The story of the Elf Queen

A heavy loss for the Elf Queen.

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Leaning back in her desk chair, Sivila sighed doomedly and stared at the ceiling. It wasn't fair. One of the rules of the Secret Guard was that if something important couldn't be hidden, it had to be passed off as something else. The fact that the announced "Quarantine" was not a drill had become clear to many people that very day. By the next day, the whole Forest seemed to know about it. Inevitably, questions, rumors, and the wildest speculations would begin. It was impossible to explain the true reason for the Quarantine. The news that unknown enemies had managed to infiltrate so deeply into the heart of elven society would have caused a real panic and a completely unnecessary commotion. It was not enough to start a witch hunt like in some human kingdoms.

So, it was necessary to come up with a cover story that could be used as a cover. Third and his subordinates had worked out several options and were getting ready to start them. But then help came from nowhere. Gradiana's dear, sweet, and simply beloved Auntie Gradiana was ahead of the Secret Guard and launched her rumor, which turned out to be nauseatingly successful. One could immediately feel the hand of a true craftswoman and experienced intriguers. By the end of the third day from the beginning of the announcement of the "Quarantine," the whole palace and almost the whole Forest knew that the entire population of goblins, grown for strictly "scientific" purposes, was infected with some kind of crap of a semi-magical nature. Variants of the disease varied from rumor to rumor but generally had similar symptoms. High contagiousness, especially with sexual contact, complete asymptomlessness in the initial stages, and pronounced aggravation of sexual and some other instincts in the hot and late stages, with simultaneous degradation of thought processes.

The rumors started by Auntie were very successful because Antael was no stranger to the new fashion for small and lifelike green-skinned sex toys. The Secret Guard jumped at the opportunity with both hands, conducted a couple of spot leaks, and by the fourth day everyone, even the fighting unicorns, knew the true background of the "exercise". Everyone argued only on the topic of who, how, what, and when infected the population of laboratory goblins. And who would be held responsible? In short, the lovely aunt had done the Forest, and the Secret Guard, in particular, a great favor by navigating the situation in time. Sivila did not doubt Gradiana had realized very quickly and perfectly that something serious and important was going on in the Palace that the public should not know about. And it happened suddenly and unexpectedly for the Secret Guard. And she made her move, which helped to lead everyone away from the true background of the "exercise".

From the outside, just exemplary behavior of a wise and experienced daughter of the Forest, putting his well-being above all else. Except for one "but." A little "but" the size of Mont Ros. In order to maintain dear Auntie's legend, the Secret Guard had scrapped almost the entire population of lab goblins. Officially, of course, they weren't just destroyed, they were used for the experiments they were bred for. Yes, yes, of course, of course, that's what they're bred for. Everyone who needed to understand everything understood, nodded with nonchalant faces, and immediately informed everyone else that, yes, everything is as they said. An infestation, and a very serious one at that.

And it would seem that everything ended up perfect in the end, and she should be just glad. BUT! Her sweet little ones, with whom she was looking forward to at least a little rest, are now burning in the alchemical flames of special furnaces. And she was looking forward to it! She'd already figured out when she could find some time for it! Now she would have to wait for a new batch to be raised. Unfair!!! Biting her lip, Sivila gripped the armrests of her chair. Auntie had managed to get a good payback for her beloved youngest son. He was doing his daily fatherly duty right now.

With a snap of her fingers, Sivila awakened her work mirror. It reflected one of the rooms in her quarters assigned to the maids. There, Gilraen lay on a wide bed, tied by his arms and legs to the headboard and blindfolded. Next to the bed on a small table were several vials of scented oils, and an assortment of love toys. Some of them had clearly just been used. Mariana riding a helpless queen's cousin soaked with sweat. Mariana moved smoothly, tilting her head and caressing her breasts with her hands. Her body also glistened in the light of the magic lamps from sweat and oil. The maid's face was glowing with happiness, and her still almost flat tummy was glowing quite literally with a soft golden light. It was obvious the happy daddy had just poured into her, reinforcing Gaia's blessings. For a few seconds, Mariana kept moving with a satisfied face, then smoothly lowered herself onto the father of her child and kissed him passionately on the lips, penetrating his mouth with her tongue.

The queen smiled faintly as she watched them for a moment. The fun with bindings, gags, clamps, and other toys that the dark sisters had originally invented in their Underworld had quickly become popular on the surface. In no time at all by elven standards, of course. In some places, of course, such things were frowned upon and considered obscene, but as we know, the more forbidden, the more interesting things were behind closed doors. After watching Mariana play with her helpless cousin, Sivila turned off the mirror. She felt a little lighter. Just a little. But still, it would be necessary to thank her dear aunt for the disrupted vacation. Later. Right now there were more important things to do.

Over the past few days, the mess created after Quarantine had been more or less cleared up. The most trouble was with the Supreme Emissary, whose subordinates were compromised. The head of the elven diplomacy was clean, but in a private conversation with Sivila, he demanded explanations. And he was understandable. One of his direct subordinates had disappeared, and two of his assistants were detained by the Secret Guardians and no one was allowed to visit them. He was not told the whole truth, but he was told that there were good reasons to consider the detained diplomats compromised. This news, of course, did not please the Supreme Emissary at all, but his discontent with Third's actions disappeared completely. Instead, the head of elven diplomacy assured the queen that he was ready to provide any necessary assistance from his side, which was not unnecessary, and Sivila redirected him to the Head of the Secret Guard.

The queen continued to deal with the multiplied current problems. She had to sleep only six hours a day, eat literally on the go, and use stimulating alchemy several times. Meanwhile, Third was dealing with the results of the special operation and its aftermath. It wasn't easy to say which of them was having a harder time. In any case, now that they had managed to sort things out a bit, it was time to discuss their next move. After clearing all the unread documents from the table, Sivila left her chambers, accompanied by Astra. After releasing Aneta and Katrina, who immediately ran to the previously released Mariana, and Fiorel, she made her way to the Secret Guard building. Two silent agents were already waiting for her there and met her. After bowing briefly, they led her to one of the operational meeting rooms. Third, most of Twilight's team, Mirael, some of the gifted brought in to work on Tiantrel, and Luaval were already there. When the Queen took her seat, the Head of the Secret Guard gave her a brief nod and immediately began his report:

"Well, we've managed to win the battle, but we're still a long way from winning the war. The biggest problem is that we still don't know exactly who we're up against. My analysts are working on it, but so far, the suspect pool is too large. But what we do know for sure is that all of our leads lead back to Iyastar. Everyone who's been structured has either been there directly or is directly connected to those who have been there. And so far, our main lead is whoever is still impersonating Tiantrel."

Hearing this, Sivila raised her eyebrows in surprise:

"They didn't withdraw her, even knowing what we learned about the fate of the real Tiantrel?"

In response, Third shook his head:

"No. We've obviously had no direct contact with her since the swap was discovered. Given the cover story and how Tiantrel was infiltrated, that's extremely difficult to do. But we know through intermediaries that she's still active. And that can only tell us one thing."

"That they really need her."

"That's right. And that's our chance. But we're going to have to work very carefully. We don't need any unnecessary problems with the sun worshippers right now, we have plenty of other things to do. There will be a separate and detailed briefing on this subject. You will leave tomorrow."

The agents of Twilight and Luaval nodded briefly. The dark elf was the only one with a very lean expression. Whether it was because the lands of the Theocracy were not particularly fond of the inhabitants of the Underworld, or the fact that he had been plucked from his newly found home with a relatively young wife was hard to say.

"Now what we managed to find out about the structured ones. After our masters of magic had uncovered their method of disguise and basic principle of operation, they were able to start examining them normally. To begin with, we dealt with the ones identified during the Quarantine. Honorable Mirael, you have the floor."

The Elder Enchantress snapped her fingers and images of both of the aforementioned elves appeared above the table. Both Enear and Antael were completely naked and shorn, and the structures on their bodies glowed with a cold white light.

There is still a lot of work to be done, but we can already say the following with confidence. The structures of all those identified during Quarantine are an order of magnitude inferior to Tiantrel's. You can see that even with the naked eye. They're simpler and have less potential. I can say with certainty that none of them will be able to replicate what Tiantrelle did during her escape attempt. Whether this is due to personality or the tasks they were given is hard to say. But they are all performed with the same skill. The magical "handwriting" is absolutely identical.

A movement of the hand and the image of Tiantrel appeared above the table. Another movement, and a number of areas on the bodies of all three elves, where the glowing symbols had been applied, turned green.

"This can be clearly seen in these locations of the structures. The coincidence of the methods of influencing the victims' subtle bodies to inflict them is absolute. Now, as for their personalities, everything is much better. On the one hand, they are practically unchanged, due to the peculiarities of the structure's work. Behavioral and personality matrix, associative chains, and memories about nine-tenths remained intact, as far as we can judge at the moment. As are their souls. But there are nuances."

With another snap of her fingers, Mirael zoomed in on the heads of both elven diplomats. A moment later, they were colored with additional glowing lines and became translucent, allowing her to see the brains.

"Already during the initial checks, we found more than a dozen skillfully hidden attachments in their minds. All of them are secure, and finding the key will take some time. We can't say what they are until we open them. It could be memories, knowledge, instructions for behavior, or something else. Given the skill of our opponents, it's pointless to guess. Except for one thing we can be relatively sure of. This is a very distinctive area."

Another snap and part of Antael's head and brain lit up with a disturbing red light.

He looks normal, but it's just a ruse. It will only be possible to tell exactly what changes have been made when they open her up, but from circumstantial evidence, we can safely say that Antael, like Tiantrel, has undergone the typical sex slave treatment. Similarly, the sensitivity of the main erogenous zones is heightened, tied to just this section of the mind. Except that the appearance was left the same, so as not to arouse suspicion.

"And why didn't the checks detect it?" Sivila asked a rather rhetorical question.

"Because these changes only show up when the lock is released. The rest of the time, there are no traces or signs. No increased lust, no obsessive thoughts of sex at the sight of a suitable partner, no instant arousal at the slightest stimuli. In short, no typical flaws in the work of a middle-class slavemancer. In our case, as I said, we are dealing with a real professional."

"I see. Can you fix it?"

After being silent for a couple of seconds, Mirael said slowly:

"It's quite possible since their personalities have been changed very slightly, unlike poor Tiantrel, who is basically just a shell. But it would take a long time. It would require the complete removal of all structures, which even in theory is difficult. We're already working on it."

"Okay. Anything else you were able to pull from their memories?"

"We're working on it, but so far without much results. And I don't think there will be. Colleague."

Mirael passed the word to her companion, a former master of Mind Magic, and the latter spoke with a grim face:

"Our opponents did a good job of covering their tracks. These structures allowed them to do almost anything to their victims' minds, especially their memories. So far, we've managed to find a few memories in their immediate past that show indirect signs of editing. But they're just that, circumstantial, nothing more. As an expert, I can see, for example, that there's a connection here, or there's a break here. But the trouble is that the fake memories have completely taken the place of the original ones, which have been deleted. Not erased, nor overlaid, but completely deleted and replaced by false ones. So we can hardly find out what our opponents have hidden."

"Is there no trace of it at all? It is not possible, there are different techniques, Reflections of the Seen, Unheard Echoes...."

Gesturing to stop the queen, the Master of Mind Magic shook his head:

"We are working on it, but, unfortunately, the situation is very unusual, and the usual methods can't give us much. Especially since their memories have been painstakingly cleaned of all compromising moments. Moreover, we cannot exclude the fact that some of the memories could have been deliberately compromised to throw us on a false trail. In short, there's a lot of work to be done, but there's little chance of getting anything out of their memories."

"I see. What about Tiantrel? Were you able to get inside her mind?"

"Her situation is a little more complicated. On the one hand, her memory is almost pristine. On the other hand, there are enough compulsions, both hidden and open. In particular, she has quite a bit of knowledge of Spatial magic. Specifically, the technique is known as "Blink", which she had not previously mastered and could not have mastered in the past eight years. But it's much more difficult and dangerous to work with, and its structure is much better than the others, which makes it necessary to act with extreme caution. We've already discovered at least four traps for those who try to get into her mind."

"Okay. What about that... that artifact we took out?"

The Mind Magic Master's face grew even more grim, and he snapped his fingers. The figure of Tiantrel appeared above the table in a rather piquant pose. Only now she was translucent and surrounded by a multitude of markings, and dozens of magical weaves were illuminated inside her.

So far, we have only just begun to study this artifact, but we can already say it is very dangerous. That's why we have to work with it with extreme caution. My colleagues who know about artifacts have examined it and analyzed the visible weaves. They say it's aimed very precisely at Tiantrel, synchronized with her subtle bodies at the highest level. That's what allows it to literally control her on the widest spectrum. Not just on a physical level, but on a mental level as well. To put in or take out the right knowledge, memories, or associations. To control movements. The structure of the weave is very similar to the Puppet School practiced by some of the southern black tribes. For example, the Uusuals or the Kentongs.

Hearing this, Sivila raised her eyebrows incredulously:

Puppet School? Are you absolutely sure?

The Master of Mind Magic nodded briefly:

"More than that. We've already checked, and the match with the samples we have is obvious. Yes, there are differences, but the pattern is identical."

Turning to Third, Sivila asked incredulously:

"First an unknown master of Mind Magic, practicing a hitherto unknown school. Then there's Space Magic, in one of its most complex techniques. And now Puppets. How is that possible?"

The head of the Secret Guard only slowly said in response:

"I'd really like to know the answer to that question myself. My analysts have come up with various theories. The most plausible one is that we've encountered a very powerful prodigy who has spent centuries honing his skills in the shadows."

Hearing this, Mirael rolled her eyes and shook her head:

"It's impossible. It can't be that easy. You can't even reach the level of an archmagister by hiding somewhere in the middle of nowhere. You need a lot of practice and resources to develop that kind of power. And something like that always leaves a trace that would be noticed sooner or later. There's no way to hide something like this."

"I agree with you completely. I, too, think this version is untenable. But it's the most realistic of the analysts so far. The others are even more ridiculous."

Tapping her finger thoughtfully on the table, one of the Elder Enchantress' colleagues suggested:

"Maybe we should reach out to the human masters. Should we send cautious inquiries to the Neirat Academy, and try to talk to the chiefs and elders of the U-usuals? Perhaps someone will be able to identify the work "by handwriting" or at least point us in the right direction. If we explain the situation properly, they will not refuse us."

"We are already considering such an option, the Emissary Corps will be attached to it soon," replied Third.

"Okay. What else can you tell us about this artifact?" Sivila asked.

The Master of Mind Magic turned to the image and continued to explain:

"It's a communication channel with Tiantrel. It is very powerful, yet extremely narrow and difficult to detect. If Third's subordinates didn't know what to look for, we'd hardly be able to detect it. But judging by its visible weaves, this artifact is not only tied to Tiantrel alone. According to my colleagues, it has another hidden communication channel, through which it can influence the one who uses it directly. It is difficult to estimate the degree of influence without experiments, but personally, I would not risk taking this stuff in my hands, even with protection. Because of this, I have to work with it very carefully and keep it under additional protective barriers.

Hearing this, Sivila pitched forward:

"I hear you. And again, please be extremely careful with this artifact."

Then Luaval, who had been silent until then, spoke up:

"Can you try to track our enemies through this statue? I'm no master of magic, but as one of my mentors used to say, every connection is a road. And roads can go both ways."

Mirael and her fellow gifted colleagues' ears twitched at the analogy. With a cough, the Elder Enchantress turned to the dark elf and spoke in an extremely polite voice, as if speaking to a first-year apprentice:

"In theory, of course, we could try to track our opponents through this communication channel. But in theory. The channel is probably secure, and it's far from certain that it will lead directly to them. There will probably be redirection schemes, false nodes, and other methods of hiding the final destination. Not to mention the enormous risk that such a thing poses to whoever uses the artifact."

"I see... Hmmm... What if we use someone as a spacer to work with him? Use a gifted puppet?"

Frowning her eyebrows, Sivila looked at her new 'vassal':

"Did you get an idea?"

"I just thought, why don't we try to talk to our opponents?"

Almost everyone in the room gasped at what he heard. Except for Third, who folded his hands on his chest thoughtfully and said slowly:

"Hmm... That's something to consider. Mirael, can you understand if they communicate through this statue?"

"Wait, are you serious right now?"

Shrugging, Luaval turned to the Elder Enchantress:

"I don't see why we shouldn't at least try. As far as I know, no wars of annihilation have been declared against us yet. So why not try to find out who our opponents are and what they want? If we do it right and use a good puppet, we don't risk anything really significant. And if we succeed, we'll get at least a rough idea of who we're fighting."

There was silence in the hall. Sivila looked at Third and Mirael and said thoughtfully:

"We'll have to consider that option. Honorable Mirael, I will ask you and your colleagues to look into this matter. First of all, of course, your safety will have to be taken care of, so there will be no possibility of negative influences from them."

"Good. But it's gonna take time."

"Of course. Everything you need will be provided to you as soon as possible. Now, I suggest we discuss the upcoming actions in Iyastar...."

The meeting dragged on well past midnight. There were a lot of questions and not enough time. At some point, Third ended the discussions with an effort of will and sent everyone to bed. After saying goodbye to everyone, Sivila let go of Astra, who was waiting for her and headed to Luaval's house with him. There they were met at the mansion by four well-trained human servants, selected personally by the queen and the dark elf himself. Three young girls and a middle-aged man. After refusing dinner, the queen and her new vassal went straight to the master bedroom on the main floor. Yawning as they walked, Sivila, with the help of an equally sleepy Luaval, removed her dress and hung it on a chair. Collapsing onto the wide bed, made up with clean white sheets, the queen unceremoniously dragged some of the blanket over herself, causing a grunt of displeasure from Siera, who had already fallen asleep. With this blanket, Sivila made herself comfortable on the pillow and closed her eyes...


A child's cry and a nudge of a heel under the blanket caused the queen to open her eyes. What the...

"It's your turn...Your Majesty...."

The dark elf's sleepy voice was accompanied by the unceremonious tugging of the blanket to her side. Sivila reluctantly climbed out of such an unbearably appealing bed and headed for the lullaby, yawning as she went. What wouldn't you do for the good of the Forest... There was a disgruntled grunt behind her:

"What a brat...and who is he like that...."

With a loud yawn, the queen took the screaming Diarwal out of the cradle and held him to her chest, opening the collar of her nightgown.

"You're the one who told me not to give him sleeping potions."

Ducking his face into the pillow, Luaval mumbled in response:

"Because babies get used to them, and then they can't sleep well."

"Wah, that's nonsense, good alchemy is not addictive and is completely harmless."

"Let me sleep!" Sierra grumbled, burrowing into the pillows and blanket.

Sivila glanced at the clock and sighed wistfully. Dawn was less than an hour away. There was no point in her and Luaval going to bed. Couldn't be patient, the little swallower. After feeding the baby, the queen slipped her robe over her shoulders and walked out into the corridor with the dark elf, yawning sleepily. One of Luaval's new maids met them there. After handing her the soothed baby, who needed a change of diapers, they went to the baths, where everything had been prepared in advance. The water was invigorating, driving away the remnants of sleep, and Sivila turned to see Luaval soaking beside her:

"Be careful in the lands of the sun worshippers. The Priest-King might well declare a holy quest if you put on a show there like you did in Kuordemar."

Without opening his eyes, the dark elf reached out with his right hand and pinched the queen's nipple.

"I'd like to remind you that I arranged all this at your request, Sivila."

With a hum, the queen let him play with her breasts. A small price to pay for the loyalty of such a valuable agent. She lifted herself up and moved into Luaval's lap, putting her arm around his shoulders and forcing him to look into her eyes.

"So now I'm asking you not to do just that. At least try very hard to avoid it."

The dark elf put both arms around her waist and then slid his palms lower, lightly squeezing the queen's buttocks.

"Even if I have the opportunity to deliver one of the Sun-faced High Clergy from the mortality of existence?"

Theatrically frowning her eyebrows, the queen looked him sternly in the eye:

"Especially in a case like this! We don't need a war with these fanatics."

Grinning, Luaval squeezed the queen's buttocks a little harder and then ran the palm of his right hand down her back before moving to her breasts.

"Just kidding. Of course, I'll be very careful. But if I don't come back, take care of Diarwal."

"I made you an oath, Luaval, that I would do so. Or are you implying some other care?" The queen wiggled her eyebrows as the dark elf caressed her breasts, squeezing and stroking.

"No, no way! Let him grow up and earn the honor of sharing a bed with the Queen of the Forest!"

Sneering, Sivila smiled cheerfully:

"I was getting so excited. In my time, I've been very fond of young and passionate lads....."

"I know, I've heard your auntie talk. No, you will not have my son, you lecherous predator! When he grows up, we'll find him a nice dark elf and kidnap her. By the way, we should start looking already. Oh, and another thing. Find me a good sculptor."

Raising her eyebrows in surprise, the queen asked:

"Why do you want it?"

"I told you I wanted a statue of Sierra in my mansion. Naked, full-length, and in some kind of lewd pose."

Chuckling, Sivila nodded:

"Okay, I'll organize it."


Squeezing the queen's breasts a little harder, Luaval asked:

"How about a quickie?"

Estimating the time, Sivila shrugged:

"All right, go ahead."

The queen stood up and leaned forward against the side of the bath. Luaval stood behind her and squeezed Sivila's buttocks a few times, then took a bottle of bath soap from the side of the bath. Pouring it generously into his palm, he soaped the queen's pussy and breasts, and then entered her in a single motion, moving at a rapid pace. Covering her eyes, Sivila moaned softly. The queen thought aloofly to herself that extra motivation before an important task was never a bad thing. Especially, since Luaval wasn't a bad lover after all. Though, she would have preferred a dozen or two of her green babies. Now she would have to wait again. Not fair.

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Author's Note:

10 pages, a small chapter, but other great authors also started with such small chapters. Not a lot of lemons, I admit, but they're there. There will be more in the future. Because this is pwp -_-

The chapter was needed as a final lead-in to the new arc. The next chapter will be a full-fledged start. I'll try not to drag it out too long.

Needless to say, my traditional thanks to the commenters and readers. You are my motivators!

A new business trip for the agents of the Elf Queen.

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