The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 20 – The First Voyage

Their stopover at the Twin Capes lasted about a week.

Despite claiming they lacked ample provisions, it turned into quite an extended stay. Originally, their food shortage stemmed from anticipating a prolonged voyage while fleeing pursuit. A few days to a week posed no real issue.

Whether due to Crocus's skilled treatment or Kanata's formidable vitality, her injuries had fully healed over the course of their stay.

With her bandages finally removed, the refreshed-looking Kanata lightly sparred with Junshi to assess her physical condition, the clashing sounds far too crisp for what should be two human bodies colliding as she loosened up.

"Hmm, no problems it seems milady."

"Ah yes. Of course my skills wouldn't dull in just a week's time." Kanata opened and clenched her fists.

While the rapid mending of her fractures seemed mildly improbable, Crocus knew this sea hosted those with an enhanced recovery rate. Some even boasted bones healing instantly by simply consuming calcium.

"However, your Haki seem to have grown stronger, hasn’t it?"Junshi asked.

She replied, "A boon from my battle with Sengoku. Combat against mighty foes is the swiftest path to developing one's Haki."

Haki was a power that bloomed only under extreme duress. No training could surpass actual battle experience.

In that sense, clashing with the Haki master Sengoku despite being outmatched proved tremendously beneficial for Kanata's growth. Still, merely being satisfied with this progression would ill-suit the harsh realities of this sea.

"I've rested up now. My injuries have healed. No more reason to linger here, right Junshi?"

"Yeah, I suppose it's time we depart.”

“Laboon will certainly miss you guys," Crocus commented, watching Feiyun playfully roaring "I'm gonna eat youuu!" while frolicking with the massive whale.

As fugitives, lingering anywhere too long proved difficult. Unless one commanded power enough to deter even the World Government and Navy, that is.

Surveying this vast ocean expanses revealed few such formidable forces existed, easily countable on one hand.

Kanata turned to Crocus and said, "We'll make our way around the world and return. It's life on the run for us, so we may cross paths again someday."

"If that's to be the case. But you speak lightly - this sea is no simple trifle to wander back and forth upon."

"I'm fully prepared."

No pirates who departed the Twin Capes had ever managed to return before. It was precisely that unprecedented feat which earned this route its renowned moniker - the supreme "Grand Line."

"George, we'll depart around noon. See that all preparations are made."

"Preparations, you say? At most we need only repack the cargo we unloaded. It won't take much effort."

Aside from providing Crocus some provisions, they'd made no plans for an extended stay to require major preparations.

Feiyun bid Laboon a reluctant farewell, the two having clearly bonded over the course of their visit. One lingering matter remained unaddressed, however.

"I have a single Devil Fruit in my possession. Anyone wish to consume it?"

This was the power of the Jaguar human Kanata swiftly dispatched back on Toroa Island. On their first night at the Twin Capes, once the banquet concluded and everyone retired, she swiftly finished him off while he tried scratching an itch during slumber.

Initially sparing his life to potentially recruit as an underling, the man's pride refused serving under a woman's command.

"You're in possession of quite the rare item there."

"Well, yes. For some reason, Devil Fruits seem to come into my possession quite frequently."

Not a lie. If an ability user crossed her path, killing and confiscating their power was simply pragmatic.

If beneficial to Kanata's interests, any ability would suffice - particularly Zoan types granting enhanced physical traits akin to the respective animal.

Considering that criteria, two candidates immediately came to her mind. "Junshi, Zen - either of you wish to partake?"

"No need. I aim to grow strong without relying on cheap abilities."

"I've no real need for it myself. Becoming unable to swim would be...problematic."

"I see. Anyone else interested then?"

Junshi rejected gaining power through an ability, singularly pursuing self-cultivated strength. Zen disliked becoming akin to a Kanazuchi (someone who can’t swim).

While consuming the fruit offered an expedited path to greater might, neither currently felt the need. Several others raised their hands at the opening, however.

"Kanata, there's something I'd like to discuss regarding this," said George.

"What is it?"

Though raising his hand made it seem George wished to partake, his intentions differed. According to him, "We ought to establish clear rules about this for the crew. Devil Fruits are precious commodities. Since only one person can possess a given ability each era, the powers we can obtain are limited. Lest future fruits cause resentment, we need predetermined rules deciding who consumes any we acquire."

"...You raise a fair point. But what did you have in mind?"

A free-for-all system letting the finder consume it? Kanata as captain dictating who received such boons as a bestowed privilege?

Or perhaps hosting a battle royale amongst interested crew whenever a new fruit surfaced, letting might make right?

Any approach risked potential dissent, but Kanata leaned towards a hybrid of the latter two options.

"For exceptionally rare or powerful abilities, I'll decide who receives them. Any others, you lot can fight over amongst yourselves."

For abilities granting immense power, Kanata needed to handpick the recipient herself - a safeguard against potential betrayal, the unpardonable bane of piracy.

Conversely, for lesser abilities holding no true interest for her, the crew could vie for them directly after an open announcement.

Somewhat authoritarian, but instituting absolute discipline under Kanata's captaincy proved necessary for properly maintaining the functioning order so vital to any organization.

"Speaking of which, let's take this chance to clearly codify some shipboard rules for you all too."

"Now that's a fine idea. Rules are essential for anything. Not that us lawless folk have much persuasive authority, mind you."

"Even us lawless ones require discipline. Any violations, and I'll execute the offenders myself. Best be prepared." Though not outwardly emanating Haki, Kanata's crimson glare exuded a piercing killing intent causing instinctive silence from her crew despite her lack of overt menace.

Satisfied they understood, Kanata entrusted the Devil Fruit to Zen before returning to the ship's quarters alongside George and Junshi to formally solidify the rules, instructing a hand-to-hand battle royale determine the ultimate recipient.

"Well now, she's a dreadful one...though I suppose that's for the best."

"Yeah, I agree. But I am curious what kind of bizarre chimera Zen would become by eating it, being a horse and all."

"He absolutely won't though, right?"

Feiyun frowned with disappointment as Zen simply turned away, allowing the battle royale to commence.


An hour later, just around noon, the musclebound giant Samuel who emerged victorious from the battle royale let out a boisterous roar upon receiving the Devil Fruit from Zen - his face a swollen, bruise-mottled mess betraying the ferocity of the brawl, which he shrugged off completely while digging right in.

"UHAHAHAHAHA---" His laughter cut off as he grimaced. "Ugh..."

"What's wrong?"

"It's, uh...really nasty tasting..."

His complexion shifting between shades of green and red, he finally managed swallowing it down before collapsing backwards, a blend of fatigue and accomplishment across his features.

Any physical transformations would likely manifest later. For now, emergency care attended to the quartet of battered losers Crocus good-naturedly treated while chuckling, "You lot are lively bunch right to the very end."

"You all finished over there?"

By the time Kanata and the others emerged, the treatment mostly concluded with Samuel already experimentally shifting between human and Jaguar beast forms.

"Ah, so Samuel prevailed, did he?"

"We'll need to provide ample training for mastering that power."

"That can wait. First, the rules we codified need announcing."

- Intoxication limited to designated periods with only a few partaking at a time while sailing.

- Prohibitions on gambling, theft, and embezzlement amongst the crew.

- Strict maintenance standards for all firearms and blades.

- Bans on admitting any women or children aboard for depraved purposes.

Some crew flinched at a few particulars, accustomed to formerly indulging vices like unrestricted drinking and gambling.

Yet inebriation compromising all-hands during perilous voyages proved unacceptable, gambling inevitably bred ill-will even amongst comrades.

These regulations remained necessary, if unpleasant.

"Any violators face execution by my own hands. The specifics being--" Kanata paused, meeting Junshi's gaze as her leg blackened and hardened from Armament Haki before lashing out with a kick Junshi deflected by similarly hardening his arm.


Even restrained, the resulting shockwave blast of displaced air resonated with thunderous force - yet both remained utterly unfazed.

Were her opponent anyone besides Junshi or Zen lacking comparable resilience, that single kick alone would launch them soaring.

"Something like that."

"We'd be dead!!!"

"It's called an 'execution' for a reason, isn't it?"

While destroying Junshi or Zen would prove more taxing, Kanata clarified it remained well within her potential.

She emphatically reminded everyone to avoid infractions at all costs, met with vigorous, panicked nodding aptly conveying their wholehearted understanding.

At any rate, no lingering shipboard issues persisted with this matter settled. Any problems could be tackled as they arose going forward.

"Well, we've certainly taken advantage of your hospitality, Crocus."

"Ah, it was an eventful week free of boredom."

Exchanging farewells with a handshake, the entire crew reboarded their ship as Laboon's mournful cry echoed out. Feiyun waved until the massive whale disappeared from view over the horizon.


Departing from the Twin Capes at the base of Reverse Mountain, they set a direct course for "Whiskey Peak" as their first destination.

The current climate - winter, occasionally spring.

What were previously unrelenting winter snowstorms gave way to a crisp, pleasant vernal zephyr - exactly the sort of erratic shift one would expect from this "supreme Grand Line" sea route.

As Kanata idly mused over the spontaneous climatic disparity, she heard George’s voice, "You've been constantly monitoring that Log Pose record this whole time."

"I dare not avert my gaze, lest the needle's orientation shifts in an instant. It's more accurate to say I cannot look away."

Indeed, even briefly doing so risked their ship veering off in reverse from the proper heading - an all too common Grand Line aberration.

Weather, waves, winds - every single environmental facet here outright defied conventional logic and natural law.

Mere moments ago a raucous scene unfolded as dense fog, gale winds, rainbows, and icebergs surfaced in rapid succession - even Samuel the fool whooping excitedly about rainbows, of all things.

"That iceberg graze earlier, are you certain we suffered no breaching?"

"No leaks, but we'll want a full inspection once we reach an island." George sipped his coffee, raising the necessity of acquiring a dedicated shipwright.

While a few aboard possessed rudimentary carpentry skills from their former occupations as laborers, none qualified as true craftsmen - their output unreliable at best.

"We'll need to find a real shipwright eventually..."

"Yeah...I can handle basic leaks myself, but anything more technical requires professional expertise."

"Any other roles we're still lacking?"

"With this potential new ship's doctor joining up, a dedicated shipwright is about it, isn't it?"

While their skillsets left much to be desired, a cook remained among them at least.

Kanata and Scotch currently multi-tasked as navigators, the only other truly vital roles being quartermaster duties handled by George besides everyone's shared combat responsibilities.

A dedicated helmsman might provide some marginal benefit, though finding any genuinely experienced hands plying these waters seemed unlikely.

"No need to fret George. If the lack proves dire, we can simply purchase a new ship and crew."

"Worst case, we just hijack another if it comes down to avoiding getting sunk out at sea."

"And failing that, so long as I'm alive we can march across the ocean floor to the next island if need be."

The prospect of circumventing seas traversable by ship within days through sheer foot marched overland alone seemed abhorrently unappealing.

Yet Kanata's contingencies remained sound - a comforting insurance policy should worse come to worst, however improbably.

"Finding a true shipwright ranks highly, though loosely our current priority. We can keep searching along the way."

Vague recollections resurfaced about shipbuilding being a cultural specialty on certain islands - like how she remembered gaining a shipwright companion around the area called...Water Seven, was it?

Checking there could potentially turn up a skilled craftsman or two seeking new employment opportunities. Of course, that first required their own vessel remaining un-sunk until that point.

"...It seems the climate is stabilizing now. The next island should be coming into view soon."

"That was sooner than expected."

"The earliest leg is simply the most turbulent. Once past these first seven islands' conflicting magnetic fields, it becomes more manageable going forward."

Crocus warned them the intersecting magnetic fields from those first seven islands caused severe meteorological disruption and atmospheric chaos in their vicinity - a trial by fire no rookie Grand Line traveler could avoid facing head-on as their inaugural challenge.

"Land ho! I see an island ahead!"

"So we've arrived. Let's hope recruiting a ship's doctor proves successful."

"They mentioned he was some kind of eccentric. Wonder what sort of oddball this guy will turn out to be...hopefully not too much of a headache to deal with."

Leaving the wearily commenting George behind, Kanata emerged on deck to survey their target islet's distinctive cactus-like mountainous shape and sizeable inland river converging with the sea - ordering them to steer for the harbor side as they steadily closed in.

Thus concluded their first foray into voyaging upon this supreme Grand Line.


Materials on discipline on pirate ships are based on Bartholomew Roberts.

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