The Strongest Demon Front

Chapter 516 - 1 belt 1 road

“Davis took the ball. Kanter stepped forward. Before Kanter approached, Davis passed the football. Now the football comes to Gabbiadini.”

“Gabia Dini forced Smolin, but did not succeed. He knocked the football horizontally and Tadic took the ball.”

“Pretty! Tadic sent a straight, football passed between Smolin’s legs, and Gabbia Dini sprinted quickly behind him. Southampton played a subtle match in front of the Manchester United penalty area. Very good chance to score! “

“Manolas! Nes Manolas!”

“Just when football was about to reach Gabbiadini’s feet, Manolas suddenly appeared. He rushed over and took the lead to put the football to the sideline. This was originally a very good offensive cooperation in Southampton, but in the end Because of Manolas ’excellent defense, Southampton did n’t even get a corner kick, they only got a sideline. After struggling in the first few games, Manolas began to get better, he ‘S performance is getting better and better. This is good news for Manchester United! “

When football was out of bounds, the commentator at Wembley Stadium reviewed the scene just now.

He praised Manolas for his performance.

On the field.

De Gea gave Manolas a thumbs up.

“Good job, man!”

De Gea is very happy.

Throughout the first half of the game, Southampton only scored two goals against Manchester United.

This was unthinkable before.

De Gea is even a little bit uncomfortable.

In this game, his guard friends performed very well, and did not give the Southampton forwards too many opportunities.

Manchester United’s defense has become more solid.

De Gea is naturally relaxed.

Kanter also looked at Manolas.

Before moving to Manchester United, Kanter never thought he would play so tired. Compared to Leicester City, Kanter had more distance to run at Manchester United.

However, the team’s defense has not been better than Leicester City.

Kanter once doubted whether he had become a fake Kanter.

Why was he still a defensive defender in Leicester City, and the Premier League intercepted and intercepted the first man. After coming to the more famous Manchester United, he worked harder, but the team’s defensive effect seemed to be more scumming, which made his confidence a bit hit.


This situation began to change after Manolas joined the team.

After spending the initial period of discomfort, Manolas began to fully demonstrate his personal abilities. The cooperation between him and Kanter on the defensive line has not only reduced Kanter’s burden, but also made Manchester’s rear defense more stable.

Although there is still no room for understanding,

Although there is still room for improvement,

But the defensive ability of the team is increasing, this is an indisputable fact.

Like De Gea, Kanter soon felt how important it was to have a reliable rear defense partner.

Even Smolin, a guard dubbed the head of Manchester United fans, has become more reliable.

With the replacement of Manolas, Smolin’s excellent frontal defense advantage began to be demonstrated.

“Manolas is doing better and better now, and the team’s defense is starting to benefit. It seems that our strategy to reinforce the central defender is correct.”

Bald Ferran said beside Ferguson.

Ferguson nodded.

“Canter’s midfield interception and protection, Manolas blocked the backcourt, De Gea guarded the last level, the team’s defensive system was slowly built. The central axis is stable, and even the defense of other players has become More reliable, this is the positive effect of the core players. “

Ferran analyzed Ferguson while pointing at the situation on the field.

Ferguson continued to nod.

“Facts have proved that your expensive players always have his reason.” He could not help feeling a little sighed.

Both Kanter and Manolas spent a lot of Manchester United’s transfer fees, and De Gea’s worth is also very high.

These expensive players are proving their value for money.

When it comes to high prices, Ferguson couldn’t help but looked at the frontcourt.

The corner of his mouth smiled.

The most expensive player in football today is wearing a Manchester United No. 7 jersey.

And this deal, which seemed to be a gamble at the time, is now proving its value.

“However, just one Manoras is not enough. My opinion is that after the season, if Van Dijk is healed, we still have to win him with all our strength. If Van Dijk can be won, not only can he increase his defense strength , And can also thwart competitors ’recruitment plans …”

Ferran tirelessly continued to persuade Ferguson.

He is very optimistic about Van Dijk.

Ferguson waved his hand and interrupted the dog head division Ferran’s words, “Those are after the end of the season. Now pay attention to this game.”

After Ferguson said this, Ferran didn’t say much. He continued to follow the game.

At this time, Ferguson turned his attention to the stands of Wembley Stadium.

He knew that Van Dijk was sitting in the stands.

Cedric kicked a flying shovel and destroyed the football from the foot of Chu Ge ~ ~ He also took Chu Ge to the ground.

After getting up, Cedric walked to Chu Ge for the first time and reached out friendly.

Chu Ge stood up by Cedric’s arm.

Despite the confrontation, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

Chu Ge did not care about his opponent’s aggression.

Since the fame has grown, the opponent has targeted him more and more.

The characteristic of the Premier League is that the scale of physical confrontation is relatively loose.

Under such circumstances, Chu Ge will often encounter opponents with relatively large defensive moves.

Chu Ge is used to it.

As long as the opponent has no malicious fouls, he will not care.

Playing in such an environment, Chu Ge is also learning how to better protect himself.

Ibrahim came over.

“Expand some running range, we will change the position in time.”

He covered his mouth and communicated with Chu Ge.

During this time Chu Ge was tightly guarded, his performance was limited, and Manchester United’s offensive also came to a standstill.

Ibrahimovic as the most experienced player in Manchester United’s frontcourt, he began to actively seek ways.

Chu Ge nodded.

He followed Ibrahim’s advice.


Southampton head coach Pierre has been quiet during this time.

“If it is only one goal behind, how should we equalize or even overtake the score in the second half? Manchester United always lost the ball before the game, as long as we can stabilize the situation, we still have a chance.

He kept using his brain.


At this time, Manchester United counterattacked.

Pogba made a long back pass and kicked the football to the right.

Pierre looked in the direction of the football flight.


He froze slightly.

It was not Chu Ge who appeared on the right side of the stadium, but Ibrahimovic.

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