The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 4 – Ohara

After various events along the way, they finally arrived safely at Ohara Island. At the center of the island stood a massive tree called the "Tree of Knowledge", within which an immense amount of literature was contained. Archaeologists from around the world gathered here, pooling their collective wisdom to unravel the mysteries of history.

After docking their ship and dropping anchor, the former mafia members who were unaccustomed to maritime work felt a natural surge of excitement at setting foot on land again after several days at sea.

Scotch disembarked first to discuss business matters, followed by Kuro who was forcibly made to wear a jacket to conceal his tattoos somewhat, as he marveled wide-eyed at his first experience off the island like an overly curious pup.

Junshi and Kanata watched him with amusement as he scampered back, pointing excitedly at the immense tree standing in the island's center.

"Hey, is that huge tree over there the 'Tree of Knowledge'?"

"It likely is," Kanata replied.

"The world sure is vast, with incredible things like that out there!"

As the first-time visitor gawked about like a child, Kanata consulted with Junshi about taking some time, almost like a parent indulging their kid. With Scotch largely handling the trade negotiations, she had little else to do.

Junshi too remained by Scotch's side solely as a precaution, refraining from interfering unless necessary. Beyond cautioning Kuro not to wander off, he imposed no restrictions on Kanata's actions.

"I'll let Junshi know we're headed to the Tree of Knowledge, so he can retrieve us when it's time," she told Kuro.

"Alright, let's go exploring!"

Their first destination was the fabled "Tree of Knowledge." Whether due to his visible tattoos or sheer excitement, Kuro drew odd stares as Kanata led him directly towards the tree's massive roots.

He nearly fell into the adjacent lake from peering too intently into its depths, prompting an exasperated Kanata to grab him by the scruff and drag him into the library.

Upon entry, the distinct scent of old books wafted into their nostrils.

" this is what a library's like. Incredible, just look at all these books!"

"It certainly lives up to its lofty name," Kanata mused, surveying the towering shelves spanning the cavernous space.

As they gawked about, an elderly man approached with a warm smile. Kanata was wondering if it was the librarian, 

"You two must be new visitors here, eh?"

"Yeah, we're from another island. Heard there was this amazing 'Tree of Knowledge' here so we came to check it out."

"Pardon me, sir. Would it be possible for non-residents like us to borrow books from here?"

"Ah yes, about borrowing books. There's a system with some regulations, so be sure to read through those first."

The old man retreated to handle the procedures while Kanata skimmed the provided rules - simple stipulations about treating the books with care and fines for any damage. A deposit was required upfront, but with such an extensive collection available to borrow for free, it seemed a small price.

Kuro appeared uncertain when she explained it to him, but grunted "Alright" in understanding.

"Maybe I'll borrow a book too then."

"You should start by learning to read first," Kanata chided lightly.

His circumstances left him woefully uneducated, making reading material premature for now.

Following the elderly man's instructions and paying the required deposit for non-residents, they gained borrowing privileges. Kanata was issued a library card for future visits, hoping trade routes could indeed be established regularly.

It hadn't occurred to her that alternate ship transport was also an option if needed. For now, her mind had tunnel-visioned on this endeavor.

"So Milady, what kind of book will you be getting?" Kuro asked, likely mimicking how Scotch addressed her.

"Firstly, some texts on maritime navigation."

Riding ships meant navigational knowledge would prove invaluable. While currently reliant on Scotch, having such supplementary skills was prudent preparedness.

Moreover, Scotch himself was no professional navigator by trade - recommending they both acquire some practical understanding.

"I see, I see."

"Once I've covered that...perhaps something about the fabled Grand Line next. I am rather curious about that legendary sea route."

"Oh? So you're interested in the Grand Line, Milady?"

"The interest is there, though I've no plans to actually sail it presently."

For now, Kanata harbored no intentions of voyaging along the Grand Line's perilous path. Yet she felt compelled to learn what she could about such an uncharted realm, in case circumstances ever thrust her into its depths unexpectedly.

Life seldom unfolded as planned - a harsh reality she knew well from her ostracized orphan upbringing, sold into destitution through no fault of her own. Acquiring self-sustaining wisdom and fortitude was therefore crucial, she felt.

Just as in her previous life, the ability to weather hardship through sheer grit, by any means necessary, ultimately proved most vital for survival.

Now gifted with freezing powers, such deterrence held even more potent potential.

"It'll pass the time well enough then...there we go."

Locating the navigation section after browsing the immense stacks, Kanata found the desired tomes - yet too high to reach even with Kuro's aid. Fashioning an ice step seemed ill-advised inside the precious library, so she resigned herself to requesting a stepladder from the librarian.

"I suppose we'll need to ask that elderly gent for a-"

"Would this help, perchance?"

A soft voice interjected as a slender arm extended over Kanata's head, effortlessly retrieving the book from its lofty perch.

She glanced up to see the owner - a young woman with striking silver hair, whose impressive stature made Kanata's lack of height keenly apparent. Though she knew her own stunted growth stemmed from childhood malnutrition, a fact she had learned to accept.

"Ah, my thanks," Kanata said politely.

"Don't mention it," the woman smiled warmly. "I'm always delighted when even little ones show an interest in books."

The silver-haired woman introduced herself as Olvia, and after exchanging names, Kanata decided to indulge her apparent curiosity - as Kuro wandered off to "explore" the expansive bookshelves.

An archaeologist aiming to unravel this island's historical enigmas, Olvia confessed to spending most days immersed amidst these hallowed tomes, rarely encountering others near her own age with whom she could converse. The arrival of new young faces like theirs piqued her friendly intrigue.

"Mapping new trade routes by sea? How ambitious of you!"

"I could say the same about an esteemed archaeologist carrying such credentials at your age," Kanata deflected modestly.

"Hohoho, you flatter me. But I still have so much more to learn...before I can achieve my dream someday..." Olvia's wistful smile turned pensive.

"Your dream? What might that entail, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh, it's...nothing, really. So tell me, Kanata - do you perhaps come from a rather prestigious lineage?"

Olvia speculated as such, given how unusual it was for a young girl like Kanata to be involved in establishing maritime trade ventures. Her refined speech and dignified bearing hinted at a noble upbringing, further evidenced by the respectful "Milady" moniker used in addressing her.

"My circumstances are simply...unorthodox. But please, feel free to engage me casually."

"If you insist, then I shall!"

Kanata treated others as equals unless they proved adversarial - a harsh lesson instilled by how fickle prestige and esteem proved in the face of naked self-interest, as she witnessed firsthand.

As Olvia cheerfully elaborated on the island's history and her archaeological pursuits, Kanata interjected occasionally to inquire about unfamiliar concepts, absorbing the wealth of knowledge her esteemed acquaintance possessed.

Before they knew it, evening had fallen outside, the sky darkening just as Junshi arrived to retrieve them.

"My, is it that late already?"

"It would seem we got carried away conversing," Olvia smiled wistfully.

Bidding the librarian farewell, they headed for the entrance where Junshi awaited with Kuro, who had rejoined earlier. Olvia seemed reluctant to part ways, though Kanata assured her they would likely return regularly once trade was established, according to Junshi.

No need to lament their parting if future reunions remained viable.

"Then I shall look forward to our next discussion, whenever that may be."

"As will I," Kanata agreed warmly.

After a parting wave, they departed along the twilit pathways - Kanata reflecting on whether she had perhaps made her first true friend, as an unusually perceptive Junshi remarked:

"You seem in unusually high spirits."

"I suppose having a female acquaintance for once is a welcome change from solely male company," she replied candidly.

"Heh, I can see how that would be," he chuckled in understanding.

As former mafiosi, their all-male contingent offered little female companionship - a relatable void for Kanata, whose scorned orphan existence precluded meaningful bonds.

Olvia represented her first semblance of a friend, making even such limited social interaction feeling novel and invaluable. Though Kanata knew her new acquaintance might react differently upon learning of her Devil Fruit abilities, she decided to accept that potential outcome gracefully if it arose.

People would inevitably disappoint and betray any faith placed in them - an inescapable reality. Avoiding emotional investment proved the wisest recourse, exhausting as dwelling on resentments ultimately proved.

Better to regard Olvia as a cherished acquaintance, with tempered expectations to insulate against future disillusionment.

" can't be helped," she murmured inaudibly to herself as they continued onwards.



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