiyue. The year of birth, the conflicts between her and the sisters in the house, and how she knew her grandmother and father were all investigated. It turned out that her mother-in-law really had a handkerchief with Yang Caiyue at that time, but later, the mother-in-law and her father made an appointment, and Yang Caiyue also had trouble finding her mother-in-law.

Looking further down is her daily life in the General’s Mansion in the assisted country, and she has nothing to do with Aunt Yang, but the investigation of Aunt Yang below is also the same as they know. This Aunt Yang is in the state government When staying temporarily, it was strange that people who were not in the government of the protector had too much contact, especially Yang Caiyue.

Ye Qingge put down the paper and thought, Xuanyuan saw the sidewalk “Don’t worry, these people will show their feet because they have action, we will always find out.”

‘We’ Ye Qingge jumped in his heart, suppressing the strangeness in his heart, and forced himself to calm down and said, “Well, I know, it ’s too late now, send me back,”

Xuanyuan nodded, stretched her hand to stop her waist, nephrite Wenxiang was pregnant, making the face under Xuanyuan mask slightly red, her eyes inexplicably deep, Ye Qingge’s heart forced him to ignore the accelerated heartbeat and force himself Think about who poisoned her mother, but the more she did, the more muddy her brain became, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

I just do n’t think it ’s possible to get to her room. The road is too long, well, actually, Xuanyuan actually slowed down deliberately. He did n’t know why he did it, but just wanted to hold her for a while. Feel more about the temperature on her body, smell the faint scent of medicine on her body, and let all his troubles be thrown out of the clouds.

Xuanyuan suddenly felt that it was good to just hold her like this. He really wanted to be able to hold her like this. Xuanyuan was startled by his own thoughts. He even wanted to keep holding the girl in front of him like this. What does this mean? Feeling his heart beat faster, Xuanyuan suddenly became dry.

Ye Qingge’s face was pressed against his chest, and he felt his heartbeat speed up, even with his own heartbeat quickly beating, this, is this? When she loved Xuan Yuanche in the last life, her heart beat so fast in Xuan Yuanche’s arms, but what happened?

The result was not yet killed by him, but also affected her Xuan Er, thinking of the last life, thinking of Xuan Er’s death in his arms, Ye Qingge’s suffocation suddenly aggravated, let Xuanyuan holding her startled, and quickly called “Girl, what’s wrong with you? Girl? Ye Qingge?”

When I heard someone call his name, Ye Qingge came back to him, lowered his head to prevent him from seeing the radon in his eyes, and said, “I’m fine, I just think of the dark hand in the dark, and I worry about my mother. Kiss. ​​”

Xuanyuan grew up in the Palace of the Evil King. His mother died from his birth. He was always taken by his father, but ten years ago, his father did not know where he went. Since then, he has continued to practice martial arts, learn various skills, and cope with various assassinations and assassinations. Therefore, he did not understand Ye Qingge’s affection for his mother-in-law, but just silently did not speak.

The movement of movement at the feet was a little faster, and after a while, I returned to Ye Qingge’s boudoir, put Ye Qingge down and thought about it, “You, why do you love money so much?”

Ga! Ye Qingge was stunned by his question. Can she say that she wants money for sweet potatoes, and can she prepare for future drought? Ye Qingge thinks she can’t say, after all, they are just partners in cooperation, haven’t they reached such a good degree?

Wait, ‘cooperation? ‘By the way, she doesn’t know if Zhuangzi in Zhao’s hand is suitable for planting sweet potatoes, but the person in front of him is a ghost, he is so rich, he must have land. If he cooperates with him, maybe he can be saved. more people.

Xuanyuan saw that she hadn’t spoken for a long time, and thought she wouldn’t answer. Turning around and preparing to leave, she heard her say, “Wait a minute, how about we sit down and talk about a sale?”

The corner of the mouth under Xuanyuan’s mask twitched a little. This girl had to negotiate with herself again. Why is there so much about a deep-girl girl and where is she like everyone?

I thought about it in my heart, but still held my feet, and sat down at the table, raised my hand and poured a cup of tea, still holding it in my hand and smelling it, then put it down, and then said, “Wear your ears and listen.”

Ye Qingge also sat down across the table. Su Shou poured a cup of tea for herself, and smelled it. There was no smell except tea, and then she took a gentle sip. Xuan Yuan saw her drinking tea so elegantly. It is really difficult to associate with her money-loving temperament.

Putting the tea cup on the table, Ye Qingge said, “I don’t know how many Zhuangzi fields are Shizi?”

Xuanyuan didn’t know what she meant, but she nodded, “OK, there are thousands of hectares,”

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