The Strongest Demon Front

Chapter 455 - 1st intimate contact

? The previous three seasons.

Manchester United experienced two head coaches.

The results are not satisfactory.

So far this season, Manchester United ranks fifth in the league.

Ranking results are average.

However, the gap between the team and the first place points has not been widened.


More importantly, after the new players such as Chu Ge and Pogba joined, after Ferguson’s comeback, Manchester United’s performance on the court and the atmosphere of the locker room were obviously stable.

The team’s record has not fluctuated much.

In the past 13 rounds of the league, the team is still in the league’s first legion. For such results, Manchester United fans are still relatively happy.

They saw hope for the team’s revival.

The clubs in England are very dense.

After the game with West Ham United is over, Manchester United will have another League Cup match three days later.

In the quarterfinals of the League Cup, their opponent happened to be West Ham United, who had just met in the league.

For the League Cup game, Ferguson did not pay much attention.

In the week-long doubles schedule, in order to ensure the physical fitness of the main players, he decided to make a larger rotation in this League Cup match.

Chu Ge, Ibrahimovic, Pogba and other main players will all take the opportunity to take a break.

Even Kanter, who could not run, was put on leave by Ferguson.

The league is a long journey that lasts for almost a year.

Especially the Premier League.

Compared with other leagues, the Premier League has no Christmas holidays, and the task is relatively more onerous.

In order to allow the team to have a good physical condition in the final stage of the league, Ferguson began to prepare in advance to rotate the team.

Chu Ge got a day’s vacation.

this day.

He began to try to shoot his first scene in the war.

Although it was the first time filming, for Chu Ge, he was no stranger to the camera and the crew.

As early as last year when the first promotional video was shot, Chu Ge had worked with Emma Watson.

At that time, Chu Ge really had no experience.

Emma helped him a lot.

After a lot of setbacks, Chu Ge entered … the role he played.

And cooperate with Emma.

His first commercial, after being screened, also received a lot of praise.

However, there is still a big difference between making advertisements and making movies.

The characters in the advertisement were basically designed according to Chu Ge itself. He didn’t need to spend much energy, starred in character, and quickly and naturally found the feeling.

The situation with movies is completely different.

Chu Ge ’s role this time was a Chinese diplomat in Africa, unlike football and his previous experience.

How to grasp the character’s character.

How to play the role of this diplomat.

This was a challenge for Chu Ge, who was shocked on the big screen for the first time.

Fortunately, Chu Ge is already used to accepting various challenges.

If you have difficulty, just face it head on.

In Wu Jin’s words.

Even if it is awkward.

As long as Chu Ge stands there.

Sentences without expressions.

It will not be worse than domestic well-known “actors” XXX and XXX.

Because the sunshine is handsome, and the positive Chu song is more appealing than him or her.

of course.

That being said, Chu Ge does not want to be a vase.

Even if he can only succeed by relying on face value, he has to work hard to be a strong faction.

First of all, the first problem facing Chu Ge is age.

At the age of 18, playing a diplomat is obviously too young. Too young diplomats will let the audience play while watching.

This problem is not difficult to solve.

Forty-five stars, relying on the make-up technique of makeup, can show the image of teenage girls on the screen.

Chu Ge made some adjustments, from an 18-year-old handsome guy to a 30-year-old handsome uncle, it is not difficult.

The second level is to recite the script.

Chu Ge would naturally not do something about 12345 in front of the camera.

He seriously recite the script.

In fact, the role of a diplomat has only two main scenes in the movie.

One is in the embassy.

Another time is at the port.

There are not many lines.

Chu Ge did not spend much time before he was able to recite.

After all, it is a student who comes out of nine years of compulsory education, and can be recited in full text when he is in the teacher list and Taohuayuan. It is not difficult for Chu Ge to remember the lines that are less than a hundred words.

The real difficulty lies in immersing yourself in the character.

Audiences may not find it difficult to watch movies, but the actual actors faced the scene when they were filming, not what the audience saw on the big screen.

Take the first scene of Chu Ge.

The scene at the time was that Wu Jin and Yu Qian took their dry son to the embassy, ​​and when they arrived at the embassy, ​​they were forced into desperation by the rebels. Wu Jin was even prepared to fight hard.

Everyone’s life, life hangs a line.

At this time, the diplomat suddenly took the police force in the embassy to make a strong appearance, completed the control of the field, and transferred Wu Jin and others from the danger zone.

This picture is very smooth on the screen, and the audience can easily enter the nervous atmosphere at the time when watching.


When Chu Ge was shooting, the previous part of the shooting work was completed.

He had to face a row of cameras, imagine the anti-government armed forces facing him with a gun to confront him, and imagine that many refugees were hiding behind scattered and abandoned cars.

These scenes are not available in the studio, and it is entirely up to Chu Ge to make up his own mind.

He needs to restore the scenes described in the script in his brain, and then substitute into that nervous atmosphere, completely enter the role of a diplomat, and complete the plot of saving people from the armed men.

This is not easy.

After repeatedly watching the previous plot video brought by Wu Jin, Chu Ge closed his eyes and slowly reconstructed the scene.

At the beginning.

He will make some mistakes.

Speaking to the camera and imagining that you are saving people is really embarrassing.

Fortunately, Su Qingqing asked him to do similar things before.


From unskilled to gradually familiar, Chu Ge gradually began to adapt.

In Wu Jin’s words.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t do it, try it boldly, then summarize and practice more ~ ​​ ~ After a few hours of practice, Chu Ge found the feeling and finally completed the shooting of the first scene.

The filming of this day was a very fresh experience for Chu Ge.

It was a bit boring at first.

After entering the character, it is very fun.

Very interesting.

Wu Jin also praised Chu Ge’s talent for shooting.

Whether he is a polite or not, but at least, Chu Ge’s first scene passed smoothly.

After shooting this scene.

Wu Jin also joked with Chu Ge.

Hearing the name of Chu Ge at Old Trafford Stadium, Wu Jin thought of a good celebration.

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