The story of the Elf Queen

The lover of the spouse of the Elf Queen.

The lover of the spouse of the Elf Queen.

* * *

Hearing the quiet melody of the enchanted music box, Sivila opened her eyes and blinked sleepily. It was strange. In recent days, she had always been awakened by other sounds, and with the precision of the best chronometers of the masters of the Undermountin. Turning around, the sleepy queen quickly realized the reason for her unexpectedly peaceful night's sleep. On the other half of the bed, with more pillows under her back, there was a naked dark one who had just woken up and was blinking her ruby eyes sleepily. And on her chest, swaddled in diapers and wrapped in a baby blanket, slept Luaval's son. The blanket was rolled up and tied behind Sisi's back in such a way that it pressed the infant directly against his mother's breast. As a result, when the baby woke up in the night, he would immediately find her and suckle on her without loud cries disturbing the sleep of the queen, the maid, and his mother. Right now he woke up to the melody of the box and immediately nipped the dark one's nipple with his toothless mouth. Almost immediately, however, he was torn away from it, which caused an unhappy cry. But only to move him and press him to another breast.

Sivila stretched, almost fully asleep for the first time in days, and climbed out of bed, nodding to Aneta and the dark one. Leaving them to attend to the baby, the queen made her way to the bathing room, throwing on a spacious robe. Everything was ready and Mariana and Katrina were waiting for her. Climbing into the warm water with fragrant sea salt, Sivila pressed her back against the rim and blissfully closed her eyes as the maids began to soap her hair in four hands. She wish she could lie like this all day. Thinking about nothing. Not worrying about anything. Just a break from all the cares of the world. And from one voracious baby, she has to carve out time for feeding in her extremely tight schedule. And time is in short supply, especially now. Dreams, dreams, dreams. Speaking of the little swallow. Running her hand over her breast, which had slightly increased in size due to lactation, Sivila squeezed the nipple and grumbled unhappily. Because the baby hadn't woken her up tonight, and she hadn't taken turns feeding him and Titty, milk had built up in her breasts and was now causing discomfort.

It was not in the queen's plans to start the morning with aching tits. There was no time to feed Luaval's son, especially since Titty was already feeding him. Opening her eyes, the queen snapped her fingers, attracting the attention of her girls. Then she silently pointed at her breasts. They understood her without words. Quickly taking off her toga and sandals, Katrina carefully climbed into the bathroom with Sivila and settled down next to the queen. She put her arm around her waist, pulling her close to her. The servant girl pushed her hair back, leaned over to her mistress, and gently nipped the nipple on her left breast with her lips, beginning to suckle it. Smiling contentedly, Sivila ran her palm down her back and lower, squeezing the firm buttock lightly. What wonderful girls they were after all. Completely repaid all the effort put into their upbringing and training. Smart, loyal, and very sensitive.

As if to confirm the queen's thoughts, Katrina caught the mood of her mistress and slid her palm across her belly, then down a little lower. Without opening her eyes, Sivila spread her legs, giving the girl access to her pussy. She immediately began to run her naked fingers over the queen's labia, gradually pulling them apart and increasing the pressure. At the same time, she pressed her lips a little harder on Sivila's nipple and began to tease it with the tip of her tongue. Much to the queen's regret, there was no time for long caresses, and soon Katrina, who knew her mistress' body well, brought her to the finish line. Moaning softly, Sivila buried her palm in the hair at the back of her head, pulling her harder against her chest. Regaining her breath, the queen stroked the maid's back affectionately and said:

"Good girl."

She playfully licked a nipple in return and shifted her attention to the queen's other breast while Mariana continued to work on Her Majesty's platinum hair. As a result, Sivila emerged from the baths invigorated, refreshed, and in high spirits. In their place came Aneta and the dark one carrying a baby humming happily in her arms. In the next room, where Astra and Fiorel were already waiting for her, the queen took a seat at the dressing table and continued to tidy herself up with the help of the maids. At the same time, she had time to eat breakfast and sort out the routine mail that her henchman was reading. Her aunt's gift tormented the poor boy, but he endured the suffering and did not show it in any way. He would soon get over it, but he would be more careful next time.

At last, exactly at the appointed time, dressed in a close-fitting dress of white and green cloth, the queen entered the reception room of her chambers and took her seat at the head of the table. There she was already expected. Sivila looked around the audience with her emerald eyes and asked in a calm voice:

"Is everything ready?"

Her response was silent and synchronized nods.

"All right, then. Then we wait. She'll be here soon."

After waiting for everyone to take their positions, the queen made sure that she had not forgotten anything, and then she took the scroll Fiorel had given her and read the next report on the state of affairs in the Forest. Fortunately, it was as expected and without surprises. When she had finished reading it, Sivila put her resolution in neat handwriting, sealed it with the royal seal, and put the scroll aside. The silently suffering henchman immediately handed her the next one. Half an hour later, while reading another scroll, the queen's personal communication amulet emitted a quiet melody. Putting the document aside, Sivila accepted the call, then spoke briefly:

"Get ready."

The answer was complete silence. Five minutes later, there was a polite knock on the door.

"Come in."

As the doors opened, Astra stepped inside the reception area. She was followed by a tall elven woman, wearing a tight-fitting, closed light blue dress and a white cape with a hood over her shoulders. Her dark straight hair was gathered in a tight neat ponytail down to the middle of her shoulder blades. In her right hand, she held a very long cane, or rather a shortened staff, made of white wood covered with fine carvings and decorated with a large piece of nugget amber. On her forehead, she wore a classic magical silver tiara, decorated in the center with various gems. On each of her index fingers were rings with large gemstones that sparkled brightly in the light of magical lamps. As she entered the reception office, she made a flawless small bow:

"Your Majesty."

Sivila nodded briefly in response:

"Elder Enchantress. Thank you for responding so quickly to my request for a meeting. I know you have much to do in the East of the Forest. Please, have a seat. Would you care for a snack or some tea? Maybe just some water?"

A faint smile touched her lips, but her gray eyes remained politely indifferent. Astra bowed briefly and went outside, closing the office door behind her. As soon as he did so, the magical protection activated with a quiet hum, cutting him off from the rest of the palace. Sitting in the chair across from Sivila, the Elder Sorceress placed her shortened staff at her side. It stood upright, like a spear thrust into the ground. The guest hung her cloak on it. Then, in a polite voice, she said:

"The Forest has always had enough to worry about in the east and will continue to do so until the green problem is solved. You could spend all eternity there. I'll refuse food, it's better to wait a while after traveling through portals. And, of course, I couldn't ignore a request to meet the queen herself. I assume it's something very serious that you've decided to ask for help directly from me instead of my First Apprentice. Or is it something personal?"

Ignoring her guest's barely perceptible raised eyebrows, Sivila smiled politely:

"I consider your First Apprentice's abilities to be very high. I wouldn't expect anything less from a gifted person with your experience and talent. But what I'm facing doesn't require very high abilities. It takes the highest. That's why I contacted you directly."

"So ka..."

For a few seconds, the Elder Enchantress and the queen looked into each other's eyes. There was not a grain of guile in what Sivila said. Her guest was one and a half thousand years younger than the queen, and for the last two, she devoted herself entirely to the magical sciences, becoming one of the ten strongest and most skillful talents of the Forest. She took the position of Elder Enchantress two centuries ago, replacing her colleague, who is now more engaged in personal practice and training elven gifted youth. Not because it has become better or stronger than its predecessor. It’s just that the very specifics of the position were such that it was simply impossible to choose one, the very best from among the gifted and appoint him as the Supreme Enchantress, like the Supreme Emissary or Treasurer.

Magic was too broad a direction. It had too many different schools. And how do you know who is better? A spellcaster who has learned the incredible power of the elements, capable of incinerating an entire city with fire? Or is it better than his colleague, who can sweep away the same city with a crushing hurricane and lightning? Or a healer who has mastered magical healing to perfection, before whose skill illnesses retreat in fear? Or maybe the one who has learned the most intimate depths and secrets that hide the mind and the principles of its work? Or maybe the best is an unsurpassed master, a creator of artifacts unmatched in their strength and perfection? Or maybe the one who conquered space itself, overcoming it in a split second?

It is simply impossible to choose the best one in such a situation. For this reason, the position of the Elder, and not the Supreme Enchanter or Enchantress was transferable, and by elven standards changed quite often, sometimes three times in a thousand years. But it was always occupied only by a recognized master of his school. However, any gifted person who lived long enough inevitably began to gain experience over the years in schools adjacent to the main direction. In the case of the current Elder Enchantress, her main focus was the school of healing the body, the field in which she achieved considerable success, becoming one of the best healers in the Forest. She also mastered the healing of subtle bodies at a very high level, the healing of which was often directly related to the healing of the material body.

"And what is this problem you face, Your Majesty? Or is it not really about you?"

A barely noticeable movement of the eyes towards Fiorel, who froze behind Sivila. In response, the queen smiled faintly and nodded:

"It's really not about me. Or should I say, it's not just about me. But it is a very serious problem. And before I go any further, I'm going to ask you to take a little check."

The Elder Enchantress raised her eyebrows subtly. In answer to her mute question, Sivila pulled a small ball of snow-white marble that seemed to glow faintly on the table between herself and her guest. The Elder Enchantress stared at it in silence for a few seconds, then shifted her gaze to the queen and asked in a steady voice:

"Is this a joke, Your Majesty?"

"Not at all."

For a few seconds, the elves stared into each other's eyes with stone faces. Then, the Elder Enchantress slowly and defiantly turned first to one side of the room, where there was nothing, then just as slowly and defiantly to the other. Where there was also nothing. She then slowly removed both rings from her index fingers and placed her palm on the marble ball, pressing it against her right side. With a barely perceptible exhale, Sivila placed her palm on the left side. At the same moment, its glow became noticeably stronger, and the elf's hands literally glued to its surface.

"Mirael of the House of River Flowers, have you ever done anything, consciously or not, to harm the Forest?"


"Do you know of any Firstborn doing something, knowingly or not, to harm the Forest?"


"Do you know of anyone who, while serving or living in the Forest does something to harm it?"


The marble orb flashed with a blinding flash and went out. The two elven women wrinkled painfully and removed their palms from it. The Elder Enchantress grimaced and asked with barely perceptible irritation in her voice:

"May I ask now, Sivila, what was the purpose of this inspection, and with the involvement of three Secret Guard agents? Especially considering that I've passed such inspections and sworn oaths....."

"First of all, five, not three," Mirael was cut short by the queen.

At the same moment, gray figures appeared out of nowhere in four places in the room, wands and blades at the ready. The Elder Enchantress raised her eyebrows in surprise and opened her mouth, but suddenly stopped short. Slightly pushing her chair back, she looked under the table. Then back at the queen.

"Secondly, all those in authority in the Forest take similar oaths and undergo similar tests. But as it turns out, that's not enough."

Now Mirael was really surprised. After a moment, however, her face became serious and stern. There was no indignation or displeasure, only the utmost concentration.

"Is it that bad?"

"You'll see for yourself. Let's go."

Without another word, the queen gave Fiorel a brief nod and headed out of the study. The Secret Guard agents and the Elder Enchantress followed silently behind her. After half an hour of walking through the hidden corridors of the palace, they found themselves in the underground part of the palace, which was under the jurisdiction of the Secret Guard. They were met at the entrance by another pair of agents who, without saying a word, escorted them to a spacious room equipped with everything they needed for magical practice. A separate channel from the natural source of magic, several desks, shelves with various books and alchemical supplies, several enchanted mirrors, two dozen auxiliary artifacts, an operating bed in the center of a wide-spectrum ritual circle, and two separate auxiliary circles. For such a laboratory, a medium-sized gifted man would give his hand without much thought. He would also sell a colleague, friend, competitor, or relative. Such level of equipment could boast only the closest court mages of the Illustrious Caliph or the Council of Masters of the Neirat Academy. If we are talking about the lands around the Middle Sea, of course.

And right now, this laboratory is quite crowded. When the queen and the Elder Enchantress went inside, a dozen and a half gifted elves talking quietly there. And a few Secret Guard agents as well. All the gifted were masters of their schools, known for their skills throughout the Forest. Except for the two who were Secret Guard agents and preferred not to advertise their skills. Blood Magic was a little less reviled than Necromancy, though. Too easily its adherents went down the path of the frankly dark and not leading to anything good. The school of Branding, so beloved by the dark elves and formerly part of the Mind Magic, does not even need to be mentioned. In addition to the agents and gifted, the laboratory was also attended by the always imperturbable and indifferent Third. At the appearance of Sivila and Mirael, all those gathered fell silent, simultaneously rising to their feet, who were seated, and bowing. With a brief nod, the queen waited until the doors of the room had closed behind her and the defenses had been activated before she got right down to business:

"Greetings, honored ones. I thank you for your patience and ask for your understanding. Let me say at once that what you will hear and see here, you have no right to tell anything and no one, except the full assembly of the Supreme Council of the Forest. You will take oaths to that effect before you begin your work."

The faces of the gifted elves instantly became extremely serious. The youngest of them was over a thousand years old.

"Now, what we've gathered you here for under various pretexts. Some time ago, a daughter of the Forest accidentally fell into the hands of Secret Service agents. The branded daughter of the Аorest. These things, unfortunately, do happen. But this one is special. Tiantrelle of the House of Mountain Pines was branded."

At those words, the two gifted agents of the Secret Guard turned very dark. At the queen's gesture, their unconscious colleague was carried in from the next room on a stretcher, wrapped in a set of magic-suppressing shackles, amulets, and a good collar. At the sight of her, the rest of the Gifted gathered from across the Forest visibly darkened as well. After gently transferring Tiantrel to a special bed in the center of the room in the center of the ritual circle, the agents stepped aside, and Sivila continued:

"The worst part is that we thought that Tiantrel was serving in the Secret Guard at this moment. And she was doing it quite successfully, passing inspections, sending reports, receiving assignments, and gradually completing them. And also receiving all the help and information the agent needed."

Now the faces of those gathered were truly grim. With her arms folded across her chest, Mirael turned to the queen and asked:

"What do we have to do?"

"Learn and understand everything you can. Here," Sivila pointed to a stack of documents on one of the tables and a couple of crystals with imprinted images, "is everything we've learned about Tiantrel over the past few days. Unfortunately, we haven't learned much. We need to understand who, where, when, and how she was captured and branded. If we can get anything out of her mind or what's left of it. We need any leads we can get."

"We've prepared here everything you may need for your work. If you need anything else, it will be provided to you as soon as possible," said Third.

"You are also given maximum priority to use any resources at the disposal of the Secret Guard and the Palace."

Gloomy but extremely serious, the masters of the different schools of magic nodded briefly. After that, they began their difficult work. The Queen went with Third to his office. The day had just begun, and they had a lot of work to do.

* * *

"It's too risky," Sivila shook her head.

In response, Third calmly uttered:

"But it could very well work if we calculate it right and organize it."

"It's a very big risk, and we don't have complete confidence that he'll do exactly what we need him to do," the Queen repeated, looking into the eyes of the Head of the Secret Guard.

"The probability that he will do exactly that is calculated by my analysts as quite high. The main thing is to get it right, and then it will depend on Luaval. If this option fails, we'll have to use force...."

The discussion, which had been going on for more than one hour, was interrupted by the quiet melody of an amulet. Having accepted the challenge, Third was silent for several seconds, then answered:

"All right, we're going."

After shutting down the amulet, he turned to Sivila.

"They ask us to come. Looks like they managed to find something."

"Good, let's go. Let's continue this conversation later."

In the laboratory where Tiantrel was examined, dramatic changes had occurred over the past day. All the tables were covered with open books, scrolls, various artifacts, and alchemical utensils. On the walls free of shelving, various images were fixed or projected, ranging from the very detailed anatomy of an elven woman to a layered diagram of her thin body, with many notes. On a separate table were many plates, dishes, and glasses with drinks and food. When Sivila and the Third entered, Mirael approached them. The Elder Enchantress looked tired and exhausted. Even without magical vision, it was noticeable that she had spent a fair amount of her reserve that day.

"Your Majesty, Head..."

"Mirael, please, let's skip the formalities! Did you manage to find or understand anything?"

The Elder Enchantress sighed tiredly, and then said slowly:

"We managed to find out something. But there are more questions than answers. Follow me, please."

Gesturing to Sivila and the Third, the Elder Enchantress led them to a bed in the center of the room, above which the naked Tiantrelle was floating in the air. The magical shackles and collar were removed from her, leaving only thin bracelets on her legs and arms, as well as a round suppressor disc on her forehead. Exactly on top of the brand. The motionless elf was enveloped in a faint glow, every now and then rolling over her body in waves.

"I'll start in order. It's safe to say that Tiantrel was subjected to standard body modification procedures for sex slaves. Breasts, buttocks, and hips are enlarged, and lips are slightly enlarged. Increased sensitivity of erogenous zones, especially around the nipples and ears. And also stop. This was done at a very high level and for quite a long time. We did not find any traces of alchemy or remnants of morphing magic. She's been in this condition for at least a year now. It is impossible to say more precisely."

"This was expected. What else?"

"The checks have not yet been completely completed, since we have not yet risked removing the brand suppressor and all the restraints from her, but from what we see, her mind has been greatly damaged. This is noticeable in the atrophy of certain areas of the brain, as well as changes in the subtle bodies and energy channels. It pains me to say this, but she no longer exists as a person. Rather, it is a living golem. A beautifully made golem, as all the previous... functions were retained in full. All areas of the brain responsible for muscle memory, reflexes, and magic operations were not affected. Moreover, we checked the archive images of Tiantrelle, and I can say that as a gifted person, she has become somewhat stronger compared to what she was eight years ago. The main energy channels coming from the core have become more developed, as well as the core itself."

"What about her memory did you manage to understand?" asked Third, looking at his agent with a stone face.

"We can’t say for sure yet, but I’m almost completely sure all possible memories were pulled out of her. Anyone who can so skillfully dissect the mind, removing from it everything that he considered unnecessary, cannot but know how to penetrate the memory of his victim. So far we have only used the technique of Reflection of Seen, drawing from what her eyes have seen over the past two and a half weeks. It was not possible to extract anything further, most likely due to the routine cleaning that the owner subjected it to. The quality of what you saw also leaves much to be desired; you understand, this is not a professional recording made with the help of special artifacts and spells to enhance vision. Your agents are already working with the full recording, analyzing it minute by minute, but we have prepared a few interesting points for you. Please, look."

Mirael pointed to a large, round mirror standing nearby on a special stand. At the same moment, the reflection of a tall man with a luxurious mane of curly hair and an imperious face appeared in him. And to whom Tiantrel, rhythmically moving her head, gave a blowjob, in some incomprehensible room.

"Well, well, His Majesty of the Sea. Have you checked Tiantrel for..."

"Yes, Your Majesty, and to our regret, he subjected her to purification, so there were no traces left."

"It's really a shame, it would have been a great success."

"Agree. Here's the earliest one we could snag. Look."

The reflection changed, and now it reflected a middle-aged man sitting in a chair, with short, fairly gray hair, a well-groomed neat beard, and a hard face, accustomed to commanding a person. Very well known to the Queen and Third. Once again, Tiantrel was on her knees, between the man's widely spaced legs, rhythmically working with her mouth.

"Vinatir?! But... Wait a minute, how?! He was interrogated by your agents, wasn't he?"

Third looked at one of his subordinates standing nearby with the same stony expression as his superior. In a voice devoid of emotion, he said:

"We have re-examined the records of the interrogation of Vinatir de Vaar Gras. Because of the unusual situation in which the interrogation took place, the question of whether he had any firstborn in slavery was not asked. He had contributed to this, having managed to steer the conversation away from this topic to another direction. Re-analysis of his testimony revealed the points he had avoided."

The queen's lips tightened, and she could barely keep from cursing. Third was a single word that did not bode well for his subordinates:


No one argued with this statement. The Head of the Secret Guard looked at Tiantrel and said:

"Then her owner was Vinatir. It was my mistake. I should never have let him go."

"It seemed like the best solution at the time. Besides, Alekhar's raid had thrown all plans into disarray....."

"That does not excuse my subordinates' blundering, Your Majesty."

Still with the same stone face turning to the Elder Enchantress, Third asked:

"Were you able to pull anything else from her memory? I realize her mind and memories have probably been cleared regularly, but anything recently?"

Mirael hesitated a bit in response:

"We have not yet performed any major operations on her mind, limiting ourselves to minimally invasive methods of analysis..."

"So what are you waiting for?" the queen inquired.

"Let me answer that question. In fact, it's the reason we invited you here."

The Forest's best expert in this dark branch of magic rose from the far table, where a huge and detailed atlas with drawings of the many variations of branding was spread out. As he approached the box over which Tiantrel was hovering, he gave a brief nod to the Head of the Secret Guard and the Queen, then made a gesture with his hand. In the same instant, a branding iron glowing with a disturbing red light appeared in the air in front of them. Pointing at it, he began to explain:

"It's the branding that's on Tiantrel's forehead. It's not the most elaborate version, but it's applied with great skill. The connection to the subtle bodies and energy channels of the brain is flawless. This branding provides excellent physical control, allowing direct control over the movements of the branded person. In fact, this is its main function, under which the whole scheme is customized. It has many more complex or simplified variants, but the basis is the control of the body and movements. And that's where some things don't add up."

Pointing to the mirror that reflected the deceased merchant Tiantrel was giving blowjobs to, the branding master continued:

"We know that her mind was wired with behavioral responses activated by specific acoustic cues."

"Simply put, trigger words," said Sivila.

The specialist's ear twitched at such a vulgar simplification of magical terminology. The queen had never been fond of the official academic style of speech, preferring shorter and clearer terms.

"You could say that. Their presence is confirmed by the report of the agent who found Tiantrel, as well as what we pulled from her eyes. The problem is, that this branding isn't designed for acoustic control signals. It's usually tied to a control artifact. Usually a ring, a bracelet, or a wand. Something that's always at hand. It can also be controlled by telepathy, but this is quite rare."

"Perhaps the triggers were put into her mind before the branding?" the queen suggested.

"Then why the branding?" The specialist answered the question with a question, twitching the tip of his ear again.

"A master who is able to embed behavioral patterns tied to specific acoustic activators in the victim's mind does not need a brand. It is enough to embed a standard set of behavioral patterns, tying it to the corresponding acoustic activators. It is redundant to combine this with a brand. These are different branches, different schools, and different principles of work. It is like putting two collars and two leashes on a dog."

"Perhaps different masters were at work?"

"Maybe. But why would you need two highly trained specialists to process one slave? The branding is excellent, top-notch, and not the most complicated, but not the easiest either. And from what I saw in the reflection of her eyes and what I read in the report of the agent who found Tiantrel, the behavioral pattern is also embedded at the highest level."

"Do you have something specific in mind?" Third asked his subordinate.

He was silent for a second, looked at his colleagues, and then said:

"I suspect the branding is a distraction. To mislead those who would work with her mind. A deception designed to hide the real control mechanism. As well as the self-destruct mechanism she's probably got built into her as well. Dark elves practice such tricks. Though not often, as they require a great deal of skill, and not all Branding Masters are capable of them."

Folding her arms across her chest, Mirael said in a polite voice, looking into her colleague's eyes:

"We found no other traces of external control other than the branding on the forehead."

The one replied in an equally polite voice:

"Which only proves that we haven't discovered them."

Feeling that the argument that started before they arrived with Third was about to begin, Sivila said hastily:

"How thoroughly did you examine Tiantrel?"

Turning to the queen, the Elder Enchantress uttered:

"Very thoroughly, Your Majesty."

"Check it as thoroughly as possible, as much as you can. We cannot afford the minimal risk of losing this thread."

Pausing in thought, the Elder Enchantress glanced over to her colleagues before speaking slowly:

"There are several ways of testing that we have not resorted to, as we considered them redundant... You can use them, but they all take time to prepare. And also very rare resources," Mirael looked carefully into Sivila's eyes at the last phrase.

"You will have the authorization to access the Forest's state reserves with my signature tomorrow morning," the queen said immediately.

"And with mine," confirmed Third.

"All right, then I'll add my signature. The three of us will be enough to get authorization from the treasury. Although I don't think the Supreme Treasurer will be happy about that."

That's an understatement. What could she get him that would keep him from resigning and leaving them to deal with that bureaucratic monstrosity called the Forest's finances? Maybe probe for the marriage of one of his grandsons to one of his granddaughters? But there are already three or four suitors for each of them. And she would have to find a husband for Turi... Out loud, of course, that was not what Sivila said:

"Good, so it's decided. In this case, I propose to postpone all work for today until tomorrow. Rest, restore your strength. Tomorrow we will continue the examination as thoroughly as possible."

Everyone supported this idea, after which Tiantrel was carefully removed from the glow above the operating bed and taken to the next room. Beforehand, of course, by wrapping her up as if she were a particularly dangerous, magically gifted criminal. The magicians gathered from all over the Forest left the laboratory, accompanied by agents of the Secret Guard, who escorted them to the residential part of the palace. At the very exit of the wing that was occupied by the Forest secret services, Sivila turned to the Elder Enchantress and said:

"If you wish, you may sleep in my chambers. I have prepared one of the guest rooms for you."

The woman thought for a moment, then nodded:

"I thank you for the invitation, Your Majesty, and accept it with pleasure."

The queen's maids were already waiting in the two elven women's quarters. After bowing to their mistress and her guest, they escorted Mirael to the bath. Sivila changed into a house robe and then went to her study, asking the Elder Enchantress to stop by before she went to bed. Sitting at her desk, the queen sighed tiredly and picked up one of the two dozen scrolls with various reports and papers. She had enough chores to do and no one canceled them.

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door of the study, and the Elder Enchantress entered. She wore only a dark blue house robe of the finest silk. She looked noticeably better than in the lab, her bath and dinner had done her good, and she was no longer tired. Sitting in the chair across from the queen, Mirael waited for the cabinet's defenses to activate. As soon as it was at full power, she exhaled loudly and tiredly:

"Ugh. What a day. That's not what I was hoping for when I got your message, Sivila."

Rolling her emerald eyes, the queen put aside another report and said tiredly:

"In the name of the First Tree, Mirael! I don't care who my husband shares his bed with just before you are born. So what do you do and in what positions is your business."

Smirking, the Elder Enchantress put her leg over her leg and said with a chuckle:

"As far as I know, you had a very different attitude towards his previous lover."

"Because she had an extremely bad habit of mixing having fun in bed and building her career, which I don't see you doing. And as long as you're not trying to squeeze or suck additional funds out of my husband for your personal practice, I don't care."

With a completely unserious snicker, the Elder Enchantress hid a slight smile, then looked very meaningfully into Sivila's eyes:

"Thank you for your candor, Sivila, I'll keep that in mind. And while we're on the subject, I'm not squeezing or sucking anything out of your spouse. Quite the opposite."

In response, the queen only rolled her eyes again. Mentally, of course. On the other hand, nothing was surprising about it. Everyone has their way of having fun in bed, especially after a thousand years. Out loud, however, she said something different:

"At this point, I suggest we close this topic. And move on to the main topic."

All mirth vanished from the faces of the Queen and the Elder Enchantress.

"I agree. And first, let me ask you this. Did you really think I had anything to do with this?"

"While the investigation is ongoing, I'm assuming anyone who wasn't directly investigated could be involved. Read it. This is an interrogation report on the very owner of Tiantrell, Vinatir de Vaar Gras."

Holding out the scroll, secured by a powerful magical seal with the Secret Guard's mark, the queen waited for the Elder Enchantress to read it. Then she carefully rolled and resealed the scroll. Mirael said thoughtfully:

"How is that possible?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out with Third. The most obvious answer is betrayal. But that's not the only option we're considering. Vinatir has been receiving a lot of different kinds of information. Classified information that different agencies and different elves have access to. Which could mean exactly two things."

"Or his patron has agents everywhere. Or they have someone at the top."

"Exactly. That's why everyone's a suspect."

"I understand. What do you want me to do?"


Taking another sealed scroll from the desk drawer, Sivila held it out to the Elder Enchantress.

"I don't know what's in it, but Third asked me to give it to you. It contains his requests, errands, instructions, etc. If you need any help, contact me or him through the contacts listed. To cover our meetings, we will stick to the legend that we are solving issues concerning your relationship with my husband."

"All right, then. If that's all, I won't keep you any longer."

"Just a minute. There's one other thing I'd like to discuss with you. It's kind of personal."

* * *

Knock, knock, knock.

"Come in, Fiorel."

The queen's page, despite the very late hour, was in full dress. Entering the office, he performed an impeccable bow:

"Your Majesty. The Elder Enchantress. What can I do for you?"

"Take off your pants, my boy, and sit on the table. We'll treat you."

For a moment, Fiorel's ears twitched, but only for a moment. After which, with a straight face and without saying a word, he stripped himself to the waist and sat down on the table. The Elder Enchantress, still dressed in her dressing gown, but already with a magical diadem and amulets made in the form of jewelry, moved her chair with telekinesis, settling in front of him. Next to her, a set of accessories for alchemy and magic floated in the air on a separate stand. Dimming the lights in the queen’s office, Mirael said:

"Well, let's see what you've caught....."

At the same time, the tiara on her head lit up with magical fire, as did her eyes. Taking a long silver metal wand in her hand, she ran it along Fiorel's dick, which immediately became engorged and tense. With her second hand, wearing a glove made of thin but very dense and magically shielded material, she squeezed his scrotum, beginning to gently knead it. At the same time, the face of the queen’s page turned crimson, but at the same time remained completely impassive.

"Hmm... I see. I recognize Gradiana's work. You didn't try to take it off yourself?"

"No, I decided the best option was to wait for it to dissipate on its own. Painful, but safe."

"The right decision, the slightest mistake would have cost the boy dearly."

Leaving Fiorel's scrotum and dick alone, Mirael put down the silver wand and instead took a small tube of flexible and transparent material. An elegant movement of the hand, and the contents of three jars and two bottles, standing on a tray floating in the air, rose into the air, mixing into one dense ball. Which was then pushed into the beginning of the translucent tube.

"Prepare yourself, boy, this is gonna get rough. But you'll have to be patient."

Another movement of the palm and a blue glowing ring appeared around the base of the head of Fiorel’s already erect dick. He twitched his ears but did not react in any way. The Elder Enchantresstried it on, after which, in one well-executed movement, she inserted the tube straight into the urethra, the entire length. Here the queen’s page could not resist and exhaled loudly through clenched teeth.

"Be patient, it will get worse. But it’s necessary."

Another pass with her hand and a ball of various alchemical mixtures passed through the tube down to the very root of the dick, causing a quiet groan from Fiorel, who clutched the edge of the table with his fists.

"Good, now the worst part."

Another hand gesture, and the tube itself flew out of Fiorel’s penis. And as soon as she left him, the glowing blue ring sharply tightened, squeezing the penis at the base of the head. Mirael rose to her feet, and with another gesture, she pushed the chair away, leaned towards Fiorel, grabbed his dick with her gloved hand, and began to actively move it. It caused another loud groan and a distorted face from the queen’s page.

"Don't hold back, boy. On the contrary, try to pour out as soon as possible. That's right. Sivila, can you give the poor thing some visual support?"

"If so necessary..."

Rolling her eyes, the queen leisurely approached the Elder Enchantress and her page, untying the belt of her robe, under which she was wearing nothing, as she walked. Standing to the side of the Elder Sorceress’s actively working hand, Sivila suddenly pressed herself against her from behind and in one deft movement opened the collar of her dark blue robe. Enchantress's rather large breasts spilled out right in front of Fiorel, causing an indignant cry from the Elder Enchantress. Continuing to press herself against Mirael from behind, Sivila grabbed her tits with her hands and squeezed, asking with the most serious look:

"Is this support enough? Or do you need something more serious?"


"Don't get distracted, he's already at his limit."

"I see... stop it!"

Grinning, the queen left the Elder Enchantress's breasts alone, only finally pinching her nipples. After which, she took a step back, but did not wrap her robe around her. Mirael flashed her eyes with displeasure but said nothing. Because just a couple of seconds later, all flushed and sweaty, Fiorel sharply arched back and groaned loudly. At the same time, the glowing ring around the head of his penis disappeared, and the Elder Enchantress took a step back, removing her hand. A thick and powerful stream of seed shot straight at her. But instead of flooding Mirael’s face and bare chest, the seed began to collect in the air into one lump. Moreover, there was unexpectedly a lot of it, as if Fiorel was an orc and not an elf.

When every drop of it left his member, the Elder Enchantress snapped her fingers, and the lump fell into a previously prepared stone bowl, where it immediately burst into alchemical fire. Mirael pulled her robe around her, cast another dissatisfied glance at Sivila, and then said:

"Done, Gradiana's gift is all cleaned up. You can use your little friend again. Just be careful not to stick it where it doesn't belong."

Fiorel, soaked and exhausted, whispered his thanks with just his lips. The Elder Enchantress smiled in return and said cheerfully:

"Oh, youth. Good night, Your Majesty. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Good night, Mirael."

After waiting for the Elder Enchantress to leave the office, the queen sat in her chair without buttoning her robe. Fiorel, out of breath and somewhat recovered, got off the table, picked up his pants, and turned to Sivila:

"Your Majesty, thank you, I..."

Stopping him with a gesture, the queen leaned back in her chair, put her right foot on the table, and pointed downward with her eyes. The henchman understood her without a word, and in two seconds, kneeling before her, he had his lips on Sivila's labia. Placing her hand on his head, the queen smiled contentedly, covering her eyes. She missed this so much...

* * *

The trick of the Agent of the Elf Queen


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