The Stars Beyond

Chapter 543: A Last Dance In The Mortal Realm

Wang Xuan looked toward Fang Yuzhu with concern, aware of the path she intended to take, which might very well make her a butterfly consumed by flames.

She aspired to leap into the transcendent sea of light and follow it to the true realm of the transcendent.

In the past, perhaps she was unprepared, wary of that terrifying sea of light, but now, armed with a treasure, she hoped to use the Heaven-Spanning Bracelet to counter the dreadful assimilation phenomena.

"Yuzhu, don't take such risks, the situation hasn't deteriorated to that extent yet!" Wang Xuan had once witnessed a woman with white hair falling at the threshold of her dreamland, a scene of blood and brilliant light erupting in desolation, a memory he was reluctant to revisit.

Regardless, Wang Xuan did not want to see Fang Yuzhu, after the extinction of the transcendent, walk into the devouring flames for one last dance in the mortal world.

"If we can gather a few treasures, like the Divine Palace, Roaming Ark, Immortal Umbrella, and Heaven-Spanning Bracelet, the hope isn't minor. It might be possible to traverse the sea without succumbing," Fang Yuzhu spoke, believing that several treasures could shield against the sea's assimilative powers.

Yan Mingcheng added, "Our choice as a couple is more conservative. This time, we've pinpointed the last vestiges of the light sea, which seems to follow the cosmic abyss. We plan to trail it, not seeking to accomplish feats but to continuously encounter the residual radiation of the transcendent, slowly moving forward, perhaps nearing the ultimate realm."

Fang Yuzhu shook her head, "The last trace of the transcendent light sea, wandering along the endless fissures of the abyss, will disappear abruptly when it vanishes. Following it might yield nothing."

Bai Jingshu suggested, "That abyss might leave behind the last remnants of the transcendent, like an underground dark lake, birthing the final sanctum of the transcendent."

She and Yan Mingcheng indeed did not wish to take drastic actions; merely following the sea was their plan. If they found a transcendent sanctum, it could be a satisfactory outcome to continue dwelling in this vast cosmos.

Wang Xuan expressed surprise, "On the path where the transcendent light sea retreats, could there really be underground lakes forming, giving rise to a subterranean world of the transcendent?"

"People climb high, water flows low; along the way, some 'basins' and 'caverns' may retain some of the light sea’s energy, offering a lifeline to the transcendent," explained Yan Mingcheng.

Everyone present was spellbound, as these revelations were unknown to them until now.

Yan Mingcheng and Bai Jingshu had unearthed these secrets from the remnants of other super civilizations and had not kept them hidden, intending to share them with the strong of the transcendent world.

"When we speak of abysses and caverns, we actually refer to some terrifying planes—how could there be such basins in the cosmic void? They are the strange planes behind the void's fissures."

The shadow couple felt confident about persuading the representatives of both the Buddhist and Taoist factions to join them, and they also wanted to enlist the ancestors from the Supreme Palace and Gouchen Imperial Palace, hoping to utilize their Roaming Ark.

Together with their own Immortal Umbrella, Fang Yuzhu’s Heaven-Spanning Bracelet, and Wang Xuan’s Life Essence Furnace, that would make up five treasures.

“As for the treasure in Shang Yi's hands, I have given up hope. I wish both his bodies perish in the highest realms of the spirit world—he’s a real menace, likely the main culprit behind countless ancient bloodbaths!”

As for the Pool of Life, they no longer held any expectations. Its controllers were determined to decode the spirits, activating those ancient technological mother ships, hoping they might 'return home.'

"No use, not a single spirit has managed to embark on the return journey, let alone them," Yan Mingcheng was pessimistic about this route.

He, along with Bai Jingshu and Fang Yuzhu, had researched that when beings from another universe crossed time and space to come here, it triggered a collapse of a swath of stars. To this day, remnants of that catastrophe remain, clearly indicating a massive energy expenditure at the time.

"Now, the various mother ships left behind lack the power to reopen that path."

They suspected that after sending several batches of people to 'experience' this universe, the civilization behind them had encountered a disaster; otherwise, why stop opening the path, with no newcomers following?

"Yuzhu, perhaps it's better to follow this more stable path; let’s not be overly adventurous. Besides, I’m still exploring this route, and the future might well provide a breakthrough," Wang Xuan spoke up, not wanting her to come to harm. Fang Yuzhu replied, "Actually, this so-called safe route isn't necessarily secure. Following the light sea from afar means we'll miss out, and getting too close could be very dangerous. Due to the planar fissures and other repulsive forces, the transcendent light sea sometimes experiences backflow phenomena, which could catch us off guard and prove more perilous, possibly ending in destruction at the sea's bottom."

"Can’t we utilize the five treasures? If there's an accident, such as repulsion from a planar fissure, we’ll take your route and cross the sea directly. What do you think?"

Yan Mingcheng wasn't inherently risk-averse. If not for his deep concern for his wife and daughter, he would have willingly ventured across the sea himself. After over two millennia of separation, his instinct now was to protect and compensate his daughter.

"Agreed," Fang Yuzhu nodded in approval.

Wang Xuan declared, "I'd like to join you to broaden my horizons, but I don't intend to travel far across the sea with you. I have parents and friends here; I grew up in the Old Earth and cannot sever these ties."

He added, "I can lend you the Life Essence Furnace, but the Sword Maiden needs it soon. I'm planning to take her to the plane's fissures to aid her recovery."

The group nodded after considering his words. Wang Xuan himself had a hidden path to explore, and staying behind could forge a new route, providing another hope for the transcendent.

"Keep a treasure for your protection," Fang Yuzhu told him, offering her support since he wouldn't be accompanying them. If Wang Xuan found himself at an impasse, the treasure could serve as a means to cross the sea and join them later.

"We'll see when the time comes. Actually, the power of treasures tends to weaken over time in the mundane world; eventually, they'll fade away, and they're not of much use to me," Wang Xuan remarked.

He was confident because he had maintained his spiritual cultivation without relying on any treasures, achieving parity with a land immortal.

"We'll meet again someday, and I hope we both succeed on our different paths," Zhang Daoling said earnestly.

He, along with Xu Fu and the Hades Blood Ancestor, naturally followed the others, as the current world no longer suited them.

"I had even selected a site on the northern plains; looks like my livestock group will be short-lived," the Hades Blood Ancestor sighed.

Not just them, all transcendents of the highest caliber would be informed and given the choice to leave or stay—providing them the opportunity to decide.

"We can imagine that most will leave," the Demon Queen Yan Qingyan observed. "The surviving celestials see their spiritual cultivation wane daily. Even the greatest among them are likely to become mortals in the future."

"Not necessarily," Zhang Daoling chuckled. "Some, severely weakened, thrive in the mortal world, having already made plans to marry and start families."

People's choices differed; some celestials, drawn by the allure of a modern life filled with mundane pleasures and seeing no hope ahead, decided to abandon their higher calling and "fall" into humanity.

"We depart in two days," Yan Mingcheng informed everyone. "The area around the planar fissure is complex, but the transcendent light sea won't linger there too long." He advised everyone with unresolved desires in the mundane world to attend to them swiftly.

What they referred to as planar fissures involved more than just a single plane; otherwise, they could not have held back the transcendent light sea for so long. The area resembled an endless abyssal plane, shrouded in mystery.

Wang Xuan, upon hearing their descriptions, began to wonder if this place was connected to the demonic realms or hell as depicted in legends, a true pathway to the other side.

"You're thinking too much," Yan Mingcheng shook his head, correcting him. "It's more akin to a fissure between two vast universes, a residual path forming multiple planes. These fissures are usually invisible, only appearing when the transcendent light sea surges, causing the planar gaps to emerge."

Zhang Daoling and the Hades Blood Ancestor departed swiftly; they had many disciples and followers to arrange for. They planned to take some with them and leave many others behind in the current world.

"In the future, we will establish new sects in the new transcendent universe and erect our doctrines anew!" they declared as they made their preparations to depart.


The Shadow couple and Wang Xuan set off to bid farewell to their families, knowing well that parting words needed to be exchanged between the two couples.

Fang Yuzhu went to make arrangements for Jiang Siyuan, who had been asked whether he wanted to venture across the ocean. He had shaken his head no; now, he simply wished to remain in the mundane world, to experience the new era after the transformations of time.

As the transcendent world decayed and the great barrier was on the verge of complete collapse, Fang Yuzhu used a whole celestial herb and tapped into the power of a relic, regenerating his flesh and bones. She then dissolved the last rare fruit borne by the Metamorphic Bamboo into his body and soul.

Jiang Siyuan had protested, aware of the fruit's immense value, far surpassing many celestial herbs, potentially saving Fang Yuzhu's life at a critical moment. However, she shook her head. At the brink of mythic destruction, just before the permanent silence of transcendent rules, she swiftly completed these actions, reviving Jiang Siyuan. If she had been even a moment later, it would have been impossible.

Now, Jiang Siyuan appeared to be about thirty years old, devoid of the formidable powers he once wielded, reduced to a mere mortal. Yet, he retained his youth and vitality, stronger than an average human, well-prepared to live a good life in this world.

"My homeland is on the new star; I'm going there. Yuzhu, I wish you success in your quest for the Dao. I believe you'll stand at the pinnacle of the true transcendent path," he said.

"Take care, Siyuan," Fang Yuzhu replied as she watched him board the spacecraft. She had no more time to linger in the current world, her preparations for him were the best she could manage under the circumstances.

She felt a pang of guilt. Jiang Siyuan had saved her life twice, yet she could not return him to the path of longevity. His mind was made up; he did not wish to traverse the ocean but preferred to stay in the dust of the world.

As Jiang Siyuan left the old world behind, he sat silently on the spacecraft, his final sigh hanging in the air, "I know your commitment is to the pursuit of the Dao. Your kindness to me was to repay a debt, nothing to do with romantic affection. Once a supreme transcendent, how could I not yearn to return to the pinnacle? But I refuse to be a burden on your journey. May you sail across the ocean to reach the far shore!"


The Shadow couple arrived to bid farewell to Wang Xuan's parents.

Yan Mingcheng spoke first, his voice heavy with emotion, "Take care, both of you. We're departing for distant shores. Watching Wang Xuan grow up, he's as much our child as yours. It's hard to let go."

Recently, Wang Xuan’s parents had been sent by the Shadow couple to vacation on a distant life-bearing planet. They had only just been brought back and were unaware of Wang Xuan’s recent deadly skirmishes among the stars.

"Do you really crave transcendence that much? What's wrong with the human world?" Wang Xuan's father began, a touch of philosophy in his voice. "I’ve read the history of cultivation you gave me. These so-called 'great realms' of the human world, aren’t they just part of our earthly existence? Haven't you reached the end yet? Every one of us is undergoing cultivation by living in this world, be we ordinary or transcendent. As the saying goes, 'The mountain is a mountain, the mountain is not a mountain, and the mountain is still a mountain.' You left this world, became immortal, and now you return—tell me, isn't it still the human world?"

"Alright, brother, no more," Yan Mingcheng interjected, rubbing his temples. "You'll drive me to madness with your philosophizing."

Ever since the couple had delved into the historical records of cultivation, profound insights flowed from them easily. Yan Mingcheng had even provided them with classical scriptures and cultivation techniques, but Wang Xuan's parents didn’t take them too seriously.

Wang Xuan remained calm amidst the conversation. Raised by these four, he was used to the philosophical discourses. None of the couples spared each other from their love of imparting wisdom.


Over the past two days, the transcendent beings of the present world had been restless, especially the mightiest among them. News had reached them all, prompting each to consider whether to stay or depart.

After two days, a convoy of formidable transcendent beings embarked on their journey, boarding cosmic spacecraft bound for the interdimensional rifts. Wang Xuan, too, joined them aboard his own small spacecraft, not to partake in their quest but to broaden his experience and bid them farewell.

Contrary to expectations, the journey to the rifts was not long. After passing through a wormhole and traveling for half a day, they arrived at their destination—a stretch of the cosmos marked by jagged rifts emitting blinding light, the very interdimensional fissures they sought.

As predicted, the followers of Buddha and Taoism had been persuaded to come, bringing the sacred treasures of the Divine Palace. Their disciples, though not numerous, were a significant presence.

The founders of the Supremacy Palace and the Chen Emperor's Palace also made their appearance, the Xaioyaoyou raft in tow, accompanied by a throng of the universe's most exalted beings and immortals.

Among the crowd was the demon patriarch Qi Yi, who approached Wang Xuan with a complex expression. "Young friend," he began, "I've heard you'll remain in this world. My second son, Qi Lian Dao, will also stay. I hope you can look out for him a bit. If he causes minor offenses, I'd ask for your generosity in forgiveness."

Regardless of his past as a revered figure in the immortal realm and a dominant force among demons, he was now merely a concerned father hoping for his child's well-being after his departure.

Wang Xuan responded warmly, "There's no need for formality, Demon Patriarch. As the era of transcendence concludes, all past grievances are forgotten. Besides, your son and I have already moved beyond our old conflicts."

Many who heard this exchanged complex looks, well aware of Wang Xuan's reputation. He had slain an earth immortal and survived a fierce battle with the formidable Shang Yi, who had since vanished without a trace.

Meanwhile, Yan Mingcheng was seen conversing with other powerful beings, discussing the best strategies to pursue the transcendental sea.

Wang Xuan overheard some say, "Fang Yuzhu is too rash, like a butterfly fluttering towards flame. Venturing into these rifts, chasing the transcendental sea, is fraught with peril. A single misstep could be our last dance in the mortal realm."

Hearing this, Wang Xuan felt a heavy weight in his heart. Such an outcome was entirely possible. He murmured to himself as he watched them prepare, "May all the elders find success on this journey."

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