The story of the Elf Queen

A new concern for the Elf Queen

* * *

"My dear Sivila, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the trust you have placed in Gilraen! I was pleasantly surprised to learn he has been given a position in your retinue. And I hope you appointed him as your valet because of his talents and skills, not because of me or because you want to surround yourself with handsome young men again."

A faint smile touched the queen's lips, and she replied in a voice full of warmth:

"What are you saying, Gradiana? You know that for more than three thousand years I have been carefully selecting only the most worthy into my retinue and looking only at their merits."

Reflected in the artifact mirror on the queen's desk, a young-looking elven woman in an austere and closed dress smiled back. She had the same platinum hair as the queen, but unlike the green-eyed Sivila, her eyes were bright blue like a pair of sapphires.

"These are exactly the words I expected to hear from the Queen of the Forest. I was beginning to think you decided to reminisce about your youth. Give Gilraen my sincere congratulations and wishes for success in his new position."

"I will. I can assure you, Gradiana, that he is very diligent. In the meantime, if you'll excuse me, the business of the Forest not waits."

"Of course."

Saying a warm farewell to her aunt, Sivila dimmed the mirror and waited for the artifact to fade out completely. Then she leaned back in her desk chair and allowed herself a satisfied smile. Auntie could take a punch, she could not take that away from her. She has as much experience in court life as Sivila, they are almost the same age by elven standards. And she knows how to stab back, too. Surround myself with handsome young boys! Ridiculous! Those times when she had to spite her husband for every new lover, secret or apparent, she had another favorite of her own, were long gone. But what can you do, everyone was young and made mistakes once, and elves have a long memory, nobody forgot anything. Although many of those mistakes were very pleasant, it is foolish to deny it. Still, there is a certain charm in young and passionate boys. Speaking of which.

The queen held out her hand and reactivated the mirror, which showed one of the rooms in her chambers reserved for her girls. Anetta and Mariane had time for lunch, which they now always tried to spend in the company of their new nominal superior. And right now, her girls were just getting down to dessert in the person of that very boss. Putting aside empty plates and glasses, they carefully removed their white and gold tunics and hung them on the backs of chairs. Left in sandals, the queen's maids moved to the chair on which her cousin was sitting. Or rather, to which he was tied with a thin silk rope by his arms and legs so that they were wide apart. It was his only clothing, apart from the blindfold and the gag in his mouth. All the rest of his clothes were neatly arranged on the wide couch against the wall.

With a satisfied smile, Anetta leisurely approached her boss and the father of the future child. Carefully kneeling in front of him, she took his cock with one hand and began to massage it, squeezing and stroking it. Mariane went behind Gilraen's back, put her arms around him leaned forward, and bit her lips on his long, sharp ear, sucking on it diligently. This elicited a muffled moan and sped up his erection. When Gilraen's fighter stood at attention, Anetta rose to her feet with a predatory smile and mounted the queen's cousin. After enjoying the sensations for a moment, she put her arm around Gilraen's shoulders and began to move her hips, gradually increasing her pace. Mariane releasing the elf's ear from her mouth, relieved him of the gag. But only to, turn him to face her, gag him with a kiss, and begin exploring his mouth with her tongue. There was understandably no way Gilraen could resist this.

Smiling, Sivila watched her girls for a moment longer, waiting for her cousin to finish, causing the symbols of reinforcing and protective rituals to flash gold on Anetta's belly, which received a boost. Panting, she carefully climbed off her superior and the maids switched places. Let them have their fun, the girls deserved it. She, on the other hand, was unlikely to have any fun anytime soon. The queen sighed sadly at the thought of the palace dungeon, where the next batch of adorable green-skinned cuties, specially bred and bred for bedtime fun, would soon grow. There was no time for her cute babies now, and there wasn't even any time soon.

The queen stood up from her desk, picked up a couple of scroll cases with scrolls written in small, painstaking handwriting, and left the office. Astra, Katrina, and Fiorel were waiting outside the door. The latter, to his credit, had borne the consequences of his blunder at the ball without showing his anguish in any way. With a nod to the maid, Sivila said:

"You can be free till tonight, my dear. Go eat with the rest of the girls. Just don't forget to milk and feed Sierra."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Katrina bowed low.

The queen left the chamber with her henchman and bodyguard, heading for the Council Chamber. There was an extremely unpleasant matter ahead, which, unfortunately, there was no way to avoid. The revision of the Forest's budget. By the time of her arrival, everyone had already gathered around the wide round table in the spacious room, brightly lit by magical lamps, skillfully made in the form of real candles. Among the top leaders of the Forest were the Supreme Treasurer, the Supreme Emissary, and the Head of the Secret Guard. The latter was alone, in his unchanged gray uniform and with an unfailingly imperturbable face. The other two top leaders of the Forest were accompanied by a pair of attendants. In addition to them, there were representatives of the Commander of the Forest Guard and the Commander of the Fleet, as well as representatives of the Supreme Caretaker of the Gardens, the Eldest of the Masters, and the First Apprentice of the Eldest Enchantress. All with the right to speak on behalf of their superiors. After greeting all those gathered, the Queen took her place at the table and immediately began:

"Honored ones, we have little time and much work to do. I suggest we skip the eulogies and get right to the point. What is the current situation in Morgrave?"

The Supreme Emissary looked grimly at his colleague, who was nonchalantly going through a stack of financial documents in front of him:

"A very difficult one, Your Majesty. The city is badly damaged, and most of the fortifications on the seaside are destroyed. It will require considerable resources to rebuild. And our neighbors are already looking at the Duc de Mont Ros's holdings with interest."

With a faint smile, the Supreme Treasurer uttered:

"Significant means, my dear friend, is a very broad term. And when it comes to helping people, it is close to infinity. But to my deepest regret, the resources of the Forest are not."

Taking a few scrolls, he handed them to the rest of those gathered for the meeting:

"Here is the optimum amount of aid we can allocate to the Honorable Duke Augustus without making significant changes."

After running her eyes over the list she had received, Sivila set it aside and shook her head:

"It is not enough. Only food until the next harvest will be fully provided. Provided it is properly distributed, which will have to be organized. Materials are in short supply. At best, enough to rebuild the harbor and part of the sea fortifications."

The Supreme Treasurer, still with the same faint smile, replied:

"I didn't say it was enough to help. I said it was the optimal amount of aid we could give the honorable Duke. To increase it, we will inevitably have to reduce our expenditures in other areas."

The queen groaned to herself, realizing what was about to happen and how long it would take. Everyone knew it, but there was no way to avoid it.

"Then it must be done," the High Emissary said in a calm voice, "Too much has been invested in Morgrave for us to afford to lose this city or give it over to foreign influence. It is, in fact, our only sea gateway to the Middle Sea."

"I understand you perfectly well, and, mind you, I am in no way denying or minimizing the role of this city for our Forest. But I also ask you to understand me. In order to provide additional aid to the honorable Duke Augustus, funding will have to be cut elsewhere. Besides," the Supreme Treasurer glanced at the impassive Head of the Secret Guard, "can anyone guarantee that the money spent on rebuilding the city will not be wasted?"

"No one can give you such a guarantee, especially not as long as the funding of intelligence activities on the Islands remains at the current level," the Head of the Forest Intelligence Service replied nonchalantly.

"How to distribute the funds allocated to you for intelligence work is up to you to decide..."

The meeting lasted almost three hours, during which the assembled Forest leaders tried to find an answer to a very difficult question. Who would pay for the restoration of Morgrave? Everyone understood perfectly well that it was necessary for the good of the Forest. But everyone also thought it would be better to do it at the cost of a neighboring department rather than their own. And all those present argued very reasonably why their funding should not be cut. Eventually, the necessary funds were found, at the cost of delaying the construction of two additional small fortresses on the southern border of the Forest and four new ships for the merchant fleet. Also, with a creak, still, it was decided to purchase additional materials from the Undermountin. After the meeting was over and all matters were settled, Sivila returned to her chambers with her retinue. A table set by the maids was already waiting for them there. Nodding to her girls, the queen followed one of them behind a screen, where she helped her mistress change into a house dress.

How tiresome such meetings were. They had always been her least favorite part of her duties. The saving grace was that they were far less frequent in the Forest than in any human or even dwarven state. As a rule, all expenses are planned a dozen years in advance, if they are minor or short-term expenditures. But sometimes, much more often than she would like, unforeseen troubles occur. And then you have to make such adjustments. This time, at least they're over pretty quickly. Now, she can eat in peace and then get on with...

"Your Majesty!"

Anetta's sharp and tense voice made Sivila instantly wary. What now? The queen peeked out from behind the screen and saw an agitated maid coming from the next room.

"Sierra's water broke! She's in labor!"

To herself, the queen sighed doomfully. Luaval would be upset, he wanted to be there in person for the birth of his firstborn. Outwardly, however, she ordered with a nonchalant face:

"Summon the senior healing sorceress. Mariana, Katrina, help Sierra and take her to the delivery room...."

* * *


"Come on, my dear, a little more!"

Lying on the special birthing bed in the center of the ritual circle, the dark elfess moaned in pain as she gripped the armrests of the bed. The symbols of the blessings and magical rituals imposed on her, without which the labor would have been much more difficult, shone brightly on her huge belly. The symbols of the ritual circle shimmered in unison with them, easing the pain and supporting the dark elf's strength. The queen's maids stood beside her, continuously wiping away the sweat that rolled down her body in large hailstones. A set of healing potions and ointments on a small table beside them. Sierra's lips were bloody and her hair was tangled, but her ruby eyes burned with determination. The older healer, whose eyes shone with a soft golden light in unison with the gemstones of the tiara she wore on her forehead, spoke in a calm voice:

"Come on, girl, just a little bit more. That's it, all right, come on!"


Gritting her teeth, the dark one tensed with all her might, and the healer placed her palms on her belly, making the symbols on Sierra's belly flare especially bright.

"All right, that's it, keep going, girl...."

* * *

The labor lasted several hours and ended well past midnight. It was quite easy by the standards of elves. The queen took a carefully washed baby wrapped in snow-white diapers and held it in her arms for a few moments. The baby was born large, with a small lock of snow-white hair and large violet eyes with which he looked at others. A good boy. As if to confirm this, he immediately opened his toothless mouth and yelled loudly, demanding attention and food. The queen gently handed the baby to the dark elf, as the girls helped her to clean herself up, change into clean clothes and move from the medical bed to a fresh bed. She opened her eyes, opened the collar of her nightgown, gently took her son in her arms, and pressed him to her breast. Finding the woman's nipple, the baby immediately sucked on it and fell silent, and Sierra blissfully closed her eyes again. The girls had just finished preparing a lullaby, clean diapers, and other things needed to care for the infant. Sivila turned to them and said:

"You'll stay with Sierra overnight. Tomorrow we'll make a schedule, one of you will have to stay with her at all times."

"As you command, Your Majesty."

Leaving the resting dark one with the girls, Sivila thanked and dismissed the older sorceress-healer, and then went to her office. It was already deep night outside the window, but the queen still had work. She closed the doors of her office, made sure the protection was activated, and then went to one of the locked cabinets where she kept her alchemy and other small things. Taking out a small vial with a pre-prepared potion, Sivila uncorked it and drank the thick and sweetish liquid in a gulp. The effects of the high-class alchemy were felt almost immediately. Her instantly hardened nipples tingled familiarly, her breasts felt hot and tingly from the inside out. Putting aside the empty vial, the queen pulled out the small amulet she had last used on Sierra. Biting her lip, Sivila unfastened the collar of her dress, exposing her breasts, activated the amulet, and pressed it to both nipples in turn. At the same moment, they were squeezed and twisted, causing the queen to exhale with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

In the meantime, the fire was burning in her chest and dozens of needles were pricking. What wouldn't you do for the good of the Forest? The queen spread her legs wide in her chair and threw them on the table, caressing her pussy with one hand and kneading her breasts with the other. How unfortunate Fiorel had been at the ball, his skillful tongue would come in handy now. Closing her eyes, Sivila imagined herself in the castle dungeon. All alone. Helpless. At the mercy of numerous, lustful, rough, green cuties... Arching her back as far as the chair would allow, the queen bit her lip, reaching the peak of bliss. For a couple of minutes, she sat motionless in the chair, calming her breathing and quieting her arousal. The fire in her chest, caused by the potion she had drunk, was extinguished, replaced by a pleasant warmth. When she came to her senses, Sivila sat back in her chair and pulled her artifact journal from her desk drawer. After running her eyes over Luaval's report, the queen smiled contentedly. So far, things have been going well. Taking the stylus in hand she wrote to her agent that he had become a father.

Putting aside the artifact diary, the queen took out seven sealed boxes of scrolls, as many folders with sheets of paper, and amulets with images imprinted in them. Carefully laying them out on the table in front of her, Sivila froze in place, gazing into the lines of text. The seven were abducted by Vinatir. Three male elves and four elven women. The information from the peddler raised more questions than answers. Why were these seven abducted in particular? Is there some kind of connection between them? Or was each one a work to order? Maybe only a few were needed, and the rest were for cover, to hide the main target among them? Who is the ultimate beneficiary who got the abductees? Or the beneficiaries? And most importantly, who was Vinatir's "supervisor"?

The questions were many. And the answers they sought, along with the head of the Secret Guard and Darendil's team every agent of which had been fully vetted for loyalty and innocence. Vinatir's interrogation had only confirmed long-held suspicions that double agents were operating in the Forest. The recent raids had been too successful. Such a thing was not impossible, though it was a rare occurrence. There had been betrayals in the Forest's long history, albeit very rare. But the revealed level of awareness of the agents, or the agent, was unacceptably high. This forced them to take additional measures and intensify their work even more.

As if hearing the queen's thoughts, the artifact mirror on the table chimed softly, announcing an incoming call. Reaching her hand, the queen almost touched the control crystal at the last moment. Buttoning her collar, she brought herself to a proper appearance. Still, it was etiquette to show her bare tits only in front of her spouse or official lover. Making sure she looked decent enough, Sivila accepted the challenge. A moment later, the mirror reflected the unchanged and unruffled Head of the Secret Guard.

"I'm listening."

"Vinatir is dead."

Frozen for a moment, the queen said slowly:


"Let's find out. All we know so far is that there was a powerful explosion in his office at the Vaar Gras trading office, caused by the triggering of several high-powered combat amulets at once. The merchant himself and his branded assistant and wife were killed."

Leaning back in her chair, Sivila said slowly:

"That was fast. Your agents didn't notice anything?"

The Head of the Secret Guard faintly shook his head:

"I recalled one of the Shadows from the east to set up surveillance on Vinatir. She and the Twilight agents have been watching him around the clock. There was no way to install spy amulets in his office yet. He hardly ever left it, and his defenses were set to a paranoid level. No outsiders came to see him."

"I see. What about the rest of the questions?"

"We're on it. So far, no luck with Vinatir's contacts. Each time he's handed off the abductees, after processing, to a different person. Most likely, they're low-level enforcers who didn't even know who they were working for or what they were dealing with. The abductees were handed over to them in disguise. As for who processed the abductees. In addition to Ashuir, Vinatir utilized the services of two other masters of Mind Magic. Both work for the well-known trading house of Os'Olon. I don't think it's worth to investigate them at this stage, as they are also outsiders."

"I agree. What did you find out about the abductees?"

"Not much. The fate of all seven is not known to us. My agents are constantly monitoring the major slave markets as best they can and gathering information on potential buyers and sellers. These seven in particular have not been seen anywhere, which means nothing. Changing their appearance to suit the client's tastes and disguise themselves is commonplace. We're checking several unidentified abductees seen in the last 40 years. As for their possible connection, we're still checking."

"All right. What's going on with the evacuation team preparations?"

"It's well underway. Bravlin has been negotiated without much trouble, and the warriors of the Undermountain will give us their full support."



"All right. Keep me in the loop."

After saying goodbye to the Head of the Secret Guard, Sivila extinguished the mirror. After stretching, the queen carefully put away all the documents and headed to bed.

* * *

A few dozen people were gathered on the wide and comfortable wharf, paved with snow-white tiles. The harbor of Sakhib-Nere was full of ships, both sailing and rowing, but there was no one at this wharf. Because it was only for very important guests. A squad of elite city guards in fancy armor lined up in two rows. In front of them, on a comfortable folding chair sat a well-fed man with a well-groomed and well-groomed beard, wearing a magnificent white robe embroidered with gold and red patterns. On his head, he wore a turban adorned with gems and several bright feathers. On his chest hung a golden chain adorned with gems and pearls, and on his fingers glittered numerous rings. Next to him sat the commander of the guards on a similar chair, in gilt armor polished to a shine. They were flanked by three young and handsome slaves, wearing simpler but equally immaculate white robes and turbans, with bright red belts. One of them held a broad umbrella over his master's head, which sheltered him from the sun, while the other held a huge plumage at the ready. There was no need for it now, for there was a pleasant and fresh sea breeze blowing on the wharf saving him from the hot sun. Another slave poured tea into the bowls of his master and his friend and served candied fruit on a small portable table.

Just behind the lined-up warriors stood a smooth-shaven, elderly man in a brightly colored robe and an equally brightly colored turban. He held a communication amulet in his hands and gazed intently at the sea. He was joined by two sturdy, dark-skinned slaves, clean and neatly dressed, who could appreciate their well-trained bodies. Between them stood a wide and tall closed chest on the ground. Behind them stood two more women, fully covered in expensive dark blue cloth embroidered with silver.

When the islanders' warship docked at the wharf, an old man in a colorful robe clapped his hands, and the slaves immediately picked up the chest. As soon as the ship was moored and the gangway lowered, they all hurried aboard, followed by the girls in dark blue cloth. A well-fed man in a snow-white robe looked at them and sent another candied slice into his mouth. The wait dragged on for half an hour. But considering who and how they had arrived, he was prepared to wait much longer. Finally, a tall woman, dressed in a fully covered, rich Southern woman's outfit of black silky fabric that shimmered in the sun, stepped off the ship and onto the dock. Nevertheless, it made it possible to appreciate her seductive figure. The cost of such an outfit was fabulous. A man in a colorful robe and an elderly man in armor were a step behind her. They were followed by the others who had boarded the ship, and a few others dressed in the fashion of the Free Cities. Last of all were a swarthy-skinned young man, a young girl, and a handsome young islander. When the woman approached the seated man, he and the commander of the guards rose leisurely to their feet and bowed their heads:

"Welcome back, charming Ashuir-Wali! It's good to see you in good health. When news of the islanders' raid on Morgrave reached us, we were very concerned about your fate."

"Thank you for your kind words, honorable Efenir-Shan. Fortunately, I was not alone. I had trustworthy companions with me. Allow me to introduce the honorable Cyrus, commander of the golden team of adventurers. Thanks to the bravery and skill of his squad, I managed to escape the clutches of the foul pirates by capturing their ship."

"Bowing my head before such skill, honorable Cyrus, and glad to see you at Sakhib-Nera. Friends of the lovely Ashuir-Wali are always welcome here. If you wish, my servants can escort you to the Adventurer's Guild building."

"The lovely Ashuir-Wali overstates my merits, Efenir-Shan. Without her skill, we'd all be shackled in the markets of Kuordemar by now. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I've never been to Sakhib-Nera before. So we could use a guide."

"Of course. Tahir! See our guests off after we're done."

"Of course, my lord."

Turning to Aushir, Efenir uttered:

"You've managed to get yourself a fine ship, Ashuir-Wali."

"And not only it but the entire crew now lies on deck awaiting their well-deserved punishment. Honorable Efenir Shan, I am weary from my voyage and would most like to rest at home. If you will allow me, Zekhir will settle with you all questions concerning the spoils of the sea and the share of the Caliph...."

"Oh, I see I'm just in time, honored ones!"

Three men, dressed as Free Townsmen, approached the dock at a brisk pace. The first was a tall man in an expensive suit, with a well-groomed gray beard and a keen look in his dark eyes. Behind him were two young men, dressed noticeably plainer. One of them carried a pile of scrolls and documents. As he approached the people on the wharf, the older of the two men bowed briefly and said:

"Honorable Efenir Shan, it's great to see you. Honored ones."

"The pleasure is mutual, honorable Gertram. To what do I owe this visit?"

"This ship carries cargo and goods looted in Morgrave. As a representative of the Confederacy of Free Cities, I remind you that under the treaty against maritime raiders, this cargo must be returned to its rightful owners. Minus, of course, the share of the salvage..."

"Honored ones, as I said, I'm anxious to get home. It's been an exhausting journey, so I'll leave any questions about the spoils of the sea to Zehir. Except to say, I'm keeping this nice young man," Ashuir pointed to the captain's relative, who followed helplessly behind her, "from among the islanders."

"Of course, the charming Ashuir-Wali. We dare not detain you any longer."

Saying goodbye to the meeting and leaving her manager to solve financial issues, the sorceress with Cyrus's squad, went to the beginning of the wharf. There a huge closed palanquin enchanted and wrapped in weaves was waiting for her. Next to it stood thirty sturdy porters in brightly colored and identical robes. As she approached, they simultaneously made a synchronized bow. Stopping at the palanquin, Ashuir turned to the adventurers accompanying her:

"I regret that our present meeting has been so unpleasant. I'm all the more sorry for the loss of your patron. If you and your men need work, know that you can always come to me."

"Thank you for your kindness, honorable Ashuir-Wali. I will consider your offer, but first, we must visit the Guild."

"Of course."

After saying goodbye to the adventurers, Ashuir climbed into her palanquin. Her new adorable boy was already on all fours as a stepping stone. Her two maids and Tonga climbed up on his back, and the sturdy, dark-skinned slaves carefully placed the chest on the special luggage rack at the back of the palanquin. The porters then lifted it onto their shoulders in a friendly motion and set off. Inside, Ashuir reclined blissfully on the tall and soft cushions, with her legs in the lap of the maids. They immediately removed them from her expensive shoes and began to massage her. The faithful Tonga handed her a glass of chilled fruit juice. After drinking it in one gulp, the sorceress gestured for her to fill it again. Finally! This damned ship, stinking of sweaty men, was starting to make her sick! She should have burned it with the entire crew, but alas, that would have been too wasteful.

After draining another glass, the sorceress closed her eyes, listening to the chanting of the charms cast on the palanquin. All right, everything works as it should. Having increased the power of amulets that kept the air in the palanquin comfortable and fresh, the tired sorceress closed her eyes. How tired she was after all. No, definitely, next time she should only work from home. At the very least, within the confines of Sakhib-Nere. Damn island raiders! And things had gotten very ugly with Vinatir. And strange. When he'd contacted Cyrus, she'd been upset on the one hand, because now Zitra was to be returned, and Ashuir was used to her and had plans for her. On the other hand, the rest of the promised money was not unreasonable, and Vinatir was a proven and more than generous client. But the next day, the news came that the merchant had died, either as a result of a murky assassination attempt or an even murkier accident. Ashuir didn't believe the latter at all.

But it was even better! Because it allowed her to take the ear slave for herself. It was a good thing no one would ever think of sweet Zitra but her. Cyrus and his subordinates are now convinced the elf was lost in the turmoil of the attack. It wasn't easy to pull something like that off on them, but it was saved by the fact that she hadn't changed anything drastic in their minds. She just fixed some memories a little bit. It was an order of magnitude easier than to make the same eared girl believe that caressing human cocks with her tongue was not disgusting at all, but on the contrary, very pleasant. Giggling, the sorceress took another sip of her favorite fruit juice. Nothing, now at home she would take it up properly. As soon as she got a day or two of rest. Maybe even for the rest of the week.

At that moment the palanquin reached her house. Or rather, a huge mansion surrounded by a high and wide wall, with an equally huge garden and houses for servants, which spread out on the high bank of the full-flowing Illyira, drowning in greenery. The guards opened the gate, and the porters brought the palanquin directly to the entrance of the mansion. After putting on her shoes, Ashuir stepped outside. Her new toy was already on all fours, head bowed. The sorceress, along with the maids and house slaves who had picked up the chest, climbed the steps of the mansion. The bearers immediately picked up the palanquin and went with it to the outbuildings where it was stored. Several other maids met her at the entrance. And inside, behind the wide front doors, in the spacious hallway, the wizard was met by a grown woman dressed in almost the same dark silk robes, but much more open. Her long, wavy, and black-as-pitch hair was already touched with gray, but her skin was perfectly smooth. She was as fit as Ashuir or her slave maids. Only her eyes gave away her true age, skillfully hidden by quality rejuvenation alchemy and skillful magical rituals. At the sight of her, Ashuira tossed aside the robes from her face and with a smile, almost ran up to her, wrapping her in a tight embrace.

"Granny, I'm back!"

"Oh, my darling, I was so worried about you! I told you not to leave the house! If something happened to you, what would I do?!"

"It was an accident, who could have expected those island scum to raid the city?"

"Our whole life is made up of just such accidents....."

"Oh, please, Grandma, no lectures! Please! I'm very tired. I long for a proper ablution and rest."

"All right, I'll talk to you later."

Together with the maids and slaves, Aushir made her way to the women's section of the mansion. It was where her father's harem was located. Once inside the spacious and brightly lit room with several baths, a small dining room, living quarters, and a separate garden, the sorceress began to undress as she walked. The maids took her clothes, and the swarthy-skinned slaves dragging the chest behind her lowered it to the marble-tiled floor. Inside, on top of the folded garments, was a naked white-haired elfess bound hand and foot with silk rope, a magical collar, and a gag in her mouth. Even though the chest had air holes and several amulets were working inside to cool and purify the air, she was soaking wet. And her emerald eyes were throwing lightning bolts. Smiling, Ashuir gestured for the elf to be lifted to her feet.

"Well, here we are at my house, my sweet Zitrael."

Putting her arms around the tense elf, the sorceress pulled her against her, looking into her eyes and caressing her lower back.

"No one will interfere with us here. Very soon, you and I will be best friends. I assure you, you'll like it here very much. You'll even forget about your forest, all this running around with weapons in the thicket."

Her response was a look of elven contempt and arrogance on her face. With another giggle, Ashuir squeezed the elf's buttocks tighter:

"You have such a cute face. I really like it! All right, you must be tired and want to rest from the road. You can sleep, my dear. Sleep and don't think about anything. There we go."

Ashuir effortlessly overcame the eared one's resistance to sleep and pulled her to her side, her forehead touching and keeping her from falling. For a minute she stood with her arms around the elf, listening to her steady breathing and heartbeat and enjoying the warmth of her body and the smoothness of her skin. A fine acquisition. Grandmother would surely appreciate it as well. When she was sure that everything was in order, the sorceress stroked her unwilling guest on her back and lightly pinched her firm buttock:

"Zitra, my darling, wake up. We're home! Wake up."

Flinching, the elfess blinked and opened her eyes, looking in front of her and seeing nothing.

"Good morning, Ashuir."

"How did you sleep, my dear?"

"Good. I had amazing dreams again."

"That's really great. You can tell me all about them later. But right now, you need to take a bath. Otong!"

The dark-skinned young man who, along with the rest of the sorceress's house slaves, stood silently at the entrance, waiting for orders, immediately approached the sorceress:

"Yes, Mistress Ashuir?"

"Zitra needs to be properly washed after our journey. Especially the delicate areas. Then give her a massage. We'll work on her beauty tomorrow."

Turning back to the elfess, Ashuir ran her hand affectionately over her tits:

"Soon we'll give you proper tits, worthy of such a beauty. And we'll fix your hair. You'll be the most beautiful girl in my harem."

"I'll look forward to it, Ashuir."

With a final kiss on Zitra's lips, the sorceress left her in the company of Otong, who began to untie her carefully. Ashuir, swaying her hips and slapping her bare feet on the marble tiles of the floor, walked to the wall, along which five women were already lined up. Very attractive women, wearing only thin silver collars. As she approached the first of them, who was half a head taller than the sorceress, with long dark wavy hair and white skin, Ashuir smiled contentedly. Grabbing her large right nipple of her huge breast, specially enlarged by alchemy to a ridiculous size, she twisted it with force and pulled it away from her:

"Hello, Haryana. Have you been a good girl in my absence?"

Her father's former eldest wife flashed her brown eyes angrily, but there was nothing she could do. She was one of the two of her father's wives that Ashuir had kept her mind, but not her free will.

"Oh, you've got nasty thoughts about me, you horny slut!"

After she stopped teasing the former older wife's nipple, she straddled her huge breast and lifted it to the top, then let go, and so on several times.

"It's because of your huge boobs. They're much bigger than your head, and pressing down on your tiny brain. And some way down."

Sliding her palm between the motionless woman's legs, the sorceress ran her fingertips between her lower lips.

"But that's okay, it can be fixed. I just got a new boy. Tonga! Help Bibi to wash up and get ready."

"Yes, Mistress."

The dark-skinned slave girl took the island captain's unwilling relative under her arm and led him toward the baths, where Zitra was already being washed. Ashuir flicked the former older wife on the nose and walked along the rest of the naked women, playfully pinching their nipples. Three of them only reacted with blissful smiles and silly laughs. The last one, however, was not without intelligence. Stopping in front of a tall and slender woman, with fair skin, a beautiful face, and straight brown hair down to the middle of her back, Ashuir stroked her face with the palm of her hand:

"Hello, Mom. I see you're not very happy to see me either."

The woman was silent in response, which was not surprising. There had never been any love between them. Her mother had gotten into her father's harem through the efforts of her grandmother, who had chosen a woman with the right qualities for her son to give birth to a gifted granddaughter. Her mother successfully coped with this case, especially since she had a certain talent for magic, but she didn't care about her daughter, and her grandmother was in charge of her upbringing and education. Ashuir's mother and her relatives were more interested in the power struggle within the harem and whose son would inherit his father's titles. This resulted in a couple of successful poisonings of her sons by other wives, and then an almost successful assassination attempt on their father, who never fully recovered from the poison. Ashuir had just turned fourteen, and everyone had been thinking about who she should marry for a long time.

After that, the grandmother's patience finally snapped, and she stopped hiding who was really in charge in the house, having harshly and even cruelly subjugated all the housemates. Some through magic, some through generosity and decent treatment. It must be said that the Most Serene Caliph and many of his associates were quite surprised to learn how things really were in the house of one of his nobles. And not to say pleasantly so. What to say about his father's relatives, and even more so, about his wives' relatives. Her grandmother had to hold very difficult negotiations, but she and His Grace, to everyone's surprise, managed to come to an understanding. The grandmother's relatives, who supported her during the negotiations with the Caliph, contributed to it to a great extent. Still, to quarrel with a whole coven of witches was a very risky idea. Especially if it was the Daughters of the Desert, one of the most powerful covens in the southern lands. And especially if the members of the coven were not eager to fight with the powerful ruler of the South.

As a result, a kind of vassal treaty was concluded, with many clauses, clarifications, and mutual obligations. Patronage and non-interference in internal affairs, in exchange for various services. And the Daughters of the Desert had much to offer. Since then, the treaty has been successfully observed and satisfied for the most part everyone. Even many of the relatives of the father's wives appreciated the advantages of cooperation with the Daughters of the Desert. And those who could not appreciate them were helped. From then on, Grandmother Ashuir was the true mistress of the house. The young sorceress, as soon as she grew up and gained experience, began to help her in everything. At the same time, taking over the remnants of her father's harem, and even added to it a little, for her amusement. It was for her amusement she did not completely remake the eldest of the wives and her mother, who now stood silently in front of her, trying not to look her in the eyes.

"Of course, you're not happy to see me."

Taking the woman who had given birth to her by the chin, Ashuir looked into her eyes carefully and unkindly.

"You never cared about me. You weren't interested in me. A girl, what use is she? I wanted a son. And you wanted to be the main father's wife."

The answer was the same silence. With a wince, the sorceress left her mother alone:

"You are lucky that Hassib turned out to be such a wonderful boy. And that he loves his caring and affectionate mom so much. Just for him."

Ashuir turned around, left her father's wives standing against the wall, and walked to the edge of the pool of clear water, whose temperature and clarity were constantly maintained by a dozen amulets. With one honed movement, she dived into the water, sinking into the pleasant coolness. After making several powerful paddles underwater, the sorceress surfaced, rolled over on her back, and froze in the water, spreading her arms and legs to the sides. So good it felt! Bliss. Diving in, Ashuir swam the entire pool from end to end some more. Once she was refreshed, she climbed out and, along with a couple of similarly dark-skinned and pretty slave maids like Tonga, made her way to the baths, where Zitra and Bibi were already being washed. Settling onto the heated marble bed, the sorceress closed her eyes, allowing the maid's four hands to soap her body and hair. How she missed this...

Almost an hour later she left the baths, completely refreshed, with clean and neatly combed hair and skin glistening from aromatic and moisturizing oils. Looking into the next room, where Otong was diligently massaging the breasts of a flushed with pleasure Zitra, the sorceress concentrated and squinted, checking the state of her mind. Great, one pleasure and no negative emotions from being groped by a man. Albeit a very skillful groping. With a satisfied nod, Ashuir loosened the mental blockage and the elfess lying on the massage table exhaled sharply, tensing up as she experienced an orgasm. Otong, who had received the mental command, instantly eased the pressure, making the massage more leisurely and gentle. The sorceress returned to the main room, where a cleaned and combed Bibi was waiting for her. In fact, the islander's name was Balibir, but Ashuir had renamed him Bibi because it was funnier.

Swaying her hips, she approached her new toy, who, completely naked except for the collar, stood motionless with the other slaves at the entrance to the harem room. As he did so, he tried desperately not to look at the approaching naked sorceress. When Ashuir stopped in front of him, she smiled affectionately and stroked his cheek:

"You're even cuter now that you've bathed. You're so handsome, I might even be able to get you into His Grace's harem."

A pale Bibi licked his parched lips and whispered:

"Please, Mistress, have mercy! I'll do anything you ask! Please don't deprive me of..."

"Oh, you're so funny."

Chuckling Ashuir reached out and grabbed the boy by his fighter, squeezing him with two fingers like scissors:

"You want to keep your boy toy so badly? Think about it, you're going to have a nice life surrounded by lots of beautiful women. Only the best of the best get into His Grace's harem. Don't you have any interest in that?"

"Please, Mistress! What's the joy of a woman's beauty if you can't enjoy it? I beg you, I..."

"Oh, that is so funny, isn't it? You're so desperate to keep your boy! Hmm, perhaps we should put it to the test. Haryana! Come here, my lush-breasted beauty. And bring that hourglass over there."

When the former elder wife approached the sorceress, glaring unhappily with her eyes, the latter took the small hourglass from her and said with a smile:

"Get down on your knees in front of him. So, here's what we're going to do. Now Haryana is going to start caressing you with her tongue. If you, Bibi, manage to hold back and not spill a drop of your milk into her mouth before the time is up, I will keep your boy safe for the time being. If you can't, tomorrow I'll have a master of mine come and remove all the excess of yours."

After enjoying the lad's visibly pale face, Ashuir turned to her father's former older wife. The sorceress bent down behind her and squeezed her huge tits with all her might and began to squeeze them.

"As for you, Haryana," Ashuir cooed in her ear, "you need to make him cum in your mouth, so work your tongue as you go. Otherwise, you and your huge tits will be punished. All right! Here we go."

As soon as Ashuir gave the command and turned the hourglass over, Haryana literally pounced on Bibi, swallowing his still erect cock whole and licking and sucking it hard. The boy clenched his fists, clenched his eyes, and clenched his teeth. Giggling, the sorceress settled down on the bench by the pool, watching them. To be fair, she didn't bother helping either of them. As it was, she could easily block the boy's mind so that he wouldn't be able to squeeze a drop out of himself, simply by completely stopping any pleasure from his cock. Or alternatively, she could have made him spew from a single touch. But that wouldn't be any fun at all.

Haryana did her best, swallowing Bibi's cock whole, then licking the head of it with her lips. And the boy did not want to be deprived of his buddy, he bit his lip to the blood. There was a trickle of blood running down his chin. He's so cute. Maybe she should keep him as a toy. But on the other hand, there's a lot of money to be made for such an adorable boy. Especially if he's properly trained. Оh!

"Time! Stop!"

Haryana froze on her knees, right with the boy's cock in her mouth. He was breathing hard, clenching his fists and biting his lip. But still, he held back. Rising to her feet, Ashuir walked over to him, swaying her hips, and hugged him from behind, cradling his bare tits. Laying her head on his shoulder, the sorceress softly murmured in his ear:

"Well, my boy, you've passed the test. I'll leave you with your little friend for now. I think you've earned your reward. Tell me, who in my harem would you like to fuck? Who do you like the most? Just answer honestly and remember that I can see what you're thinking."

A trembling and sweating Bibi, whose cock was still in the Haryana's mouth, licked his parched lips and replied in an almost trembling voice:

"Whomever my Mistress desires."

Laughing, Ashuir snuggled even closer to him and ruffled his hair affectionately:

"Oh, you're so sweet! Trying so hard to please me. But I can see what you're thinking. So, I'm waiting for an answer."

Licking his lips once more, Bibi clamped his eyes shut and spoke, struggling to keep his trembling voice steady:

"Of all the women here, you are the most beautiful, Mistress."

Laughing loudly again, the sorceress kissed his cheek and stroked his head affectionately:

"Oh, you were so afraid I'd get mad at you and take away your friend. But you still told the truth. Good for you, Bibi. If you had lied, I would have been really mad at you. As it is, you've earned your reward. Till tomorrow morning, Haryana is yours. You can do whatever you want in bed with this lush-breasted cutie. Feel free to spunk your milk into her as much as you want, if she gets pregnant from you, no big deal. But just don't be too rough! I don't tolerate anyone screwing up what's mine. Enjoy."

Slapping the boy's buttocks, Ashuir dressed in her robe and headed to the dining room, taking Zitra, Tonga, and Otong with her. The elf was wearing only a collar and sandals, allowing her trained body to be seen in all its glory. Her white skin glistened with expensive oils, making Zitra look very seductive. A breast augmentation and she would be a beauty. When they entered the dining room, Ashuir's grandmother was already waiting for her in the company of several maids. Her eyebrows rose in surprise at the sight of the elf:

"Who the hell is that?"

"Grandma, I'd like you to meet Zitra. I was supposed to..."

After listening to her granddaughter's story, she got up from the table and walked around the motionless elf, scrutinizing her closely and stroking her in various places. Gradually, the grandmother's face became more and more satisfied.

"Is she Gifted?"

"Yeah, she emphasized mastery of the elements. Very good at controlling lightning."

"Hmm. Nice. A great find, my dear. She'll make a great mother for your grandchildren."

"I knew you'd like it, Grandma....."


Turning to one of the maids, Ashuir's grandmother raised her eyebrows questioningly. She pointed to the naked elf and said:

"Hassib-Shan has finished his classes, and wants to see you."

"I see. Take our guest to my daughter's chamber and feed her there. My little boy should not see such beauty just yet."

"As you wish, Zaikhir-Wali," the maid bowed and took the uncomplaining Zitra away.

When they left, a boy of about eight, with a lock of neatly combed dark hair and brown eyes, dressed in snow-white robes embroidered in red and gold, entered the dining room accompanied by an elderly woman. He was the only survivor of his father's sons and Ashuir's only sibling. Given his parent's condition, he was nominally the head of the house. At the sight of Ashuir, Hassib rushed toward her with a shout of joy:

"Sis! You're back!"

Enveloping her brother in a hug, the sorceress affectionately patted him on the head:

"Hello, Hassib. I really missed you too. Did you behave well while I was away?"

"Yes, I did all my studies as you told me. Sis, did you bring me any present from the sea?"

"I'm sorry, my darling, but I couldn't bring you your present. It was stolen by pirates!"

The child's eyes popped out of its orbit and he immediately demanded details. Which he was told at the table. When he heard them, he immediately decided to sail to the Islands to take revenge on the despicable pirates and return the stolen goods. After the meal, Ashuir sat at the table with her grandmother and brother for a while, talking about domestic matters. When the maids cleared the table, the sorceress left her family and went up to the second floor of the mansion. At a pair of tall and massive doors covered with fine carvings, she left Tonga and Otong, going inside alone. The spacious chambers were quiet, clean, and pleasantly cool. An elderly man was sitting in a comfortable chair on the balcony overlooking the Sakhib-Nere and the full-flowing Iliyira, where many different ships were lazily gliding along. His face was riddled with deep wrinkles and his hair was completely gray. He was dressed in a dark blue and gold robe. A pair of maids stood silently beside him, fully clothed. He did not react to the appearance of his guest, staring off into the distance. As Ashuir approached cautiously, she placed her palm over his hand:

"Good day, Father."

The man shuddered faintly and turned to look at the sorceress. His dark eyes stared at her for a few seconds, not recognizing her. Then, his face changed and warmed:

"Ashuir... My girl... My sweetie...."

His father's voice was quiet, and he was having a hard time speaking. Despite his grandmother's and Ashuir's best efforts, he could not recover from the assassination attempt organized by his mother and her relatives. Not in body, not in mind.

"How beautiful you have become... We must visit the court of the Illustrious Caliph... Yes, we must... Illustrious Hassardine will be charmed by you... He will surely take you as his wife...."

"Of course, Father," Ashuir squeezed his hand. "We will visit the court of the Caliph as soon as you are recovered."

"It's nothing... Hassardine is an old friend of mine... we fought together with him... he'll understand...."

"Of course. Of course, Father. We'll be sure to visit his court, he'll be very happy to see you."

" too...."

"Get some rest, you need to get your strength back," Ashuir with a dash of effort, very gently began to sink her father into sleep.

"I'm not tired...just...sit....."

After waiting for her father to fall asleep, she rose to her feet, giving his palm a final squeeze. Unlike her mother, Ashuir felt more warmth for her father. In large part because he'd given her a lot more care and attention as a child. If only they hadn't been mostly due to her grandmother's influence. Even so, it hurt to see him like this. His Illustrious Highness Khalif Hassardin had passed away over a decade ago. Since then, his grandson, Hattardin, who had managed to get rid of most of his brothers and uncles by one means or another, had held the title of Illustrious. But his father's mind was almost incapable of holding new memories. After standing by her father's side for a moment longer, she nodded to the maids and left her parent's chambers, heading for her chambers.

In the bedroom, Ashuir found one of the maids waiting for her, and a naked Zitra sitting on the edge of the wide bed with her eyes closed. On the table were several empty plates, a jug of fruit tea, and an empty bowl. Gesturing her personal slaves and maid away, the sorceress began to undress, dumping her belongings straight onto the floor. Walking over to the bed, she dragged the submissive elfess behind her. Making herself comfortable, Ashuir collapsed on the pillows, spreading her legs wide and covering her eyes. A mental command and Zitra lowered herself to all fours between the sorceress' legs. A moment later, Ashuir felt the elf's lips against her pussy. After another moment, Zitra began to gently work her tongue. Moaning blissfully, the sorceress threw her right leg over the elf's back and began to caress her breasts with her hands. Good girl. She'll make a fine wife for her future son and mom to her granddaughter. Perfect!

With a low moan, Ashuir reached the peak of bliss, showering the elf's face with her love juices. Waiting for her to lick her clean, the sorceress pulled her up and hugged her tightly with her arms and legs. Kissing Zitra, Ashuir made herself comfortable in the bed, enjoying the warmth of the elf's body and the smoothness of her skin.

"You're a wonderful girl, Zitra. Sleep, my sweet. We're finally home so we can rest."

After putting the obedient elf to sleep, checking all the blockages and restrictions, and making sure she would have the dreams she needed, Ashuir hugged her tightly with her arms and legs like a hug pillow and fell asleep. No one noticed the emerald eyes of the peacefully sleeping elfess opening abruptly in the middle of the night.

* * *

The unexpected discovery of the agent of the Elf Queen.

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