The Strongest God [Online Gaming]

v2 Chapter 15

Biquge, the latest chapter of the fastest and strongest male **** (online game)!

Chapter 015 Three grass combinations

A master’s education made Li Xiang’s blood almost burned, as if he had become a sharp master, saving the team in the depths of fire … Unfortunately, before moving back to the game screen, I saw three familiar ones ID appeared not far away.

Nepenthes, Mimosa, Moongrass …

I go! These three grasses were destroyed by Tangmen master, and they still have a face back! Wouldn’t it bring a bunch of helpers to run to revenge?

Li wanted to be vigilant immediately, stop pulling down the strange action, stand under the tree, and take the beads to pose a defensive posture.

Wu Zewen also seriously stared at the direction not far away, took his whip and was ready to kill at any time.

Because the name of the three men was on their list of enemies just now, the names of the three men automatically became red names that could be attacked as soon as they entered the field of vision.

Li wanted to flex his muscles and was about to do a big fight, but the three of them suddenly stopped at a distance of 20 meters.

Li wanted to roll his eyes and type on a nearby channel and said, “Why? You dare come to grab the monster when you go back?”

The pitcher’s face was red and white …

Still, Moongrass is more cheeky and sent a smiley face saying, “Three masters, misunderstanding misunderstanding! Just a misunderstanding just now! Let’s delete the enemy first, something to say, something to say!”

Li thought no more: “Somehow came to kill someone, but now I have something to say ?!”

Wu Zewen didn’t like participating in this kind of dispute. He stood silently on the tree and didn’t speak. He calmly looked at the three people in front of him. Of course, Liu Chuan continued to watch the movie indifferently. Li Xiang is a passionate. Before playing Tang Men, he could charge Tang Men as a melee. He was killed somehow. How could he talk so well, he quarreled with someone on a nearby channel.

Li thought: “What are you doing? Are you still leaving? Do you want us to destroy you again?”

Nepenthes: “…”

The pitcher’s face is almost turning into a liver color.

However, he also knows that Tangmen is the master of these three, and the other two are absolutely white, so he transferred the seed and rushed to Tangmen and said, “Brother Tangmen, the three of you, we are also three. It is better to play together as a team. Come on, I’ll help you blame it! “

After that, his face was hot!

So shameless and shameless! It’s blame what masters the president wants to win …

Moongrass continued to smile: “Remove the enemies, let’s team together! Play a game, and there is no overnight revenge, master Tangmen, do you?”

Liu Chuan could not help but smile.

These three guys should be the most famous teasing trio of Qixingcao Guild, also known as “Three Grass Combinations”.

Regarding this trio, he has only occasionally heard gossip people say that the style of Qixingcao Guild has been influenced by Qixingcao team, and it is also very low-key in the game and develops very stable. Only a certain trio owe a lot of hands. They love to rob and fight in the wild and offend many people. These three people are said to have been inseparable for many years. Like one person driving three numbers, the brainwaves are synchronized. The upper and lower lines are also at the same time. They seem to be friends in reality. Arrived at the Water Dragon Yin server.

The management of Qixingcao’s union, in order to replenish the Qixingcao team with fresh blood, tried to attract masters in the game, looking for substitutes for the team. Liu Chuan’s attitude became clear at the sight of these three people. It is estimated that the three grasses were sent over by their president to pull people!

Liu Chuan smiled and said, “Piggy, I said you would regret it? I asked you to form a team early, you didn’t do it, didn’t you come back after a big circle?”

“…” Your sister! Did you call the pig?

Nepenthes are about to spit blood, but President He’s task is extremely difficult. He had to say with pain: “Master, your adult has a lot of okay? Advising your friends to join the team and brush up experience is good for everyone! All the materials that are lost You, we don’t need anything. “

Liu Chuan smiled and said on the team’s channel: “It’s better to be one thing less than one thing. It’s pitiful to group them.”

This robbery dispute at the novice stage is really normal, and Li Xiang is not a fool. Since the Tangmen master said this, he had no opinion and typed two words: “Okay.”

Liu Chuan said on a nearby channel: “Okay, anyway, you killed someone, we killed it back, it’s a draw! Let’s delete the enemy and join the team!”

After that, I simply lost three team members in the past, and three people’s computer screens popped up at the same time.

Three grasses added to the team with a complicated mood.

In order to show his sincerity, the pitcher plant actively said, “Let’s pull the monsters, let’s get more teams!” Then he rushed to the bandit diligently.

Moongrass said, “I’m ready to export!” Then he jumped onto the tree consciously.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he jumped onto the tree lightly, Tang Men suddenly jumped down and asked, “Why do you jump on the tree?”

Moongrass paused: “Uh … isn’t this card strange?”

Liu Chuan laughed: “The team of 6 people is full, and they are still doing a lot of work to pull the monsters back and forth? Of course, go in and fight!”

Nepenthes running back to pull the monster over: “…”

Moon grass actively jumping on the tree: “…”

They suddenly felt like they had suddenly become an idiot with a negative IQ.

——Everyone is here, what do they blame?

The three-member team of the opponent played card games back and forth. That’s because fewer people are more dangerous. Card monsters can minimize damage!

Now the group is full of 6 people, two masters are thick and thick, four violent remote output, and it is funny to run back and forth to pull monsters …

Nepenthes and moongrass could not help making a big red face.

Liu Chuan said with a smile on the team’s channel: “Let ’s go, go into the bandit village! Piggy you go to pull the monster, the ideal knife is Shaolin, the five poisons cut the sky and add blood, the output is absolutely enough, pull it all at once! “

The captain ordered, and everyone immediately followed into the bandit.

Such a simple distribution is already a qualified copy team. There are tanks, nurses, and outputs. Playing mobs is very easy.

Liu Chuan made Li Xiang and Wu Zewen to change their minds, but in fact, they wanted to familiarize them with the skills of other schools in this school. If you always play a genre in the early stage, it will often lead to limitations in operation and thinking. Real masters must be familiar with all the skills of the twenty-four genres in order to know each other when they are in PK.


The mobs in the bandit’s village patrolled back and forth in groups of three, refreshing very quickly.

Nepenthes changed the mind of Buddha Shaolin, and began to pull monsters back and forth as a meat shield. Li Xiang changed his mind with Shaolin and played the main role.

The three major schools of Shaolin include: the Buddhist school, the boxing school, and the sword school.

Buddha Shaolin majored in “Arhat Magic”, which is the most defensive genre of all genres. The weapon is the bead. There are various skills for “bearing damage for others” and “forcing hatred.” It is the master T of the anti-BOSS and the battlefield On the flesh shield that attracts hatred.

Boxing Shaolin majors in “Eighteen Arhats Boxing”. Weapons are gloves and melee combat professions. There are many strong control skills such as grabbing and back falling.

Dao Shaolin majored in the “Raksha Sword Method”. The damage was the highest among the three factions. The knife and the knife saw blood, which was particularly painful to hit people. The corresponding control skills would be relatively small.

In short, Buddha Shaolin majored in defense, boxing Shaolin majored in control, and sword Shaolin majored in output.

The most commonly seen in online games is Buddha Shaolin, because various copy groups must be sharp masters to fight against blame, Buddha Shaolin is very popular in online games. Arenas and professional leagues are more common in boxing Shaolin and sword Shaolin.

What Xiao Sijing played was boxing Shaolin, and his apprentice Chen Xiaobei also majored in boxing.

Liu Chuan does not yet know which faction Li Xiang is best for, so he can only think about it.

Wu Zewen is quite worrying. As soon as he enters the game, he recognizes the maggot genre, and his hand speed is up to standard. Building it well will definitely become a master.

Liu Chuan carefully thought about how to hone the two little whites as masters as soon as possible. There, the Nepenthes three set up a game discussion channel while secretly chatting here.

Moongrass: “Pig, did you tell Tangmen about the processing society?”

Nepenthes: “No. Just changed from an enemy to a teammate, and he will definitely not agree with him at least. At least you must first cultivate your feelings and get familiar with each other. When we call him brothers and brothers, we will ask him to come to us later Guild, he was embarrassed to refuse! “

Moongrass: “The chairman said that people should be brought over as soon as possible, so as not to be taken away by other unions …”

Nepenthes: “Afraid of hair, we have been following this Tangmen. There is a grand guild to draw him in, don’t we just see it?”

Moongrass: “That’s right!”

The rarely-speaking mimosa suddenly said, “We have been following him, will he feel that the three of our brains are sick?”

Nepenthes: “…”

Moongrass: “…”

Nepenthes spit blood together with moongrass. Classmates, do n’t do it so fast!

The president’s task of pulling people is really annoying! Might as well be killed directly by his back several times …

Depressed pitcher plant turns grief and indignation into strength, and pulls all the mobs in the bandit’s village. No one is left.

The efficiency of the team suddenly improved a lot.

Because the full team has a 6% experience bonus, and the pigs are pulling more and more strangers, the experience rises very quickly. Soon, the gradual radiance of the six people appeared. Tang Men, because he was doing the task quickly, had been here for a long time alone, so he has the highest level, which has reached level 28. The three grasses experience are synchronized, both are level 27.5. Zewen and Li Xiang just rose 27 level.

Time passed slowly, everyone was fighting, the team channel was quite quiet.


Wu Zewen was bored.

The nanny is too boring. The five poisons are also a group-added nanny. The low-level skills are added to the scope of blood. In addition, the output of Shuangwudang and Tangmen is very high. I was killed, my teammates didn’t lose much blood …

Most of the time, the nanny is idle and has nothing to do.

When Wu Zewen was bored, he simply windowed the game, opened the webpage and entered Qixingcao Clan, went to the video area of ​​Qixingcao’s official website to search for the video of “reincarnation” said by Tangmen.

Enter the keywords to return to life, and I really saw a video with the highest click rate: “Basic Awareness Teaching of the School of the Five Poisonous Ascaris”.

Clicking on the link and seeing that there are actually tens of thousands of comments below the video, most of them are “Worship to the Wheel God!” “Waiting to worship the Wheel God!” “The Wheel God is so powerful!” On behalf of the five poisonous brothers and sisters, thank the gods! “

——This popular video must be very useful, right?

Wu Zewen pressed the play button when he was curious.

The video was recorded very clearly, and there was a nice soundtrack, and text annotations were added, and the effect was very good.

In the picture, there is a male five poison, wearing advanced equipment of five poisons. The purple clothes are not covered tightly on the chest, revealing a large white chest, silver earrings on the ears, and silver jewelry on the hair. Holding the insect flute in it, it looked very wicked.

“Hello everyone, I am a reincarnation of the Qixingcao team. This video is mainly for the novices of the Ascaris genre, and I hope it can be a little help to novice friends.

There are five types of tapeworms that can be fed by the five poison maggots: toad pupa, snake pupa, spider pupa, pupa, and butterfly pupa. Each of the five babies comes with two active skills, and it will be brought to the master when the death sacrifice Come in a different state, and the mess is about to faint, right?

It’s actually very simple, you just have to remember it like this–

The poison toad has the highest defense and is mainly used to protect the owner.

Serpent attack is the highest, mainly used to bite the enemy.

Spiders and slugs are long-range pets that control the movement of the enemy.

Poison Butterfly is a group attack pet that can control the enemy’s vision.

Knowing the basics, let me introduce to you how to use these five kinds of babies to poison those stupid Central Plains ^ _ ^ “

——Vice Captain of Qixingcao Team: Su Shilun, Game ID: Reincarnation.

This person is the sharpest representative of the five-drug magpie genre. He always loves to play ^ _ ^ smiles when chatting online, and his captain Xiao Sijing’s watertight speech style is completely different. This person speaks very poisonously, even very sharply. Bo taunted the official: “We Miao Xinjiang is too hot, and we wanted to wear nothing. We see that the original people were wrapped like a mule one by one. We had to pull a piece of cloth and wrap the key parts …”

Su Shilun studied fashion design when he was studying, so he paid special attention to the appearance of the clothes.

When the official updated the equipment once, the five poisonous martial arts suit made it extremely ugly, just like wrapping two pieces of cloth. This person took the lead to ridicule, attracting countless five poisonous players to line up for approval, and reposted on Weibo. After breaking 10,000, the artist was forced to rebuild and change the suit style of the five poisons.

——The person who forced the official dress change, this person is definitely the first person in the history of the league.

Most men in e-sports circles care more about equipment data, it doesn’t matter if they look good or not. Only Su Shilun is different. He can match all kinds of strange parts very beautifully. If he can’t stand it, he will go to the store to buy a non-property fashion to wear. Every time he plays a game, the five poisonous Clothes are also one of the highlights on the field.

Qi Xing Cao’s uniform was designed by Su Shilun himself.

The clothes with dark blue bottoms, the silver seven-star grass team logo that reflects each other on the shoulders and back, are concise yet atmospheric. The sales of the same uniform are extremely hot, and it has been rated as one of the best-looking uniforms of all the teams in the league.

Of the professional players, the most stable of hate is of course the great **** Liu Chuan. People who have been killed by him have to wait for him to abuse him a hundred times before dissolving it.

The second stable is the five poisonous Su Shi * **** …

However, it is not the hatred of the players in the professional circle, but the official hatred of the game.

People in the official art department particularly hate him: “A man is so anxious about what the clothes look like!”

The players in the game really like him very much: “This time the clothes are not good, God, come on, see you!”

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