The special genius doctor of the beautiful president

Chapter 1140

"Mom, where are you!" Jiang Jiajun kept calling.

However, no response.

Jiang Jiajun was very anxious.

"My mother must be found," Jiang Jiajun said.

Everyone didn't know when Jiang Jingqiu ran away with them.

The supermarket is so big, it is not so easy to find a living person.If Jiang Jingqiu stood still, it would be easier for them to go back the same way.

But they have been searching around the place for a long time, but they still haven't seen Jiang Jingqiu.

"I'll look outside." Jiang Jiajun left the words and immediately came out of the supermarket.

Afraid of Jiang Jiajun's accident, the two brothers Ning Chengfeng followed behind.

Because Jiang Jiajun belongs to the descendants of Nuwa, even if he is slightly inferior in blood, but even so, Jiang Jiajun's status in the Nuwa clan is higher than them.

However, because Jiang Jiajun has never entered the Nuwa clan before and has not received the blessing of the patriarch, in fact, he can only be regarded as a half descendant of Nuwa for the time being.

However, this did not hinder her noble status as a descendant of Nuwa.

And Yuan Zhu's identity is even more different.

Although Yuan Zhu seems to be a different person now, but she lived in the Nuwa clan before, and later married Jiang Zhonghe, although she had already made a vow before she came out, that she would never enter the Nuwa clan for ever.

Today, the Nuwa clan is facing an unprecedented crisis. If the former Nuwa descendants can be summoned back, they might be able to help the Nuwa clan survive this crisis.

The Ning brothers followed Jiang Jiajun to find Yuan Zhu, but Black Rose didn't follow.

"Sister Rose, what should we do now?" Chen Hu asked.

"Go back to the restaurant."


"You want him to be left there alone?"

Chen Hu naturally didn't want to.

If it wasn't for Lu Sen's order, he would have stayed and fought side by side.Although he knew that in terms of his strength, he might not be a match for any hunter,

However, as long as he stayed, it would be possible to contain other hunters, so that Lu Sen would not fight alone.

The blood in Chen Hu's body was already boiling.

Because Lu Sen cured Chen Ling's illness, Chen Hu had said long ago that as long as Lu Sen spoke, this life could die for him at any time.

Black Rose and Chen Hu returned to the restaurant.

But there was no sign of Lu Sen.

However, in front of the restaurant, there were many people watching.

The police have come.

Black Rose has no past.

"Sister Rose, where is Brother Sen?" Chen Hu felt worried.

Before they left, the hunter came over via voice transmission, and he should be nearby.However, the inner strength can reach the level of sound transmission for thousands of miles, this strength should not be underestimated.

Black Rose frowned, she didn't know where Lu Sen was.

"Let's find each other separately."

"it is good."

A group of people waiting suddenly seemed to be separated.

Jiang Jiajun and the Ning brothers were looking for Jiang Jingqiu, but they searched nearby for a long time, but there was still no sign of Jiang Jingqiu.


"Miss Jiang, be careful." Ning Chengfeng's nose twitched a few times, "I smell a strong smell of blood, and there is also a force. But there seems to be something wrong with this force."

Jiang Jiajun also noticed.

The smell of blood is just ahead.

They didn't rush over immediately.

Slowing down, the three walked along the bloody road, and finally saw a pool of blood on the ground at a corner, but no one was there.

The pool of blood was huge.

Jiang Jiajun seemed to think of something, and shouted at the Ning brothers: "Run!"

Before the Ning brothers could react, a figure suddenly passed by, and a pair of sharp claws passed in front of them.

Ning Chengfeng's strength was not too weak, he dodged to the side, not letting his sharp claws catch him.

After stepping back, Jiang Jiajun and the three saw a woman with very long nails, all of which were black.

She spread her long nails, her hair loose, and made a gesture of baring her teeth at them.

"Miss Jiang, why did your mother become like this..." Ning Chengfeng didn't know what happened, but Jiang Jingqiu looked terrifying in front of him.

"I don't know very well." Jiang Jiajun looked at Jiang Jingqiu, but she didn't dare to approach.

Once Jiang Jingqiu becomes like this, if she gets close, it will be a dead end.

I heard from Lu Sen before that once Jiang Jingqiu's long nails are exposed, as long as she catches her, that person will disappear immediately.

Thinking of the pool of blood on the ground, Jiang Jiajun quickly understood what was going on.

It seemed that Jiang Jingqiu might have been found by hunters before they came, so she became like this.

"Be careful, my mother has become like this because her six relatives don't recognize her. Moreover, if she catches her long black nails, she will die."

Thinking that he was almost caught just now, Ning Chengfeng felt lingering fear.

"There is no way to subdue him?"

"I haven't tried it. It was Lu Sen who subdued her before. If my mother becomes like this, her attack power will increase greatly. I'm afraid that the three of us may not be her opponent."

Ning Chenghao didn't really believe it, but Ning Chengfeng didn't make a move, and he wasn't in a hurry to do so.

"Yoxi, so you are hiding here."

Jiang Jiajun turned his head abruptly, and three people appeared behind him.

Two men and one woman.

"It's really hard to find anywhere with broken shoes." A man wearing a vest said, "It seems that this trip to Rongcheng is worthwhile."

"What's the situation with that woman, Sadako? Or, she knew we were coming, and then played a role on purpose to scare us."

The woman standing beside her said strangely: "With this appearance, how could it scare us. Don't think that you are a monster if you put on your Sadako's makeup and then wear a pair of long nails. If that is the case , I can also become like this."

"Then don't bother with them, catch them first. Several groups of people failed to catch them before. Now that Lu Sen is restrained and the others are lost, we have to attack first."

After speaking, the three of them shot.

Three people, all using guns.

However, now that they wanted to catch someone alive, they didn't shoot directly at Jiang Jiajun's vitals.

It's just that the strength of the other three is not weak, and Jiang Jiajun doesn't even have internal strength now, so he is naturally not an opponent.As for the Ning brothers, in order to keep Jiang Jiajun, they could only use the gas mask to block those bullets.

"Second brother, take Miss Jiang away." Ning Chengfeng shouted.

"Big brother!"

"Their bullets are too powerful. Every time they fire a shot, they gather strong internal strength. I may not last long here. You take Miss Jiang away now, and I will go to find you later."

"I do not go!"

Jiang Jiajun suddenly lost her temper, "My mother is still here, I can't let my mother have an accident."

"Miss Jiang, in this situation, you have to leave. If you stay here, not only you will have an accident, but your mother will also take action. Besides, you are not saying that in your mother's current state, as long as you are touched by the other party die, then she is safe."

Jiang Jiajun glanced at Jiang Jingqiu, not knowing whether to flee or stay where he was.

However, at this time, Jiang Jingqiu rushed over with all her teeth and claws.

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