The Strongest Exercise Upgrade System

Chapter 170 - Huo Chunzhu

Huo Chunshan’s drink was infuriating, and the legs and feet of a dozen quarries began to tremble.

The foreman with the surname Zuo was a loyal middle-aged man. When he saw Huo Chunshan angry, he kept kowtow and said: “It’s none of our business! It’s the second master who lied to us and his casino has many women who can accompany you to drink flowers , Invite a dozen of our brothers over for a drink!”

Others are also babbled and authentic:

“The second master gave us a couple of silver back.

These are the holidays for us, he will inform you in advance!

I didn’t know that we went to the second master’s casino. The people who accompany the wine were all middle-aged and elderly women. Some women were older than our mothers! “

“Not only that, the second master lied to me to wait for the table to participate in gambling!

In the end, we not only lost the one or two silvers given by the second master, but also lost the other silvers we had with us in the casino.

The second master deceived me to wait for the loan shark and continue to gamble!

If we lose the gambling, we need to sign a contract to sell our wife and daughter to him, and we need to be slaves to him, and we must never betray him!

We knew we were deceived, so we secretly escaped from the casino and asked for help!

Now the second master is chasing from behind, please help us! “

“It’s another good thing that the animal did!”

Huo Chunshan, including all the elders of the Huo family, were so angry that they were so angry.

Including Huo Chunshan’s two sons, Huo Yingxiong and Huo Yingjie, they all had weird faces when they heard it, only shaking their heads and sighing.

This person is their second uncle. He was deprived of his position as the chief director of the quarry because he had greeted the family property during his tenure in the quarry several years ago. He was sent to Yilin County, the neighboring county, to do it himself. The business is gone.

Unexpectedly, this guy is a completely unreasonable master.

After arriving in Yilin County, he did not do his job, colluded with the bullies in Yilin County, opened casinos and brothels, and also released usury.

Now he stretched out his black hand to the family’s quarry, deceived the quarry workers, went to him to gamble, set up a trick to defraud the hard-earned money of these quarries!

It even caused the quarry to close due to lack of work.

Such a weird second uncle always thinks of Huo Yingjie and Huo Yingjie brothers as big heads.

Not to mention the other elders of the family.

The prodigal son, it is estimated that this is the man.

Just as Huo Chunshan was furious and more than a dozen quarries were trembling, a group of more than 20 big men with weapons in their hands rushed out of the quarry.

Leading the way in front of these big guys was a middle-aged man dressed in fancy dress and greasy face.

This person walks swaying, looking around, knowing that he is not a serious person.

Especially his facing nose, people can’t wait to step forward and give him two feet.

This person chased from the outside of the quarry, and when he approached, he discovered that Huo Chunshan and his gang were also here.

The original fast footsteps hurriedly stood in front of Huo Chunshan and the group of quarrying workers.

Looking awkwardly at Huo Chunshan and the elders in the family, he said, “Big brother, a few uncles, so you are here too!”

“Chunzhu, what are you doing here? Do you know how big things you have caused this time?”

An old man of the family said with a stern face.

“Junzhu? Stupid pig?”

Zeng Yu almost didn’t laugh when he heard the name. Huo Chunzhu said with a disdainful expression: “Second uncle, how big can it be? It’s just a few workers who left!

These workers owe a large debt on my casino!

Second uncle, don’t protect them, let my men take them back and fix them again! Look at them in the future, dare you still dare to go wrong! “

After all, he winked at the group of men behind him.

When these thugs saw this, they wanted to step forward to arrest someone, scared that dozens of absenteeism in front of them rushed to kowtow for help.

“Bastard thing! Huo Chunzhu, you dare to mess around here today, believe it or not, I will break your leg?”

Huo Chunshan was trembling with anger, and he shouted angrily, staring at Huo Chunzhu with his eyes.

Zeng Yu stood aside, looking at this Huo Chunzhu jokingly, he already knew a general idea of ​​what happened.

It seems that this is just a false alarm, and everything is to be attributed to the nonsense of Huo Chunzhu in front of him.

Well, Huo Dumb Pig, it seems that the dead old man Huo had the foresight, this name fits him very well!

Zeng Yu thought to himself.

Huo Chunzhu was shocked when Huo Chunshan shouted in front of everyone.

It seems that he is still a little afraid of this elder brother who is the tenth largest.

But then, seeing this person’s neck stubborn, his eyes were crimson and shouted at Huo Chunshan: “Hit it! You, like our dead ghost father, have always been biased towards the third child!

All good things are the third child, and I will be responsible for all the bad things!

This quarry, I originally did a good job, why did I withdraw me when I withdrew?

I am still convinced if I change to another person!

Why did you ask the third child to take my place? This is obviously looking down on me!

Well, if you want to withdraw me, then I will mess up this quarry, so that you will not be able to recruit workers in the future! Everyone will shoot two in the future! “

Xu was out of anger, and Huo Chunzhu actually shook out all the thoughts in his heart.

All the Huo family members present were trembling with anger, and fire burst out from the eyes of Huo Chunzhu.

“Beast! Don’t you know yourself, have you done few things that hurt your family?

You have done business in a quarry!

But look at how much good you did in the quarry!

Gathering crowds for gambling, sleeping women, deducting quarrying wages, making false accounts, and filling your pockets!

Are these things done by humans?

Don’t you think about the entire Huo family?

You are light when you withdraw, and it’s good if you don’t interrupt your dog legs! “

Huo Chunshan was so angry that one Buddha and two Buddhas were born. Pointing at Huo Chunzhu, he shot down Huo Chunzhu’s crime school.

The two brothers Zeng Yu and Zeng Long were secretly speechless.

The forest is really big, there are all kinds of birds!

Huo Chunzhu also gave up. Seeing the murderous look of Huo Chunshan and the others, they became more and more rampant, scornful, and shouted: “Yes, I did all these things! So what? Kill me!

I put Huo Chunzhu’s words here. If you dare to touch my hair today, I will go to our mother’s grave and cry!

I smashed my head to death on the stone tablet of my mother, and I want to show the whole Rouyang County and our parents, my eldest brother, how did Huo Chunshan drive me to death! “

Huo Chunzhu fell on the ground, rolling and crying, turning a well-dressed suit into a beggar costume.

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