The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 17 – Resupplying Provisions

Laying back leisurely in her private quarters, Kanata had been deep in thought for some time.

In her battle against Sengoku, her own strength proved almost useless as she took damage to her Logia elemental body that should have simply let attacks flow through harmlessly. She understood this was an issue of her rudimentary mastery over Armament Haki.

But what truly nagged at her was how most of the attacks had been nullified preemptively.

(It's said that those who master Observation Haki to the utmost limits can glimpse a few seconds into the future. For admirals and those of comparable prowess, attaining such mastery is no surprise.)

In other words, unless she too attained that level of ability, surviving future battles would prove difficult.

Her survival against Sengoku was likely more attributable to luck than skill. While recuperating from her injuries now, she had to call back that acute sensation from their duel.

She had to assume any Vice Admirals or Admirals pursuing her from Marine HQ would all be at that level, lest her carelessness prove fatal.

(That final instant...when I knocked Sengoku into the ocean. I had surpassed even his Observation Haki, if only fleetingly.)

Otherwise, exploiting such an opening would have been impossible. Her elemental mastery over the sea granting an advantage aside, it all culminated in that moment.

If she didn't learn to channel that rapt focus exhibited at death's door under normal conditions, it would mean nothing.

Though admittedly, recovering from her grave injuries took priority before she could exert herself physically.

As she dozed fitfully to the ship's gentle rocking, a knock sounded at her door.

"It's me, Junshi. Are you awake?"


Responding briefly, Junshi entered with a newspaper in hand.

While this was her private quarters, it held scant furnishings - he simply dragged a chair over beside her bed to sit.

With her left arm and several ribs broken, the bedridden Kanata remained at complete rest. An ungainly pile of fruit sat beside her, cut by someone.

"Today's paper. Says Marx Island was reduced to a 'Buster Call' scorched earth."

"I'd imagine. As my former base where I killed that Celestial Dragon, the World Government, Celestial Dragons, and Navy's reputations demanded no less than that retaliation."

The "Buster Call" directive, issuable only by Fleet Admirals and Admirals via a Golden Transponder Snail, mobilized an annihilation force of five Vice Admirals with ten battleships. Once targeted, survival was impossible regardless of the opposition.

Not only had the island served as their base, but those separated onto other ships were likely staying there too. Wiping out all potential affiliates was unsurprising.

"Shows how serious they're taking this, at least."

"The one mobilized was 'Blackarm' Zephyr. While Garp, Tsuru and Sengoku have comparative fighting power to admirals in practice..."

Even Vice Admirals were all certified badasses to reach those ranks. Tangling with them was undesirable if avoidable, but Kanata knew their policy of civilian collateral damage couldn't be counted on indefinitely.

With such an immense force amassed in these waters, they lacked breathing room.

"We'll need to move out soon then. Once resupplied, we cast off - don't seem to have leisure for lingering."

"Yeah...traveling by battleship from Marx Island would take them days to reach this area anyway. We need to depart before they arrive."

While fresh produce wouldn't keep, Kanata could create an ice locker extending its shelf life somewhat.

Shipboard diets tended towards nutritional imbalances, so citrus and other perishables were essential to stave off afflictions like scurvy. Sauerkraut alone wouldn't suffice. She would have to properly instruct the cook about fully restocking such provisions.

Until now, their few-day to couple-week voyages made it less critical, but that would change going forward.

"Stock up a surplus of guns, ammunition, and blades including spares. Spare no expense."

"I'll pass it on."

Junshi left to relay her instructions, likely to discuss financial details with George who handled their accounts better than Kanata.

They'd amassed wealth through their trading operations, though a portion went towards compensating the laborers, so Kanata wasn't privy to the specifics.

(Money is one thing, but whether we can purchase supplies here is another issue entirely...)

They would have to actually visit and confirm in person.

While apprehensive, Kanata opted to rest a while longer in her bunk.


The next day, the ship arrived without incident at the island of Toroa - situated before the Grand Line's main entrance.

A famous whaling ground for Island Whales only found in the West Blue, it was also territory claimed by the Larsh Family they had previously liaised with about potentially collaborating.

At minimum, this island should have ample food and arms stockpiled.

"Scotch and I will purchase the recording Log Poses. Let's also acquire some Eternal Poses while we're at it," said Kanata.

"You're going out with those injuries?" asked George.

"Our ranks are thinned now. Even factoring a minimal shipboard crew, we lack manpower to spare."

"I suppose...alright, you're the captain after all." George scratched his head in resignation before departing to procure arms and provisions respectively.

Zen and Feiyun would remain behind as ship's guards. The towering duo stuck out too prominently for discretion, yet could safeguard the vessel if anyone inevitably turned hostile.

While a sizable island, Kanata's Observation Haki confirmed no overwhelmingly strong presences, having already reconnoitered.

"Just take it easy with that broken arm and ribs, Kanata," said Scotch.

"I'm also a navigator. I won't rest easy until confirming in person."

"Yeah, but still..."

Taking Scotch as an extra hand, the hooded Kanata walked down the town's streets.

Although this town fell under the Larsh Family's jurisdiction that they'd never directly dealt with, Kanata's status as a wanted criminal warranted concealing her face in case someone recognized her from the newly distributed bounty posters.

As the only one whose full appearance was publicized, the others didn't bother disguising themselves.

"The port screenings were lax, but I spotted lookouts mingling with the dock workers, keeping a discreet eye on us. We can safely assume our presence here has been reported to Drevan."

"Yeesh, that's sloppy on their part..."

"The Larsh may outnumber the other Families overall, but they lack quality. No real heavyweights like the Chinjao Family."

As long as their forces consisted of just pure numbers, they posed no threat to Kanata. Of course, having attained Family status proved they couldn't be written off completely, but underestimating them wasn't advisable either.

"The West Blue's Five Families are little more than spent forces nowadays."

With two already eliminated and the Happo Navy indisposed by fallout from the Celestial Dragon incident, if the Larsh stirred up trouble Kanata would have no choice but to eradicate them swiftly.

Changing of the guard between Families periodically occurred, but half their ranks disappearing simultaneously would destabilize the balance of power drastically.

Not her concern as an outsider, but still… Lost in such idle contemplation, they arrived at the logpose vendor and browsed its wares.

"Two recording Log Poses, and show me the Eternal Poses available."

While Scotch finalized purchasing the essential recording Log Poses to navigate the first half of the Grand Line, Kanata surveyed the shop's other products.

Record Log Poses for the first leg differed from ones for the second "New World" leg only by a third perpendicular needle.

She would need both halves' versions eventually, so she instructed Scotch to acquire a set of New World Eternal Poses while he settled the fee.

"These are the only Eternal Poses I've got in stock currently."

The shopkeeper ushered them to a corner display of Eternal Poses, all charting islands across the New World's latter seas.

Understandable given the New World lay beyond the midpoint Calm Belt serving as a boundary - entering from the starting end left little demand for its preceding locales' Eternal Poses.

Some groups like the Chinjao Family could infiltrate via that route, but not most.

Scrutinizing the available options, she pointed out suitable ones at random. "The 'Kingdom of Prodence,' 'Hachinosu,' and 'Dressrosa' will suffice."

"Much appreciated."

Paying and departing with their new navigational stockpile, she remarked, "That's all we need from here. Once the food and arms are loaded, we can..." She paused.

"What is it?" Scotch asked, feeling nervous.

"...We have company. Don't stray from my side."

Mid-sentence, Kanata stopped and narrowed her eyes at a group emerging from an intersection to their right.

A portly, tall man led them - unfamiliar to her, but glaring at Kanata with particular menace.

She had no recollection provoking him, but his behavior implied grievances nonetheless as his men encircled the duo with drawn firearms.

"Well now, fancy meeting you here...'witch.'"

"I don't recall your face. Can't be worth remembering." Her flippant reply drew a vein bulging on his forehead with barely restrained rage.

If this rabble planned trouble on this island, one potential source came to mind - but she truly didn't recognize this apparent ringleader at all.

"Real cute. But I've got a bone to pick - calling the Navy on our turf is bad for business."

"...How tiresome." She couldn't resist sighing at his transparently self-serving justification.

As part of the West Five Families, the Larsh undoubtedly engaged in plenty of illicit affairs themselves - having the Navy snooping around threatened those earnings.

Compounded by her crew previously spurning a deal with them in favor of the Happo  Navy, an insult to their authority if nothing else, retaliation seemed petty yet expected.

"What a trivial reason to oppose me. You're not worth accommodating."

"From your situation? Tough talk. Once we've mounted your head and those of all your cohorts on this island, we'll see who was worth the effort!"

Gunfire posed negligible threat to a Logia like Kanata, but the defenseless Scotch could still suffer grievously.

Unwounded, unleashing her full might remained an option, but most barbaric options held trade disadvantages for acquiring provisions and arms - she aimed to avoid senseless slaughter if possible.

"Neither abilities nor lack thereof assures victory. If I pierce your head you’ll perish regardless!"

"Indeed," Kanata remarked, correctly deducing he referred to the fact even Logias had basic vital areas remain vulnerable.

The flagrant ignorance occasionally reminded her to be wary of underestimating foes through arrogance.

"--Obliviousness can embolden foolhardiness."


Smiting the would-be assailants with a potent Conqueror's Haki blast, all but the portly leader collapsed into unconscious heaps from her sheer willpower alone. Failing to flinch evinced some fortitude, though the sparse remainder panicked regardless.

“What the heck!? Die you witch!”

With muskets aimed squarely at her, she simply generated an ice wall to deflect the hailstorm of bullets.

At this rate, safe passage back to the ship seemed viable, yet she paused considering whether to drag these nuisances along for intimidating the home islands.

Weighing the logistics, her thoughts scattered as something lunged from behind the ice barricade directly towards her throat.

"Gah, Kanata!" Scotch yelled a warning.

A towering, vaguely feline quadrupedal beast loomed over the petite Kanata, its tawny fur rippling with black splotches as inch-long fangs clamped viciously onto her neckline, attempting to rip out her throat.

(This one...a Zoan Devil Fruit user. Resembling some sort of tiger, but too close to discern the exact species.)

Such an opponent hadn't been present earlier according to her surveillance. Since their numbers didn't increase, this had to be an ability user as well.

Dismissively pondering if it was the Cat-Cat Fruit as she wrapped her free right hand around the beast's neck, Kanata showed no outward concern despite the over two-meter mass lunging at her throat. She simply squeezed with casual indifference, prompting Scotch to gasp in disbelief.

"H-Hey! You alright??"

"As if I'd suffer injury from an attack without any Haki imbued. More importantly, this is my first time witnessing a Zoan beast species...where did you obtain that ability?"


The fangs embedded deep in her neck were wrenched free as she released her grip, the punctures freezing over and regenerating instantly.

Though its eyes widened seeing the damage shrug off so nonchalantly, it followed up by raking its claws towards Kanata's face next.

"Tsk...couldn't even let a lady keep her pretty looks intact?"

Swiping away the claw strikes similarly, her grip around its throat tightened with greater force in retaliation.

Though its mass proved too large for Kanata's single hand to fully constrict, she simply yanked the beast inward, using the momentum to deliver a kick squarely into its gut.


Bones cracked audibly as the tiger-like beast went airborne before smashing through a nearby house's outer wall.

Taking in its full visage more clearly, Kanata guessed, "A leopard, or perhaps a jaguar?"

"...You can tell the difference? Looks the same to me."

"Just a rough guess. But it's still moving - zoan species pride themselves on tenacity."

The bestial man-shape burst forth in a loping charge from the ruined building's billowing dust cloud.

Undeterred despite such a thrashing, Kanata couldn't resist a chuckle at its grit. But they lacked time for drawn-out games.

"We're short on time ourselves. You'll come along as a souvenir, but the rest are surplus baggage."

Ignoring a vicious swipe of its claws, she impaled its limbs with frozen lances rooting it temporarily in place. Freezing its full mass would prove cumbersome to transport.

With an Armament Haki-imbued high kick, she struck its temple dropping it in an unconscious heap light enough for one-handed carry. Fabricating an ice wall between it and Scotch prevented any collateral harm.

Muffled curses filtered through, but she turned her back fully dismissing them from mind.

"Rather flashy...I hope George and the others fared better."

"They'll be alright. Junshi and Kuro too...well, maybe Kuro caused some trouble on their end."

While not outright weak as an ability user, Kuro's lack of significant physical prowess made assessments difficult. In any case, a hasty retreat seemed prudent.

Continually toying with easily defeated rabble only wasted time and energy. Already under strict medical orders, Kanata aimed to avoid unnecessary exertion.

"Let's go. We're leaving this island promptly."

"H-Hey, wait up!"

Dragging her jaguar-man captive by the hand, Kanata set a brisk pace with Scotch scrambling to keep up behind her.

Given the Larsh Family's sheer numbers, a full naval blockade wouldn't be inconceivable at this rate in addition to their main force, she figured.


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