The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 290

Chapter 290 – Acting Commander

Chapter 290, Acting Commander

Translator: StarReader

Editor: Elitecoder

A sudden red sandy beach spread out for miles and miles. All they could see beyond red, was more red. And what made it worse was the queasy feeling when the smell wafted into their noses.

This was the lair of the 3rd level spiritual beast, Blood Croc.

This beast left their lair in packs to hunt, then dragged their quarry back to mangle and feast on their kill. This made for a gory sight as well as the endless gushing blood. This led to their domain soaked in red and made impossible for anything else to grow.

Hence the name Killing Blood Marsh.

The group looked amazed, certain this place was the lair of Blood Crocs. What was truly baffling was in fact the lack of Blood Crocs on their way here. Not to mention they took their time.

With a frown, Long Xingyun voiced his doubt at the scout, “Did you actually see any Blood Croc here, or even the Brimming Sacred Pill?”

“Yes, young master Long. I’d never lie to you. When I got here earlier I saw thousands of Blood Croc and even caught a glimpse of a vial in their midst.” The man pointed.

Long Xingyun believed him and pressed on after a quick look at the others.

But they soon had to stop again and shudder. Their faces grew grave and their eyes revealed shock.

[What’s this monster doing here?]

They were at the edge of a sunken area, with a familiar figure in its center. Despite looking at his back, they had no trouble recognizing him.

“Too slow. I’ve been waiting here for ages!” Huangpu Qingtian made a show out of turning around and directed a snicker Zhuo Fan’s way, “I’ll let you hog the first pill, for now. But the second one is mine, ha-ha-ha…”

The faces of everyone sank. [Does that mean the second pill already landed in Huangpu Qingtian’s hands?]

[How did he find out? He knew our objective and waited us out?]

[Is there a spy among us?]

The horror of the situation dawned on them. In this perilous area, any internal conflict would have devastating repercussions.

With a mole within their midst, the dangers would grow exponentially.

All of them started looking at their neighbor with a critical eye and became on guard. Any trust they had had gone up in smoke.

The tri-house alliance was on the verge of crumbling.

Grinning, Zhuo Fan said, “There’s no need to doubt. It was I who told him.”


Xie Tianshang was the first to complain and looked at him with thirst for battle, “Why?”

Rolling his eyes, Xie Tianyang provided the explanation, “Big brother, that’s him talking nonsense. With him being the strongest, if he wanted to be a spy, he’d have done it from the start. Why waste time with this convoluted ploy?”

“Uh, then…” Xie Tianshang didn’t get it.

Luo Yunhai chuckled, “Big brother Zhuo is trying to say that doubting each other will be buying into the enemy’s trap and make us weaker. We will talk later about the spy matter. Now it’s time for all of us to unite and fight!”

They all nodded and attached greater importance to Luo clan.

The sinister and deceitful Zhuo Fan wasn’t the only one with a full grasp of the situation. Luo clan’s future Clan Head was also wise. He lived up to his name as the fifth godson of Dugu Zhantian.

Taking this into account, Luo clan’s rise was imminent!

The three houses’ top disciples nodded in praise as well. Although the Luo clan had ridiculous growth over the years, so much so they felt scared, they were nonetheless eager to see what would become of this fledgling clan.

In the eyes of the crowd, the clan head and servant glowed with unprecedented brightness…

“Big brother Zhuo, something’s off here!” Luo Yunhai glanced at his surroundings as he whispered to Zhuo Fan, “This place is prone to ambushes. We need to be extra cautious.”

Nodding, Zhuo Fan gave the area a once over, “In your eyes, how do you think they’ll do it?”

“A frontal assault with a pincer move, followed by an ambush from behind.” Luo Yunhai’s eyes were firm, convinced of seeing through the other’s scheme.

Zhuo Fan smiled, “You’ve learned well from that old geezer. You haven’t let me down. You and your team deal with the back ambush while I will handle the front. “

Zhuo Fan then shot forth with a calm look.

Luo Yunhai was startled then nodded.

He knew the frontal assault was the enemy’s main force. What Zhuo Fan chose was the hardest and most dangerous mission.

Then again, recalling Zhuo Fan’s dreaded power and mystical abilities, Luo Yunhai set his mind at ease.

“Where is Zhuo Fan going?”

Xie Tianshang was left clueless, as were many others. He was about to chase when Luo Yunhai stopped him, “I ask of you all to listen to my orders, lest we be routed!”

After the shock subsided, they looked at him in derision.

They all admired Luo Yunhai, but not to the point they’d be in awe of this young man who lacked the almighty power Zhuo Fan had.

Which among these future house lords would ever let a runt tell them what to do?

If there was anyone from Luo clan who they’d ever accept, it would be Zhuo Fan! But letting a tyke boss them around?


All he got was snorts.

Luo Yunhai’s face grew grave, knowing there was nothing else he could do. Every aspect of him, be it experience or power, lacked in making these houses’ geniuses trust him, let alone listening to him.

But it was at this crucial moment a cold, yet charming, voice echoed, “Is it Zhuo Fan’s decision?”

Luo Yunhai looked up startled, to see Chu Qingcheng’s cold and critical eye. He nodded.

She looked back at the man’s imposing figure walking in front of them and sighed, “Then what is your plan?”

That got a reaction out of the crowd. [The grand Edifice Lord Chu is actually listening to a damn kid?]

[You may fancy Zhuo Fan and want his favor, but don’t go throwing away Drifting Flowers Edifices’ reputation!]

Surely they all hung on Zhuo Fan’s every word. The mighty Soaring Demonic Dragon could fight toe to toe with Huangpu Qingtian, no? So what reason did they have to treat a brat the same way?

The other two houses refrained from commenting.

To Xue Ningxiang, the world’s number one innocent, more like delusional, missus, the intricacies this decision held to the other houses went right over her head as she shouted, “Yunhai, I’ll listen to you! You got us out of that impasse last time. You may not be on big brother Zhuo’s level, but you’re still stronger than these guys, who only know how to lose!”

Restraint was not in Xue Ningxiang’s vocabulary, making Long Xingyun and Xie Tianshang’s faces aflame. Ever since they came to Beast King Mountain they hadn’t won once. Nor lost with dignity.

And that was the truth of it. All they ever achieved since coming here was a big fat nada.

They felt ashamed even more now, with Xue Ningxiang there to poke their wounds. It also had something to do with Xie Tianyang being her shadow, safeguarding her every step of the way. If it was any other vassal clan, even with Sword Marquise Abode’s amiable stance, they’d still get a trashing.

Would any lord allow their vassal to act like so?

“Ning’er, don’t say that. Leave them with some dignity!”

They were all on the same side after all, practically brothers. Xie Tianyang had to curb Xue Ningxiang’s willfulness. He then turned to Xie Tianshang, “Big brother, all of us house disciples are usually focused on cultivating. Fighting alone is out of the question, but when it comes to joining a team, it’s best we leave it to Yunhai. If I know that punk Zhuo Fan well, he never did things he wasn’t sure of. So let’s go along with his decision.”

Luo Yunhai nodded in gratitude at Chu Qingcheng, Xue Ningxiang and Xie Tianyang. Then turned nervously to Xie Tianshang.

Xie Tianshang squinted but gave his consent, “What would you have us do?”

Luo Yunhai was overjoyed. He finally had Sword Marquise Abode’s support.

Long Xingyun saw how two of his allies caved and shrugged, in lack of a better option, “Since Drifting Flowers Edifices and Sword Marquise Abode approve, I will also listen to you.”

Luo Yunhai was excited.

He had now become the tri-house alliance’s acting commander. He had the power to move thousands of people, that of the thee houses and their vassals.

As long as Huangpu Qingtian didn’t butt in, he was certain nothing could stand in the way of him and his army.

Luo Yunhai put on a serious face and spoke, “From my discussion with big brother Zhuo we’ve concluded that we are surrounded. We will have to break through the encirclement. Listen up, everyone, the vassals are to split in three groups, those belonging to each houses.

“The Drifting Flowers Edifices division will form a column, awaiting my order to attack our behind. The other two will form our flanks as we move in tandem. Keep cool and don’t break formation as you fight. Be mindful of your position in the formation to not let it crumble.” Luo Yunhai shouted with confidence.

He knew full well that Zhuo Fan was the sole reason they listened. But come the aftermath of the battle, he was certain their views will change.

[My five years in the army weren’t a waste.]

Luo Yunhai vowed…

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