The story of the Elf Queen

Pets of the Elf Queen

Covering her eyes, the queen moaned blissfully. She was now lying in a huge bronze bathtub full of hot water to which various fragrant herbs and sea salts had been added. In the queen's private bath, lined with snow-white marble, there was no one but her and three human servant girls. Two of them sat in the bath with their mistress, one behind the queen, the other in front of her. The third sat on a carved wooden stool at the side of the queen and gently soaped her mistress's platinum hair.

Meanwhile, the maid sitting behind the elf was caressing her mistress's breasts, pressing herself against them. The woman's noble fingers gently stroked, kneaded, and squeezed the two large white hemispheres. She took the tip of the queen's long ear in her mouth with her lips and sucked on it, eliciting another moan of pleasure from her mistress. The third maid, meanwhile, was busy with the queen's feet, gently rubbing them with a piece of porous white volcanic stone. While she was busy with her mistress's feet on the side of the tub, her own feet were resting on the queen's crotch, slowly and gently stroking it with the pads of her fingers.

Letting out another quiet moan, the elfess smiled contentedly. Wonderful girls, indeed. Soon, she would reward them for their loyal service. She had already chosen who would be the father of their future children. One of her dear aunt's youngest sons. The boy is young, ambitious, eager to move up in the court, and ready to serve her to earn the queen's favor. The only thing left to do is to convey to him through a third party the idea that he can try to use her favorite servant girls to move up in the court. Then, no doubt, he would get over his youthful arrogance and condescend to the "inferior race." Of course, he will try to do it secretly because the whole court knows that the queen does not tolerate her girls being touched by anyone. And they defiantly turn their noses up at everyone. But they'll make an "exception" for him. And after he fuck them off, it will suddenly turn out that all three human maids are pregnant. It won't be easy, but she has a lot of experience in this sort of thing. The right potions and magic amulets are always in stock.

Then she will put the question to him. Either to recognize bastards from women of "inferior race" or to throw away his career at court. To dare to disgrace the queen in such a way, having attempted on her "property," such a thing will not be forgiven for at least half a thousand years. Of course, disgrace and trouble awaited him in any case, but in the first case, she would at least sweeten the pill by providing him with some protection and a position. And in the second case, only disgrace and big trouble from his relatives will be waiting for him. Though, they'll be waiting for him either way. Oh, how his mother will be furious! Just thinking about it gives as much pleasure as the skillful hands, feet, and mouths of her maids. Then, however, there would be a lot of trouble with where and how to place the half-blood bastards, but it would be a while before she had time to figure it out.

The queen was distracted from her pleasant thoughts in the company of her favorite maids by a cautious knock on the bathhouse door. Who else is there? Opening her eyes, the queen glanced at the tall mirror at the side of the entrance to the royal baths, which was enchanted against fogging. When she saw who was reflected in it, she made a pass of her hand, activating the unlocking spell. The locks clicked quietly, and the massive tall doors of solid enchanted oak opened without a creak. A tall elven woman dressed in light silver-white chainmail armor, the work of the best court masters, entered the room. The weave was incredibly fine, the metal light, and the durability beyond praise. A dream for any warrior who preferred light armor. Cut to the mistress's exact figure, they accentuated her form. On her belt hung a short sword and a dagger in a sheath of white leather trimmed with silver. On her feet, she wore knee-high boots, also of white leather with silver buckles. Her long golden hair was gathered in a thick braid behind her back. Her high forehead was adorned with a silver tiara with an emerald in the center. Her eyes were the same color as the jewel on her forehead, the color of spruce needles.

With a completely impassive expression, the Queen's assistant and confidante approached the bathtub in the center of the bath, clomping on the heels of her boots. Neither the nakedness of her mistress nor of her maids seemed to interest her at all. The massive doors closed behind her, and with a dry click, the locks activated again. As the assistant and the bodyguard approached, passing over the maids' loincloths and the queen's sumptuous white dress, the latter patted the edge of the bathtub in an inviting gesture.

"Would you like to join me?"

"I refrain, Mistress. I'm on duty."

Suppressing a mental sigh, the queen covered her eyes. A wonderful girl. Absolutely loyal, faithful, efficient, dependable, an excellent fighter, but completely boring and unable to have fun. Not at all. It is clear that a jester can not become a person close to the queen, but outside the service should be at least some personal life and entertainment. Astra was apparently unaware of this. Nothing existed for the girl but her service and duty to the Forest. Her kin had long ago given up on finding her a groom, at least for the next hundred and fifty years, until new worthy candidates grew up to replace the rejected ones.

The queen had tried to stir her up at one time, but it hadn't worked. The order to protect her mistress in bed at night was obeyed without so much as an eyebrow, except in bed, she was... She was not a log, but she made love without the slightest fire and any passion. No pleasure, even though the gods had not deprived her of her appearance, even by elven standards. The queen tried to shake up her bodyguard and assistant for two years. First out of curiosity and interest, then out of stubbornness. But then, having tried all sorts of variants of bed pleasures and seeing the complete indifference on the part of her partner, she gave in, leaving her alone. Although, a couple of times a year, she continued to drag the bodyguard into bed. As a preventive measure, or the girl would get rusty. Where could she find a fiancé? Or at least a lover. You can't let just anyone into bed with the queen's bodyguard and aide.

"Is something wrong? I asked not to be disturbed unnecessarily."

"I was asked to give you a message, Mistress."

With these words, the bodyguard handed the queen a small folded paper. With a frown, the queen gestured to the maids and stood up to her full height to accept the message from the bodyguard's hands. It consisted of only one phrase: "A panther has been caught." After reading the words and recognizing the handwriting, the queen opened her eyes wide, turned the note to ashes with a snap of her fingers, and literally jumped out of the bathtub.

"Girls, that's it for today. You're free until tonight. Tonight, as usual, in my chambers."

With these words, the queen immediately left the bathing room and headed into the adjoining room where she tended to her beauty. The queen came to a dressing table with a pair of tall mirrors and sat in front of it. The maids hurried after her. The one working on her hair stood behind her mistress, took a small rod of dark wood decorated with rubies from the table, and passed it along the body of her mistress, from the top of her head to the heels of the queen. The rod evaporated all the moisture from the elf's body with a wave of soft heat, drying her hair at the same time. Then the girls went to work on her hair. It took all three maids ten minutes to comb the queen's platinum waterfall, during which their mistress drummed her fingers impatiently on the table.

Finally, the queen's appearance was brought to the status of "minimally acceptable," all the procedures were finished, and the maids hurriedly began to pull out of the closet in the corner of the closet, but the queen only impatiently waved them away, and put on only a long robe of thick white cloth on her bare body, and a pair of sandals, and then hurried to the exit. The queen's bodyguard and assistant silently followed her mistress. Only at the door, she paused and turned to the maids who had begun cleaning. She met her gaze with one of them and waggled her eyebrows briefly. She stuck out her tongue for a moment in response, licking her lips. It took less than a few seconds for the bodyguard to follow her mistress.

The journey to the underground part of the palace took less than ten minutes, which seemed unbearably long to the queen. And she was still moving through hidden corridors, to move quickly through the palace, to avoid unnecessary encounters. Finally, she found herself in front of massive, enchanted iron doors. A silent warrior in the dark gray leather armor of the Secret Guard, standing on guard, opened them before the queen, and she hurried inside, almost jumping with impatience. As soon as the queen and her bodyguard entered the warrior locked the door behind them.

The door revealed a large room, almost devoid of furniture, with bare stone walls, lit only by a couple of magical lamps in the ceiling. There were several heating amulets embedded in the slabs on the floor and walls, so the room was comfortable, and the floor was warm. In the center of the room were three people. Two of them had been familiar to the queen for more than a thousand years. The head of the Secret Guard of the Forest and the Elder Enchantress Healer. The former was dressed in loose gray robes, without any jewelry or distinguishing features, with a hooded mask pulled back behind his back. The healer wore a snow-white toga with red thread embroidered with floral patterns. But the queen was not interested in them, but in what was nearby.

In the center of the room stood a dark-elven woman. Her body was completely naked. Only her face was hidden by a special dense, blind leather mask, with small holes for her nose on her face and a hair hole on the back of her head, where a luxurious ponytail of snow-white hair reaching to the middle of her shoulder blades was sticking out. The prisoner's hands were handcuffed and, through a rope stretched across the ceiling beam, were stretched above her head. Her ankles were bound with leather bracelets connected by a wooden stick, making it impossible for her to bring her legs together. Around her neck was fastened a slave collar of dull gray metal covered with numerous runes. In addition to suppressing magic, it was capable of sending out pain pulses of varying power. It guaranteed obedience to even the most stubborn slaves or captives.

The queen walked around the prisoner several times and scrutinized her with an appraising gaze. She was very pleased with what she saw, though she did not show it. The prisoner was tall, a little taller than the queen, slender, with a muscular build that was not inferior even to the queen's personal bodyguard. It was obvious that she had trained often and for a long time. High breasts of the third size, slightly smaller than the queen's, with large areolae and protruding cherry nipples. The beauty of her body was spoiled only by a few thin and old scars. It was obvious they had been carefully treated but could not be completely removed. A fine catch! So many centuries had she dreamed of such a toy. Turning to the Head of the Secret Guard, the queen asked:

"Did you check her out? This isn't an attempt to plant an agent? What do you know about her? How did you manage to capture her?"

The permanent head of the elven secret service shook his head negatively and took out a small scroll from his pocket.

"Excluded. Her name is Sierra of the Great House of Leris. She is the middle daughter of Matriarch Sarisa's half-sister, the current head of Great House Leris. She first came to our attention a hundred and fifty years ago as one of the scouts and hunters of the Great House of Leris. She operated mainly in the territory of the Confederacy of Free Cities of Men. A couple of years ago, our agents received information from several informants that she was preparing for another operation in one of the cities. A check revealed that her younger sister had leaked the information to the informants to get rid of a rival. We carried out an operation, as a result of which we managed to capture her. We staged her death. We disseminated the information through informants to make sure it reached her relatives. After that, the captive was taken to one of our secret bases, where my specialists thoroughly checked and interrogated her using magical techniques and medium alchemy. They found no mental tabs or surprises. More details are in my report, which I left on the table."

"I see. What do you have?"

The last question was posed to the Elder Enchantress Healer.

"As you requested, I've given her a thorough examination. She is in excellent physical shape, in perfect health, and has traces of a few old wounds. If you wish, I can remove them completely, but it would require very expensive medication. There are no hidden poisons or foreign structures in her body. Her subtle bodies are also perfectly fine and quite well developed. Her aura, energy channels, and energy nodes are all in good order."

"What about kids? Has she had a baby yet?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't check that. One moment, Your Majesty."

With these words, the Elder Healer placed the palm of her right hand on the prisoner's crotch and inserted a few fingers into it, at the same time putting her left arm around her waist. The captive gave a muffled mooing sound and tried to twitch, but the restraints held her tightly. For a minute or so, the Elder Enchantress Healer stood with her eyes closed, her fingers inside the prisoner, whispering to herself. Finally, she nodded in satisfaction and stepped away from the dark elf.

"She's had two babies, a boy and a girl, by different fathers. She can have three more children. Without the aid of alchemy or healing magic, her next ovulation would come in fifteen years and last six months."

"Fine," the queen nodded as the Elder Enchantress Healer pulled a handkerchief from her pocket to wipe her fingers.

"She can't hear us, can she?" This was already a reference to the Head of the Secret Guard.

"Of course not, Your Majesty. The mask completely blocks her hearing and sight."

"Did you prepare everything I asked for?"

"Of course."

"That's great. In that case, thank you, and you can all be free."

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

With those words, the Head of the Secret Guard and the Elder Enchantress Healer bowed briefly and left the room, leaving the queen alone with her bodyguard and her new toy. When the door closed, the queen activated the room's defenses, blocking most methods of magical tracking and espionage. Then, almost dancing with happiness, she went to one of the tables, where everything she needed was prepared. So long had she dreamed of such a toy. Of course, to get a slave from among the dark elves is difficult, but in general, it is quite possible. The question is only the amount of resources and the right connections. But the queen does not need any younger daughters from small houses. It's beneath the dignity of a crowned person. Therefore, the Queen's demand to the Head of the Secret Guard was clear. She needed a representative of the ruling line of some Great House. A close relative of the Matriarch, no less.

This kind of prey was much harder to catch. But the queen knew how to wait. She was in no hurry. And now, at last, her wait is over. Now comes the most pleasant and interesting part. Training of the new toy. She didn't doubt that the dark one would turn out to be shrewd, as the other representatives of her underground kin were not like her. The queen placed a comfortable chair in front of the still-restrained prisoner, sat on it with her leg over her leg, and signaled to her bodyguard. She silently approached the prisoner and removed the mask and gag from her head. For a few seconds, the dark one came to her senses, coughing and trying to blot out her eyes. It took her a few more moments to realize who was sitting in front of her. When she did, her ruby eyes opened wide, and a shadow of fear flashed across her face.

"Hello, Sierra. I see you recognize me. That's good," the queen said, a sweet smile on her face.

"What do you want?" The dark one asked hoarsely, looking around.

The queen could literally hear dozens of thoughts spinning feverishly in her brain. Until now, the captive had no idea who had kidnapped her or what they were going to do to her. Well, it was time to enlighten her on the subject. Smiling even wider, the queen said affectionately:

"What do I need? You see, I've been wanting a pet for a long time. Something from the Underworld. After much deliberation, my choice fell on my kin as the most aesthetically pleasing of the underground fauna. Of course, I would be satisfied with only the representatives of the Great Houses. Of course, if my agents could get your mother or aunt, that would be even better, but I'm sure you'd be fine."

"Are you sick of your human playthings already?" The dark one's voice was contempt, and she tried desperately to hide the fear behind it.

She knew what her dark kin had done to the light prisoners. And she had an idea of what might await her.

"Tsk-tsk-tsk, it's not nice to sass your mistress. There's a punishment for that."

The queen snapped her fingers, and the bodyguard standing behind her captive whipped the dark elf with a leather whip across her firm buttocks in one measured motion.


From the surprise, Sierra couldn't hold back a shriek. But after a moment, she pulled herself together, and the contemptuous expression returned to her face.

"That's it? I had to endure a lot more pain in training as a kid."

"Of course not, my dear," the queen smiled affectionately as she rose to her feet.

"Let me explain it to you. You have only two choices now. Be my obedient girl, with all the privileges of a lapdog, or be a naughty girl I have to punish."

The queen circled the prisoner, pressed herself against her back, and began to grope her breasts. When she felt Sierra tense, the queen moved closer to her long ear and whispered.

"Don't be so afraid. I won't beat you or torture you. We're not some underground savages. I'm not going to break your mind with magic, either. It's too easy and not interesting for me."

At the last words, the captive twitched faintly but said nothing.

"But I have another way of punishing naughty pets. I think you'll appreciate it."

After leaving the captive's breasts alone for a moment, the queen snapped her fingers, activating the spell. In the same instant, part of the opposite wall disappeared, replaced by a small room covered by a sturdy steel grate. And behind it... The dark one's frightened cry was drowned out by the shrieks and screams of half a dozen goblins who had seen their prey so close and desirable but inaccessible. Satisfied with her reaction, the queen chuckled softly and continued to coo in her ear:

"Do you like them? They've been specially selected and bred on my orders. You don't have to worry. Their puny brains are processed in such a way that they won't kill you in any way. They will only fuck you over and over again until your sweet little belly," the queen's hand slid over the captive's belly and began to stroke it, "swells up, and you'll be impregnated with a dozen or two little green babies. You know what goblin seed is, don't you? It stimulates ovulation and can fertilize a female of almost any species."

Feeling the captive swallow convulsively, the queen continued:

"Of course, I will take care of your children, and I will make sure their naughty mother gives each of them her share of affection and motherly love. Goblin babies are very voracious, so I'll have to feed you special alchemy to make sure you have enough milk in your tits for all your children. I can't imagine what your beautiful breasts will look like after that, but children are the first priority for elves, you know that. And then, when your children grow up, I will make sure they thank you for your motherly love with sonly love. I think you can guess that it won't be platonic."

Feeling the captive's sweat, the queen mentally smiled and continued to whisper affectionately in the captive's ear:

"I have to admit, I wonder who you'll give birth to, knocked up by your children. Of course, for goblins, incest is not a problem. These freaks can have sex with their mothers, daughters, and sisters for generations. But for you... I can't imagine what kind of freaks your womb could produce. And after you've had your second litter, we'll do it all over again. You can have three more births. And then you'll be sent home, fucked by your children, a pathetic parody of yourself. Along with all your assholes. I think your family will be very happy to see you. Especially your favorite little sister, the one who actually caused you to be captured. Yeah, yeah, she's the one who turned you into my agents."

Sierra was shivering by the end of the queen's speech. Her ruby eyes stared in horror at the little green freaks that raged behind the bars. Many of them, unable to stand it, began to masturbate, drooling over the naked dark elf. After enjoying the effect for a few moments, the queen pinched her captive's nipple and asked in the same affectionate voice:

"So, what's your choice? You're gonna be my good girl, or you're gonna be my bad girl, hmm?"

The captive swallowed and whispered in a suppressed voice:

"I'll be obedient..."

"Excuse me? I didn't hear you."

"I will be your obedient girl...Mistress."

"Hmmm... That's better, but there's still a lot of work to be done with you."

Smiling to herself, the queen continued to play with the captive's breasts. Oh, how nice it would be to get her into a cell with the little green-skinned freaks now. Later, she would definitely do that, but right now her fear and disgust of goblins was a great motivator. As it is, we'll have fun with her in other ways for now.

Pulling away from the captive, the queen returned to her chair and snapped her fingers, activating the spells. The shackles on her arms and legs opened, freeing the dark elf. She almost collapsed to her knees but managed to keep her balance and stay on her feet.

"So, first, we need to get you some appropriate clothing....."

Half an hour later, Sierra stood before the queen dressed in an outfit of white leather strips connected by silver rings. It did not conceal anything, but it was not intended to do so. Its purpose was to emphasize the captive's figure as much as possible, and the outfit fully coped with it. The massive collar was replaced by an equally effective but much more aesthetic and thin golden choker with the Queen's personal emblem. On her feet, she wore white leather sandals with high heels. She looked very seductive in such an outfit.

Leaning back in her chair contentedly, the queen threw her leg over her foot, unashamed of her lack of undergarments, and nodded to her bodyguard.

"Go get Lulu. I'm gonna have a little chat with my new pet."

Astra cast a brief glance at the dark one, then uttered:

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

When the door closed behind the bodyguard, the queen beckoned to her new toy. She obediently approached, casting only a glance at the illusory wall behind which the small green-skinned freaks were once again hidden. Spreading her legs, the queen said mockingly:

It has come to my attention that you darkies are quite adept at lovemaking. I sincerely hope you don't disappoint me, and I won't have to send you for training.

Sierra's ruby eyes glittered angrily for a split second, but the dark one knelt obediently before her new mistress. Her obedience was aided in no small part by the golden chocker, which could cause great pain if she disobeyed. Making herself comfortable between the queen's spread legs, Sierra tucked her long hair behind her back, then leaned forward and, looking her mistress straight in the eyes, ran the very tip of her tongue between her lower lips, barely touching them. Exhaling, the queen nodded approvingly, and her new toy continued to tease her with the very tip of her tongue, barely touching her pusy and the bead of her clitoris but gradually penetrating deeper. It was obvious the dark one knew a lot about oral pleasure.

Which said a lot about her to a knowledgeable person. As far as the queen knew, her dark sisters, with very few exceptions, preferred to be licked rather than licked. So either Sierra was a pervert by the standards of the dark ones, or she was under the thumb of one of the older members of the house, where she had learned to work her tongue so skillfully. We'll have to find out. But then. Throwing her left leg over the back of the dark one, who was already completely face down in her crotch, the queen let out a low moan. Sierra immediately reacted, speeding up the movements of her long and skillful tongue, and then sharply pressed the pea of her clitoris with her lips. She brought her mistress to the peak of pleasure, making her moan loudly and cumming profusely.

Sierra licked her lips without blinking her ruby eyes and then caressed the queen's labia with her lips. She stroked her snow-white hair in return.

"Good girl..."

At that moment the doors opened and Astra entered the room. A slender and lean dark elf with short, light gray hair walked beside her on all fours. He wore the same collar around his neck as Sierra. He also wore only a white leather harness and kneepads. At the sight of him, the queen rose to her feet and said in a cheerful voice:

"Lulu, my boy! Come to mommy."

The dark one whimpered happily and rushed to his mistress. Sierra opened her ruby eyes wide at the sight and paled visibly. Her almost black skin turned a dark gray. In the meantime, her litter mate had reached the queen and was whimpering happily, bumping his face into her legs and wagging his ass. Just like a joyful dog seeing his beloved mistress. She stroked him on the head, which made Lulu literally come in puppyish delight. The queen said:

"Look who Mommy found for you. Now you'll have someone to play with!"

Only now did the dark one notice his compatriot. He was alert, and he approached her cautiously, sniffing her carefully. She was staring at him with wide-open eyes full of genuine horror. But she didn't dare to move away when the dog-like kin started to walk around her in circles and sniff her. Satisfied with the effect, the queen ordered:

"Get on all fours."

The dark one twitched, but complied. Lulu immediately walked around to her back and nuzzled his nose into her crotch, sniffing diligently. His cock was already hard, which also did not escape the dark one's notice. Sierra's face was a pleasure to watch at this moment. The queen slowly approached and put her palm between the legs of her new toy, pushing her old pet away.

"It's a little dry. But that's all right. It's just a matter of habit."

She lowered her hand and pulled a small vial of golden, thick liquid from her robe pocket. She uncorked the vial and held it out to the dark one.

"Drink. Bottoms up."

The eyes of the queen's new toy widened at the sight of the potion. She obviously recognized what it was. Sierra opened her mouth, but the painful prick of the chocker made her bite her tongue, and she took the vial in her hands, doomed. Then she drank it in a gulp.

"Good girl. If you continue to be so obedient, I'll keep you sane. If you're a bad girl, you risk turning into a dog like Lulu. He was very stubborn at first, too, but after the training, he's a real sweetheart. He's my favorite pet, so I decided to find him a friend."

Sierra half-listening to the queen, still on all fours and staring at the floor. The dark one was breathing heavily, and the thoughts in her head were beginning to muddle. The potion she drank, Gaia's Grace, was very rare and extremely troublesome to make. And it was named after the goddess of fertility, and that was not just for nothing. A woman who drank it almost immediately began the process of ovulation, and the chance of getting pregnant became almost one hundred percent. This potion cost a lot of money and required the blessing of a full-fledged priestess of the goddess, but the queen could afford it. In addition, it was not a simple Grace of Gaia, but with the addition of a rather powerful aphrodisiac. So now the dark one could feel the fire in her lower abdomen, her breasts getting heavier, her nipples and loins tingling with impatience. Grinning, the queen gave a short nod to her pet:

"Take it."

He yelped happily and immediately pounced on the dark one from the back, penetrating her full depth and moving his pelvis vigorously. Sierra wheezed, but very quickly, her mind finally fell under the effects of the potion. Breathing heavily through her mouth, she began to actively give in to her partner, who bit one of her ears and roughly pawed at her breasts with his hands. The queen sat back in her chair and put her foot on her leg, watching this natural slutty affair. There was no doubt that the dark one would get pregnant. A boy would be born. She had taken care of that in advance. She would personally take care of him and make sure he grew up the way she wanted him to. Since she already has far-reaching plans for him. At that moment, the overexcited Lulu cummed, piling his weight on top of Sierra. The dark one couldn't take it anymore and collapsed belly down on the floor, breathing heavily. They lay there for a few minutes, catching their breath, and then the queen's favorite pet made himself comfortable on his fallen compatriot and began to move his pelvis again. The latter only moaned in response.

Lulu was exhausted after an hour. He had four more times to pour into Sierra, who was soaking wet, her cunt and thighs slick with her juices and semen. The dark elf's mind was semi-fainting, both from the hour-long sex marathon and the effects of Gaia's Grace. When it was clear that Lulu had gotten all he could out of himself, the queen nodded briefly to Astra. She left, only to return shortly with two silent human servants. Without a word, with blank faces, they picked up the nearly unconscious elf and carried her off to be re-examined by the Elder Enchantress Healer. They needed to make sure she was definitely pregnant, as well as magically protect the child so the dark one could not terminate the pregnancy in any way. Again, she could use a set of healing and strengthening rituals to ease the pregnancy and subsequent labor, which elves have always had trouble with.

When Astra left, Lulu crawled on all fours to the queen's chair and collapsed on his back at her feet, breathing heavily. The dark one was drenched, his hair slicked back, but he had a look of utter happiness. With a hum, the queen kicked off her shoes and placed her foot on his still-hard cock, moving it slowly. Dark one opened his eyes, easily undid the imitation collar, and asked in a satisfied voice:

"Was I convincing enough as your doggy?"

"More than enough. What do you think of your new bitch?"

"She's good. But I'll have to fuck her a couple more times when she is sober. I like it when they grind their teeth in anger, realizing they're the ones getting fucked."

"I will. I'll give you another mating in a couple of days."

Grinning contentedly, Lulu, or to be more precise, Luaval of the Fallen House of Travil, placed his palm on the queen's foot, guiding her movements.

"Do you want to drop the tension, too?"

"I just showered. I'm gonna have to rinse all over again. I'm sweating just watching you."

"As you wish. Then I'll make it quick..."

With these words, Luaval began to rub his cock faster against the queen's foot, and soon he was pouring out, most of it on himself. With a chuckle, the queen left her pet, as most of the palace inhabitants were sure, to rest. She went to her chambers.

* * *

Author's Note:


Secret Guard armor concept:

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