The Storms Monarch is maybe an Extra

9 – War Hero(ine)

“Oh, you’re finally back!” 

I could see Rin waving at me and Petra, who were carrying some dead Horned rabbits with us.

She was sitting on a log with a hot cup of coffee, acting as if nothing had happened. 

Scott was more…disturbed. He constantly heaved sighs of relief that we “only” came back now.

As Petra and I had agreed beforehand, we wouldn’t say a thing about what we heard earlier. Petra went and prepared a rabbit stew. 

I just sat down on the log next to Rin since I couldn’t cook for shit. As we four all sat down and enjoyed the food, I asked,

“So, the war’s over, huh?”


“What are you guys going to do now?”

Like I’d expected, no one wanted to stay in the military.

“I’m going back home,” Rin said. “Kerudark city.”

I heard Rin’s answer and almost spat out all the stew in my mouth.

“W-What? How?! You’re not a Beastkin or a Dark Elf!”

“But my ma is.”

Okay, now that made sense. Maybe the city passed some recent legistrations that allowed children of the city’s inhabitants to freely enter it regardless of their race or something.

“And you, Scott?”

“I’m following Rin.”

It seemed that they weren’t trying to hide it anymore. 

“As a friend, I have to support her.”

‘I take that back. He’s fucking stupid. Does he think no one would know?’

But this was most likely the last time I’d see either of them, so I decided to be nice for once and not make fun of him.

“What about you, Ast?” Rin asked. “What are you going to do? You haven’t found your…mother, have you?”

“I haven’t, but—” I patted my backpack. “—I’m one step closer to finding her again, now.”

“Good to know.” She smiled. “Still, what are you going to do now?”

“...Maybe go to the Capital? I’m thinking of going to Ark Academy.”

This time, it was Petra’s turn to spit out some stew in shock.

“What!? Why would you go to a Hunter’s school? Have you not spent enough time in the battlefield?”

In response, I simply squeezed her hand as an act of reassurance.

“It’s all for the sake of finding my Mom. You know me, I wouldn’t do something unnecessary.”

Petra looked like she wanted to say something, but she eventually decided to let the matter go.

“Boo! Get a room, you two!” Rin stuck her tongue out playfully. “That asides, Petra, what are you going to do?”

“...I’m going to the Capital.”

I heard her words and sighed. “The war’s over. You don’t need to take care of me anymore.”

“I’m actually going to take care of my brother, who’s applying for Ark like you.”


“W-Well, even so, if you ever find life outside the military too hard, you can always stay with me.”

“I’ll take up on that offer, thanks.”

After all, I didn’t have any money nor connection in the Capital. Living on the streets would just be suicidal.

Then, Rin spoke with an excited voice, “We should make a group chat when we get our phones back!”

“That’s a good idea.” Of course, Scott agreed with her immediately.

Sorry to bring down the mood, but—

“I don’t have a phone.”


It was probably the reason why Viscount Nightshade took so long to find me.

“Well, I’m thinking of buying one after this, so don’t worry.”

“Okay, then Petra can just add you to the group later.”

After that, we cleared the camp and returned to the Administrative hall.





The discharge was…mundane. No fireworks, no lightshows, no big celebration. Just parents crying while hugging their children who went through Hell and back for the Empire.

Of course, some were mourning those that died.

Despite having garnered a really fucking massive amount of respect from the soldiers, no one really gave me anything other than a few thank-you and do wells.

After surviving a (painfully tight) group hug, we—Unit 44, went our separate ways. Scott and Rin took the bus to Kerudark, while Petra and I began our (bus) journey to the Capital.

Strangely, the bus was empty. You’d think that the bus to the Capital would be full, but no, it seemed that all the soldiers were from anywhere but the Capital.

‘Well, I shouldn’t be too surprised. Basically only rich people live in the Capital anyways. The rest are either living in slums or are even worse than the Powerless squads.’

When night approached, I leaned on Petra shoulder and said,

“You know, you’re the closest thing to a Sister to me.”

“Eh? Why are you saying that all of the sudden?”

“Well, we’re going to live together, so I just want to get that out of the way,” I sighed as I leaned closer to her and hugged her. “Thank you for always taking care of me.”

Petra didn’t respond verbally. Just her affectionate pats that radiated warmth was enough for an answer.

‘And thank you…for at least trying to get me out of this goddamn war.’





All in all, the journey took two days. It was already late at night by the time the bus stopped at the Capital. 

Of course, we were stopped by the City guards. However, they quickly let us through once they realized that we were “veterans.”

Well, that was what I’d have liked to happen, anyways.

“Astrape Gray, correct?” said the guard as he looked at my I.D.

“Uhh…yes? It’s on the I.D.”

The guard didn’t register my joke and spoke in an even tone.

“Get in the car. The Emperor’s waiting for you.”






Razos Silvat—the Emperor. Despite being [S+]-ranked, he was barely mentioned in the novel. The reason was pretty obvious.

‘He’s just a puppet.’

Well, not really. I didn’t know if him willingly letting his wife control things from behind could be called “being a puppet,” but I commended him for recognizing his weaknesses. Simply put, he was a muscle-brained man; not fit to be Emperor.

And considering the circumstances behind his ascending to the throne, it only made sense. He literally married into being Emperor.

Like, he impressed the Empress so much that she made him the Emperor. That was it.

Anyways, such a great man is currently sitting on his black-and-red throne, gazing down at me with his ruby eyes. Despite there being no wind, his silver hair fluttered ominously. In fact, his clothes and cape were also fluttering as if there were wind, too. The only thing that was unchanged was his expression, and the two black horns protruding out of his head.

Yep, he was a Demon. Wait until you see the Empress, who was an Archangel.

‘Luckily, the Empress isn’t here,’ I thought as I looked at the white-and-gold throne, which was occupied by someone—just not the Empress.

Her hair and eye color was that of the Emperor’s. But instead of black horns and a tail, she had a pair of feathery white wings protruding out of her back.

She was the Imperial Princess—Eleanor Silvat

Unlike her father, whose expression was unchanging, she was actually glaring at me.

‘What the fuck? Did I offend her somehow?’

But I quickly discarded such thoughts. Let alone a Princess, she was a member of the Hero’s Yuri Harem. Offending her meant offending the Hero, and while the Hero wouldn’t kill me for that (since she was a compltely pushover), it would makes things much, much worse for me.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the Emperor opened his mouth.

“Stand up, Astrape Gray.”

I did I quick nod before getting up on my feet.

“Glory to the Empire,” I said with as much respect as I could conjure up, which wasn’t much by even my standards.

“Hmmm, indeed, you’re from the military, as they said.”

“You’re correct, your highness.”

“...You don’t seem like a mad hound to me.”

Then, he commanded all of the Servants, Knights, and Nobles to get out of the room. Thanks to me being a measly unawakened, they left without a fuss.

Just the Knights and Servants, anyways. The Nobles looked like they wanted to object, but no one dared to actually say anything.

Eventually, only the Emperor, the Princess, and I were left in the room.

Something strange happened. Instead of his usual coldness, the Emperor suddenly burst into laughter.

“I always hated being so stiff in front of the Nobles. You can act as comfortably as you want, Astrape. The only person who would mind it is my wife. And she’s not here, is she?”

That last part sounded like an genuine question instead of a rhetorical one. Judging by the way he was scanning the room worryingly, it seemed to be the case.

“It’s my honor, your highness.”

“Ah, what did I tell you, don’t stand on ceremony. Call me what you want.”

“...I’d be most comfortable calling you ‘your highness.’”

“How boring. Fine, have it your way, then.”

I just couldn’t see myself acting all chummy with the Emperor, especially when the Imperial Princess was glaring at me like that.

“Your highness, may I inquire the reason that I was called here today…in the dead of night.”

“Yes, yes, I was getting to that,” he cleared his throat. “You’re here today to receive a boon.”

“Pardon? But I haven’t done anything to warrant that…”

In response, the Emperor simply took out a stack of paper that he’d prepared before hand. 

“Good thing Evanos warned my of your personality beforehand. Ehem,” he put on a pair of reading glasses, which I guessed was just an attempt to make himself look more relatable. “A-hundred-percent win rate on Monarchdays, three strategically important pieces of land conquered, and only five-hundred men dead under your leadership.”

“...What are you getting at, your highness?”

“I’m saying that,” he threw the papers into the air and grinned. “No one needs these boring statistic to know that you’re a War Hero, Astrape.”


“While it’s not as amazing as the Hero title given by Goddess of Light Lumaria, it is indeed one of the titles of all times.”

The Emperor chuckled at his own joke. To be honest, I was about to laugh too, but I held myself back.


“So, here you are. I have to award a War Hero, don’t I?”

“But no one actually treats me like a War Hero…”

If the City Guards’ reactions were anything to go by, anyways.

“Ah, the people are more enamoured with Hunters, so you’ll have to excuse them. Most don’t think that your feats are something noteworthy since any decent Hunter could do it far more efficiently.”

“If I may be so rude, why would you reward me, then?”

“I simply look further ahead than most people,” he suddenly stood up and approached me. Placing a hand on my shoulder, he said, “Astrape Gray, you’re going to be someone powerful once you awaken.”

“...But what if my talents are bad?”

“Then, it wouldn’t hurt to have some good PR going on,” he laughed. “No pressure. I’m mostly doing it out of losing a bet with Evanos anyways. Now, tell me, what do you want?”

‘If you put it like that…’

It was very fucking obvious that I couldn’t ask for anything outrageous. But luckily, I wasn’t going to ask for something like that in the first place.

“Your highness, I would like direct admittance into Ark and have all my tuition fees covered. Just the tuition fees. I can handle the other costs myself.”

“Huh? Only that?”

“Yes. I’d be eternally grateful even if you only grant me one of those things, your highness.”

The Emperor scratched his chin for a few seconds before answering.

“Well, I’m not supposed to tell you this, but the Ark is already set on admitting you directly with full scholarship.”

Seeing my surprised expression, he grinned and continued,

“So, there’s your wish exactly fulfilled, no more no less. Since I’m a generous man—”

I could hear a scoff coming from the Princess.

“—I’ll act as if you haven’t requested anything. Now, Astrape Gray, what do you want?”

After thinking for a bit, I sighed.

“My request is still the same, your highness.”


“But, not for myself. I’d like it to be given to someone I choose.”

After a while, he nodded.

“Very well, but I’m afraid even I don’t have enough power to alter the screening process. You know how the old and grumpy Headmasters are,” he scowled. “The best I can do is cover the tuition fees.”

“...That is more than enough, your highness.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been more certain in my life.”

Then, the Emperor agreed to my request and called for someone to escort me out.





Currently, I was in a car owned by the Emperor himself…along with Petra.

“You WHAT?!”

“Don’t be so loud!” I coverd my ears. “Petra, don’t need to be so surprised.”

“How couldn’t I?” she screamed again. “You get the chance to take something from the Emperor, the goddamn Emperor, and you requested for tuition fees coverage?”

“...But it’s worth it, though. You know how high the fees for Ark are.”

“It would’ve been, if you hadn’t intended to give it to my brother! You don’t even know who he is!”

‘Ah, so that’s why she’s so concerned.’

“You don’t need to worry. It’s just that I don’t want to be indebted to anyone.” I squeezed her hand. “Neither you, nor the Emperor.”

Eventually, Petra calmed down and let the matter go… But not before profusely thanking me over and over again.

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