The Strongest God [Online Gaming]

v2 Chapter 28 - +029

Biquge, the latest chapter of the fastest and strongest male **** (online game)!

Chapter 028, night detective famous sword Pavilion (middle)

Seeing this, the director of Qingfeng Road couldn’t help but wonder: This Tangmen wants to build a guild in the new district by himself?

Before he was surprised, Tang Men said: “After the guild was built, the guild warehouse can be used to store materials. We have been playing hero books, and it is too difficult to sort out the things that are put on the body. it is good.”

Mayor of the breeze: “…”

He built the guild just to store things in the guild warehouse?

What’s the reason for this?

Liu Chuan said, “I don’t have time to manage the guild, so let’s get a first-level guild to put things in the warehouse.”

“…” Changfeng Dao was speechless for a moment before he typed and said, “Well, say it later.”

The six mobs in the corridor on the right quickly finished, Liu Chuan said on the team channel: “Master, I will not go down. The six mobs in the corridor on the left are handed to you, and they will be pulled at once!”

Li thought: “Okay!”

Li thinks people are very smart. Before watching Liu Chuan again, he already knew what was going on. After taking a rest, he was full of blood. Then he ran to the corridor on the left with the beads. Pulled the six mobs steadily into the middle of the yard.

Liu Chuan gave a thumbs up: “Yes, progress!”

Li wanted to send a smiley face: “Hey!”

Everyone repeated the steps just now to continue to fight mobs. At the same time, the six patrol mobs in the corridor on the right also refreshed.

The mobs in the front yard will continue to be brushed out after they die, refreshing a total of five times. The total is 60 mobs with a total of 12 × 5. The reason for this setting is also to allow players to gain more experience and kill mobs The experience of one will be very high.

Li wanted to ask: “Just play five rounds like this?”

Liu Chuan said, “Well, the three of us are very relaxed on the roof. Master, you work hard.”

Li wanted to wave his hand boldly: “It’s okay! I’m afraid the red medicine I bring is not enough.”

Liu Chuan said, “I lost a group to you.”

After that, I lost 20 bottles of red medicine from the backpack to the yard.

Li wanted to run over and pick it up.

Then, Wu Zewen also learned Liu Chuan’s appearance, and lost a group of red medicine to the yard.

Li wanted to say, “Enough is enough!” As he said, he ran to pick it up.

Immediately after, Wudang Taoist leader also lost a group of red medicines to the yard.

Li thought: “… you still think I’m not tired enough to run back and forth, am I?”

Liu Chuan made a series of smiling faces in the past: “Quickly pick up! Time is about to disappear, and a group of red medicine is also money.”

Li wanted to run over and picked it up.

Suddenly, what’s going on with a teammate?

Looking at the three remotes who easily lost skills on the roof, exhausted Li wanted to cry!

Soon, all 60 mobs were defeated, and Mei Xuelinlong, the No. 1 Boss Bloodcoat Dean of Mingjian Pavilion, appeared.

The woman with a slender figure was dressed in red and fell from the sky. There were chilling laughter in the ears of everyone at the same time: “Yo, a few chivalrous men came here late at night, but came to me ?!”

Everyone was silent.

The official voice actors are very dedicated and imitate the sound of this female devil’s head perfectly, which makes the scalp tingle in the middle of the night. This is!

Blood cloak is a villain in the game. It is always opposed to the right path of the player. This is a typical demon organization that teaches disciples in cold blood and ruthlessness. It is said that their red clothes are covered with human blood. . Jiaowuwushuang is the ultimate boss of the 70-level large-scale copy of “Blood Cloth Teach Headquarters”, which will **** blood and be very perverted. Many players will die in front of him.

In the early stage, these rudder masters, church masters, and protectors are basically small copies of bosses and kill targets for important plot missions.

The boss of the copy of Mingjian Pavilion is the two sisters Mei Xuelin and Mei Xueji, both of whom are deacons of the Xueyi.

The official is actually very intimate, so the boss tweeted a large opening remarks, which is convenient for the team commander to arrange typing.

Liu Chuan immediately typed on the team channel: “Boss No. 1 is an assassin. This boss cannot establish a fixed hatred. She will chase a person at random and the assault is very high. Those who are chased by her are easily spiked. When a person is caught for a second, she will violently release a large move to cause the team to die, so be sure to hide her pursuit! Definitely not to be dead! Everyone stands in the middle of the courtyard, and the named chase immediately goes to the outer circle of the corridor Run, clockwise, don’t mess! Pay attention to your position! “

The four gathered immediately in the middle of the yard as directed.

After the boss’s opening remarks, he immediately became a red name. A line of prompts appeared on Li Xiang’s screen: “Mei Xuelin seems very interested in you …”

Li wanted to turn around and run, running to the periphery of the corridor clockwise, and the other three burst out without pressure.

The boss’s speed is very fast, Li wants to press meritoriously, and runs around like a chase by a wolf, keeping a distance of one meter from the boss.

The boss’s pursuit time is 10 seconds, and the three remotes burst out in 10 seconds, which has killed her 5% of blood.

Then, the boss paused, and seemed to be thinking about which bad luck to chase next.

Li Xianggang was relieved, and then a line of prompts popped up again on the screen: “Mei Xuelin seems to be interested in you …”

Why is it him again!

Li wanted to helplessly run around with the boss again.

After 10 seconds …

“Mei Xuelin seems to be interested in you …”

Li wanted to curse as he ran: “I’m sick with this boss!”

Liu Chuan smiled heartlessly: “This girl looks after you, you run away, if you are chased by her, you will not be able to guarantee the holiday …”

The breeze chief also sent a sentence: “Master, come on.”

Wu Zewen followed suit: “Come on.”

Li wants to vomit blood!

Do your friends have a little sympathy? !!

Liu Chuan reminded by typing: “Pay attention to endurance.”

Although Li wanted to be chased by the boss, Tangmen reminded him that he suddenly remembered the important details when Tangmen taught him to run around the thief cottage. Now this kind of urgent pursuit by the boss The situation is simply too useful! Otherwise, according to his previous operation, half of the light power endurance is gone, and he is chased by the boss. Once he is spiked, the boss can be easily destroyed when he is violent!

Li wanted to type right away: “Don’t forget! Light work and endurance are enough, I’m paying attention!”

Speaking of which, the fourth pursuit of the boss has begun.

“Mei Xuelin seems to be interested in you …”

Li wanted to be crazy: “I depend! Why is it me every time …”

Liu Chuan continued to laugh happily: “She wants you to practice more light exercises.”

Mayor Breeze: “Come on.”

Wu Zewen: “Come on.”

Li wanted to send a row of vomiting expressions, and continued to circle the boss.

This type of roll-calling skill is randomly determined by the system. The boss will randomly call one person, regardless of occupation or gender. Li Xiang was called four times by random name. There is a saying in the online game: “face is too dark!”

Li thought it was unlucky and was chased by the boss for several laps. On the fifth lap, the boss finally was willing to change his goal and turned his head to chase Wu Zewen.

Wu Zewen’s screen appeared: “Mei Xuelin seems to be interested in you …”

He played online games for the first time, but he didn’t respond for a moment. His action was slow, and he was almost caught by the boss. Fortunately, Liu Chuan’s eyes were fast, and a son and mother’s claws were thrown over and pulled Wu Zewen to his side. Running, finally kept a distance from the boss.

Everyone was relieved! It was really shocking just now!

Wu Zewen typed on the team channel: “Sorry, I just didn’t respond.”

Liu Chuan smiled: “It’s okay, you are a novice, take your time.”

Wu Zewen typed a hum word, and then made up a sentence: “After finishing the copy, I will practice light work.”

Liu Chuan was very pleased. He has always appreciated the seriousness of Wu Zewen. The academic players are already very smart, and their speed is very fast. I really need to study this game carefully and make progress. As a novice, it’s normal to make a little white mistake.

Although the four of them formally played a copy for the first time, under the command of Liu Chuan, the cooperation became more and more tacit.

Let countless copies of passers-by team annihilation, as long as they find the rhythm, they will feel very relaxed.

Soon, Boss No. 1 was killed by several people, and a “glossy package dropped by Mei Xuelin” appeared on the ground.

Liu Chuan said, “Master, touch it.”

The boss in the copy will drop the package after death. Touch the package to find the rewards such as equipment and materials. This is also affectionately called “touch the body” by the players. Touching the corpse is also a science, because the rewards are random, different people touch it, and the things they open will be different. Good luck can open precious materials, and maybe bad luck may not even have purple clothes.

Therefore, the average team will let the luckier people touch the equipment after playing the boss.

Li wanted to say, “I’m so embarrassed today! The boss chased me several times, let’s touch it.”

Liu Chuan laughed: “Boss chases you several times, just because I like you, you touch the equipment, maybe you will lose more!”

Li wanted to send a **** expression.

It’s nothing to be proud of being liked by bosses!

Several teammates had no opinion, Li wanted to go forward and touch the parcel on the ground, and the reward message popped up at the same time-

Weapon: Liangyi Sword, level 30, suitable for martial arts: Wudang;

Weapon: Water Cloud Whip, Level 30, Suitable for Martial Art: Five Poisons;

Armor: Shuanghuayi, level 30, suitable for martial arts: Wudang, Emei, Xiaoyao.

Liu Chuan immediately gave a thumbs-up like: “Nice! Two purple weapons! And the clothes of the magic department, which is just for the team.

Li Xiang was also shocked: “This boss is so shameful!”

The boss of the hero copy usually only drops 1 weapon, 1-2 purple equipment in other parts, and Li wants to be able to fire 2 weapons. In the early stage, weapons are the most important, after all, other equipment on your body can make up for it. If the level of the weapon is not enough, you cannot hit the boss.

The team’s allocation pattern happens to be the captain’s allocation. Liu Chuan was the captain, and he simply divided the equipment according to his profession. The sword and clothes were given to the head of the Qingfeng Dao, and the whip was given to Zewen. Then he assembled the team and went to the backyard of Mingjian Pavilion.

Unlike the front yard, the mobs in the backyard of Mingjian Pavilion are very easy to fight. There is no negative state such as immobilization. It is just a matter of bringing the mobs together to attack and kill … But the boss in the backyard is very difficult to hit!

There are many bosses in online games, trying to use various skills to toss players to death. Just now Mei Xuelin is a pursuit-type boss with no fixed hatred. She will continue to name and chase players, allowing players to repeatedly adjust their positions. As long as one person responds slowly and is chased by her, she will be violently killed, and it will be very painful to meet the pig teammates.

And this one in the backyard is a very annoying recruiter boss!

This boss will constantly call on the younger brother to protect her, especially disgusting. Some bosses call for younger brothers to help beat people, some bosses call for younger brothers to control the player, and some bosses call for younger brothers to add blood to him.

This boss is to call the younger brother to add blood type, and is also called by the player: the undead blood ox.

The four quickly cleared the mobs in the backyard. While the boss was mumbling about the opening remarks, Liu Chuan immediately typed and said, “Simply explain the boss’s play. The master pulled the boss to the center of the venue I marked. Wudang Station In the distance, the main force is output, and I stand on both sides separately from Wudu. “

“Every 15 seconds, the boss will summon a blood cloak to teach the guard to protect her. The guard will rush to the boss as soon as it refreshes. It will add blood to her within five meters. It is very annoying to add 5% blood at one time. , I must use strong control skills to control, I will use a hook to hook up the guard, Tangmen’s son and mother flying claw cooling time is 30 seconds, I can not control all the guards alone, need five poison help. “

Liu Chuan paused, “Wife, have you learned the skill of whip five poison 30 levels?”

Seeing him calling himself, Wu Zewen replied on the team’s channel: “Xi Yunbian at level 30?”

Liu Chuan said, “Yes, Xi Yunbian can throw his whip and roll the opponent in front of him, with a dizzy effect.”

Wu Zewen said, “Learned.”

Liu Chuan smiled: “Very good. The guards are refreshed at random positions. The two of us need to walk around the court. Take the guards away quickly, don’t let them approach the boss. The first one is here, the second one is here. I The cooling time of your flying claw and your whip is 30 seconds, and the refresh time of the guard is 15 seconds. We must seamlessly connect! “

Tangmen pulled the first one, Wudu volume the second one, and Tangmen’s skill cooling time was just right when the third one. If you let go of a guard and add 5% blood to the boss, then the other teammates just played for a few minutes is equivalent to a white fight.

In this way, if the guards are added to the blood continuously, they will fall into a vicious circle in which the boss fights blood more.

There were a lot of teams who were about to cry when they played this boss. The guards refreshed completely randomly. Frequently, they would be brushed next to the boss. After playing for ten minutes, the boss ’s health returned to 100%. Want to slam the keyboard!

These guards must be controlled in the first place, and they must not be allowed to approach the boss. It is definitely too late for a person to walk around the entire field, so at least two people need to control the field remotely, cooperate with each other, and achieve seamless connection.

There are many schools of control skills in the game. For the four of them, the whip with the five poisons can roll people, the chain of Tangmen can pull people, Wudang can remotely point, and Shaolin’s dragon claw can also directly mobs. Catch it.

Liu Chuan asked Wu Zewen to complete this task, mainly to train him. It would certainly be more secure if you hand it over to Wudang, but Wudang is a master and does not need such basic exercises at all. Wu Zewen is still a novice, and it is good to be more disciplined.

Liu Chuan arranged the game and sent a smiley face, asking thoughtfully, “Wife, is there any problem?”

Li wants to laugh and cry!

This guy’s wife is really getting better and better. Knowing that Zewen is a boy, how can you call your wife so natural? Is your skin thin?

Wu Zewen was very calm. He helped his glasses and said seriously: “No problem, try it.”

Liu Chuan said with a smile: “Very good, ready to fight!”


Chapter 029, night detective sword room (below)

After 15 seconds, the first blood cloak taught the guard, and the guard’s head popped out: “It’s late!” Then he rushed to the boss at the fastest speed!

Liu Chuan immediately noticed that he quickly threw the hook and hooked the guard to his side. The guard could not be killed. After being pulled away by the strong control skills, he would follow the player who pulled him. The damage was very low. Tangmen, a crispy profession, was hit by him. Only a few dozen points of blood were dropped at a time, which can be almost ignored.

Another 15 seconds passed and the second guard refreshed.

Wu Zewen right-clicked to adjust the angle of view, while pressing the shortcut key to Xi Yunbian with his left hand at the same time, he only heard the swipe and the long whip waved out. The guard’s waist was entangled with the whip, and he was decisively pulled to the side of Wudu!

Wudu throws his whip directly and rolls people in front of him. The action is designed to be very handsome. There are many schools of Wudu who play the long whip genre, because the remote control field of Wudu Wudu is very sharp, not only can he roll his opponent in front of him. You can also roll up your opponents and throw them into the distance, the whip can be flexed and retracted, and the control skills are very flexible!

Wu Zewen turned his head to see that Tang Men was walking around with the guards, and while he was running, he was throwing the hidden weapon at the boss. Wu Zewen also did the same, ran around with the guards, and whip the boss with some whip when he was free.

15 seconds passed quickly, the third guard refreshed, and Tang Men immediately threw a hook and hooked him over.

The two were extremely tacit, and the guards were taken away one by one by Tangmen and Wudu.

Shaolin is relatively hard in the middle. He has to continue to reduce injuries and take red medicine. Shaolin without a nurse and blood is like a poor baby without a mother-in-law. Fortunately, Li Xiang has just adapted to this rhythm and has a high degree of concentration and coping. This kind of boss without too many big moves is not a problem.

Wudang is the easiest, just hit the boss from a long distance.

Wudu and Tangmen walked around to control the guards and lost their skills towards the boss while walking.

Soon, the boss’s health dropped to 80% …

When the sixth guard was refreshed, Wu Zewen suddenly stunned.

The ground in this yard is very large. At this moment, he is on the left side of the ground, but the guard is on the right side, and the distance of the whip is not enough! If he directly flies past, then the guards behind him will be close to the five-meter range of the boss and add blood to the boss! But if he does n’t go straight, he goes around the boss, the guard just refreshed is moving too fast, and maybe he ’s too late to get around!

Wu Zewen was in a hurry, and saw Li Xiang suddenly jump after a light work, followed by a dragon claw hand, directly pulling the boss back five meters!

Obviously, he also noticed that Wudu was on the left, and the guard on the right was too far away from Wudu, so he decisively pulled the boss and jumped back some distance, while giving Wudu a space to fly directly!

Wu Zewen no longer hesitated, dragging the guard behind him and flew straight, and swept away the fourth guard with a whip, then turned and continued to run around!

Li thought that he pulled the boss back to the center of the venue.

When the ninth guard was refreshed, this unfortunate situation appeared again. It was Liu Chuan’s turn to control the guard. Liu Chuan was in the lower left of the field, but the guard was brushed in the upper right. The distance was not enough! Li Xiang took the boss again and moved it to the side for five meters, again giving Tang Men a straight line to fly past without hitting the boss!

Liu Chuan naturally flew over and took away the ninth guard, and he couldn’t help but sigh: Li thought this guy really made great progress!

At that time, if there was no Shaolin, Liu Chuan had to operate Tangmen to bypass the boss at the fastest speed. Of course, with his operation level, he could use the light power combination S-type curve to bypass the boss in a short time. However, after Shaolin pulled the boss a distance away, he immediately saved him a lot of effort and flew straight. Between two points, the straight line distance was naturally the shortest!

As a Shaolin, being able to hold the boss is not a skill, it is just the most basic qualities.

The first time you can find the situation on the field, make the most accurate judgment, resolutely change the course at critical moments, take the boss to other positions and make room for your teammates. This is the real skill of Shaolin. , Is the master who assured the entire team!

Liu Chuan asked Li Xiang to watch the video of the Qixingcao team and learn some big ideas from Xiao Sijing. It really was very useful. At that moment, Li Xiang’s performance was an excellent overall view.

In many cases, even if the captain as a commander looks at the six roads and listens in all directions, there will be places that cannot be taken care of.

Really good players, at the critical moment, do not need the captain to make a command, they can calmly cope. People who have been waiting for others to know what they do can never become a real master!

Now that Li Xiang is just starting to play Shaolin, he knows that he has a big gap with Tangmen and Wudang in the team, but he can also deal with it at a critical moment rather than waiting for the command of the captain. He just has this idea and consciousness. Liu Chuan has been very pleased!

His vision is indeed correct. This guy is impulsive and speaks a bit, but it is still reliable at critical moments!

Next, the guards refreshed to a tangled position several times, all relying on the team’s position to coordinate, and avoided the past in surprise.

The boss’s blood volume is slowly declining, and the rhythm is getting smoother, and soon hits 50% of the blood.

Just then, the center of the screen suddenly swiped a golden word full service announcement—

“Congratulations to the [Major League of Food] union: spicy lamb skewers, pickled pepper claws, hot and sour potato shreds, braised eggplant, crystal shrimp dumplings, and sesame dumplings, breaking the record of the heroic copy of [Yan Jian Ming Jian Ge]! Clearance score of 50300! “

World Channel suddenly boiled!

Not only because the names of these players evoke everyone’s appetite! There is another reason-the system performance is finally broken!

The special feature of Martial Arts is the “floating reward”. The reward given by the copy will increase greatly as the difficulty increases, and will also drop items as the copy improves. The reward of the hero mode is the most, but the hero book is very difficult. Without certain cooperation and skills, it is impossible to clear the level. Therefore, in the novice stage, most players will not touch the hero book. this.

However, the meaning of the hero copy to the guild is completely different.

——Wulin Hero List.

Only the relevant records of the hero copy will be written on this list!

That’s a list that everyone in the twelve districts can see. It’s the top ranking in the game and a symbol of honor!

The record of the heroic copy includes two items–

[Third A record]: The first, second, and third teams of this server that cleared the copy have obtained the first, second, and third A copies of the customs, respectively. .

[Performance record]: This is a casual competitive mode developed by Wulin Officials. The total score of customs clearance is calculated according to the process of the team making copies. HPS (treatment amount per second), customs clearance time, number of deaths of the copy, etc., the system will use a fixed formula to calculate the score comprehensively, so as to make a comprehensive assessment of the overall strength of the team. The higher the clearance performance, the higher the ranking, and the more floating rewards you will get.

The performance record is only the top three on the list. However, unlike the permanent performance of the top three teams, the record can be broken at any time.

For example, Mingjian Pavilion, the system set the bottom score of 50,000 points, as long as this score is exceeded, the whole service will be announced, there will be record-breaking duplicate team names on the list. Once there are other teams that outperform previous teams again, the list of heroes will naturally be refreshed and replaced.

Because of changes from time to time, the competition for this record of performance can be said to be very fierce!

PVP players in the game are keen to form teams to play arenas and qualifying matches, and they must be passionate every day. And PVE players prefer to entertain themselves by studying various copies, and the gameplay is easy and casual. PVP and PVE are two different groups of players.

In order to balance the two, the official set a copy competition mode. From 30 to 70 copies, players who like to copy have repeatedly researched countless times, and their scores are constantly refreshed. Such healthy competition is welcomed by both the official and the players.

Liu Chuan and others left for two hours because of a network failure. The top three record of Mingjian Pavilion was already snatched by the upgrade madmen. At this time, the 50,000-point copy of the record was finally broken.

Li wanted to see this news, and by the way took a look at the copies of the four of them-the four have been playing the copy for 40 minutes, the copy of the score is over ten thousand, because the play is too slow, the results continue to go Buckle …

The record-breaking teams have more than 50,000 points, and the gap is not as big as usual.

Li wanted to help but asked, “This big food league is very interesting. The names are all delicious. What kind of guild is this?”

The chief of the wind breeze said, “This is a professional PVE guild. It is actually a large group of friends and relatives. The chairman is a girl with spicy lamb skewers. They have many large-scale 70-level gold groups in the old district. They also often organize guild members to sing on YY. The competition, with voice software chat gossip hanging all day, is a well-known pure gang of girls, not men. “

Li wanted to be surprised: “All girls? And all food?”

The head of the breeze said, “Yes.”

Liu Chuan smiled and said, “There are quite a lot of relatives and friends in online games. They don’t participate in any guild battles, entertain themselves, look at the scenery, and play copies. This kind of indisputable leisure gang is really rare. what!”

The chief of the wind breeze said, “Unfortunately, there are many large guilds stationed in this district, and their scores will soon be wiped out.”

As soon as the chief wind breeze said this, World Channel sent out a line of information—

“Congratulations to the [National Colors and Heavenly Fragrances] of the union: National Colors Warriors, National Colors Bingbing, National Colors Cher, National Colors, National Colors Demon, and National Lights, breaking the record of the heroic copy of [Night Quest Famous Sword Pavilion]! Clearance 52100 Minute!”

Li wanted to sigh: “You are such a crow’s mouth.”

Mayor of the breeze: “…”

Li wanted to continue to wonder, “What kind of guild is this country?”

The chief of the wind breeze said, “The National Color Tianxiang is a national guild under the National Color Team, and its level is much higher than the casual guilds built by players.”

Li wanted to be surprised: “National team? I haven’t heard much about this team …”

The chief of the wind breeze said, “The National Team is also considered a quarter-final team, but ranks bottom in the quarter-finals. It is basically eliminated in the first round of the playoffs every year. The team’s style is relatively low-key, so the sense of existence is very weak. “

Li wanted to send a thumbs up: “Director Dao, you are a hundred Xiaosheng. I don’t have to search Baidu with you.”

Mayor of the breeze: “…”

Liu Chuan couldn’t help but said, “Master, why are you a child? There are so many questions!”

Li wanted to scratch his head: “I’m curious!”

Liu Chuanxiao: “Are you interested in these teams?”

Li wanted to nod: “Well! I haven’t been in this game for a long time. The team only knows the strongest ones. Last season’s champion Changan, runner-up Qixing Cao, runner-up bronze bird, I have forgotten who the fourth place …”

The chief of Qingfeng Road continued to be Bai Xiaosheng, saying: “The fourth to eighth places are the Tang Dynasty, Luohua Ci, Beacon, Guose, and Huaxia.”

Li wanted to admire a row of thumbs up.

Liu Chuan laughed: “Don’t talk, boss first! Boss is going crazy!”

As soon as Liu Chuan’s words fell, the boss really became furious and angry, but fortunately, Li Xiang was pulled back without surprise.

Several people immediately concentrated, a round of firepower output, and finally killed the number two boss.

Liu Chuan said: “The master touches the equipment.”

Li thought that he was lucky today, so he ran out and touched the package. This time, he found out a bow and arrow of Tang Men, and a physics suit was also worn by Tang Men. The belt was five poisonous, and Wudang was lost. Used necklace.

Li wanted to burst into tears: “Why is there no one!”

The two bosses gave him a lot of face, and lost a total of 3 weapons, 3 purple suits, and a necklace, but they are not what Lee wants to use, all of them are teammates! Is this luck or bad?

Liu Chuan sent a smiley expression: “It’s pitiful for the master to work for free.”

The chief wind breeze said calmly, “There will be next time.”

Wu Zewen followed suit and comforted: “Don’t worry.”

Li Xiang:”……”

You might as well not comfort it!

The four made a copy together, and Liu Chuan asked suddenly, “Master Dao, what do you think of our team’s record of playing?”

Li Xiang reminded with friendship: “The final score of our copy is 8000 points, and the national record of Tianxiang Tianxiang is 52,000 points, which is a big gap!”

Liu Chuan said with a smile: “We were wearing a blue suit, and stopped several times to instruct and teach. This was the first time we had a copy. The evaluation of the copy results has a great relationship with equipment and output.”

Li thought about it for a while, and seemed to be right.

The four of them did get better and smoother, and they played so well together with just one hit, and their scores would definitely improve.

And everyone is now wearing blue, the output is obviously not enough. The quality of the purple suit is higher than that of the blue suit. If all the purple suits are changed, the efficiency can naturally be greatly improved. The higher the score, the higher the reward.

Li wanted to get excited: “Let’s try to record the results too!”

The chief wind breeze said calmly: “Our four customs clearance is no problem, it is difficult to break records, and we have to find two more outputs.”

Liu Chuan asked, “Is there a master friend over there?”

Mayor of the breeze: “No. I’m here to play alone.”

Liu Chuan was helpless: “It seems that we can only rely on fate. Find two more powerful outputs to try.”

Qingfeng Dao asked: “Do you really want to record?”

Liu Chuan replied: “Of course, the record-giving experience is very high, and the floating reward is also the highest. There is a great chance that you will get precious materials and five elements.”

The head of the wind breeze thought for a while and said, “I don’t have a regular online time. Generally, I will be there after 8 pm, and go offline at 2 am. If you are online, you will call me.

Liu Chuan nodded: “No problem.”

The four took a break together, and Liu Chuan went to the NPC to buy several sets of red medicine and threw it to Li Xiang. Then he said, “Keep on playing, you can play four times.”

After a round of running-in, coupled with the purple clothes I just got, this time the speed of typing was quite fast. It took only four minutes for the four of them to finish it. There are also several five-element rewards.

Li wanted to be excited and said, “If there are 6 people, the output will be better, and the results will definitely improve!”

Liu Chuan also knew their team’s problems. The four people could barely clear the copy without making any mistakes, but the record-breaking was a long way off. After all, the output of the four people is not enough, it is too slow to fight monsters, and the DPS statistics are obviously unqualified.

Thinking of where to find two powerful teammates, Liu Chuan suddenly popped up a private chat message in the lower left corner.

Broken grass said to you: “Brother! You’re finally online!”

Liu Chuan sweated a bit!

Almost forgot this adult!

At that time, the marriage was offline. After coming up, the people of Qixingcao Guild were gone. Liu Chuan also forgot to tell them. It is estimated that those who came to send red envelopes to the wedding were depressed.

Liu Chuan hurriedly made a **** expression: “Sorry, the internet cafe suddenly went offline and we are all offline.”

Internet cafes can be disconnected …

Broken grass silently spit out old blood, pretending to say calmly: “Oh, that’s what happened.”

Liu Chuan smiled, “Is the chairman asking me anything?”

Broken grass said simply: “I won’t go around with you, brother, are you interested in joining our Qixingcao Guild?”

The author has something to say: For the setting of the copy record, please refer to the game Jianwang III (the third record) and Dragon Valley (the record of results).

I do n’t know if there are children ’s shoes that have played these two games, I feel very kind 🙂

I believe that children’s shoes that have played a stand-alone game also know the performance evaluation. There are performance evaluation systems for Xianjian IV and Gujian II. Second, first, and special grades are based on the comprehensive evaluation scores of your output, treatment, and time spent playing monsters. It is an assessment of the overall strength of the team.

Highly recommended, never played! Fairy Sword 4 and Ancient Sword 1 and Ancient Sword 2 are classic stand-alone games! The plot is great!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.