The Strongest God [Online Gaming]

v2 Chapter 233 - Fanwai III: Thinking of the Night (3)

Biquge, the latest chapter of the fastest and strongest male **** (online game)!

Fanwai III, Miss Your Night (3)

The next morning, when Qin Ye woke up, Li Xiang was lying next to him, his strong arms tightly around his waist.

Qin Ye was born with a low body temperature, but Li Xiang was quite the opposite. His body was like a heater. Qin Ye liked to be close to the heat source when he was sleeping. He fell into Li Xiang’s arms last night and slept soundly. The temperature of the air conditioner in the room was very low, but Li Xiang was in his arms and fell asleep. When he woke up in the morning, his whole body was warm. The temperature and taste that belonged to Li Xiang covered his whole body, as if wrapped in sunlight. Generally, Qin Ye narrowed his eyes comfortably.

He looked up and thought of Li, who was sleeping soundly, laughing at the corners of his mouth, and breathing evenly.

This guy has thick eyebrows and is a sunny little handsome guy that girls prefer, with a very honest personality, no deep thoughts, straightforward and sincere. It’s especially easy to get along with Li Xiang. There is no mischief or intrigue. Li Xiang writes all his thoughts on his face. He likes and dislikes very frankly. He doesn’t need to guess and doubt. Sometimes he just needs to look at Li Xiang’s eyes. I knew what the other party was thinking, and this feeling made Qin Ye feel at ease, not to be so tired.

These years have been too hard. Only Li wants to let him relax completely, so he is willing to stay with Li Xiang.

Although it was the first time last night, Qin Ye’s temper has always been simple. Since I started to do it, let it go. There is no need to twiddle. I want to hold Li several times in a row. Li Xiang is a first taste of love. I was so excited that Qin Ye got up in the morning and found that the bones of his body were crushed by a big truck.

Qin Ye frowned and rubbed his sore waist, looked up, and found that Li Xiang had left a lot of marks on his shoulders–these were the teeth marks that Qin Ye had bitten when he suffered a lot last night. Many tooth prints penetrated the flesh and blood, showing that the bite was very hard, but Li didn’t think of any reaction, probably because he was so excited that he couldn’t care about the pain.

Li Xiang actually woke up a long time ago, and was lying in a flat-clothes sleep. What was Qin Ye’s look? I soon realized that this guy was posing and could not help but bite on the tooth print left last night and bite it gently. I took a sip and said, “Can’t get up yet? When will it be installed?”

Li wanted to open his eyes, came over and kissed Qin Ye’s forehead, and said with a smile, “These were all bite out of you last night, and your mouth is really cruel.”

Qin Ye said lightly: “Don’t like it?”

Li wanted to busy say, “Like, you bit me so many marks, I’m yours.”

“…” Qin Ye looked at the string of tooth marks that bleed. He was too painful last night. He didn’t have any seriousness in his mouth. He almost bit the meat of Li Xiang. At this time, he looked at these distinctive marks. Qin Ye couldn’t help but feel a little soft-hearted. He stuck out his tongue and licked the tooth marks on the bleeding silk, asking, “Are you still hurting?”

“No pain.” Li Xiang hugged Qin Ye with a happy face and said, “The more you bit me, the happier I will be.”

Qin Ye: “…”

It seems that this guy who plays rough and fleshy in the game is accustomed to boss abuse, and in reality has developed a strong ability to resist stress.

Li wanted to suddenly reach behind Qin Ye, touch it gently, and frowned, “It’s all swollen, I’ll give you some medicine.” He just got up and took a bath towel around his waist and went to his room. He took a box of ointment and returned to let Qin Ye lie on the bed and patiently give him medicine.

Qin Ye lay there comfortably and allowed Li Xiang to take care of him. After Li Xiang finished taking the medicine, he massaged the muscles of his shoulders and waist, which helped him cover the quilt and said, “Are you hungry? I’ll go I’ll make something for you. “

Qin Ye said, “Well, I want to eat fish porridge.”

“Okay, I’ll do it. You brush your teeth and rinse your mouth first. I’ll take your notebook. If you’re bored, watch the movie first.” Li wanted to help Qin Ye bring a mug and towel over, After letting Qin Ye wash and put his laptop and computer table on his bed, he turned to the kitchen to cook.

Qin Ye looked at his busy back and couldn’t help raising his lips.

Before falling asleep last night, he was thinking in his heart that being with this person may be the life he wanted most-calm, tranquility, full of warmth.

After getting up in the morning, watching Li Xiang busy and busy, Qin Ye’s feeling of satisfaction reached its peak. He was already sure that what he was looking for was the one who made him feel secure and trustworthy. Although it is not yet known how long he and Li Xiang can stay together, he is very clear that after so many years of hard work, now he has finally found a place where he can stay at ease.

——Stay in the team of Longyin, stay beside Li Xiang.

——Qing Ye is very satisfied to be able to live such a simple life.


Because of back pain, he was too lazy to get out of bed, Qin Ye nestled in bed and watched the movie. Li Xiang soon made a big bowl of fish fillet porridge. I also made two dishes of exquisite and delicious side dishes, which are Qin Ye’s favorite food. Qin Ye picked up chopsticks and ate them with great interest. He couldn’t help but give Li Xiang a great praise for his cooking and thoughtfulness.

Li Xiang also sat beside him to eat with him. The two had breakfast face to face and occasionally pegged vegetables to each other. The kind of warmth and sweetness in the eyes of outsiders was definitely a model for a newly married couple who had just experienced the first night.

After eating, Li Xiang diligently ran to clean the bowl, and cleaned the dormitory by the way. Then he returned to Qin Ye’s bedroom, took off his shoes and went to bed, holding Qin Ye to watch a movie together.

Qin Ye likes watching sci-fi, suspense, and horror movies. Sci-fi is his favorite. Today I watched a science-fiction movie released some time ago. He took Li Xiang seriously as a pillow. Li Xiang But it was a heart-warming ape, holding the beloved in his arms. The movie was completely invisible, could not help but bowed his head and kissed Qin Ye’s neck, and sniffed the good smell on Qin Ye with his nose. His hands gradually became irregular.

Qin Ye felt a little itchy from the warm sensation coming from his neck. He reached out and patted Li Xiang’s head, saying, “Don’t make trouble, it’s almost the end.”

Li wanted to say, “The ending actor is dead.”

Qin Ye sank, looking back at him.

Li wanted to say immediately: “I, I was wrong … This is what Si Lan told me …”

The spoiler party Lan Weiran usually spoils the endings of various movies when the team is bored, so that many people in the Longyin team know the ending of the movie even if they have not seen a movie. The protagonist is dead. Still dead.

The movie Lan Weiran that Qin Ye watched today just happened to pass through. Li wanted to remember that the ending was quite tragic. Just now, he said so smoothly that Qin Ye was provoked.

Qin Ye, who hated spoilers immediately, closed the movie, and Li wanted to make fun of him: “Maybe I remember it wrong, so you can watch it and watch it.”

Qin Ye frowned: “I don’t want to watch, I am the most annoying ending to let the protagonist die.”

Li wanted to hold his waist in one hand and turn his head with the other, and kissed his lips softly, and said softly, “Don’t be angry, I didn’t mean it, so I will find another one for you. Looking at the better rated movies, Si Lan spoiled with me before. I just said it casually. “

This tension looks like the student who made a mistake is facing the question of the teacher, and by the way, he is polite to push the black pot to Si Lan.

Qin Ye couldn’t help but smile slightly and looked at him and said, “I apologize, and I’m not blaming you.”

To the dark eyes of Qin Ye, Li Xiang was shocked, his hands clenched tightly around his waist, and he rushed up to kiss him.


Qin Ye opened his mouth to kiss Li Xiang in cooperation, and the more passionate Li Xiang was, the kiss slid down his lips to the collarbone …

The two were kissing sweetly, and there was a sudden noise in their ears, apparently someone was opening the door.

Are teammates back?

Realizing this, Li Xiang immediately let go of Qin Ye, tidy up his clothes and stepped on the slippers to the living room at a very fast speed.

The door opened, and it was Yu Xiangyang who stood outside the door. The young man carried a huge suitcase that was as high as his waist. When he saw Li Xiang, he laughed: “Hey? Someone is there? Li misses you Have you returned to the team, I thought I was the first. “

Li wanted to cough, and said uncomfortably, “Xiao Yu, why don’t you go out to play during the holidays, why do you come back so early?”

Yu Xiangyang said innocently: “Did you not see the captain convening? I sent it in the WeChat group last night to let everyone come back a week in advance. I calculated the time, and it is almost time to return, I changed to sign in Changsha this morning Ticket. “

“…” Last night Li Xiangzheng was intimate with Qin Ye, not to mention the team’s WeChat group. Even if Liu Chuan called, he would not answer. Of course, Liu Chuan’s convening made him not see.

Xiao Yu said as he brought the box in, the young man with thin arms and legs, carrying such a huge box looked really out of step.

Li Xiangshou helped him to mention it, the box was still sinking! Can’t help but said, “Why do you carry such a big box? You can stuff yourself in, right?”

Xiaoyu explained: “Did I not go on a trip, I will bring you local specialties, one for each person.”

At the corner of his eyes, Yu Qin saw Qin Ye’s bedroom door half open, and Xiao Yu curiously pierced his head: “Is Ye Ye coming back?”

It was too late for Li to reach out and stop. Yu Xiangyang’s action was extremely fast. Before he finished speaking, people went to Qin Ye’s room. To his surprise, Qin Ye was lying on the bed with a messy clothes, a red tide on his cold face, and a large patch of red marks on the exposed clavicle.

Xiaoyu wondered: “What happened to you every night?”

Qin Ye calmly fixed his clothes, glanced at Yu Xiangyang, and said calmly, “I was bitten by a mosquito and he was allergic.”

Li thought: “………” The large mosquito stood behind Xiao Yu and couldn’t say a word.

The simple boy immediately believed Qin Ye’s words and nodded his head if he realized: “Oh, the mosquitoes in Changsha are very poisonous. If you have skin allergies, apply a little wind oil essence. My mother brought me a lot If you want me, I’ll look for it for you. “With that said, I was very active in pulling out a bottle of wind oil from the box, and I was very active in going to Qin Yetu.

Li wanted to stop him immediately: “Okay, I’ll go, you go and organize your boxes.”

Xiaoyu explained as he walked: “Wind oil must be painted!”

Li thought black line: “I see!”

After driving out the big light bulb, Li wanted to look at Qin Ye with some helplessness: “Hey, Xiao Yu said the captain called everyone to come back a week in advance. I don’t know what happened.”

The world of the two was disturbed, and Li took it for granted.

This unpleasant emotion was placed plainly on his face, his eyebrows and eyes were almost wrinkled into buns. Qin Ye was amused in his heart. He got up from the bed to arrange his clothes, walked to Li Xiang’s side, and kissed the corner of his mouth gently, as if comforting, and said softly, “What’s wrong? There is more time in the future. “

Qin Ye said he turned and took a shower in the bathroom.

Li wanted to touch his newly kissed lips, and the taste of Qin Ye still remained on his lips, making him smirk–

Qin Ye is right, he has already been approved by Qin Ye, and he completely owned Qin Ye last night, even if the bulb teammates all come back, what does it matter?

The days ahead are long and there is still a lot of time.

He and Qin Ye can stay together every day, whether it is fighting side by side with the Dragon Yin team to play a game, or return to this cozy bedroom alone, as long as they have each other in heart, time and distance are not a problem.

Li wants to firmly believe this. As long as Qin Ye doesn’t dislike him, he will never leave, and he will always be by his side.

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