The Strongest Demon Front

Chapter 10 - Greenery Training Course

Bai Shao first lost not only a game, he also lost the qualification of the school team next semester.

Seeing Bai Shaoxian’s frustration, Pei Xiaowei smiled extremely happy.

Chu Ge is a calm face.

Bai Shaoxian may think that he is Chu Ge’s opponent, or even a fatal opponent, but in Chu Ge’s eyes, he is just a passer-by who is one size bigger.

Defeating a passerby, Chu Ge is not particularly excited.

He even had time to sneak a glance at the system.

In the second half he received a total of 107 points of appreciation, a relatively large improvement over the first half.

Chu Ge is very satisfied with this.

Plus the remaining points of appreciation from the previous draw, he now has 125 points of appreciation.

375 points away from the next draw.

545 points away from the cheapest speed exercise manual.

Is not enough …

How can we quickly grow appreciation?

Chu Ge thought secretly.

“Boss Chu is a cow, one enters four!”

“Yeah, I thought I would lose before the game, but I was still too young.”

Teammates gathered around Chu Ge, laughing and laughing.

“Actually, their mentality collapsed, otherwise they would not lose so fast.”

Chu Ge carefully analyzed the game.

In his opinion, the other party lost to himself to a great extent.

This may also be a disadvantage of amateur football.

The kick will go well, but if you go against the wind, your mentality is likely to be out of balance and it is easy to collapse.

“That was also defeated by you! Three crotch cuffs, two direct free kicks, and countless extraordinary times. You didn’t pay attention to Chu Ge. Later, no matter who defends you, who’s face will be green immediately! “

Pei Xiaowei laughed.

“Boss Chu, your extraordinary skills are really powerful. I think you can play a career, and here you are bullying.”

“Especially the free kick, as soon as a goal is scored, no one will dare to foul.”

Teammates echoed.


May not carelessly said by the classmates, but Chu Ge was moved.

When I was young, I followed the fans’ dad to watch the ball on TV. Chu Ge once had the dream of becoming a player in the future.

As he grew up, due to the poor environment of Chinese football and his family ’s unsupportiveness, he slowly forgot this dream. He started going to school, taking exams, and going to school again, living the same life as most of his peers.

But now?

Without this system, Chu Ge would not have the idea of ​​playing professional football.

Because he is even more talented, he has never received professional vocational training since he was a child, and he went to play professionally when he was halfway home. It is easy to lose at the starting line.

But it is different now.

With systematic help, the gap between him and professional players may be shortened soon.

Moreover, only by playing professional football can he have a chance to get a bigger stage, get more people’s appreciation in the shortest time, and give full play to the role of the system …

“Eh, did you watch the World Cup the day before yesterday?”

“Look, Germany won Brazil 7-1, I didn’t expect it.”

“Yeah, I was dumbfounded in this game. Before the game, I thought Brazil could win the championship, the result …”

“Thomas Muller of Germany is so strong, he can’t take care of himself in Brazil, and he scored two goals. It’s my idol!”

Students started talking about the recent World Cup.

This holiday coincides with the World Cup every four years. Of course, they who like to play football will certainly not miss watching every game of the World Cup.

The World Cup is the hottest topic recently, and it will be of great interest to both fans and non-fans. Each game attracts hundreds of millions of eyes; the number of people watching and paying attention to the focus war is even more astronomical.

Every player who plays in the World Cup receives a lot of attention.

If you perform well in the World Cup, it is even more famous and appreciated.

“Oh, when can I see our national team in the World Cup. I will definitely support it all the way!”

“This is simple. The next live football is enough! Hahaha!”

Talking about Chinese football, the students laughed.

But Chu Ge is thoughtful.

“Chu Ge, you come here.”

Chu Ge looked up, not far away, coach Liu was waving at him.

“Go quickly, Coach Liu calls you. Maybe it’s the school team.”

Pei Xiaowei pushed him behind Chu Ge.

“School team? Chu Ge must be from the school team, this still needs to be asked? But ah, that Bai Shao first got cold.”

Teammates laughed happily.

Chu Ge threw the water bottle back to Pei Xiaowei and walked towards Liu Guobang.

“Coach, what are you looking for me for?” He asked.

Liu Guobang didn’t answer immediately. He looked at Chu Ge, his eyes full of appreciation.

“You played well in this game.”

He praised Chu Ge.

“Thank you coach.”

“Hmm.” Liu Guobang pondered for a while, then asked Chu Chu straightforwardly: “Chu Ge, I won’t say more nonsense, are you interested in playing career?”

“Your football talent is excellent, the school team is still small for you.”

“I have a few friends who work in professional clubs. If you want to play professionally, I can recommend you to try it out. With your talents, you won’t encounter any problems and you will be able to try it successfully. How?”

Chu Ge was a little bit moved, but was still not sure about it.

He just had the idea of ​​playing professional football. Unexpectedly, coach Liu gave him a chance.

But he hesitated again.

If you go to play professional football, your family will definitely oppose it.

Chu Ge doesn’t even have to ask, you can imagine the attitude of the mother.

How to do it?

Seeing Chu Ge hesitated, Liu Guobang thought for a while, and then said: “Your talent for playing football is really good, don’t disappoint your talent. If you can’t make up your mind temporarily, there is a compromise.”

“I don’t know if you have heard of it. Recently, there was a football talent show called Lvyin Training Class, which is an activity done by Wanda Group and Panda Entertainment.”

Heard the coach mention this, Chu Ge nodded.

On TV last night, he had some knowledge about this greenery training class.

“Well. I have heard of it. Generally speaking, I don’t recommend young people to participate in any drafts, especially football drafts. It is too impetuous and not very useful.”

“However, this event is different.”

“I learned through some channels that Tencent is also interested in participating in this project and wants to make this talent show bigger. As far as I know, several celebrities in football have received invitations to join this project. activity.”

“If my friend’s information source is fine, Figo and Ronaldo, these people are likely to come!”

“Join you to perform well in the draft and impress them, then your future is very bright. They have a lot of connections in Europe and have a good relationship with many home clubs. Through them, you even have the opportunity to land in Europe. Play football. “



Heard these two names, Chu Ge was moved.

These two, but they are both big players in football.

Figo is a leading figure in Portugal’s golden generation, having played for some of the most powerful teams in Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid and Inter Milan.

Ronaldo is even more remarkable. He was called “alien” when he debuted. The winner of the European Golden Globe, the style is gorgeous, and his scoring ability is particularly excellent. At the same time, he is a football star admired by Chu Ge, and Chu Ge’s house still has a poster of the football god.

It would be great if they could get their advice.

“Can they really come?”

Chu Ge was quite interested in asking.

Don’t look at his usual quiet performance. When referring to these idol-level superstar players, he is also a bit like a star chaser.

“It’s not easy to say, I’m not sure about this. However, it is indeed possible.”

Liu Guobang did not dare to pack the ticket, he did not have this ability.

“However, one thing is clear to me. Wanda Group has always had a plan for Chinese players to stay abroad. In recent years, they have been sending some promising young people to Spain for professional football training.”

“Wanda is pushing behind this draft event.”

“The top few in the draft, if I have no opinion, Wanda will most likely be sent to Spain ~ ~ In Spain, the clubs that cooperate with Wanda currently have Atletico Madrid, Villarreal and Valen West Asia, all La Liga clubs, have very good strengths and high training facilities and quality. “

“To be honest, if you go to a domestic professional club, you need to start from scratch. Because you have not experienced professional training after all. When you go to Spain, you start from the beginning. Since the starting point is the same, I think that going to Spain may be a better choice. . It ’s Latin football. It ’s more technical and more suitable for your style of play. “

“Of course, the premise is that you have to stand out in the draft.”

“How about, are you interested?”

Liu Guobang seemed to want to be a guide for Chuge in football. He carefully analyzed Chuge.

“If you participate in the draft, in the early stage, you can even play football and study without delay. In this way, the resistance in your home will be much smaller.”

Coach Liu guessed the reason for Chu Ge’s hesitation.

“The initial sea elections are conducted during the summer vacation, and will not delay learning. If you pass, the next few rounds require a draft, you will take a few days off; after you have participated in the round, you can come back to study immediately. “

“If you do not perform well in the draft and are eliminated, it means that your talent may be flawed. It is not suitable for playing professional football. You can come back and learn with peace of mind.”

“If you perform well and gain recognition from many people, it means that at least your football talent is good. If you want to continue, try professional football, you can make a decision at that time. At that time, you will have more information, Making decisions will also be easier. “

“how is it?”

He asked again.

“it is good.”

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