The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 213

Chapter 213 – Deterrence

Chapter 213, Deterrence

After six hours, Qiu Yanhai and Xue Qingjian opened their eyes, having mostly healed their injuries. Xue Qingjian returned to her youth, to the beaming Zhuo Fan and Li Jingtian at the side.

Now that the couple got up, Zhuo Fan came to them with a friendly laughter, “I guess congratulations are in order, for your recovery. Now let us all return to the clan.”

Shivering inside, the two staggered backward in fear.

“Uh, don’t look at me like I’m the enemy here. We’re all on the same side now, no?” Zhuo Fan shrugged and smiled at Xue Qingjian, “Sister, did you already forget how close we ‘siblings’ are?”

Swallowing dryly, Xue Qingjian scampered behind Qiu Yanhai, like a mouse afraid of the cat. But the eyes held an unmistakable hatred overshadowed by immense fear.

Glaring at him, Xue Qingjian spat, “Who’s your sister? I must’ve been blind to not see you’ve got the demon in you!”

True enough, since she took Zhuo Fan as a naive child who barely opened his eyes to the world. Who’d have thought this pup was in control of the famous Mad Dipper.

He had no scruples and such vile schemes that had even this famed pair of monsters shiver in fear! How the hell was that a little brother? A demon from hell was more like it.

Xue Qingjian was regretting having been swept by Zhuo Fan’s sweet smile and sophistry. She was itching to gouge his eyes out and squash them!

Zhuo Fan was becoming irritated. Qiu Yanhai saw his mood sink and urged, “Steward Zhuo, please calm yourself. My old hag is raving. Don’t mind her!”

“Nevermind then, your lives are in my hands anyway. It’s your choice if you want to get along with me. Now that you’re Luo clan’s elders, it’s time we move!”

Zhuo Fan ignored them and unfolded his Lightning Wings as he took to the skies.

Seeing the demon take flight, the pair breathed easier, yet looked close to breaking down in tears.

They who lived free in a mountain, they, who fended off even Regent Estate’s threats, how was it they had fallen so low, in the hands of a twerp?

They couldn’t make one sense of it all…

Li Jingtian walked to them and mocked, “Didn’t you laugh at me saying I have no guts, old man? Well, where’s yours?”

Smiling dejectedly, Qiu Yanhai shook his head and sighed, “I was at fault before. I didn’t expect you to be so powerful!”

“Ha-ha-ha, as long as you know!” Li Jingtian said, “But I am a man of immense willpower, and not under complete control of the Bloodworm. And the ones I ever followed never were ordinary! Try to look beyond Steward Zhuo’s young looks. He does everything with calm and precision. Fierce tactics are a powerful man’s tools. You won’t lose out by following him!”

The two nodded after a long time.

“And since we’ll be working together in the future, I’ll let you in on the basics to survive in the Luo clan!” Making sure Zhuo Fan was far enough, Li Jingtian whispered.

The couple had their ears peeled, “Please tell us, brother Li! “

“Except for Steward Zhuo, anyone in the Luo clan are good people to get close to, especially our young miss. She is a must to win over. Steward Zhuo may be all about power play, looking down on all, but he is always devoted to the Luo clan. He will more often than not listen to young miss. So, if you ever get on his bad side, rush to the young miss and have her plead your case. That gets you off the punishment almost completely!” Li Jingtian patted Qiu Yanhai’s shoulder, while giving the two a serious look.

The two were immensely grateful as they cupped their hands, “Thank you, brother Li!”

“It’s nothing. We are all in the same boat, you can dispense the courtesy. Ha-ha-ha…” Li Jingtian waved.

Was he actually that caring? Of course not. The two were ignorant of the Luo clan’s matters, but would figure it out easily in the first three days anyway.

He reminded them earlier since this favor came cheap and saw no reason not to have them owe him one.

[Just when did I begin turning into such a vicious man?]

He sighed and suddenly scratched his head, [Guess environment changes the man…]

At the gates of the imperial capital, Marshal Dugu was sitting astride his large horse and entering the city with his five godsons. The million strong army was stationed ten miles out.

The news of Dugu Zhantian’s return, the second of the Four Pillars to the court, was soon on the lips of every citizen!

“Your Majesty, Marshal Dugu is seeking an audience!”


In the golden palace of the imperial capital, the emperor was sitting on a lavish throne. Next to him was the man he often played chess with, Mr. Sima.

Dugu Zhantian entered with large steps and bowed, “Dugu Zhantian greets Your Majesty. May you have a long and prosperous life!”

“Ha-ha-ha, Marshal Dugu has come from far away. You must be weary, please sit!” With a chuckle, the emperor walked to Dugu Zhantian and helped him to a chair.

Any man would feel immensely grateful and honored. But Dugu Zhantian found it a matter of fact. He was after all a pillar of the empire. Wouldn’t a man like him receive at least this much from the emperor?

“Marshal Dugu, how is the situation in Windgaze City?” Dugu Zhantian just took a seat and the emperor already started inquiring.

Dugu Zhantian sighed, “The circumstances are poor I’m afraid. I have rushed to the rescue per the imperial edict but I was late. Windgaze City had been under a terrible battle, in which the Luo clan lost a hundred thousand men…”


Watching Dugu Zhantian speak in such a grave tone, the emperor’s heart sank. Then he heard him mention Luo clan’s ‘losses’ and spurted blood.

“Marshal Dugu, how can a third rate clan like the Luo clan have a hundred thousand men?” The emperor exclaimed, then cursed inside, [Even me, who has rarely been outside the palace knows it. How come you have no common sense!], “Marshal, did you see it yourself?”

“Uh, no, actually. But when Luo clan’s steward reported it, I also found it odd..”

“That steward is Zhuo Fan!” The emperor’s face twitched. [Of course it’s him again. That brat is nothing but trouble. Speaking of so many casualties as if it’s the order of the day.]

Dugu Zhantian nodded, “Your Majesty is wise. It is indeed Steward Zhuo who told me of Luo clan’s casualties. I was also skeptical in trusting this man’s careless talk. How can a small clan have so many people? Not even the seven houses have so many. But Luo clan’s losses were indeed great in that battle, with even their Clan Head falling victim!”

The emperor held his head and sighed, “Marshal, Luo Clan Head is dead for almost three years now…”

“What?!” Dugu Zhantian was shocked, then he went beet red. [Damn those wretched brats, they played me! But that’s not the issue here. The problem is they made a fool of me in front of the emperor.]

[Zhuo Fan, Yunhai, I will get you for this!] Dugu Zhantian gnashed his teeth.

The emperor shook his head, knowing he’d been had, “Never mind then. Please tell me what you can about the Luo clan, Marshal.”

Dugu Zhantian was startled, then lowered his head in shame.

From the moment he entered the Luo clan, all he’d heard about it was from Zhuo Fan’s mouth, not getting the time to do his own investigation. And when it came to reporting, Zhuo Fan’s words didn’t look as truthful now. He realized he knew next to nothing about the Luo clan!

Noticing his plight, the emperor didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, [Why did you even go to Windgaze City for? Are you just as sloppy with your enemy’s intelligence as well?]

“Nevermind then!” The emperor sighed, “Are the Luo clan’s Luo Yunhai and Luo Yunchang alright?”

“Uh, they’re completely fine!” Dugu Zhantian spoke.

“Then what of Captain Pang Yi, their elder Lei Yuntian and his goddaughter Lei Yuting…”

Dugu Zhantian started answering all the questions the emperor had regarding the Luo clan’s higher ups. In the end the emperor nodded, “Since they are fine, the Luo clan suffered no losses! But this clan sure is capable, to still be standing despite the ever watchful eyes of Regent Estate and Hell Valley!”

“Uh, Your Majesty, outside Blackwind Mountain, where Luo clan is located, there are four 5th-grade arrays placed by the Clan Head. A normal expert would find it hard to infiltrate!” Dugu Zhantian added.

The emperor raised an eyebrow, then sent a shocking glance to Mr. Sima, “This Zhuo Fan kid is more and more impressive. I heard he could set arrays, but never imagined he could set four 5th-grade ones!”

“What, they were done by Zhuo Fan?” Dugu Zhantian cried out.

Sighing, the emperor only glanced at the old man, [Just what have you been up to in Windgaze City? I asked you here to give me a report, but why is it me explaining things to you instead?]

The emperor continued, “The Luo clan lost everything, even their Clan Head three years ago, leaving only the siblings, steward, and Captain Pang Yi behind. The current Luo clan has been brought about by Zhuo Fan. And it’s this kid…”

The emperor began recounting Zhuo Fan’s acts of troublemaking through the empire. Once he finished with the mess he left in Drifting Flowers Edifice, he added, “This kid is a rare talent, but a pity he’s too volatile. He makes me like him and hate him all at the same time. Luo clan’s problems are due to him. But it is also he who made the Luo clan stand tall. I just can’t tell if this bizarre steward is a blessing or calamity for the Luo clan!”

Blinking, Dugu Zhantian was speechless. He never took Zhuo Fan as an array master! As for all the stunts he pulled, Dugu Zhantian couldn’t care less.

[Hell, what soldier doesn’t pull stunts? Skill is all that matters! I must have him in my camp.]

Dugu Zhantian’s mind was set!

“By the way, Marshal, is there anything else you’d like to report?” The emperor had no expectation at this point, but still asked.

Dugu Zhantian rushed to say, “Yes, it involves the Hell Valley and two other houses’ evidence of attacking the Luo clan. Please make a decision, Your Majesty. These three houses had tried going into Windgaze City while I was there!”

Dugu Zhantian took the three jade slips out. The emperor’s eyes lit up and laughed, “With this evidence I’ll finally take them down a notch! Did you see Regent Estate there as well?”

Dugu Zhantian shook his head, “Among the seven houses’ house lords’ group I saw in Windgaze City, none were from Regent Estate!”

“I see. That cousin of mine sure likes to hide all traces. He’s sure to plan something insidious!” Throwing away the three jade slips, the emperor barked, “Humph, I will use these three houses as a testament to my power. Let all see who is the true ruler of these lands…”

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