The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 14 – Escape

"What in the world...!" While clashing with Junshi, Chinjao openly displayed his rage at Kanata's actions.

The mere harming of a Celestial Dragon amounted to a major incident, but to outright kill one was unprecedented. Neither the World Government nor Marine Headquarters would permit Kanata's conduct.

Quite literally, she would make the entire world her enemy. Living normally had become utterly impossible.

Junshi expressed, "Kuhahaha! So you've finally done it little lady. I knew you'd eventually pull off something big, but this...!"

"You find this amusing? This is unprecedented...!" Barked Chinjao.

"Unprecedented is perfectly fine by me."

With a crazed grin, Junshi slipped inside Chinjao's guard, blowing him away with a mighty strike. Despite layering Armament Haki defenses, the accumulated damage inflicted proved severe—spitting out bloodied saliva, Chinjao glared daggers at Junshi.

"I hold no interest in authority, status, or wealth. I merely crave battles against powerful opponents," said Junshi

"...Which is precisely why I could never entrust the Happo Navy to you! With your strength, you could have served as my right hand!" Chinjao spat.

"I never intended to lead it anyway. Commanding armies holds no appeal for me."

Boom! Boom!

Armament Haki-clad fists collided repeatedly, the tremendous shockwaves rippling outward amidst thunderous booms resonating endlessly.

Chinjao assailed with furious attacks which Junshi deftly deflected amidst laughter—aware of his formidable opponent, he refused any compromise, fighting utterly seriously.

At least compared to CP-0, Chinjao stood a chance of overpowering him, so Junshi resolved to defeat him preemptively to avert pursuit down the line.

"You damned fool—!"

The Eight Impacts Fist's Drilling Dragon Striking Nail, powerful enough to shatter the icy terrain, hurtled toward Junshi who countered with his own mirrored Drilling Dragon Striking Nail.

Boom! Boom!

"Our bond severed long ago! I walk my own path!" Yelled Junshi as he channeled more strength.

Boom! Boom!

Their devastating blows collided, the shockwave cracking the earth itself.

The clash which seemed fated to continue until one fell was abruptly halted by Kanata's unexpected intervention, blindsiding them both.

"We've no time for games. Every second counts in this crisis."

Struck by the overwhelming kick from her blind spot, the already battered Chinjao crumpled unconscious, unable to defend against the unanticipated assault amidst his duel with Junshi.

Dissatisfied yet acknowledging the exigent circumstances, Junshi acquiesced.

"CP-0 let one slip past too. The Marine battleships await as well. If we tarry, they'll surround and overwhelm us entirely."

"...You're right, we've no time to waste then."

"The Transponder Snails risk eavesdropping,'s a race against time. We must depart this island immediately." Kanata utilized the Baby Transponder Snail concealed near her chest to contact the ship.

After a few seconds, Kuro awaiting aboard responded, "This is Kuro. Did something happen? Someone called earlier which sent the horse freak rushing out in a panic."

"Major developments, Kuro. Prepare to set sail immediately."

"Yeah, got it. Not sure what's going on, but will do." Not bothering to ask for details, he simply agreed to prepare for departure as instructed before ending the call.

The brevity proved advantageous, eliminating unnecessary complications. Hurrying toward the harbor, Kanata and Junshi formulated strategies while en route.

"But what now? After this, the Marines will surely pursue. Do we have anywhere to go?"

"Of course not. But...yes, I suppose if they're giving chase, we'll need to flee."

At minimum, their previous lifestyles seemed untenable. While Kanata alone could fend off Cipher Pol, Marine battleships posed a far greater challenge.

"By killing a Celestial Dragon, we'll be hunted by Marine Admirals, government dogs, bounty hunters—everyone."

"Getting cold feet now, Milady?"

"Don't be ridiculous. I won't back down. Bring them all on, I'll freeze every last one."

"That's what I like to hear. At the very least, I'll follow your lead."

Having operated as merchants until now, some might opt to abandon ship amidst these unfolding events.

A culling seemed inevitable regardless, although Kanata suspected even those choosing to leave wouldn't escape "that" Celestial Dragon's wrath so easily.

"Even so, our needs will be considerable. We'll require Eternal Log Pose compasses to traverse the Grand Line."

"Then we'll need to procure supplies in these waters for a while."

"And a ship's doctor too. We manage minor injuries ourselves, but we'll need one moving forward." Lacking so many essentials proved frustrating to Kanata, yet time marched ever onward. One misstep risked fatal consequences.

Currently, the Marines posed their gravest threat—how events unfolded hinged upon the Celestial Dragon's protective escort.

"Milady, do you know which Marine officers were assigned as escorts this time?"

"...No. But judging by your tone, you seem aware, Junshi."

"Yeah. The Marine officer here now is Vice Admiral Sengoku—considered on par with Garp as an Admiral candidate."


Within the palace on Kano Country.

Typically, the Celestial Dragons' security details consisted of Cipher Pol agents, so Marines seldom accompanied them—once their maritime escort concluded, they had little remaining purpose.

However, due to reports of instability across the West Blue, Sengoku had been temporarily assigned as an additional escort.

Fully prepared to depart Marine Headquarters, Sengoku arrived to find the incident already resolved, order restored—presently conferring about future arrangements within the palace.

Assured safety had been secured here, Sengoku was informed CP-0 alone would suffice as St. Chrysaor’s remaining guard detail and begrudgingly remained inside.

With no apparent danger lurking locally, he drank tea while awaiting further orders when a subordinate barged through the doors unannounced.

"S-Sir! A major emergency!"

"What's happened? Some sort of problem?"

Expecting the typical Celestial Dragon's caprice, Sengoku prompted the report somewhat exasperatedly, his subordinate's ashen pallor betraying the gravity of the situation.

"The World Noble Saint Donquixote Chrysaor was murdered while visiting Kano Country—by a traveling merchant!"

"...What?" His thoughts ground to a halt.

An unthinkable act in the eyes of anyone aware of global decorum. Yet it had transpired.

Before Sengoku's disbelief could subside, his subordinate continued:

"The culprit is Kanata, a woman belonging to the George Trading Company which recently expanded its operations across the West Blue! She killed the CP-0 escorts guarding him and is currently at large!"

"...She defeated CP-0, killed a Celestial Dragon, and now flees?"

Entrusted with safeguarding Celestial Dragons, CP-0 ranked among Cipher Pol's elite—to defeat them and slay a World Noble besides required immense power, Sengoku surmised.

Moreover, her successful escape hinted at meticulous premeditation rather than a crime of passion.

Dusk approached, night's veil soon enveloping the land—under its cover, pursuit would become arduous. Yet capturing the criminal woman took precedence above all else, Sengoku determined.

"Seal off the harbors at once! Do not let her escape!"


George felt overwhelmed, desiring to weep.

Despite warning Kanata against venturing outside, liable to attract unwanted attention, the opposite transpired—the Celestial Dragon developed an interest regardless of who emerged.

No avenue for escape remained. Upon hearing the details, George suspected Kanata would never acquiesce, having gained some insight into her character over their five years together. Which explained his surprise when she readily brought Feiyun aboard.

"Just when I thought she was being cooperative for once...figures nothing ever goes smoothly."

In the blink of an eye, they incurred a Celestial Dragon's wrath, Kanata unmasking her beauty to narrowly avoid enslavement.

Even now, CP-0 pursued from behind, yet Feiyun outpaced them handily—they seemed unlikely to catch up presently, but George contacted the ship just in case, requesting backup. If they were targeting Feiyun, reliable reinforcements will come flying apace.


Spotting a rapidly approaching horse-like figure, George exhaled with relief. While riding atop Feiyun's shoulder during transit proved uncomfortably turbulent—liable to toss him off at any moment—Zen would provide a far smoother alternative. Not that Zen typically allowed anyone besides Kanata atop his back, even Junshi included.

"Hey, Zen! CP-0 is after Feiyun behind us!"

"Understood! I'll incapacitate them!"

"No, not that far—"

Before George finished, Zen clashed with the pursuing CP-0 agents, unleashing the Six Powers martial arts alongside overwhelming Haki—suppressing rather than evading their techniques.

"...Damn, he's ridiculously strong." George couldn’t believe his eyes.

Feiyun spoke, "Of course. He's been protecting me for ages."

Maintaining some distance, Feiyun and George observed Zen's battle, the agents was convulsing like he was struck by lightning whenever blocking Zen’s halberd— this was the "Electro" technique utilized by Zou's denizens.

Unlike Devil Fruits, this innate ability proved unfamiliar to CP-0—eventually forced to their knees defensively forming "Iron Body," they swiftly lost consciousness under the Haki-imbued halberd's relentless strikes.

Effortlessly dispatching CP-0, Zen paused to catch his breath before rejoining Feiyun's group. "What in the world happened? I rushed over after hearing you were being pursued, but the situation remains unclear."

"Well, ya see..." George succinctly recounted Kanata's defiance against the Celestial Dragon.

Contemplating the details, Zen folded his arms thoughtfully. "I see...against a Celestial Dragon, then we can no longer remain on this island. Let's return to the ship and prepare for departure."

"Means abandoning our entire establishment too."

Lacking ample manpower, they transported all documentation and funds from their Marx Island headquarters to avoid potential theft while unmanned.

Some stored goods likely remained in the warehouses, but prioritizing them risked further jeopardizing their safety—prudence dictated leaving them behind.

Either way...

"Our first priority is escaping this island unharmed. We'll prepare for departure until Kanata and Junshi return." Even now, George failed to secure a seat atop Zen's back, instead enduring Feiyun's turbulent shoulder for the arduous trek back to the ship.

Upon arrival amidst the frantic preparations, the bundled-up Kuro greeted them. "Oh, you're back quick. Kanata just contacted me about getting ready to set sail ASAP."

"Figured as much. Fortunately, we'd already unloaded our cargo."

With everyone aboard, departure itself remained feasible. However, after defying a Celestial Dragon, Marine intervention seemed inevitable—with the Marines came harbor blockades, George reasoned while frantically weighing their options, desperately praying for Kanata and Junshi's swift return.

Curious, Kuro asked George, "So what'd you actually do anyway?"

"Defied a Celestial Dragon."

"For real? Hahaha!"

While Kuro laughed uproariously without a shred of concern for Kanata's wellbeing, Feiyun appeared anxious, blaming herself for the unfolding events.

Believing keeping occupied helped alleviate anxiety, she frequently scanned the surroundings for any approaching Marine vessels while peering toward Kanata's direction.

"Hurry back, before the battleships arrive..."

Mercifully, the Marine battleships docked at a separate harbor, currently out of sight. Yet once this information reached them, an immediate blockade seemed unavoidable—their escape hinged entirely upon leaving beforehand.

"—They're here! Kanata and the others have returned!" As Feiyun pointed inland, cannon fire echoed from the sea.

Boom! Boom!



Zen deflected the incoming cannonballs one after another—apart from Kanata and Junshi, only he could manage such a feat presently.

Facing the Marine Headquarters moving forward, George instinctively realized their current circumstances proved untenable.

"Hurry, we'll be trapped if we don't escape now!" Simultaneous with George's cry, Junshi leapt aboard, ordering an immediate departure.

Outmatched in size and speed against multiple Marine battleships by their lone galleon, fleeing conventionally proved futile. Thus, Kanata opted to remain behind, serving as an obstruction.

George was flabbergasted. "Don't be insane! It’s the Marine Headquarters itself? You can't fight them head-on!"

Kanata remained resolute. "But without someone stalling them, they'll sink our ship! Only the truly formidable may obstruct them!"

While only Sengoku held Vice Admiral rank, the Marine officers aboard easily outmatched their crew barring Junshi and Zen, rendering open combat ill-advised.


"If she fights seriously, we're mere hindrances. You know the scale of her abilities well, George," said Junshi.

"Sure,, understood. Our top fighter remains her at the end of the day. If she's made her decision, we'll abide by it."

"A wise choice. Then we'll head for Ohara initially. Our rendezvous point lies in the waters nearby."


Georges and his friends set out without Kanata on board, while the Marine battleships pursuing them ground to an abrupt halt—the sea itself freezing over, ensnaring the vessels.

Standing atop the icy surface, a solitary woman clutched an icy spear as the setting sun vanished beyond the horizon, the waning moon illuminating from above yet swiftly obscured by clouds, leaving them cloaked in darkness as George’s ship sailed into open waters.

Yet the Marines would not permit their quarry's escape so readily.

"Who goes there!" Leaping onto the frozen sea, Sengoku addressed the woman that his Observation Haki perceived, not truly expecting a response—a mere formality as a Marine.

Even so, she answered, "Kanata. The greatest criminal you currently pursue."

"...So it's you. But slaying a Celestial Dragon warrants far more than just your head. We'll apprehend every last one of you."

"I won't allow that, nor do I intend to surrender."

Snow began falling. Their breaths froze, the chill requiring Armament Haki to insulate their bodies lest freezing solid.

Sengoku muttered under his breath, "...Such power. So the reports spoke true—you wield the Ice-Ice Logia Devil Fruit."

"Correct. The sea provides me ample advantage."

"Don't make me laugh. You think that alone lets you defeat me?"

Assuming his Buddha model Zoan transformation of the Human-Human Fruit, the colossal Sengoku towered over Kanata who remained utterly unperturbed, offering a faint smile instead.

She held no delusions about overpowering him—their disparity was readily apparent through her Observation Haki alone. Even so, she would fight for she must.

"Here I come little lady. Drop your guard and I'll take that head of yours."

"Then bring it on. I'll crush you underfoot!"




Simultaneously launching themselves, Armament Haki-clad fist and spear collided—their overwhelmingly potent Conqueror’s Haki clashing besides, shattering the icy battleground itself.


Dawn broke.

The frozen sea cracked and shattered, immense icebergs formed in places amidst the devastation.

The overcast skies persisted as the soaked Sengoku stood atop a Marine battleship completely encased in ice, fury etched across his features while glaring toward the horizon.

"Damn...we're stuck. Is there no way to get these ships moving immediately?"

"Impossible, sir! Not only is the sea frozen, but...this snowfall is..."

In addition to freezing the ocean, she manipulated the very weather itself—enveloping the immobilized ships in impenetrable snowstorms.

While the cataclysmic battle shattered sections of ice, those shards provided no respite as Sengoku found himself cast into the frigid depths. Without such an occurrence, allowing her escape remained utterly inconceivable.

(To control even the weather itself and elude me...her Observation Haki shouldn't have reached such extraordinary levels.)

Even across the moonless night sea, failing to track his foe through Observation Haki seemed implausible—Sengoku's skills allowed glimpsing the very immediate future. Moreover, his formidable physique and Armament Haki defenses nullified most of Kanata's attacks while he steadily accumulated damage against her substantive form.

No factors seemed to favor her potential escape.

No prospects for his defeat existed.

Yet bafflingly, Sengoku lost Kanata.

Unfathomable, unless their battle catalyzed her growth, forcing her Observation Haki's evolution.

Infuriated yet restraining the urge to voice it, Sengoku issued orders instead, "Quickly thaw the ice! She couldn't have ventured far with her undoubtedly critical injuries!"

Dreading the report to Fleet Admiral Kong, Sengoku gritted his teeth in frustration.


A/N: By the way, if the match against Sengoku had been on land instead of at sea, Kanata would definitely have lost in a heartbeat.

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