The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 278

Chapter 278, – Void Annihilation’S Power

Chapter 278, Void Annihilation’s Power


The cries of agony pierced the skies as the enemy began its slaughter. With their formation broken and outnumbered ten to one, their hopes of surviving were dashed. Just like a mouse squeezed around by a mighty dragon.

Their will to fight had collapsed, replaced by utter despair.

Luo Yunhai gnashed his teeth and got onto his feet. He wanted to reorganize his ranks. He wasn’t about to give up as long as there was an inkling of hope.

But as soon as he got to his feet, he was kicked flying, with blood flowing from his lips.

Coughing blood, Luo Yunhai glared at the cocky and snickering Lin Xuanfeng, “He-he-he, brat, you’re finished! So behave and wait there for me to take your head and present it to Zhuo Fan. I wonder what face he’ll make, ha-ha-ha… “

“Humph, let’s see you try! You think the next time he’ll stop at one leg?” Luo Yunhai retorted in mockery.

Lin Xuanfeng’s mood sank dangerously low.

His life was smooth sailing, the pride of Merry Woods. No one ever showed any disrespect to someone of his talent. Then he met Zhuo Fan, and everything spiraled out of control, him becoming a laughing stock.

His leg was ripped off and hence he suffered endless ridicule that had affected his state of mind to such a degree that it had cast a shadow over him. Not even he wanted to admit such a disgrace happened to him.

And yet Luo Yunhai went on poking his sore spot, earning his wrath, “Damn punk! You think we can’t deal with that Zhuo Fan? Humph, let me tell you, we’ve long been ready to end him. He’s living on borrowed time. You’re the first to go and the bastard will soon follow you to your grave!”

Lin Xuanfeng lifted his Yuan Qi soaked palm, winding up for the finale.

Luo Yunhai was worried, his fists clenched, but not over his safety. It was for Zhuo Fan’s.

He sensed from Lin Xuanfeng’s tone that those words weren’t empty threats. They may very well have grasped Zhuo Fan’s weakness. He had to warn Zhuo Fan before it was too late.

How was he going to do that though, when he was too powerless to even protect himself?

Luo Yunhai’s inner conflict left him in a mess.

Lin Xuanfeng took it as fear, “Ha-ha-ha, here I thought you’d be a man of courage having followed Dugu Zhantian for years, but deep down, you’re just a spineless coward. Don’t worry, I’ll leave your corpse intact, out of respect for Dugu Zhantian.”

Lin Xuanfeng launched his palm attack like a fierce storm.

“Stop! No one can harm the Luo clan’s young master!” An aged voice shouted, just as a red hot flame shot for Lin Xuanfeng.

Lin Xuanfeng only snickered.

Liu Yizhen came to the rescue, with his 4th level spiritual beast flame.

But his flame looked nothing more than a candle to Lin Xuanfeng, “You senile old fool dare mess in my affairs? Get lost!”


A flick of the hand had a blue wind scatter the flimsy flame to nothing. Liu Yizhen spat blood and collapsed, pale.

Grinning, Lin Xuanfeng turned to Luo Yunhai, “No one’s gonna save you now!”


It was a delicate voice this time. Xue Ningxiang popped out of nowhere and stood between them, “You’ll have to go through me first!”

“You again!”

Squinting, he clearly recalled Xue Ningxiang shouting cripple left and right, “Humph, don’t you worry. Once I’m through with him, you’re next!”


Xue Gang and Xue Lin rushed over but Lin Xuanfeng’s flick of the hand left them sprawling and heavily wounded.

With a twisted smile, a promise of cruelty that was to come, Lin Xuanfeng’s Yuan Qi exploded, “And stay down!”

“Humph, we won’t die. Big brother Zhuo will save us!” Xue Ningxiang faced him without an ounce of fear.

Lin Xuanfeng jerked, looking around frantic, “Zhuo Fan, where? Is he close?”

Xue Ningxiang laughed, “Ha-ha-ha, how the mighty have fallen. I knew you’re scared of big brother Zhuo!”

Luo Yunhai shook his head.

Apparently, Zhuo Fan did more than simply pull a leg. He had also scarred the guy mentally!

“You damn brat dare to lie to me! Zhuo Fan would never stand still in this situation if he was here!” Lin Xuanfeng’s anger flared. Two brats got the best of the grand and mighty Forest Fleeting Dragon. They had scared him just by mentioning Zhuo Fan. He would never hear the end of it if word got out.

Lin Xuanfeng’s eyes looked at Xue Ningxiang with bloodthirst, wishing nothing more than to wring her pretty neck, “Blasted bint! You two’ve been a pain in my rear from the moment we met!”

Lin Xuanfeng’s hand was wrapped in a blue wind and slapped at Xue Ningxiang’s chest.

Luo Yunhai was too hurt to try and stop him. He could only watch the sinister palm inching towards Xue Ningxiang’s chest.

“Big brother Zhuo!”

Xue Ningxiang cried, her eyes focussed on the dead Thunder Ring. Then she closed her eyes and prayed for a miracle.

Luo Yunhai could only sigh. Zhuo Fan was no god. It was impossible for him to watch over her around the clock like a guardian angel.

Xue Gang and Xue Lin crawled on while bleeding in a desperate attempt to reach her. Why was their foolish sister so zealous in her faith? The last two times were sheer coincidences.

[Zhuo Fan won’t always watch over you when you need him the most. So why are you so stubborn?]

Lin Xuanfeng laughed, “Zhuo Fan won’t come brat! Die, ha-ha-ha… “

Though clueless, their entire drama was laid before Zhuo Fan’s eyes two miles out thanks to his soul sense.

He saw how Xue Ningxiang and Luo Yunhai were together and he also saw Lin Xuanfeng’s strike closing in on them.

Zhuo Fan’s right eye flashed with two golden halos and an invisible beam shot out, passing through any and all obstacles, straight for its target.

Divine Eye of the Void’s 2nd stage, Void Annihilation.


It shot fast as light, passing through everything like they were nothing.

In the middle of the slaughter, a hum became apparent as a sudden hole appeared on the men in its path without any warning.

Blood flowed even as the men were oblivious to their doom. It was just too fast, too sudden.

Lin Xuanfeng’s hand was inches from Xue Ningxiang when the hum passed, robbing him of his hand. It left behind a bleeding stump.

Lin Xuanfeng was too dumbstruck to even react.

[W-what was that? Why is my hand gone?] He didn’t even feel a thing. One moment it was there, and poof, gone the next. It was faster than getting it chopped off.

Xue Ningxiang and Luo Yunhai were equally baffled.

Lin Xuanfeng stiffly looked around to see a line of men with oddly missing parts of their bodies, bleeding out.

Looking further, he saw a hole in the valley’s side, black as night. Zhuo Fan used Void Annihilation from two miles away to rob his hand and anything in its path.

It was an all powerful ability able to target anyone regardless of distance!

Zhuo Fan’s enemies would never know rest if they knew he possessed such divine might. Or the moment they drop their guard, their chest would sport a sudden extra large hole!

Not that Lin Xuanfeng knew that. He only looked at the black hole in dread. [This is too freaky! What the hell was that? Who could possibly kill so many men in a blink?]

It even exceeded Forest Fleeting Dragon’s reaction and robbed him off his hand! What kind of godly skill was that?

In the middle of their shock and despair, Zhuo Fan used his Yuan Qi to shout, “God damn it, Lin Xuanfeng! You dare touch my people, you bastard? Don’t move a muscle, I’ll be right there to rip your head off myself!”

His yell passed through the black hole and into the valley, so loud it even quaked mountains.

It was as if the two mountains spoke. Such awe-inspiring power scared everyone present into freezing and paling.

[Are the mountains threatening us?]

[Balls! Did our battle wake up a local god?]

Only Lin Xuanfeng recognized the voice. He shook like a leaf. He would never forget the owner of that voice in his life, the same Soaring Demonic Dragon who ripped off his leg…

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