The Strongest Demon Front

Chapter 565 - A whistle sounded and Wan Lai was silent.

Chu Ge watched the football fly out of the bottom line.

He looked to his teammates, Manolas and De Gea.

“When Aguero formed a shot, Manolas interfered with him and blocked a part of the shot angle. Although David (De Gea) didn’t catch the ball, his stretch was actually blocked. Most of the shooting angles. “

As a top scorer, Chu Ge easily recaptured the moment when Aguero shot.

“On the surface it was Aguero’s bad luck and the shot hit the post, but in fact, this was Manolas and De Gea’s concerted defense, forcing him to choose a more tricky angle when shooting. It resulted in a shot hitting the post. Compared to the first half of the season, after Maranos joined the team, the team’s defensive thickness really increased a lot. “

Aguero’s shot at the center column scared many people.

But Chu Ge is not.

Seeing the team’s performance on the defensive end just now, Chu Ge was quite at ease.

“However, the defense is as good as it is passive. If you want to get back the initiative of the game, you still have to rely on the offense, and you have to rely on me.” Chu Ge set his sights on Manchester City’s goal.

He knew it clearly.

The defense of teammates alone cannot win Manchester City.

Even if his team is currently leading.

“Aguero’s shot did not enter and Manchester United escaped. However, passive defense is not enough. In this way, it is difficult for Manchester United to withstand Manchester City’s next attack.”

“The disadvantage of one less player will become more obvious with the passage of time. The advantage of one goal does not help Manchester United win the game smoothly.” By analyzing the scene of the game, Zhan Jun came to Chu Ge Nearly the same conclusion.

He was anxious.

Because of Chu Ge’s relationship, Zhan Jun, like almost all Huaxia fans, is more emotionally biased towards Manchester United.

Seeing that Manchester United was passive, Zhan Jun was quiet on the surface, but his heart was still somewhat anxious.

“Now is the final moment for Manchester United and Chelsea to compete for the championship. The result of each game is very important.”

“Especially today, and the next match between Manchester United and Arsenal. These two games will likely directly determine the attribution of the league champions this season. Only after winning these two games will Manchester United be the last one. Chelsea took the lead in the round. “

“If they can’t win Manchester City today, and the next round of the game against Arsenal will be missed again, the champion will most likely hand over to the Chelsea people, and the efforts of one season have been wiped out.”

“Although the second place in the league is also very good, but I believe that when Manchester United are in this position, they certainly cannot be satisfied with the second place.”

Zhan Jun analyzed the league ranking situation while watching the game.

These, every fan who cares about Chu Ge and Manchester United is very clear.


They are very anxious.

“Withstand! Be sure to withstand Manchester City’s offensive.”

“Don’t let them score goals.”

“I only want to curl three points!”

Manchester United fans prayed.

By this time, their team was already very passive.

Due to the number of people behind, Manchester United was almost rubbed by opponents on the ground.

Especially Guardiola’s team has always been known for his love of ball control.

With the number of players at the top of the game and the advantage of playing at home, coupled with the fact that the main players such as De Braun, Touré, Aguero, Sane and Sterling can all be on the stage, Manchester City players will firmly hold the football Control under your own feet.

Their possession rate is already dominant.

And Manchester United’s possession time is astonishingly low.

From the scene, it can be said that the game has become a one-sided half-court offensive and defensive exercise. Football passed quickly at the feet of Manchester City players, while Manchester United players ran around exhaustedly and tried their best to intercept their opponents’ offense.

“Come on! Manchester City!”

“We are going to score a goal soon! It’s just a little bit!”

“Put the ball into the **** Manchester United’s net. The victory belongs to the Blue Moon!”

“Chelsea fans are with you, Chelsea, oh right, Manchester City is moving forward!”

Fans cheered for the home team.


Herrera sprinted with all her strength and knocked De Blaunet away.

However, before that, De Braun had already made a kick and transferred the football to Sterling’s feet.

Sterling sped up the ball quickly.

He crossed Damian and crossed the ball, the football quickly passed to the middle.

Aguero knew what he was doing and took a few steps back to keep the football under his feet.

Blind pounced on Aguero to prevent the Argentine from bringing the ball into the penalty area.

Aguero was very clever. When he saw Blind approaching, he didn’t wait for his opponent to approach, and he made a cross and handed the football to Inchee Sane.

“This series of cooperation, the mercury is general, smooth and fast, full of ornamental, and very practical. Manchester City even has the shadow of Barcelona. Guardiola’s coaching ability is not ordinary. In just half a year, he Mark Manchester City with such a distinctive style mark. “

Manchester City’s performance made Ferguson feel a little emotional ~ ~ But.

It’s clearly not the time to lament this. Manchester City’s smooth cooperation has caused flaws in the Manchester United defense.

Ferguson’s gaze quickly turned to Sane who took the ball.

The involvement of his teammates has given Sane a room to break through. Without thinking about it, Sané took the ball and forcibly inserted directly into the middle of Manchester United’s penalty area.

The choice of this breakthrough is very decisive. If Sane is allowed to bring the ball in, Manchester United’s goal is very dangerous.

Manolas really kicked.

When Sane’s speed had just risen, Manolas kicked Sane from behind.

This is a helpless choice.

In order to make up for his teammates and prevent Sane from breaking into the penalty area, Manolas has no better way.

Atkinson’s whistle sounded.

Manchester City won a free kick.

“The location of this free kick!” Robinho’s eyes lit up.

“Excellent free kick position! In the first half, at nearly the same position, Chu Ge scored a very important free kick for Manchester United. Now, the same opportunity comes up, and this time, the team that got the chance becomes Manchester City! “

The fans were immediately excited.

“They can score free kicks, and so can we!” Manchester City fans looked forward to scoring goals.

They look forward to fighting back their opponents in the same way.

They look forward to equalizing the score.

“We can see that De Blaunet went to the penalty spot.”

De Blauene fiddled with the football and put it away.

He raised his head and glanced at Chu Ge in the Manchester United wall.

Chu Ge smiled at De Braun.

“It’s not just you who can take a free kick. See my free kick skills, Chu!” De Blaunet pouted.

A whistle sounded.

Wan Lai is silent.

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