The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 38 - A Dirty Dream?

Chapter 38 A Dirty Dream?
This ethereal feeling… was somewhat unreal.

Lin Qing’s two small hands came out from nowhere and pushed Mu Li’s chest. Mu Li opened his pitch-black eyes and looked at her.

Mu Li looked at her affectionately, causing Lin Qing to hold her breath.

“Mu Li…” Lin Qing suddenly was deeply moved. She opened her mouth and said in a hoarse voice.

Mu Li took a shower and was going to tell Lin Qing something. But after he examined the room, he couldn’t find her.

Mu Li went downstairs and looked around for her. After calling her name for a few times, still, he got no reply.

Did she go to the supermarket nearby to buy something, like what had happened last time?

Mu Li recalled that before he went to the bathroom, Lin Qing had already changed her clothes and probably wouldn’t go out.

That was strange.

Back in the bedroom, Mu Li suddenly saw the balcony.

Through the half-closed curtains, he could vaguely see the pitch-black night outside.

Was it possible that…

Mu Li stood in front of the glass door, speechless, looking at Lin Qing laying on the bench in her thin nightgown.

She curled up and closed her eyes.

“Lin Qing?”

Mu Li shouted, standing at the same spot.

Lin Qing did not respond.

At this moment, a breeze came along and Lin Qing shook a little bit because of no protection. But her eyes still remained closed.

She only frowned a little.

Mu Li took a coat from the bedroom, went to the balcony and put it on her.

Perhaps it was the sense of warmth that caused Lin Qing to cry out with a contented voice.

It seemed that Lin Qing’s dream didn’t come to an end yet.

In her dream, Mu Li gently kissed Lin Qing, and she was nervous and relaxed. This feeling made Lin Qing herself a complete synthesis of contradiction.

“Mu Li…” Lin Qing must have had an itch where he touched her; so she called out.

In reality, she actually did call out Mu Li’s name.

Mu Li was stunned for a moment. So he bent down and leaned over.

He looked carefully at her. Her breathing was a little fast, and it looked like she was asleep.

Mu Li smiled.

From her looks, she was dreaming of him.

Somehow, Mu Li was very happy and satisfied with this conclusion.

“Honey, you’ll catch a cold if you sleep here.”

He tried to wake Lin Qing up.

“I’m not sleeping…” Lin Qing seemed to hear him. She denied in a strong nasal voice.

Mu Li could do nothing but sighed. He tucked the coat more tightly around her body, and then gently plucked the hair that were scattered on her small face.

Lin Qing was still asleep, but she sensed Mu Li’s movements sensitively. She pouted her mouth, reached out and grabbed Mu Li’s hand, placing it on her red cheeks—

and rubbed.

Her coquetry caused Mu Li to squint his eyes.

The way he looked at Lin Qing indicated a dangerous intention.

“Don’t move…” At this moment, Lin Qing vaguely said in her dream. Mu Li knew her dream better.

As a result, his narrowed eyes gleamed danger.

“Lin Qing, what are you dreaming of?”

Mu Li leaned against Lin Qing and whispered in her ears.

“I’m not dreaming…” Lin Qing replied with her mouth twitching.

She mumbled. Clearly she was sleepy.

Yet surprisingly, she heard Mu Li and answered his question.

In this regard, Mu Li felt that it was a good time for him to find out what was going on.

“Then what do you see?”

Mu Li leaned closer and smiled slyly, “What are you doing?”

“I’m…” Lin Qing opened her mouth, but didn’t speak anything. She held Mu Li’s hand tighter.

“You what?”

Mu Li continued to trick her into speaking.

Lin Qing, however, did not speak.

For a moment, the balcony was quiet again.

There was a cool breeze blowing over. Fortunately, Lin Qing slept peacefully and warmly.

Mu Li sat beside Lin Qing. One of his hands was tightly clenched, preventing him from escaping.

Well, looking at her carefully in the soft light, he thought Lin Qing looked extremely gorgeous when she was asleep.

Her long and dense eyelashes, her small nose, and her tightly pursed mouth made her look even more quiet and cute.

Would she still remember her dream when she woke up the next morning?

If she could remember…

Mu Li looked at Lin Qing for a long time.

She probably wouldn’t say anything about it.

When Mu Li asked her about it the next day, Lin Qing blinked and said innocently, “I… I can’t remember anything.”


Mu Li’s lips twitched.

“But…” In the middle of the meal, Lin Qing mentioned the topic again. “How did I get to bed?”

She clearly remembered that she went to the balcony to get some air, and then… slept on the bench.

Mu Li did not look up and casually said, “Oh, you sleepwalked You walked back by yourself.”

The sandwich Lin Qing was eating fell on the dining table.

She panicked and her face turned pale. She simply couldn’t believe what Mu Li had said, “You said… I, I sleepwalked?”

Mu Li looked up at her with interest and in a serious way—

he nodded.

Lin Qing clapped her mouth.

She heard that sleepwalkers could do strange things and couldn’t remember what had happened when they woke up.


Did she do something strange as well?

Lin Qing opened her eyes wide and looked at Mu Li with uncertainty. After a long time, she stammered, “Last night… I didn’t do anything strange, did I?”

So that was all she was worrying about.

Mu Li thought for a moment and put on an unconcerned look. He took a sip of the lemon tea before slowly saying, “You didn’t do anything strange.”

Lin Qing was stunned.

Mu Li said, “However, you did something else.”

Lin Qing was freaked out.

“What… was it?”

Seeing her frightened face, Mu Li smiled with satisfaction. But he did not say anything else.

Lin Qing was a little uneasy. Mu Li’s smile made her even more uneasy.

However, it seemed like she couldn’t get answers from him.

Mu Li had already finished his meal and stood up to go upstairs.

Lin Qing gritted her teeth and followed closely behind Mu Li.

At the foot of the stairs, when Mu Li was about to step up, Lin Qing grabbed his sleeve.

‘”Well…” Lin Qing said gloomily, “What did I do?”

It seemed that if he didn’t tell her, she would probably struggle for days.

So Mu Li turned around and smiled, “You did this.”

Lin Qing looked at him dully. She did not understand.

The next moment, Mu Li kissed her.

It was a gentle kiss with a hint of trickery.

Lin Qing’s grip on his sleeve slackened immediately.

When Mu Li let go of her and was ready to see her panicked face, he realized something was wrong with Lin Qing.

Her eyes were still calm and looked uncertain, “Why are you kissing me?”

Mu Li was speechless for a moment.

After a pause, he explained word by word, “This is what you did to me last night. See?”

Lin Qing nodded in confusion. She looked obviously much more relaxed.

However, seeing her reaction, Mu Li was depressed.

Why did she have such a look that seemed to say, “fortunately I didn’t do anything wrong”? Could it be that he was ignored again?

Mu Li was a little angry and pinched her cheek.


Lin Qing was frightened and looked at Mu Li in surprise.

He lost control of his strength and pinched her face red.

“It hurts!”

Lin Qing pouted in protest.

Mu Li, however, did not care. He walked away and went upstairs.

Lin Qing chased after him.

“Why are you following me?”

Mu Li asked as he walked.

The little tail behind him curled her lips. “You pinched me.”

Mu Li pretended to be confused, “Oh? So?”

Lin Qing stayed closer on his hip, “So, I’m going to pinch you.”

Yo, she was not going to let it go until she had taken revenge?

When Mu Li saw that Lin Qing chased after him with an intimidating look, he was actually even more satisfied.

And just like that, Lin Qing chased after Mu Li to the door of the study. When Mu Li was right about to open the door, she followed up.

Unexpectedly, Mu Li withdrew his hand on the doorknob. Instead, he turned around and stood there.

They heard a very muffled sound, and Lin Qing accurately bumped into Mu Li’s chest.

Lin Qing hit him hard, so she got dizzy. She rubbed her eyes.

Mu Li seized the chance and caught hold of Lin Qing’s head, then lifted her hand up to his face. He smiled and said, “Come on, you can pinch me back.”

Lin Qing was still in a daze. She couldn’t see Mu Li’s face clearly for a moment, but since he had said so, it would be a great loss if she didn’t pinch him.

So she went to Mu Li and pinched his face.

Unexpectedly, she didn’t get him pinched. Lin Qing’s slender white hand swayed across Mu Li’s face. This was something she had not expected.

Since she had swayed it too hard, she lost her balance and leaned forward—

and then fell into Mu Li’s embrace.

At that moment, there was someone speaking slowly overhead, “It would have been good if you had taken the initiative like this last night.”

This shallow sigh made Lin Qing regret it.

“I… I wouldn’t have!”

Lin Qing muffled, and protested in that comfortable embrace.

Mu Li rubbed her hair and said, “Is that so? Do you really have the confidence?”

Lin Qing suddenly remembered part of her dream last night. She was so shameful that she was speechless.

As for Mu Li, he was very gratified at the result of tampering with the script.

“Since I saw you throw yourself at me, I would miss you so much when I leave for missions.”

Mu Li laughed.

Lin Qing did not understand, “When will you leave?”

Now, Mu Li told her what he intended to say last night, “I’m going back to the army tomorrow. I got a mission.”

Lin Qing wanted to ask him about the mission, yet just as she was about to speak, she thought that she could not understand it anyway. So she gave up.

Mu Li felt that she had something to say but stopped, so he raised his eyebrows, “What do you want to say?”

“Nothing…” Lin Qing tailed off into silence.

Mu Li said, “When I’m not around, be a good girl and don’t wander off. OK?”

Lin Qing curled up in his arms and nodded.

After a moment of silence, Lin Qing asked cautiously, “Then… when are you coming back?”

Mu Li wasn’t sure, “About a week or two.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Qing’s heat sank a little bit.

A week or two. That was really a long time.

Lin Qing dropped her gaze. She felt a little unhappy.

Mu Li took her face in his hands. He saw her face and laughed, “Are you already missing me before I leave?”

Lin Qing shook her head. She was very sad, “I suddenly remember that I have not finished breakfast yet.”

Mu Li gave up, and accompanied her downstairs to finish breakfast.

While they were going downstairs, Lin Qing seemed to recall her dream last night.

She recalled that hot kiss in her dream, Mu Li’s bronze skin, and that sense of reality…

The palm that she held.

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